East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 23, 1902, Image 3

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    l"?e that
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ATTRACTS. yuAi.nr utuiUES.
iese Warm, Balmy i
Days j
i . murli tn or a pninva hi p if vnn nntt? Mr-
will now - - ,
It underwear, n is mui.ii mc mauer 01 uouars
-r .?t thnt hfiln? nnfi tn hfi pcnnnrrnnnt- not
rtDtS as Ul .r- ,'. w"
did you ever see more piungc cncuia iur sucn inning
Lsummer vests, fancy ribbed, with ribbon trim- J2 J
Isms ' " t
I .'low neck summer vests, collared, lace trimmed Jy
Ua good value j
ioW neck Richelieu ribbed vest, appliqued JA I
ccks, mercerized, special value UVW
- 1 1 J T - . U T
uaii auu uhK iu sue ijjuui
exander Dept. Store
amous Shows
The Best Show of
Its Kind on Earth
Transported in Their Own Train of Special Cars
Jralned Ponies, Dogs and Monkeys. A Whole Herd of Lilliputian
ams the smallest on earth.
aed Camels and Sam-Ad fiattln. tTi
als on earth.
Siting in Our Own Waterproof Tents
I Watch for Fron Sf PaitQoj?PTinn Tn thvtcpv nnv. ot 11
Handsome Trappings, Glittering Chariots, Cages and Bands of
r IVEjHI H.M k TPu Ti A tr TTk -narrrn.
fey27 1 TUESDAY I May 27
Nip Mantles Guaranteed for 45 Days
Peerless Flexo Mantles
lw thing tust out
Jjese mantles are new productions and give 50 and
le power respectively for the single and triple
aves. They are made in two grades. Price 30 and
John Barrett Company
ew Stores : Cor. Sixth and Alder Streets
He Clung to the Cliff All Night While
Old Ocean Roared and Tumbled at
His Feet; Saved In Exhausted
During all of last "Wednesday
night and a part of Thursday, John
uecKer, a prominent merchant of
Aberdeen, Wash., clung to a narrow
niche of rock in the almost sheer face
of a cliff overlooking the Pacific
above North Beach while the waves
dashed in fury beneath him.
Becker was one of several men
who had been up on their claims in
the Queets country. Just to the north
of the cliff is a long tunnel wprn
under the rocks and this short cut
is usually taken in preference to the
trail. The party had straggled
along the beach, Becker being the
next to the last in lino. When ho
reached the entrance to the tunnel
he noticed that the tide was coming
in but before ho reached the exit the
water was up to his waist and when
he came out on 'the beach the surf
was breaKing heavily along the foot
of the cliffs.
To go back again was impossible.
Realizing his peril, Becker started to
climb the face of the cliff. With his
pocket knife he dug holes for his
hands and feet and finally succeed
ed in getting out of the reach of the
Above him the face of the cliff tow
ered for several hundred feet while
below the waves dashed in mad fury
and further escape was cut off in
everj' direction.
His clothing was torn, his hands
were cut and bleeding from using
his knife and from contact with the
jagged rocks. Night came on, and
his companions, who had gone on
ahead, started back to find some
trace of Becker. They procured
ropes and ascended to the tops ot
the cliffs and shouted for Becker.
A faint call finally came back.
Every eflort was made to get a
rope to him, but none of sufficient
length could be secured and the men
above were reluctantly compelled to
abandon the attempt to rescue tholr
comrade. All through the long
hours of the night Becker stood on
his narrow ledge ot rock, clinging as
best ho could to the wall to prevent
being blown off.
When the tide ebbed Becker was
able to leave his perilous position in
a very exhausted condition. It will be
some time before Mr. Becker regains
his health, his nervous system hav
ing suffered terribly from the strain
and exposure.
Young Eaton, of Cove, Wins Orntoi
leal Honors for U. of O.
The University of Oregon defeated
the University of Washington in tho
intercollegiate debate. Tho orator for
Oregon was Allen Uaton. son of Mr.
and Mrs. Eaton, of Cove. The young
man's address was described us a
wonder of eloquence and logic. Al
len is 21 years of age and for sev
eral years has been associated in
the editorial conduct of college pa
pers. He was also a member ot the
'Varsity ulee Club, which gave enter
tainments over the state. Ho is a
brother of Eaton, tho ball player,
who for a ttmo wns employed In tho
Baker City laundry, and is n half
brother. Eddie Patterson, tho pop
ular Geiser Grand barber, says tho
Baker City Herald.
To Investigate Beef Trust.
A Portland dispatch states that
John H. Hall, United States district
attorney at thnt place, hns received
written instructions from Attorney
General Knox to Investigate tho mat
ter of the beef trust in this state,
with relations to tho allegations con
tained in the complaint in the case
of the United States against Swift &
Co., and others. Mr. Hall has receiv
ed a copy of the complaint, and, after
studying Its contents, ho will make
inquiries to ascertain If there Is any
beef trust business in Oregon that re
quires attention.
Money saved at the Standard.
Mercury pom
They hide its repulsive form, niul this serpent disease,
stupefied by these drugs, lies dormant until the effects
have worn oil or treatment is discontinued, when it
1 1 11 t
orcaK.s uowu me mas mm uccomcs as 11111 ot lite mm venom as ever.
Mercury and Potash may dry up the sores mid eruptions, but nt the same
time they drive the poison hack into the blood ami system, where it feeds
upon the tender tissues, membrane nnd naves, finally breaking out in
most disgusting sores nnd even destroying the Ilesh and bones.
Mercury nnd Potnsh cannot accomplish n radical nud pennnnent cure.
They have n palliative but nut curative effect upon this treacherous snake
like disease. These drugs produce mercurial Rheumatism, destroy the
teeth nud corrode the membranes of the stomach mid bowels, causing inflam
mation ami dyspepsia, nervousness nnd general derangement of the system.
S. S. S. is a Specific for Contagious Blood Poison, and the only antidote
for thet peculiar virus that spreads so quickly throughout the system,
corrupting the blood nnd infecting every organ and fibre of the body.
b. i. b. destroys the serpent, nnd el 1111 in a tea
every atom of poison from the blood, it makes a
thorough nnd radical cure of the disease, nud at the
same time builds up the general health. S. S. S.
contains no minerals of nnv kind, but is a nurclv
vegetable remedy nnd we offer $1,000 for proof to the contrary.
Write us about your case and our physicians will cheerfully advise
without charge. Our home treatment book will bo sent ftce to all who
desire it. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, Atlanta, Gt.
Without doubt, one of tho greatest improvements mudo in the heat
ing Hue in the lust ten yenm is tho
Hot Air Bast Furnace, the Perfect"
constructed with nn air hentlng chamber In tho furnace itself. It draws
foul air from the basement, Introduces it into tho furnace at a very high
temperature, which enables it to mix with the gases of the fuel, thus in
suring their perfect combustion. The only furnaeo which notuttlly does
accomplish tills wonderful result, It Is acknowledged, is tho ''Perfect,"
made by tin HiehnrdHon it Hoynton Co., of New York, Chicago and
Boston, for whom tho general western agent Is
W. G. McPherson
47 First Street, Portland, Ore.
This HlKmituro In on evory box ot tho nonulnn
Laxative Bromo-OuinineTaUot
y-?" if rviuody that curuM a cult! In ono day.
Everybody enjoys a picnic, and if you will visit our Special Sale on Saturday, May 24th, you will pronounce it a
genuine buyers' picnic. Something in almost every line in which you are interested at this time of the year will be on
special sale, and it will be your own fault if you don't get your share.
C OTT K I Wfi TT this department we offer a few snaps for your consideration, and a great many bargains
vLU 1 I i 1 11 vJ in all grades of clothing. Our regular prices are so low compared to others' prices on the
same goods, we do not find it necessary to make any reduction to sell our clothing, but on a few numbers, of which we have
only two and three suits of a kind, we will put prices so low that even the man who has plenty of clothes will be tempted
to buy another suit. Our counter will have on it boys', young men's and men's suits at less than wholesale cost.
Boya' two piece suits, wort. $a.50 to 3.25, only ono of a kind,
sizes G to $1.25
Boys' cotton two pieco suits sizes 6 to 15 1.00
Boys cotton two piece suits, sizes from C to 12 ,1 1,25
Boys' long pants suits, sizes from 12 to 20 in all colors and
qualities from $3.25 to , 8.75
Men's wool suits, one or twoof a kind, mostly small sizes,
worth from $0.50 to $12.00, for one day will bo put on our
bargain counter at 4.98
Mens' all -wool suits, sizes 38, 3'J and 40, sowed with shu
and very serviceable, ?10 values .... 6.96
Mens' light colored suits good values, at $C50, sale price .... 5.00
Mens' dress pants, $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50 values, all good
colors are regular sizes, your choice , 3.25
Men's Furnishings
Mens' black and white shirts, double front and back ..... ..39c
Mens' socks, all grades Gc, 8c, 10c, 14c, and 25c
Mens' ties, bows, 5c, 10c 13c, 15c and 25c
Mens' ties scarfs, 25c values 1 15c
Mens dresB shirts, collars and cuffs detached f..50c
Mens' shoes (Banner) congress or lace 1.26
Mens' shoes, high cut (Cruiser) for one day only 2.60
Mens' fine dress shoes, $3.50values -..2.75
Ladies' and Misses' Furnishings
Ladies' hose, good smooth finish ..
Misses hose good quality allsizes ..
Ladles' waists, good quality percale
Misses Jersey, B Z waist, allsizes..
MisseB muslin drawers, 18e, 2:ic, 41c, and GO.
Misses muslin skirts, 50c, 75c and 8Gc.
I.adleB' knit knee length drawers ..
Ladles undorveats, sleeveless le, 10c, 12c, 15c, 2Ge, 48c.
Ladles' night gowns '
Ribbons, all kinds, tho nicest and cheapest in town. Spe
cial values In laces and ombroldorlea.
MIsbos heavy shoes all sizes from 8 to 2 75b
Dry Goods
Thread with other purchases, 2 spools 5o
Not more than ten spools to ono person.
Scotch lawns, good puttorns 1 o
Heavy apron checked gingham, 10 ydd to ono porson 4o
Calico, short longths, good assortment 03o
Percale, 30 inches wldo 3 to 8 yds in pleco ..80
Bleached muslin, ton ydB toono person 3&
House lining, good quality 1 ....4o
Heavy bed ticking, worth 15 cents elscwhoro 1o
Dress duck, light bluo, dark bluo and black with figures ....8o
Silks and Silk Waists
Fine lino of fancy silks for walBta and trimming purposoa
Just arrived, tho very latest 85c values
Jap silk, all colorB i
Wash Bilk, 4 yd wilsi patterns
Fancy silk, 4yd waist patterns, $4.50 valuoa
Lyons dye Jap silk, all colors . , ..... .1 . .
Peau Do Solo all leading colors
Silk waists, now styles all nhadea
Silk waists, now, heavlor silk than above 1
.o,ee m ss:s se" ,hese g00ds " ",e
above prices, only on special saie aays, whbu wo Vmy.. .
The Place to Save
The Place to Save