East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 23, 1902, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonight and Snturday, fair;
probably frost tonight, warmer
NO. 4M2
gPAll- rcs,ionce
n't i D
Mountain Mia w d
j Dangerous and the Na-
jAre Fleeing.
pelved From Volcanic
.! That Thousands Are
L But Total Evacuation Is
lelieved to Be Necessary as
May 23.-A cablegram dated
j rmnpp was received at
mielofflce from the acting gov
bl Martinique una muiun-b.
r ... .lntml -ITOD-
fessage, wnicn was uaicu
hew deains. i-riv i;uuui.o
by, consulted as to the advis-
a total or punmi evv,uc-
! the Island have unanimously
i th oiinti mi action is not
3, for the present. Steamer of
o'mpanle Trans-Atlantique is
a nhin tn transnort all those
g to go to Guadaloupe. Toaay
habitants engaged passage for
and Cayonne.
memorial services for the
linno rienfl wnvo Imlri at Notre
ptifub " "
this morning. Members of the
dictionaries and representatives
lign powers attended.
lest despair has settled upon
tie France, especially among
tor and ignorant who cannot be
ided that the island is not
to complete destruction, or
K)8sibly the end of the world
land. Mothers roam the streets
in? their children with them
antically apnealinpr to whoever
may meet to take them away.
re seeking refuge on the
Dart of tho island.
I scene attendinc the denarture
13a yof the stamers Versailles
ille de x'anger was heart-rend-A
mob of several thousand
bd at the dock, nleartinir with
Peers and crew to take them
fi. Men beat down women and
en in efforts to reach the small
ilOth Vessols tonl.- nn nil tliov
hold, about Fi(in papIi Tlinso
fehind broke down and wept
Pelee Still Dangerous.
I de Franpn Afnv oq tm, a.
I -v, -""j f it . Aug uc:
Ration among the natives has
iniensined by the opinion ex-
oy scientists who came here
American relief ship Dixie,
'ee Still throat
pdus from the island still con-
ine trench government of
are dolne nil i, -
Pissure t ie npnnio i,t ..
Poor success.
e la fear
RPle living to the south of Fort
Em'i Wh? aro clamoring for
Potation from the island. No
ue author! ti oc i ...
of an epidemic is past
"ave Cable
'York. Mftv oo xTti i, .
iiniii i . ' ' "uuto wmcn
'ent nut in.
Nat to th' l"aDAcPanIeB
kg (n : :r . """i mat an met-
r . ,que were "ubjoct to
lendor-c " ,:, uc Piea only at
b iw . save rise to the
TTheim ,uier disaster had
Alt 5f. lsland d complet-
wrted at st rt
oirrv morni y
! Chln.tT..,. . . . " .
)adon v ""cresunfl.
Udwd J -Unusual interest
)i v ' ku IUO Cabinet ounln.
SSn?-? C'Cl0Ck th,S a"er"
' Clltl crowded
iTilottu- . wulcnng ror the
la itT- r1"?- The lmPrcB
Imwrinnt " ine7 were to con
Th 7i.i OWB irom oouth Al-
rons at k concIuded its de-
i w u uiuck iinr nn finn.
1"cus8ir , aS 10 the BubJect
Hussion Is expected tonight
Mexl can .
Esoak y aiS'--eneral Ma-
Wllan ' 10 whom Emperor
i '7'.- . " "
"4, . A A '
f. i wmtiwwi r
' mm . w
!! .
Mill Men Tako Measures to
Prevent Strikers From In
terfering With Business,
Small BoyDrowned.
Walla Walla, May 23. A small boy.
was observed to fall from the Fifth
strPfit taridee into Mill creeK tins
afternoon, but as yet the name of the
child has not teen learned. Tbe watej
here rushed at race horse speed and
thn unfortunate child was swept un
der the waves and disappeared beforg
any assistance could De ronaorea.
The body has not yet been found.
Cyclone in Manitoba.
Vancouver, B. 0., May 23. A cy
clone has caused great damage in the
.Carberry district of Manitoba, one of
the richest of the wheat belts. NewB
received here says that yesterday
a terrific wind and a downpour of
rain caught the farmers in the fields
and they Lad difficulty in reaching
their barns.
American Cruiser at Haiti.
Port Au Prince, Haiti, May 23.
mu TTito statoa oriilser ToDeka has
arrived here to protect American In
terests. The northern army, cuu
manded by General FIrmin, halted at
Only 16 Miners Out of 150 Escaped
From the Workings.
Fernie, B. C, May 23. An explo
sion occurred last night in No. 2
mine, which is connected with No.
3 shaft. There were 150 men In the
mine at the time and of this number
only 16 escaped from the shaft before
the cave-in. All openings aro now
closed and there is but little hope of
rescuing the remainder. One of those
who escaped lias Bince died.
Chinks Were 8hootlnfl.
Portland, May 23-. A Chinatown
war broke out this afternoon, when
Chin Louie was shot three times and
may die. His assailant has been ar
rested and gives his name as Lee
Hing. Tho shooting was cauBed by
a quarrel over an ejectment by the
police officers.
T. W. Ayres, of the City livery
stable, has purchased a fine rubber
tire cab, which he has In readiness
for the use of the public.
Indian Reservation Bill Modified and
the House Roasted on Pension
Washington, May 23. Under unau
imouB consent tho house today pass
ed the bill to divide the territory of
Alaska into three judicial districts,
and a Joint resolution offered in tho
senate by Stewart, of Novada, so
modifying tho provisions of the Indian
appropriation bill in relation to the
opening of tho Indian reservatlonf 1
Nevada, Utah and Washington bb to
meet President Roosevelt's objec
Uions, was agreed to.
Loud, of California, attacked uie
pension system in the house this
afternoon and said that already the
government had gone too far in
awarding pensions. He declared that
the pension legislation had become a
disgrace to the house and attacked
legislative methods in granting pen.
sions in general.
A Big Land Deal.
Tnnn.nn MnV '23. Tlld TaCOtna
A (.Y.W l , J
Steel Company today purchased 1800
acres of coppor and iron lanuu oh
Vancouver iBland, for 160,000, and
nl.tnlnnt nntlnnn nn 112 BflUarQ HllIOS
of Bpruco timber landB near Quataino
Sound, Vancouver Island, whoro pa
per pulp mills will be established for
foreign shipments.
Bad Man Hung.
Whatcom, May 23. Alfred Hamil
ton wbb hanged hero this morning for
tho murder of D. M. Woodbury, a
prominent attorney, on Decombor 7,
1899. The case had beon fought
through threo trials In on attempt to
secure pardon. Hamilton was a no
toriously bad man and a former opi
um smuggler.
Labor Leaders Are Aroused Over the
Injunction Proceedings, and Will
Retaliate Nearly Three Thousand
Men Now Out and Six Thousand
More May Quit
Portland, May 23. Lato yestorday
afternoon tho pinning mill men ot
Portland socurod a temporary injunc
tion from Circuit Judgo Soars, pro
venting tho building trades strikers
from Interfering with tho business of
tho planing mills, from patrollng tho
Hldownlka or street In front of tho
mills, from placarding tho wagons or
tenuis of tho mills and from Inter
fering with or consulting with tho
employes of. or congregating front
of tho mills.
Tho strikers must show canso on
Monday morning or tho Injunction
will bo mndo permanent. This has
caused tho labor lenders to becomo
more determined than over to win,
ami tboy are holding an oxvcuuvu
session UIb morning ta tormulato
rotnllatory measures. It is now no
lloved that a gonerul strlko will bo or
dered by tho Federated Trndos to
night, lluslness Is Buffering greatly,
us U100 men aro now out at a wago
loss of about $7200 per day, and in
enso of a general walk-out at least
G000 nioro workers would bo Involv
ed. Will Make No Concessions.
Tho Planing Mill Association today
decided to mako no concessions to tho
strikers and will send oast for skill
o.l help. Tho building trndos aro
formulating plana for retaliation on
account of tho Injunction preventing
Intoiforonco with either tho men or
tho mills. A citizens' mooting waa
held today to ondoavor to socuro ar
bitration, but tho mill owners rojoc
tlils plan.
Reported by I. L. Ray &. Co., Pendlo
ton, Chicago Board of Trado and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers.
Now York, May 23. The wheat
market touched tho lowest point of
tho year today and closed at tho bot
tom. Tho nearness ot tho now crop
of winter wheat makoH tradors tlralu
about taking tho long Hldo at prcsout.
Liverpool was V higher, C 1. Now
York opened 80 and closed 79.
Chicago opened 7l',& and oiosod 73 VI
GloBod yesterday, feu.
Opened today, 80.
Kango today, 79(880.
Closed today. 79. '.
Sugar, 129.
Stool, 10 Vi.
St. Paul, 171.
Union Pacilte, 105.
Portland Wheat.
Portland, May 23. Wheat C6
07 c
Tacoma Wheat
Taconin, May 23. Wheat CCc.
Wheat In San Francisco.
Sun Francisco, May 23. Wheat
Turks and Arabs Clashed.
vtnnna Mav 23. A battle between
Turku nntl Arab rebels Is reported at
Ibb, whoro the Turks lost 300 killed
and tho casualties among the rebel
wero also heavy.
Censured Officials.
Now York, May 23. At this morn
lug's session of tho gonoral assembly
of tho ProEbytorian church, a reso
lution was adopted censuring govern
ment ofllclals for breaking the Sab
bath during tho visit of Prince Henry-
Pardon All Americans.
Tin vn nn Mav 23. The Cuban
houflo has cablod a plan to pardon all
Americans sorvlng sontenco or on
trial In Cuba.
Well Known Journalist Dead.
Run Francisco. May 23. W. D.
nroHHinr. a well known Journalist and
editor ot tho Examiner, died today
from Inflammation of the Intestine.
Loubet on Way Home.
Cronstadt, Russia, May 23. Presi
dent Loubet Balled for home tnl