East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 23, 1902, Image 5

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Embroidered insertions and headings, newest
patterns, latest designs. Come and .see us for
...YOUR... A: '
Summer Underwear
We have a complete line of muslin and knit
underwear for Ladies and Gents.
Lee Teutsch
Cleaver Bros. Dry Qoods Company.
"FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1902.
Whltaker, the dentlBt
See Lee Teutsch for liatB.
James A. Howard, farm loanB.
Strawberries and cream at Philip's
Schlite's Milwaukee beer on
draught at the Maze.
Large line gifts for commencement
day. New goods. Nolf's.
Columbus buggies, $150, at Uma
tilla Implement Company.
Always a pleasure to eat lJutton's
ice cream. It's pure and wholesome.
Scorching weather is made enjoy
eble by cooling off with Dutton's Ice
Money to loan at lowest rates on
town or country property. J. R. Dick
son, East Oregonian building.
Silverware, ornamented with gold
trimmings, free with baking powde
at Martin's Family Grocery and Bak
ery. Delicious crushed fruits, freshly
made from perfect ripe fruit, to serve
with ice cream soda, at Koeppen's
Drug Store.
Withee, 305 Court St., agent for Dd
mestic and Davis sewing machines.
Drop heads from $27.50 to $C5 on in
stallments. Everything guaranteed.
All kinds of real estate for sale.
Homes on easy payments, will fur
nish part of purchase money.
Rlhorn & Cook, room 10, Taylor
I have 3 sets of Haviland
China Plates left which I
will close out at a sacrifice.
The $7 Set for $5.25
The 7.50 Set for $5.50
The 9.00 Set for $7.00
Jeweler and Optician
Castle's for fish.
Fresh fish dally at Castle's.
Hot lunches at Philip's restaurant.
Boiled hams, ready for the table, at
Hawley Bros.
For first-class cab, day or night,
call 'phone Main 70.
Columbus buggies $150, at Uma
tilla Implement Company.
Nice, fresh, white comb honey, also
early cabbage plants, at Hawley Bros-
Dutton's ice cream and soda watei
are delicious. You never tire of
For Rent Suite of light house
keeping rooms. Inquire of Martin
TTnll In line and do vour trading at
the strictly cash grocery, which is the
TJptrlnninir Montlav. Mrs. Campbell
will close out 100 trimmed Bummer
hats at reduced prices.
Don't forget Dr. Blackburn's fa-
mmiR lecture, entitled. "Gumption,"
in the Baptist church tonight.
Thf local lodire of Elks Initiated
five members at their regular meet
ing Thursday evening. After the in
itiation refreshments were served and
a general good time had.
A Ronial dance will be given in Ar
mory hall next Tuesday evening, by
three local young men. Kirkman'ss
orchestra will furnish the music ana
a good time is assured all who will
A contest to decide the innt pop
ular lady in Pendleton has been ar
rantrert at the Merry-go-round, and
persons are entitled to one vote for
each ticket purchased. The prize is
a beautiful gold watch, 20-year Du
ber case, purchased of W. B. Garri
son, and is on exhibition in his show
J. D. Phillips, of Eureka, Cal., who
purchased the Coffee Hoise i-stnu-rant
on Main street of Chas. Cook,
Is thoroughly remodeling the place
and converting it into a neat and in
viting eating house, where the appe
tites of people will be satisfied. Mr.
Philips is an experienced restaurs nt
Fred Walters has sold a carload of
stone to Joe Cunha, the sheep man,
of Butter Creek, which will be used
for the foundation of Mr. Cunha's
new residence on his ranch. The
stone was taken out of the hill north
of the river, during the construction
of the ditch to carry water from the
river to Mr. Walters' mill.
James A. Howard, secretary, is dls
playing at his office on Court street,
a number of ' samples of specimens
of free gold ore received today from
Superintendent Melkel, of the Gol
conda mine, taken from the recent
rich strike in that property. Those
Interested can call on Mr. Howerd
and see the rich rock.
ZT- . II
Uma Sods Is certainly the moat delicious 5
cent dilnk ever served In Pendleton Some
drinks you like, end some you don't; but Uma
Soda is a favorite with cvsrybodjr. Sold only
at Koeppen's Drug Store, which Is 63 steps from
Main street toward the Court House.
1 .i; .
r I-
Democratic Aspirant for Governor
Passed Through Pendleton This
Morning and Spoke at Milton, Wes
ton and Athena Today.
Hon. George E. Chamberlain, dem
ocratic candidate for governor, camo
in this morning at S o'clock on the
west-bound train, accompanied by W.
A. Wann, candidato for superintend
ent of public instruction, and remain
ed here until S:20, when the east
bound train pulled out for Milton.
Mr. Chamberlain was met at the
train by a large crowd of democratic
admirers, including Mayor T. C. Hal
ley, County Judge Hartman, Dr. C. J.
Smith, candidate for state senator,
and many others, who shook hands
with the aspirant for governor whllo
standing on the platform waiting for
the train to pull out. He was accom
panied to the east end of the county
by quite a number of Pondleton peo
ple. Messrs. Chamberlain and Wann
spoke at Milton this forenoon at 11
o'clock; at Weston at 1:30 and at
Athena at 3. At Athena they will
board the 4:40 train this afternoon
and come to Pendleton, arriving hero
at 5:20. They will be met at the
train "by the reception committee,
composed of A. D. Stillman, W. A.
Mack, W. H. Fowler, S. A. Newbery,
G. A. Hartman, Sr.. J. M. Heathman,
C. F. Kennedy, E. T. Wade, Dr. C. J.
Whitaker and D. B. Watson, and be
escorted to the Golden Rule hotel,
where they will be entertained until
time to march to the court house for
the speaking. The Helix band is ex
pected to be here and it, with a loel
band, will entertain the people on
the streets from 7 o'clock in the even
ing to 7:45 when they will assemble
in front of the Golden Rule bote! and
head the procession which will march
to the court house. Little demon
strations are to be made other than
the falling into line and marching of
all the Chamberlain men who can be
mustered together.
The program will commence at the
tion to the speaking by Mr. Cham
court house at 8 o'clock and in addi
berlaln and Mr .Wann, appropriate
and specially prepared songs will bo
Chamberlain at Milton.
Milton. May 23. One of the most
striking political demonstrations In
the history of Milton occurred today
when Hon. George E. Chamberlain
democratic candidate for governor,
arrived. When the train pulled in the
platform, and in fact the entire depot
yard, was full of people, and as Mr,
Chamberlain stepped from his car the
enmufaiasm was Intense. The Milton
band was also out to meet the train
and carriages were in waiting to con
vey the politicians to Nichols' grove,
where the speaking took place.
Mr. Chamberlain spoke for an hour
and many times during his discourse
he was interrupted by tremendous
applause. Following the speaking
everybody partook of a basket din
ner which was prepared and spread
in the grove after which Mr. Cham
berlain was escorted back to the
train and left for Weston.
Reception at Weston.
Weston, May 23. A large crowd
met the O. R. & N. mixed train at the
depot this afternoon, which bore Hon.
George E. Chamberlain, democratic
candidate for governor, and W. A.
Wann, candidate for superintendent
of public Instruction.
The honored guests were escorted
over town by a brass band and a
large crowd of admirers and one of
the most enthusiastic political dem
onstrations held here for several
years yas held In honor of the com
ing governor. The train left here for
Athena at 2:30
Pendleton Men at Echo,
Echo, ilay 23. One of the largest
crowds that has assembled in Echo
for many years to hear political
speeches, attended the democratic
rally In the Masonic hall last nighty,
Dr. C. J. Smith, of Pendleton, demo-
cratlc candidate for state senator
from Umatilla county, and Walter M
fierce, of Pendleton, candidato for
senator irom Morrow, Umatilla and
Union counties, were the principal
speakers and their addresses were
received with applause time and
again from the crowd.
Other candidates who were oi4
from Pendleton were. T. D. Taylor,
for sheriff; C. P. Strain, for assessor,
and Dr. T. M. Henderson, for coroner.
A Pleasing Recital.
The piano recital given in Wake
field's music store last evening, by
pupils of Miss Maude Wheeler, was
largely attended and greatly enjoyed
The various selections were well ren
dered and the pupils showed marked
progress and a proper appreciation
of the tonic beauties of the piano
The length of the program precludes
individual mention of the performers.
Several Small Deals and One or Two
Good Ones Made Last Week.. j
Milton, May 22. Tho first ship-
ments of strawberries for tho season
were made on Saturday last. Owing
to tho wet cold spring, the crop will
not bo as heavy as usual, but tho
fr.rmers say that tho outlook Is still
good and they have np complaints
to make.
Tho high water In tho Walla Walla
river has caused somo damage nbovo
town. J. P. MncMinn piled 100 cords
of wood on tho bank a short time ngo.
lesterday the water washed tho bank
away nnd tho wood has gono down
stream. There is not much probabll
Ity of its recovery.
Real estate is moving quite lively In
Milton this week. There has been
several small deals during tho Inst
few days. Yesterday Wllllnm Nlch-
ols bought of Mrs. J. S. Williamson.
her brick store building, for which
ho paid $1500. Mr. Nichols expects
to spend $1000. in remodclinc tlm
building. Ho will put In a glass front
nnd mnko several other improve
Tho prohibition people are much
encouraged over tho Woolley mcetinc
01 last Saturday. Notwlthstand nn
the inclement wenthor a largo crowd
greeted the speaker. Tho tent pro
vided for tho meeting was filled to
tho overflow point, awl the speech
was one of his best. But the princi
pal cause tor ineir rejoicing is. as
they assert, tho substantial en In tho
party received as a result of Mr.
Woolley's visit.
C. E. Macombor and E. J. Sommor-
villo, republican candidates for rep
resentativo and assessor, respective
ly, visited Milton today.
8tat Kor Ohio, city or Toledo i
T . - f ' II
Frank J. Chcnnr mnfent nh thai hnl.lt,
senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheuor A Co.,
doing business In tho city of Toledo, county
and state aforesaid, and that said firm will psy
the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and
every caso of Catarrh that cannotbo cured by
the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
uworn to ociore mo and subscribed In my
presence this 6th day of December, A.
frr?. Notary l'uhllc.
Hall's Catarrh Cure li taken Internal v nnd
acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
01 me system. ena lor testimonials, Iroo.
F. J. CHKNKY A OO..TnlRdn. Ohln.
MSold by druggists, 75c.
HaU'i Family Pills are tho best.
It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse
For Thursday and Friday
There is not an item advertised here thnt could be sold
cheaper in any part of the country. These prices
nre for Thursday and Friday only.
Children's hose, 35c, 25c
20c, 15c and 4c
Ladies' hose, 75c, 50c,
35c, 25c and 4-C
Children's undervests, 25
15c, 10c Itnd 4c
Ladies' undervests, 65c,
5oc, 35c, 25c and 4c
Celebrated schoolboys'
hose, 3 pair for 50c
36-in bleached muslin, yd 4c
Best calico, per yord . . 4c
Outing flannel, per yard 4c
62-inch bleached table
linen, per yard 25c
62-inch half bleached
table linen, per yard 25c
Table napkins, per doz
55 00, $3.50, ,2.oo nnd (Oc
Towels, i, 75c, 50c, 15c 5c
Toweling, per yard, 20c,
1 6c, 12c and 4c
Amoskeag gingham, best
made, per yard 5c
Cotton covert, per yd . . 124c
Shirt Waists and Skirts Readyto-Wear Goods-
...AII Reduced...
es wail
exsxsees a
Send for
E. S. Payne, cartoonist and artist
is at work for the East Oregonian,
his work appearing in this paper's
columns. Mr. Payne Is prepared tc
make sketches and cuts for adver
tisers and others at reasonable
prices. Estimates will be furnished
without cost. Orders can be loft
at the East Oregonian office,.
Vancycle Notes.
Vancycle, May 22. Bon Stanton
and family went to Yakima last Wed
nesday evening to visit an undo of
Den's, but when they got there Ben's
uncle had tho smallpox, so they camo
back Saturday.
It has been raining steadily for two
days, Monday and Tuesday, and still
looks as though It might continue for
some time to come.
Crops are looking finely since wo
have had so much rain and somo
warm weather. Somo wheat in this
locality is in tho boot.
John Gross hns bought a new separator.
For Sale.
A Holt Brothers' "Junior" combin
ed harvester, 14-foot cut. Been used
ono season. All in good running or
der. Call on or address William
Head, Arlington, Oregon.
2500 tooth picks 5c.
Very latest effects in fancy box
stationery 25, 35, 45 and 49 cts.
Large kid body dolls, 20c.
New books and other fancy gifts
for "commencement" day.
Hammocks 48c to $3.05. largest
line in Pendleton.
Child's set of fork, knife and
spoon, 22c to $1.95. Large line
to select from.
Plain and decorate crepe paper.
From five cents a roll up.
Base balls, gloves, mitts, bats and
Fancy vases. Some extra pretty
"Bohemian" goods, also large
line of American patterns.
Frederick Nolf
Leaders in
We are prepared to do your work
and ask you to call on us.
Charges will be right.
-Ollice at-
The Old Dutch Henry
Feed Barn.
Kit Hays 5: Connerley
The Plumber and
For First Clusa Work at
Roasonublo Prlooa
Shop: Cottonwood Street. Opposite
St. Joo Storo, Nour Court St.
Arouse Your Liver.
You cannot have comfort un
til it acts freely. To enjoy
perfect health and feel like a
new person take
Sold Erei7wlM!i Id bgxes 10c and Sic
Seven Men Baking
iON'T have your homes heated up unneces
sarily during the warm months, when you
can get good clean wholesome baking of all kinds
fresh of us by telephoning, sending or calling in
person. We deliver bread, takes, pies, cookies
and bakery delicacies, as well as groceries.
We have a complete stock of the celebrated
Pure Unadulterated Preserves 2
'Something exceptionally fine. Our coffee is the
height of excellency. Condensed milk and cream,
always ready for use, never becomes sour.
m li f! 4
R. MARTIN, Proprietor
Thlaelgqaturols on orery box, Of thagirunlno
Laxative Bromo0uln!iw
y?rirZ'lui K'luoJ (hat curat m cuW ia owy rtsyr.