East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 22, 1902, Image 3

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11ET a p..:. .
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c,"-B!och Co.
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)Jto $25
Our Can
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leady - to Wear
Jnttn fVio tiroafVtnt xifr Kaa
Ks in broad variety. Good quality
Nicely trimmed
.. In ..
Good Sizes
. r-. ....... Mntc thnrp. arfi manv new shanr.; in this
I jn j r .
tpon S StnKing :iyic3. vv. ""- iwi-.il. iinjg juui
Hiren or send them alone. The child gets an equal
batmen, wim ...v-
liexander Dept. Store
mmiin ritt if!1 -.-.-.-.-.. .-. r-t t mint
amous Shows
The Best Show of
Its Kind on Earth
Transported in Their Own Train of Special Cars
WLtiC JUSTICE: tfonism. 9
Trained Ponies, Docs and Monkevs. A Whole Herd of Lilliimtian
Hephants the smallest on earth.
Trained Camels and Sacred Cattle, the most wonderfnl trained
aais on earth,
Exhibiting in Our Own Waterproof Tents
Watch for Free Strnnt Pnrarln "FRFfl TO EVERY ONE at 11
IO. Handfinmo
May27 1 TUESDAY I May 27
: The John Baett Gmpany f
I Comer Sixth and Alder Opposite the Oregonian
I 'ione Main 122. PORTLAND, ORE.
He Stood Near the Mouth of the
Shaft and His Knees Seemed to
Give Way and he Pitched Head
foremost Into the Shaft, Falling
100 Feet
W. C. Woodcock, a miner employ
ed at the Golconda mine near
Bourne, was instantly killed in fall
ing down the shaft at the property,
at 12 o'clock Monday night. Justice
of the Peace Felix, ot Sumpter, hold
an inquest over the remains Tuesday
and the return of the jury was that
the deceaaid had met an accidental
death, ti e result of his own careless
ness. Woodcock was at work on the -100
foot level with a machine drill. The
bell sounded at midnight, the signal
for the night shift to go above for
lunch. Woodcock walked to the
shaft and contrary to the rules or
the mine, raised the bar and stood
there after havlnc civen tlm
for the bucket to descend. His fel
low workmen state that ho stooa
there but a short tlmr whiw his
knees seem to have become weak
and he pitched headlong down the
shaft, a distance of 100 feet.
Relatives of the dead miner rosldn
at Meadv. Clackamas ooiintv nnii
have been notified of the death. No
disposition of the remains will hn
made until relatives of the deceased
are heard from. Woodcock is said
to have been married, but separated
from his wife who is now living In
the western part of the state. Ho
was a member in good standing of
Lawton Lodge Knights of Pythias
and of the Woodman and Masonic
orders at Woodhurn, this state.
Reveals a Great Secret
It Is often asked how Buch startl
ing cures, that puzzle the best phyal
clans, are effected by Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption. Here's
the secret. It cuts out tho pholgm
and germ infected mucus, and lots
tho life giving oxygen enrich and vit
alize the blood. It heals tho inflam
ed, cough worn throat and lungs.
Hard colds ami ftubbom coughs soon
yield ro Dr. King's New Discovery,
the most infallible remedy for all
Throat and Lung diseases. Guar
anteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial
bottles free at Tallman & Co's.
Harriman Says Construction on Lew-iston-Rlparia
Road Will Soon Be
gin. Work on tho Lcwiston-Rlparia rail
way will be commenced by tho llarrl-man-Mellen
combination just as soon
as material can be got on the ground
and within a few months tho people
of the cection tapped by tho proposed
now line will have transportation fa
cilities which will put tho present
slow river steamers out ot business.
At least that is the Important an
nouncement made by President B. 11.
Harriman, of tho O. It. & N., when ho
passed through the city Wednesday
evening, accompanied by a party of
prominent railway offlclals, Including
President C. S. Mellon, of the North,
em Pacific.
When seen by a reporter whllo hia
BpcclAl was at the Pendleton depot,
Mr. Harriman, who is an enthusiastic
railway man, Immediately began talK
ing ot tho affairs of his lines. Ho
spoko of many betterments on the O.
It. & N, and said that tho greater part
of tho earnings woro going into Im
provements and now equipment.
Asked as to further building and ox
tensions, ho said:
Tho papers and tho people lmvo
been demanding tho Clearwater line,
which will give tho people of thnt sec
tion an outlet this way to Portland;
bo, Mr. Mellon and I lmvo concluded
to glvo it to you, and shall build the
l.owlsti .. .'.parla road and uso it
jointly, the Northern Paclllc getting
access to lit, linos by using our track
to Wallulu. Vork will begin just as
soon as male isl can bo put on tho
ground." )
Stand Like a Stone Wall.
Between young children and tho
tortures and itching of burning oc-j
zoma, scaldhcad and other Bkln dl-.
seases. tiowv why, by using Buck-,
Ion's Arnica Salvo, earth's greatost
healer. Quickest euro for Ulcers,
Fever Sores, Salt Rhouui, Cuts, DurnB
ot Bruises. Infallible for Piles. 2Gc
at Tallmnn &. Co's drug store.
A Pendleton Man's Work Is Appre
ciated at Hcppncr; Frank Duprat
is Kept Busy.
Frank Duprnt, tho well known
Pendleton stone mason, lias con
structed several buildings in Hopp
nor and his work has given great
satisfaction. Mr. Duprat went to
Heppnor first in July, 1901, nnd In
tho next several months built a
atono saloon building with a hall
overhead, slzo 33x90, two stories, for
Kcnnoy & Roberta, at a cost of about
$9,000 and Immediately after com
pleting it began the construction of
a stono building, C7x90, for tho Odd
Fellows, tils work was so well per
formed thats his reputation as a
builder was established.
Tho Odd Fellows' building, con
structed by Mr. Duprat. In a very
handsome one. costing $20,000. It
is constructed of native rock, quar
ried at Hoppner, trimmed with red
rock from Klgin, Union county, be
ing, it Is said, tho finest building la
Knstorn Oregon.
lnst March Mr. Duprat went to
Heppnor ngaln and secured tho con
tract for building a stone retaining
wall around tho court houso
grounds, which is now completed
nnd a lino piece of work. In tho past
few days ho was awarded a con
tract for tho stono nnd Iron work
on tho new court houso In Hoppner
a structure which will cost between
$35,000 nnd $10,000 Tho court houso
will also bo of nallvo rock, trimmed
with snnd stono from near La
Grande. It will bo 80 feet in height,
from tho basement floor to tho top
of tho tower and with Frank Du
prat's line workmanship will ho a
structure or which tho people of
Morrow county will bo very proud.
Tho Standnrd Orocory Company
feel highly elated at tho success of
tholr Btrlctly cash trading plan.
54 inch Black Cheviot Dress Goods, regular
$1.75 sale price $1.25
50 Inch Black Cheviot Dress Goods, regular
$1.50, sale price 99c
44 inch Black Satin Burban Dress Goods
regular $1.75, sale price 1.29
44 inch Black and Blue all wool Serge Dress
Goods, regular $1.00, sale price . . . . 75c
40 inch German Lustre Dress Goods, regu
lar 90c, sale price 65c
40 inch Black Henrietta Dress Goods, regu
lar$1.25, sale price 95c
38 inch Black Prunella Dress Goods, regular
$1.00, sale price 75c
44 inch Granite Suitings in Red, Bue. Gray
and Brown, $1.25, sale price ... ..t. ...95c
42 inch English Covert in Black, Blue and
Brown, regular $1.25, sale price .. ..95c
Best quality heavy weight Prunella Black,
regular $1.35, sale price 1.10
44 inch Melrose in Slate and Old Rose, re
gular $1.25, sale price 1.00
48 Inch Basket Cloth in Gray and Tan, re
gular $1.50, sale price 1.10
42 inch Hop Sacking in Gray, Tan and Cas
tor, regular oc, sale price G5c
28 inch striped suiting in Black, Navy and
Tan, regular 75c. sale price 50c
Fine Venitian Cloth in Slate and Mode,
spring weights, regular $1.00, sale.. ..75c
300 yards Wash Silk to close at -per yd,. . 47&e
3G inch Cashmere In Black, Navy, Gray.
Slate, Tan, Brown, Purple and Old Rose,
at 25c, cheap at 35c.
54 inch Meltons at a big cut price.
We wil give a reduction on all dress goods
in our house during this sale to the cheapest
fabrics without any exceptions.
500 yds outing flannel worth 10c will go at 5c
500 dys outing flannel worth 10c will go at 8c
500 yds outing flannel worth 8 1-3 will go at 5c
1000 yds best calico worth 7 and C will go at Gc
500 yds Scotch Lawns ail colors will go at 5c
yds French ginghams, worth 12 will
go at 10c
5D0 yds Zeyphyr Ginghams worth 15c will
go at 12Vc
500 yds good apron check ginghams will go 5o
500 yds Covert Cloth all colors, worth 121c
will go at : 10c
20 yds Bleach Muslin ..$1.00
20 yds crash fowling ....1.00
Our Turkey Damask, worth 50c sale price 35c
Our Turkey Damask, worth 35c sale price 25c
Our Turkey Damask, worth 25c sale price 18c
500 yds bunting all colors sale price 5c
1000 yds fine L. L. muslin, worth 6 and 7c
sale price 5c
All our ladles tailor made suits wo will give a
cash discount of 15 per cent.
All our ladles' muslin underwear will give a
cash discount of 10 per cent.
100 pairs ladles' kid gloves, worth $1.50,
sale price, . . , $1.26
100 pairs ladies' kid gloves, worth $1.25
sale price 100
We have a very complete line of ladies', mis.
ses and children's hoisery. e will put the
knife to-thlB line also, and cut regular prices.
HjTkItW under
M f stand
3 I
Two Weeks'
that a
cheap suit
at a cheap price is no bargain-en fact
it is expensive at any price because
it looks cheap and never gives
faction, but if you put one of these
B. Kuppenheimer & Co. suits on
you II see it sets well, is
made well and looks well.
There is a world of differ
ence in these suits and the
regular ready-to-wear garments.
WV shall make 3
it a hummer. Read iH
our ad over care- Ell
fully, then come
ami titko advantage i
or our low pncoH.
Wo handle tho B. Kupponhoimcr make ot
clothlug, For quality, lit, slylo and genorul
makeup Kuppenhoimor is the American leader,
We are selling this guaranteed line of clothing
as cheap as others get for a very inferior grade
and remember during tho next two weeks wo
will give absolutely free wUu each suit worth
$10 or over a nico hat or watch, our customer's
choice. Tho watch is stom set and atom win.
and a good time keeper.
Do not forget wo carry a full lino of staple
and fancy groceries and aro the regulator of
prices in Pendleton,
In furnishing goods, wo can show you all th
new up-to-date etylcH in mens' dreBS shirts,
also a completo assortment of work shirts.
This line of goods wo manufacture and guaran
teo them to glvo good sorvlco, und perfect sat
isfaction. We also lmvo an excellent stock ol
mens' staplo and fancy hoso, a full lino of
dress and working gloves, "Neckwear," a com
plete line of summer underwear, ladies and
gents, a full stock of notfbus, Jn fact you can
find here almost anything that Is carried in
stock by all first class general merchandise
For two weeks wo propose to make prieeh
in all departments of our store that should at.
tract the attontion of all close and carefu'
Wo have accepted the agency for the cele
brated "Feather Bone" corsets, and have a full
and complete stock, all grades and styles.
Our wrapper stock Is vory complote. We
have them from thu cheapest to r;to heat, and
like everything else will go at a reduced prico.
Our shoo department is not surpassed by an
firm on thu Pacific coast, as nearly all shoeo
In our houso aro manufactured by us In our
own factory, whoro wo glvo stoady employment
to over 800 people every working dav during
tho year. A guarantoo goes with ovory pair ot
our own mako of Bhous. You understand now
why wo can sell a good shoo cheaper than our
competitors. For tho two woeka Halo wo will
Our regular $3.50 Hhoes for 13.00
Our regular $3.00 Hhoes for 2.50
Our regular $2.50 Bhoes for 2.00
Our regular $2.00 shoes for
Our regular $1.75 shoes for i.N
And bo on down tho list, ovorythhiif go?a at a
reduced prico.
Our hat stock was never moro complete with
all tho new shades and shapes and at price
lower than over.
tOUB GRATITUDE: Our trade Mace itartltig In buiiueu in Poodleton bai boen very artilHylnsr fadee4. We feel that wo cau iay truthfully I vnnc Mercantile Co.
that the St. Joe 8tore Ji h eucceai-and we rallln language when we try to thank our army ol patroni (or their iteadjraud liberal patronage, Yonri i-yuua muMUiu. vw
m m
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