East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 22, 1902, Image 2

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the cniwr.
"LENOX" k V 1902
THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1902.
Daniel Costello, a veteran slow
rrinn nnil nnp.Mrrm lmrtnpr nf P. T
Barnum, is dead of pneumonia in
Chicago. He died penniless, having
lost more man ?i,uuu,uuu in mining
Advices from Alaska say that
American officers who were sent to
investigate a report that Canadian
surveyors had removed an old Rus
sian boundary, has found the report
without tounuation.
The temporary injunction asked
for by the United States against the
members ot tiie so-called meat pack
ers' combine is now in force, the or.
der being ordered on Tuesday. Sim
ilar inlnnotlmiR havo lpn nhtniiipil
at Kansas City and Jefferson City,
The state department has receiv
ed a cablegram from Consul Pearson
at Genoa, Italy, stating that Mar
garet Taylor has been delivered to her
father and that the two have sailed
for home. The irirl was ltlrinnnner!
by her aunt from her home in Cin
cinnati and taken t& Italy.
Karl Mann, the vegetarian, lias
won the international pedestrian
match from Berlin to Dresden. The
distance covered was 125 miles.
Mann's time was 27 hours, 13 min
utes and 14 seconds. Tho next
man, a meat eater, finished one hour
and 45 minutes behind Mann.
The state board of control of Min
nesota has advanced the salaries of
all state employes 10 per cent, be
cause of tho increased cost of liv
ing. There was no demand on the
part of tho employes for this In
crease. Tho additional cost to tho
state will exceed ?4t,000 per annum.
The steamer Korona has arrived
from Port Do Prance, Martinique,
having on board two survivors of the
steamer Roraima, lost in tho St.
Pierre disaster Those are Ellory
Scott, chief officer, and Charles
Thompson, colored, assistant purser.
Several others of the Roraima wore
saved by taking refuge in tho hold of
the vessel, from which they were
Dr. Arthur Lachman. homi nf thn
department of chemistry and mining
m ine university or Oregon, has re.
signed, to take effect at tho closo of
mo present college year.
Thomas Foyo Is under arrest at
wana wnua charged'With an attempt
to assault Omah Burks, the 8-year-old
daughter of C. R. Burks, a
blacksmith. Foyo denies tho charge.
A resolution has been passed
through tho houso, at Washington,
postponing tho date of opening tho
Spokane Indian reservation to min
eral location from Juno 1 to Decem
ber 1.
Tho directors of tho Lewis and
Clark Exposition are arranging to
have- a proposition to place a two
mill tax on the city, for tho purpose
of assistance in financing tho exposi
tion, submitted to tho tax-payers of
that city at tho tlmo of tho Juno
Citizens of Vancouver, Wash., are
pleased over the salo of the mnnlcl
pal electric light plant to a company
which contracts to supply tho city
with 1,200 camllo power arc lights
at ?4.G7 per light each' month.
Tills Is ono of tho lowest rates In
the United States.
k I
A Snappy
of which we are showing
a splendid assortment in
all tho now colorings.
$10.00, $11.00, $12.50
$15 00 $17.00
You can save $2.50 to $5.00 by
buying a suit of us.
New Shipment of PANTS just in
$2.50 to $5.00
The Pendleton.
P. C. Harback, Salt Lake.
Charles H. Green.
W. D. Robbins, Lewiston.
L. M. Herman, Chicago.
C. H. Waterman, Portland.
W. J. Snodgrass, British Columbia.
O. C. Seller, Portland.
H. T. Booth, Baker City.
E. C. Sklles, Spokane.
E. Barnett, Spokane.
R. B. May and wife, Portland.
Hellen May Howett, Detroit.
T. B. Morgan, Portland.
Mrs. T. B. Morgan.
F. J. Ginger, Spokane.
W. R. Glendening, Spokane.
John Nlsen, Portland.
John Meurer, Chicago.
George S. Hicker, Salt Lake.
Mrs. George S. Hicker, Salt Lake.
C. M. Smith, Portland.
J. A. Lukel, Portland.
R. W. Blakley, Portland.
J. W. Sawyer, Walla Walla.
A. J. Johnson.
H. R. Myers and wife, Kentucky.
The Golden Rule.
Mrs. N. C. Glenn, Vale.
J. C. McLees, Summit.
P. E. Klise, Portland.
Isabel Alderman, Portland.
A. Wagner.
A. Seitz.
Mrs. Ogelvie, Fossil.
A. George, Portland.
J. E. Nichols, Milton.
J. H. Fink, Spokane.
C. L. Downer, Spokane.
Sam Lee, Spokane.
G. D. Galley, Portland.
G. W. Bradley, Athena.
John G. Helfrich, Spokane.
Ray Barton.
A. C. Frledly.
E. M. Temple,
M. J. McDeamied.
Mrs. Miller, Milton.
S. White, Preowater.
Hank Fanning, Cold Springs.
W. S. Sterling, Portland.
W. T. Crandall, La Grande.
Ed Welch, Butter Creek.
C. D. Ferrin.
F. J. Hayfleld and family.
S. H. Levy, Frankfort.
Thomas Cotter, Oakland.
A. B. Conloy, Cove.
Statkof Ohio, Oitv of Toledo
J: Che??7 makes oath that he Is the
..u. pi ucr oi me nrm oi r. j. uiienoy & C
Bine hlialnnaa In n . !iSLV..f ' V
and state aforesaui. and tha't mW flS'WllSf
LS. '.2n "un.dl Do"" foremen ffl
, ,SK..MI1'' cured by
bworn to before mo and subscribed in mv
. w""" '"" u'" uay oi uecemoer, A
1 bbai. I 188c-
I I A. W. GLEA80N.
n.n.. n u .... rupuo. .
7. Air. .i i "V "ir.u " "en internally ana
acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
."o ""Diu. Knu ior testimonials, free.
Hall's Family Pills an
,A: . r uu., Toledo, Ohio.
aro the best.
"Cokes the Coal
, iivf wvrc
A Testimonial From Some ot
Hendleton'a Business Citizens.
Mr. W. G. McPhorson, Portland,
Dear Sir: After havlnn- frfvnn the
1'oriect" not Air Blast Purnaco a
thorough test in tho last two years
we can truthfully say that wo have
never seen Its equal for economy.
Your statement that it "cokes tho
coal nnd burns tho coke," wo have
found to bo correct, for wo find that
after burning a fire continuously,
there is left only n very small quan.
tlty of ashes, nnd no clinkers, tho
ashes being ns fine as flour. Tho
splendid results wo have nttainod
with this furnace havo truly Btirpris.
ed us. Yours very truly,
- C3 O VSA kitJ
Devotees of the Horsehlde Sphere
WIN Have Plenty of Sport During
the Coming Weeks.
Local fans will have a feast of
baseball during the next few days, the
Walla Walla team coming here to
play on Friday and the La Grande
hnll tnssoi-H nrosslnir hats with the In
dians on Saturday, Sunday and Mon
day aitornoons.
Tho pjimn tnmnrrmv nrnmifios tn be
one of special Interest, as the Pendle
ton team has downed Walla Wallas
Sharpshooters twice recently and the
lnttni- rluli Is determined to dr or die
in the endeavor to even up matters,
while the local boys are confident
that they will do stunts witli the
Sharpsetin aggregation.
Mills, the Sharpshooters' crack
nltnlinr will nfllnlnto n- tlir slnli fry."
thn visitors and is firm in the belief
that ho can wriggle his twisters
throuch thn red men's scnln locks.
Wilner, who will do the twirling act
for the locals, on the other hand, is
anxious to hand some puzzlers to the
visitors as he lost his game with
them Sunday, May 4th, so a pitch
ers battle is looked for by tho know
incr ones.
The line-tin and battinc order of the
Pendleton team for tomorrow's game
Is as tollows: Brown, catcher; Fay,
short stou: Knox, center field: nioin-
ens, left field; Schmidt, third base;
wnner, pitclier; Stoval, right field;
Zeieler. second base, and Hartnian.
first base. The tramp will be railed
at 3 p. m. at the Alta street grounds
Stoval will pitch in Saturday's
game against La Grande. Wilnnr tnk-
Ine his nlace in the field nml Tnvlnr
will do the twirling on Sunday against
the same team.
On Wednesday and Thurs.lriv nf
next week the Pendletons will play
Walla Walla at Weston. Frldav. Dec
oration day, they will play Colfax two
games nere, at 10 a. m. and 3 p. m.,
returning to Weston on Saturday to
piay tne uoltax boys there.
Their- return games with La Grande
will be played in that city on June 1.
2 and 3, and on Friday, Saturday and
Sunday the Cth, 7th and 8th of the
same month, they will occupy the lo
cal diamond again, going up against
tne Dayton team, which is being reor
ganizetl and greatly strengthened.
The strong Everett team, which has
been skinning everything on thn
Sound, will come here on June 14 and
io, ana tnelr whirlwind twirler,
Schoch, will endeavor to demonstrate
to the Indians how easy it is to miss
a ball when you don't hit it.
An effort is also being made to
have the University of California
team visit this city and nlav a counle
or games some time in the early part
of next month.
Local enthusiasts will undoubtedly
turn out to give the local boys a send
ore tomorrow as this is their first
game here since they returned from
their long trip. They have had a few
days' rest now and feel assured that
tnose who attend tomorrow will see a
close and interesting game, no matter
which side wins.
The Athena Yellow Kids will play a
game with tho Sharpshooters on Sun
day next at Walla Walla...
A New $10,000 Edifice Being Erected
in Walla Walla Masons Lay Cor
ner Stone.
Walla Walla, May 22. In tho pres
ence of soveral hundred
nesday afternoon at 5 o'clock was laid
the corner stone of the nrotinspd in.
000 church being erected by the con
gregation of St. Paul's
church of this city. The Masonic fra
ternity had charge of tho exercises,
which wore very imposing, and over
100 Masons were in the parado form
ed in passing from the hnll to the site
or tne edifice. Ex-Suporior Judge Up
ton acted as master of ceremonies for
the fraternity. In a brief address he
stated tho object of the gathering,
and proceeded to lay the stone, a fine
piepo of Idaho granite, quarried near
Lewiston. Brief addresses were made
on behalf of tho city by Councilman
McLean and on the part of tho con
gregation by tho rector, Rev. Andreas
Bard. In the stone were placed a
copy or tno uruc for tim rtniw tt.,!
a brief history of tho church, a list
Soak tliolianda thorouglily, on retiring, In
n nor lather of Cutiouiu Boav, the most
elfectivo skin purifying soap, as well as purest
and sweetest for toilet, liatli, and nursery.
Dry, anoint freely with Cuticuua Ointment,
tho great skin euro anil purest of emollients.
Voarold gloves during night. For sore hands,
itching, burning palms anil jiaiuful linger
ends, this one night trttitmtnt Is wonderful.
80M throuthoat th wotlii. I'ottbk D. iV o C. Cot r
frop Uottou. Uo w ta hv UtiutUU IIUud," n.
of the ofllcers of the congregation,
and a history of St. Paul's school for
L?" . ..n il i i i, lmllt nf fttnno
Hie UUlllUUg lo tu "" " Yin
and unfurnished, will cost over ?10,-
nnn t . i .i I. .inalfTn nml nr-
UUW. 11 IB jiiuuem i" .v-"-o"
chitecture, and will bo the finest rellg
ions eumce m buuiiibiwuji" o
ton, when completed. The original
St. Paul church is one of the oldest
.1 l l.n.irtn lintlttlfT
In tno state, tne court huudu """o
been used for years as a meeting
place before the congregation was
strong enough to erect any sort of a
building. The Masonic fraternity has
never before conducted a service of
this kind In Walla wana.
TI... fln n-n ana tills S t !1 T H 1 11 2.
headline in our dally papers, anu now
1. ..mmntllll. nflMl tllO linffir-
II1UU1I DJ lllliaUH.U l.w.
tunate victim, be he rich or poor, but
there are hundreds ot ouier cases, oi
hn imvo lipon rnhbpfl nf a
)1UI1C 1 1IU 1IW V mjww - " "
far greater treasure than wealth that
we never hear of. We refer to thoso
who have been robbed of their good
health by a rebellious stomach.
There is one medicine, however,
that will conquer a rebellious stom
ach and make it perform its duties
properly, and that is Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters. It is a specific
remedy for the stomach and will cure
belching, flatulency, sick headache,
Indigestion, constipation and billious
ness . Try it and see. Our Private
Die Stamp is over the neck of the
A Good Performance.
The Frazer opera house was fairly
well filled last evening to witness the
performance of the operetta "Snow
White, or the Seven Dwarfs." by the
pupils of the publi" s.'.tool. The pla
is founded on the well-known fair
storv and the impersonators of the
various characters carried out their
parts in a verv creditable manner.
many of the musical numbers beinc
really excellent. A well trained
chorus of school girls representing
the good fairies, and seven hovs ns the
dwarfs of the fairy tale, added to the
Fechter's for ice cream. Court St
Is what you get with each and
every purchase at our store. You
draw a prize with each purchase in
the way of superior Quality and
Freshness of our Dtiugs and Chem
icals. When sickness conies nnd you
bave prescriptions to be illled or
need the aid that a skilled druggist
only can render, then you want Re
liability and perfect service-noth
ing else.
We give You such. Service j
A T Ii 11 1 . B
iiuggiai mat is conscientious I
about quality is sure to be careful
about price.
Let us prove what we claim.
Let us flll your Prescriptions.
F. W. Schmidt & Co.,
Reliable Druggists,
Association Bloek.
Satarday, May 24th
A Fine Line of Summer
Wash Goods, all mannor of
designs and qualities. See
this line.
Fancy silks just arrived,
The finest in town.
Muslin and Gauze Under
wear. TrJVwytiing you need for
Hot Weather. You cau't do
as well anywhere else as here.
una unu soe us.
The Fair
M.n . 1X1. rv
"caun, strength
Pleasure Drink : : :
IJJlLPIaceJo Save Money I I
I 1 "
Pojydore Moens, ProrletorT
t l i !..,.,. ,,,i,..t n .i
Ha Yah Hqp Ynnr Oun
SV M v m " M U UHUV
And Your Money Back for the Asking.
r m A III! ItT
JL J, T,- ITS 8T I 'r Bl II . I
. . O --x- ... v W w kJ IT JAW
Hay, Grain and Feed.
127 and 129 East Alta Street. - - - Pendleton
Keep Yout Houses Cool!
1 1 ri? r w t rvi ITT 1J1 . . L.H A I 111 niu
Put In your kitchen without delay. Cheapest and most per
fect stove made. One cent a burner an hour is all it coste jo
operate the Quick Meal. No trouble to start and absolutely
freo froin danger. New stock just In.
There Ia Mn Oue&tion
It is the finest grade it is possible to make.
out the choicebt wheat enters into Byers' boui,
satisfaqtion is the result whererever it is used for b
or fancy bakinir.
W. S. Bycrs, Proprietor.
mmmmm .
and fl
. . . 1 1
this season ask to see HtP.ln-"R1nnt, m... w'ueii 9
" -iu.ne$.
waen Duymc a s.,i .
ut un vnn .1 --
salesman's advice? m
.Do you realiEe than...
v "tuenn .
Vice innv li n U'S
ti.,.1,.;;' "r. Tweed
. that it...
in snrrffi mnU, 5 '"t
. 11 j-
Study the
CPI t PnMMn . -
fabric and Uu
7 . ; -W"M'"A me
He tail.: '
ErarmentR nf . -s
. . . iihtipa
1 iinun ronr inou .1
v. UUdr mis label.
The Steln-Bloch Co.
Wholesale Tiiiou
keglatered 1883
They are tailornH
famous Wholesalp to
UIVIII If llll
w m a r
We sell tlipm imf .j.'
tr lnnitnnin 1
iuuuuuuc you unauij,
Critical OS vnn nloac. i.a
- . ""i , n.y ou a Bat
compare the r-ftmf tiii,
f lip hAaf. (lroaao1 mnn 1
w u.,WOi.u ixittu Jtxj
uo 11 ,.
by your judgment then,uJ
kuow what it will be.
h m -h a . x - ..
m . . k. a II III. '1
w C r J BLII III .
The Big Carpet
ivu i,an neat uur wr
iu rust mis one wav inevii
kind of beatlug all right. '
ueat em in sivie. in vaneivw
I II A 1 11.
in RTnni npQa nr nnar. in ipnnn
in anv irnnri pnrnpi niiai iv. 1
you can beat that WILTOX
tollltirr nf 1 OS n unn TatPI
our new line of liber carpet
Main 24.
a.. wumv,, DV 14 y-s i 1 I V w j u
w (f w Jl. UUIU Y lUUUu U1IU fcWAi.Wfcil ""-j
Dfl HI