IWiiDlIES Embroideries, insertions and headings, newest patterns, latest designs. Come and see us for ...YOUR;.. Summer Underwear We have a complete line of muslin and underwear for Ladies and Gents. knit Lee Teutsch SUCCESSOR TO Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Company. I SATURDAY, MAY 24. 1902. II GREAT RECEPTION (Concluded.) BREVITIES. Whltaker, the dentlBt See Lee Teutsch for hate. James A Howard, farm loans. Money saved at the Standard Fechter's for Ice cream. Court SL Strawberries and cream at Philip's restaurant. SchlKz's Milwaukee beer on draught at the Maze. Columbus buggies, $150, at Uma tilla Implement Company. Highest cash price paid for second hand school books at Nolf's. Nice, fresh, white comb honey, also early cabbage plants, at Hawley "Bros- Scorching weather is made enjoy ttle by cooling off -with Dutton's Ice cream. Money to loan at lowest rates on town or country property. J. H. Dick ion, East Oregonian building. Withee, 305 Court St, agent for Dd- mestic and Davis sewing machines. Drop heads from ?27.50 to $65 on In itallments. Everything guaranteed. All kinds of real estate for sale. Homes on easy payments, will fur- Well fto4 rf .MAYinn VMnnAW yam, ui. pmuuua uiuucj. Elhorn & Cook, room 10, Taylor Bids. The Peoples Warehouse will sell all of their 25c neckties for 15c, all of their 50c ties for 35c and choice of any necktie In the store for 60c. These prices gocd for thiB Saturday, May 24th only. Haviland China. I have 3 sets of Haviland China Plates left which I will close out at a sacrifice. , - Tte $7 Set for $5.25 ' The 7.50 Set for $5.50 The 9.00 Set for $7.QO SEE WINDOW L. HUNZIKER Jeweler and Optician Castle's for fish. Fresh fish dally at Castle's. Hot lunches at Philip's restaurant. Boiled hams, ready for the table, at Hawley Bros. For first-class cab, day or night, call 'phone Main 70. Columbus buggies $150, at Uma tilla, Implement Company. Dutton's ice cream and soda watei are delicious. You never tire of them. At -W. Nye, candidate for justice of the peace, Pendleton district, vote fbr him. Fall in line and do your trading at the strictly cash grocery, which Is the Standard. Beginning Monday, Mrs. Campbell will close out 100 trimmed summer hats at reduced prices. Pendleton Messenger Company dis tributes bills, delivers trays, letters, messages, packages, etc., at all hours. Headquarters employment office, &&. Court street 'Phone, black 136. A contest to decide the imst pop ular lady in Pendleton has been ar ranged at the Merry-go-round, ana persons are entitled to one vote for each ticket purchased. The prize Is a beautiful gold watch, 20-year Du- ber case, nurchased of "W. B. Garri son, and Is on exhibition In nls show window. . The G. A. R. veterans met Friday eveninsr and arranged for a memorial exercise at the Baptist church at n o'clock tomorrow. Sunday morning they will meet at the post and form a line of march where they will he join ed by the Ladles Relief Corps ana all will march to the church where they will listen to the memorial ser mon by Dr Blackburn of jporuana This Saturday evening, May 24th, between the hours of 7 p. m. and 8 p. m., to each person bringing this print ed slip we will sell either two pairs of womens' or childrens' 25c hose at 10c per ipalr, or one imlr each of wo mens' and childrens' 25c hose at mc ner Dair. Not more than 2 pair to one person. Offer open-only during hours menwoned. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE, Republicans at Pilot Rock. Pilot Rock, May 24. A warm recep tion was tendered the republican can didates who visited Pilot Rock FrI day night. They were billed to speak In Studivant'8 hall,and before the time for the meeting to commence the hall WAR narked with enthusiastic and eager people. The candidates were G. W. Phelps, of Heppner, candidate for Joint representative; C. JS. juac .omber, of Pendleton, for represents tive of Umatilla county; F. O. Rogers for county clerk; J. W. Klmbrell, for surveyor. They were accompanied by John McCourt, of Pendleton, and he, as well as the candidates made speeches I n Urn Sod It cerUlnlr the most delicious 6 , cent drink ever, served In Pendleton. Some '( f drinks ypu like, And some'you don't'; but Urns'' at Koeppen's Drug Store, which is 6? steps from (i. Mln'stKt toward the Court House. f'J --- ... Ht rr f 'Si in' W9 I I tff.: In n tight place, concluded that It was the proper thing to do and asked tho Lord it he could not help hlra; not to help the other fellow, but to just stand back and he would see tho "dod rottedest" fight that had evei been seen. Ho was making tho same appeal to the people of Oregon. An Electrical Announcement, Touching lightly upon Finnish's do fection from tho democratic ranks and tho turning down of Judge Lewis, Ankeny and Governor Goer in order to place him at tho head of the re publican ticket; the possibilities of fraudulent voting, the attacks made by his opponents on his pecuniary condition as compared with that of Furnish, and the charges made as to his slighting the old soldiers, ho declared that no real charges hail been made against htm and electri fied the audience and evoked a storm of applause by announcing that if any real charges with any substance of truth were brought against him by any reputable citizen or newspaper ot the state he would immediately retire from the race and hand back to the people the nomination they had given him. Speaking of the work of lobbies at Salem and his promises regarding the railway employes' bill, he said that Fulton and the Oregonian were cry ing that he was peddling "hot air" to the railway men; before h got through with them he would Bhow that the railway men had never got anything but "soup" from Fulton (Cheers and laughter.) Wants No Orientals Here. As to Orental immigration he said that he was in favor of excluding the Japs and all Oriental races as well as the Chinese. He had been painted in hideous colors as dodging the Phil ippine question but he declared that there was no question to dodge, the islands were ours and the question of their future would be a matter which would still be disturbing the country in the days of our children's children. For himself, he was in favor of treat ing the islands as Cuba had been treated as soon as the people were educated up to a point where they. were capable of self-government. The talk being made by republicans to the effect that his election woulu be an expression of disapproval of the ad ministration's Philippine policy was the veriest twaddle as the government had no Philippine policy as yet. Ac cording to the republican platform or 1900 the, Philippine question was left to the wishes of the people and a re publican candidate could stand on this platform as either for or against the retention of the islands. Where the Shoe Pinched. It had been charged by his oppo nents, said he, that he was trying to deceive the people into believing that he was not a democrat, but he thought the shoe pinched on the other foot. If he were elected to uie gov ernorship he should pay no attention to the politics, race or religion or anyone who came before him asking favors, if that was being nor. a uemo crat then he was not one but merely a loval citizen of the great state oi nrpjrnn. fCheers and applause.) If the people did not think that he was honest or capable enougli to aummis ter the affairs of the state they were foolish If they voted for him; If, on the other hand, they believed mm more capable or honest than his op ponent, they should in air nonesiy, give hjm the support .of their ballot on me secouu ui juuu. Mr. Chamberlain then closed hla address In a perfect storm of applause by declaring his confidence or ueing elected and promising that he would, If ulaced in the gubernatorial chair, do no act which could bring the blush of shame to any honest cheek. Other Candidates Spoke. W. A. Wann, candidate for supeiv intendent of public instruction In a 15-minute address, outlined, tho re forms which he proposed to Inaugur ate in the public schools of the state In the event of his election, claiming that the nreisent system of eiiucatioa was nothing more nor less than a cramming process, and that children of tender years were forced to carry such lists of studies that they could not learn anything thoroughly and in mnnv instances they 'cam6 from RpTinnl with nothing better than wrecked nervous systems and smattering, jot numerous kinds of knowledge, which could do them, no possible good in their future IIvcb. j -Henry Blackman, candidate fo stale treasurer; gave a short' bul pointed address,' as did Judge James II. rtalev: candidate' fbr attorney-gen era!, "wlio 'devotijd most ul hjs a'tien tfpn t'p' aVancJnc ,.U)e-clal.msjof. A. Reaser. county candidate fdr rpprg- aentaUyfl, ,and' W, Ff Majtjpck, candj date for Joint representative or. ywa tillarand Morrow counties, neither of which gontlamen are making an ac tive "campaign; 1 ) This concluded the meeting," after wHIch" many "of fhbs'e' iix attendance), went oVer to' the1 'opera hblisiS, but we're' riot able' to get !u.' During' this evening" th'eTeBd!etbTT 'quarter -"re'q- aerea a camiraisnuiiB '"jyjj "r .. .. ... rM n ii - innm--r nmff I'll In the local columns of this paper you can find an item that may be worth 30 Cents to You. ,' C. Howeason. ot this city, and a S medley which was also well received. yay" l l. n i xr . The Overflow Meetlnn. YS ro raoe l mt rKlca rrxcuuve Tho overflow meeting, held in Fra- zer's opera houso, was as largo ami enthusiastic as that In tho court house. Democratic County Chairman A. D. Stllhnan presided and stirring speeches wero mado by W. A. Wann, Walter M. Pierce, candidate for joint senator, and Hon. George K. Cham berlain, who came over immediately after his address at tho court houso. After tho meeting a short reception was held on tho stago and many came up to shake tho hand of tho "next governor of Oregon." Is Confident of Success. Seen on tho stago immediately after the speaking, Mr. Chamberlain ox pressed extreme gratification to an East Oregonian man over tho enthus iastic reception given him by tho peo ple of Umatilla county. "I have had just tho same kind of enthusiastic meetings all day," said ho, "and feel assured that I will carry tho county by a largo majority. I am equally- confident ot success throughout tho state." Mr. Chamberlain and party left last night for Arlington, whero they ad dressed a moetlng today, going from from thoro to Heppner. Chamberlain Will Carry East End. Walter M. Pierce, democratic can dldate for senator from Morrow, Union and Umatilla counties, who has spent several days In tho east end ot the county and has carefully felt thfc political pulse of tho peoplo, says that Hon. Georgo E. Chamberlain, will win out in the enst end with at least GOO votes more than his opponent, WU Ham J. Furnish. Ho says that tho sentiment Is almost unlvorsnl In that section for Chamberlain who was nc corded one of tho warmest receptions there Friday ever tendered any poll tlclan. Robbed of His Pur6c. How often wo see this startllns headline In our dally papers, and how much we sympathize with tho unfor tunate victim, be ho rich or poor, but there are hundreds of other cases, ol people who have been robbed of far greater treasure than wealth that we never hear of. Wo refer to thoso who have been robbed of their good health by a rebellious stomach There Is one medicine, however, that will conquer a rebellious stom ach and make It perform Its duties properly, and that Is Hostotter's Stomach Bitters. It. Is a specific remedy for tho stomach and will cure belchipg, flatulency, sick headache, Indigestion, constipation and bllllous ness . Try It and see. Our Private Die Stamp is over tho neck of tho bottle. tnt. . H I t lit l (III t'lf.l ,i i i u ' Vi IJ ...Mir ma ' hr Peoples wmhouse PENDLETON, OREGON Agents Patterns Mall Orders Promptly Filled. Send for SampUs. ANOTHER WEEK OF SPECIAL OFFERINGS. BOSTON .STORE Leaders in II II I MA I r (?) El . j i 2500 tooth picks 5c. Very latest effects m fancy box stationery 25, 35, 45 anil 49 cts. Large kid body dolls, 20c. New books and other fancy gifts for "commencement" day. Hammocks 48c to ?3 95, largest line in Pendleton. Child's set of fork, knife and spoon, 22c to $1.95. Large line to select from. Plain and decorate crepe paper, From five cents a roll up. Base balls, gloves, mitts, bats and masks. Fancy vases. Some extra pretty "Bohemian" goods, also large line of American patterns. Frederick Nolf TRUCKING AND DRAYING We are prepared to do your work and ask you to call on us, Charges will be right. TEKEPA0NE TIED 61 -Ollice at- The Old Dutch Henry Feed Barn. Kit Hays & Connerley Proprietors BECK The Plumber and Tinner For First Class Work at Koasoimblo Prioos Shop: Cottonwood Street, Opposits St. Joo Store. Near Court St. aDSai3& Seven Men Baking A RUNAWAY TEAM li Mire to do niore or lei dmnago to a wilj. loin, www our nrpuiBuou .-' :dolDJlkiiJloiirvi ring .-in tht btt wlUf Tier it Abe lowt prkw. ,V fwl Uit lteie me iuMicmit'lii our llw; uud wowtittUm to knpurW' " See Us About Gasoline Engines NBAflLE br6tHkrs ;., near Main, '' r'eridleton, 'Or' Water Bt., : ic"'ii'' . -UK IH - 1 1 DON'T have your homes heated up unneces sarily during tho warm months, when you can get good clean wholesome baking of ail kinds fresh of us by telephoning, sending or calling in , person, We deliver bread, Lakes, pies, cookies and bakery delicacies, as well as groceries. We have a complete stock of the celebrated , H. BISHOP 8c CO.'S Pure Unadulterated Preserves Something exceptionally finp. Our coffee is the height of excellency. Condensed milk and cream, ii always ready or use, 'never becpmes.sour., . Mil a a iGW!i R. MARTIN, Proprietor fS' I t?rAT JVtX ATUirCxWtitethe East Ore JlxJXXl JJlxxli Ronlan for a free c ;aIoge of tkem A fall supply always kept in sipek. 11 ' ill! 1 intiti'." , at)' a a & a a a a a a a. a a a : a : a a a a wth autlfr Htlbi) WM(nurt? M trwi