aBtseeisisei icwMftiMecBta I SOME EDUCATIONAL DOINGS HEBE? A Summer Shower. IT'S RAINING BARGAINS here Come in out of the wet while we talk to yc. These Price Drops Are Truly Refreshing TVe are giving bargains in Misses and Quid's Shoes that have never been heard of before Prices 75c, 95c and $ Specials in LADIES' TAN SHOES and OXFORDS, "Regular $2.50 Stock Price Only $X.50 Now PU..DLETON ACADEMY CLOSES ON THURSDAY. Past Year Has Been One cl Best in Its History Track Team Leaves, Tomorrow for Baker Public School Closes Wednesday. i Next Thursday ends the present 'school term of the Pendleton Acade-j g 1 my. In -speaking orthe academy, fio- j j feasor F. X. Forbes, who has been at , 2 I the head of this Institution for the $ ! past six years, said this morning that g ' it never had a brighter future before . 2 ' it than now. i S ! When Professor Forbes took hold Good Shoes Cheap Phone Slack 91 Dincttnget, Wilson & Co. Successors to Cleaver Bros. SAIUItDAY. MAY 24, 1902 nntprf 10.000 to this conference and arrangements were agents in the field to sell these copies at each and the money is to go to the benefit of College Place Col lege and be used for educational pur- noses. A certain numDer oi mese of this institution it had been run, down and was almost ready to bej abandoned. He took the school when' it was in this fix and the enrollment for the term just ending was 220. 'Everything is organized and in the , best of working order," said the pro fessor, "and we look for a continual. growth for the better from now on.". Arrangements are almost complet , ed for the commencement of the erec-, tion of a new academy building, north ( of the river, and the only thing that( remains now is to hear from the; made to place ' building board, which is expected to s give ?OUUl' LUWOXU UMS UUUUlUb plans have been drawn and the build-, ing is to cost 515,000. It is to be two ( stories, with a basement and will be, of brick, with all the latest modern Carrie, Subject, .-Shall 1 We Adopt the EvangenzauuB ui - ,,...' Jswe S erlnto a urfon service with, the 55S People. Prayer meeUng . on Thursday night. Subject ord. -Blessed." E. B. Jones, pastor ..tt rtc tup. REDEEMER ! dav. at hours as follows: Early cele , oration of the holy communion at . .30 , tinnl Dt 111 U. i Moving praver. litany and sermon, at 11 a. m. Evening prayer and ad-, dress at 4 P- m. Conflrmation class at , 5 p. m. THOMPSON STREET METHO-, DIST CHURCH Services for bun-; !:.. anniHV SOnOOl at v . a m.; Junior league, at 3 p. m., P- worth League 6:45 p. m. There will; be no preaching services in this, cnurcn ior uie ua., - - - tion will joint the Baptists in public worship both morning and evening. John TJren, pastor. BAi'Tl:ST CHURCH Both servic es will be conducted by Dr. Black burn of the First Baptist church of Portland. In the morning he wil de liver the memorial sermon for the G. A. JL veterans and in the evening the dedicatory sermon will he preach ed. Everybody cordially Invited. R. TV. King, pastor. WESTON HAPPENINGS. SCOURING YOUR SCALP. will Remove the Loose Dandruff "scales, but It Won't Cure Dan- SPJour hair Is brittle and thinning, vou nave dandruff. The mere scour ng of the scalf of the loose scales, won't cure dandruff; because dan- druff is nounns uui. -- - Seing thrown up by a pestiferous lit. tie germ In burrowing Its way to the root of the hair where it saps the vi talltv causing falling hair, and in time baldness. Now you cant stop dandruff nor falling hair nor Pvent buldneas unless you destroy that cerm: and the only preparation taat can do it is the new scientific dis covery, Newbro's Herplclde. In fact no other hair preparation claims to kill the dandruff germ all of them will clean the scalp; soap and water will do that, but Newbro's Herpicde gets at the root of the trouble and kills the dandruff germ Must end sale Tuesday evening. I still have a good refrigerator, two bed room suits, a coolcing stove and cooking utensils, a lot of fruit jars and jelly glasses, a dining room ta ble, two carpets, several parlor chairs, a lawn mower, 50 feet of gar den hose and numerous other house hold goods. Anyone wanting these articles can get a bargain. H. lu Hexter. COMING I'- I M . We have in ir jr.r: .i . ' iuitm ot Glasswa IS DRAWING TO A CLOSE j books' will be placed at the disposal J U5datloaa-Tha! J of each district in this conference ana slze 155 t0 De boxx u i one general supervisor will be ap- Baccalaureate Sermon. ; The baccalaureate sermon will be1 ADVENTISTS' .CONFERENCE I po,nt;d tQ ook gale f them TO LAST ANOTHER DAY. 1 This supervisor will appoint agents in the territory he covers and In that People on Grounds Seem Delighted waj. D00k js to be disposed of. - and Declare That the Meeting Is j in addition to those donated to the One of the Best They Have Ever 'Upper Columb.a River Conference, . . the author donated 15,000 to the North Attended. Pacific Conference. 2000 to Montana, Only one more day and the Advent-! and 100 to utah- all( 300,000 copies ists' camp meeting in Brers' srve ! of this book has been scattered by th will be a thing of the past. After ( of this book has been scattered by the having been in operation since the ' countrv to be sold and the proceeds to 15th the business, as well as spiritual , g0 t0 he coUege Place College. The meetings, will close tomorrow even-iga;e of thce boofeg net col. ing and the occupants of the "White lege $31(ooo. which will go a long City" will leave for their -respective i ways toward furthering the educa nomes. tional facilities of the institution. While some are tired, worn andf Tne afternoon meeting was conduct anxious for the meetings to close, so ; ed by Elder F. H. Westfall, who was they can go home, many will leave ) born" in Wisconsin, but who- has spent -the camp ground with reluctance for ! seven years, in missionary work in such expressions are neara on every south America. Elder Westfall talk- hand, as, "We never had a pleasanter time at a camp meeting," or "We were never treated with more cour tesy by anyone than we have been by the Pendleton people," and the ed interestingly of his experiences delivered Sunday evening. May 25, in the Presbyterian church, by Rev. F. L. Forbes. Everyone invited. Public School Closes 28th. Next Wednesday, the 28th Instant, the Pendleton public school -will close its doors lor the summer vacation, and the commencement exercises will be held in Frazer's opera house in the i evening. j i Ho, for Baker City. Instead of leaving on Monday morn-, Ing, as was announced, the Pendleton; high school track team will leave Sun- day evening for Baker City to com-, pete In the Eastern Oregon track meeL Beside the 11 members of the' team who will go, several visitors will i accompany them to see them win, glory or go down in defeat before the, among the people of South America, husky ,track teams from the other their customs and the country in ' computing ab. ( general. He has the distinction of.j Oratorical Contest. j heinc the first missionary sent to that: Thncn -n-Hn foil t Vi only thing that has marred the suc-'countrv by Adventists. " cal contest in the assembly hall to-! cess vi the meetings in the least was. He sald that the greatest need was night will miss a treat. Beside thei speaking, good music will be render- ed. t PERSONAL MENTION Ed Welch, a Butter creek rancher, tne rain, .tor tne nrst tnree aays oi medical mlasionary work. Physicians the week it rained and made it some-iand mJrses are scarce arid he urged what disagreeable on the grounds, that evervthing possible be done to tet the campers remained cheerful remedy this. He further stated that and smiled through it all. slnce the establishment of the Ad- No business was transacted during ' ventists missions in that rountrv the business session Fridav other : ua u i than the taking up and arranging for. that they now had nearly 1500 mem-i 18 m ,n' 1L , , . the sale of "Christ's Object Lessons." . bers. ArgenUne has a mission schooli Dou Belts' Pi,ot Kock sheep which was written by Mrs. E. C.!with 20 young ladies and young menjman' is a vlsltr taa-r-Wlilte, of CallTornla. The author do-'who are preparing themselves for,' A. Vinson, a business man or 1 , the work and the Brazil mission has i Walla Walla, is In town. ! from 50 to 75 students, some of these . Fred W. Andrews, of Echo, is trans- being natives. 1 acting business in the city. Elder A. J. Breed talked to the peo- j Mrs Frank SIoan and MrS- Anna I pie in the large tent in the evening Toung, of Echo, are in town shopping. bath the meetings began early. At o:ju a sermon was delivered In both Democratic Candidate Well Received' General News of the Town. Weston, May 23. George E. Cnam berlain. democratic nominee, spoke to a large crowd at this place today. The speaker wall well received and his remarks were heartily encored many times. Nearly all 6f the local democratic candidates were with Mr. Chamberlain. j All danger from the high water is now past, and the streams in this va cinity have sunk to their normal level. Hev. W. S. Pain, pastor of the Unit ed Bretthren church, has gone to Huntsville, Wash., on business con- nected with the church school at that j point. Rev. J. J. McAllister and wife have returned to their home in Da venport. Wash. Dr. J. H. Beatti.e, of the normal school, made a flying trip to Pendle ton yesterday. The unusual amount of rain has re tardeJ operations in the brick yard to a large degree this spring, but in spite of this H. B. Nelson has shipped over three hundred thousand brick since the yard began operations late in March. He reports that the indi cations are for one of the best years since he has been in the business. Rooms in the Eart Oregonian build ing or rent Steam heated, hot and cold water an! i.ath room In connection. " UC Ilf.- lory, ana was doup1, ' i . i : cry ,ow price, We k . to give our customers tie ESi , . uut "ysiaisalc 301 COURT STREET. Cheapest place in Oregon. Saving's Bank SEND YOUR ADDHB88 -5 tho Pacific W... .. .. . . z ""H4r am marKei san Franeltti International Encyclopaedic ary which is now being readers of th'- paper for osh ST. JOE STORE, We offet great bargains in all departments of out store for tne next two weeks. THE LYONS MERCANTILE CO, THE LEADERS When Are Drug Req s uired drugs are be sure the and carefully compounded If you come to us you can feel perfectly safe. None but Henry Means, now one of the prom inent business men of Echo, Is in the general tent and the children's town visltins Ws family, tern. iciiu ui uuu tiie uunuren b i JCo business meeting was held. Attorney L. B. Reeder has returned) I T i 1 .1 1 - . .... liuui ruiuuuu, wuurt lit bjieui sev- Thp homliest man In Pendleton, as i . it nc tVio hnnilsnmesL and otb. , hess mo. m fcMw " - - i win I eral days on legal and political bus- We Never Make Mistakes TALLMAN & CO. THE LEADING DRUGGISTS AND STATIONERS SLOT MACHINES pure drucs can reach our aTe invited to call OR anr drucBist 1 Mrs. M. F. Kelly has returned from tiiicivcs, auu uui byicui ui ana get iree a trial ddiub oi i.enipijj " d ". i " 1 ; compounding prescriptions 1 Balsam for the throat and lungs, a ! She says that the sun did not shin t assures absolute correctness. ' remedy that Is guaranteed to cure and I while she was gone until Friday, the i ' relieve all chronic and acute cougns, ( morning tne ieii ur uumc. 'asthma, bronchitis and .consumption., Orln L. Patterson, editor of the Price 25c and 50c For sale by Tall-.slue Mountain Eagle, was in Pendle ! man & Cd., sole agents. ton Friday night on his way home :from La Grande, where he had been on business at the land office. He made the trip by team. E. A. Reser, Jemocratlc candidate for representative, from the east end, was In town Friday- night and left this morning for Helix In company with several of the local candidates, who held a political rally there to day, M. J. Taylor, of Chicago, is in Pen dleton for a day or so. Mr. Taylor is secretary ,of the American Bank Service Company, manufacturers ot metal deposit banks, and is making a tour of the northwest in the Interests of his company. A Httl monT inrwtti in mciocwTOaDrottU- Unmt mnabctnrers of coin openticc mtctitnriy in the warm, list onr ftataiacar. . MILLS NOVELTY CO., Chine II IO U aoam jeneraon oircci. rT"gTnmnr rsTrrn-g wmrs vm b b a tvrvi nrm mmm i t Guaranteed Patent Leather - Something unnsual in patent leather shoes for 3 gents is offered by us. It is a patent colt which we S guarantee not to Treak. Very latest shape and style. Price only $5.00. See them in our display window. THE PENDLETON SHOE STORE. I 'tiiiiiiiiiiiiimii iiiimniiiiimnnHtiiJ AMONG THE CHURCHES. When and Where You Can Worship Tomorrow. Services will be held in th churches of Pendleton as follows: FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Sun day school at 10 a. m. There will be no service In this church at 11 o'clock, because of the union me morial sorvlce to be held in the Bap tist church at that hour. Junior En deavor at 3 p. m. Senior Endeavor at 7:15 and at 8 p. m. the baccalau reate service of the Pendleton Acad emy, to which all are very cordially invited. Robert J. Dlven, pastor. M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH Services on Sunday as follows: 10 a. m., Sun day school, I. E. Earl, superintendent; 11 a. m., preaching, subject: "The Greatness of God Seen In Small as "Well as Great Things;" 6:30 p, m., Epworth League, leader, Miss Rosa DOES THE Little Lady NEED SHOES ? We have them in RED 60c to $J.50 BLUE ones, beauties, at Cents FOR THE Little Man A nice line, either calf, red or patent leather Prices range from 75c to $2.00 PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Millinery Sale We have too many TRIMMED HATS.'so 'make prices to move them. This gives the ladies a chance to get A STYLISH HAT CHEAP at the height of the season. r.ARPTFP 1OTITTT1SIF.RY ; The Little KwnnnnnnnnminrmnHmiimnnnn SMOKERS' Supplies CIGARS, the best brands 3 TOBACCO finest for smoking and chewing PIPES to suit all. G. NEUMAN ! I Mothers, take out and let them erjoj ,1.. rU ,'r and bmj breezes. You'll feel proud .of their appearance if thej snugly settled in one of our light moving, easy bugg . carts. No matter what you may have a special fancy J , ... .. t i if I'nn lust co11 . way ui h uuggy or go-can, we can sun j- ouWillfie lane a look. We are proud of our stocn anu proud of one of them. The East Cregonlan Is Eastern C-a-gen' representative paper. It leu n4 the people appreciate It and aho it by their liberal patronage. It Is the rfverttobtf medium of this aacHen. M. A. RADER. m34(H THP DDAr.DCCCIVE! Cf TDMl I I kC 11, HOGS, HORSES. POU . 1 ..a im ululk ruuu inr nnrepe oni rarr i .inuxu vsi . - - v.ww w.m vm. . - wtamj - Kow Kure for Milch cows. Poultry foods and tom"7 SEED SPELTZ bZS C. F. COLESWORTHT. Hay, Orain and feea. 117 ud 139 East Alu Street