m. . .sen ?"rr& fKess Cards and Societies Classified Advertisements COUNT SIX AVERAGE WORDS TO THE LINE. SESSIONS AND TRADES AUPMAOtl ICAI-LY ARRRANGED. 'hat cm J J ,ars or cuflg Soff 111 s,arl mve toi 'ale. Tii good bar- ad 'on mj at a grcst oved1 sail ;leyj i MAN. idleton.0r pHYSISlANS r,,r"nrFlcE in JUDD 0t- Telephone, . if" ' -.anA11M TU.OCK. WhJLta" oro troubles, cntor . .ndfS'fi Tmnalred hearing. i too flcd for rcfrncUve er" t-TnnrcB ovan the P ,nI, m"d., IIOMEOPATH nWlT?Ason. Office In hrtliU L0 5 Judd building 7" Kcsldeuce Phono Red 23. tFAOT HOOM'ij ASSOCIA i n. J. J11 '"i.',1i,ii Mntn 03: real- ,fU0De -TTT PHYSICIANS. DKS. Kevcs. Offlco one block west Eton Store. pTrfilKESLKR, cnitoNic N nirvon diseases and diseases of wo K"1 C Hotel I'endlotou. cor. Water ?'MtTs"7 Pendleton, Ore. Phone 1273 IvTl- Tlvprv. Keen uuu ?A tSmtM. Competent drivers. Op- SnSSdloton.' telephone 16. frr-Enr feed and sales SSL First elnn singe and double for a occasions, oi i-uu C Phone Mala 70- Elvln Craig, Prop. ihi.m. T. W. AYEKS. PKOP. ?J..J .1 hnnvrltnl?. The best jln ana toiionwuuu d., rem VAllD. W. T. HOYNTON "iii.. 1 cut rnro rrlven to horses left Irlth me. Lower Webb Street. rhone ned CABS AND CARRIAGES. (CITY CAB LINE, ERWIN IlAKEn. PROP. Tfltnhone Main 79 Stand In front of French retail rant. second-hand dealers. I GEORGE O'DANIEL, NEW AND SECOND L...1 InnnAa rin,lr,llt rt BnlrV PnllH! Ht.. Optra honse block. Call and see mm. T. STROMA, DEALER IN " SECOND hand (foods. If there Is anything yon ftuA In inw or Rccond hand furniture. tores, granite ware nnd crockery, call and pt his prices. No. 212 Court St. DENTISTS. E. A. VAUanAN, DENTIST, OFFICE IN Jtidd building. E. A. MANN. DENTIST, OFFICE IN AS SOCIATION block, over Schmidt's new drug store. BANKS AND BROKERS. FIIIST NATIONAL RANK OF ATHENA. Oreson. Capital, $.r0,000 surplus nnd profits, $0000. Interest on time deposits. Deals In foreign nnd domestic exchange. Collections promptly nttended to. Henry C Adams, president ; T. .1. Kirk, vice-president; E. L. Rnrnett, cashier; F. S. Le Orow, assistant cashier. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK, Tendleton, Oregon. Organized March 1, 1889; capital, $50,000, surplus, S00.000, Interest allowed on time deposits. Ex change bought and sold on nil principal points. Special attention given to collec tions. W. J. Furnish, president; J. N. Teal, vice-president; T. J. Morris, cashier. TTIF! FARMERS' BANK OF WESTON, weston, Oregon. "Does a general banking Business. Exchange bought and sold. Collections promptly nttended to. R. Jameson, president; Geo. W. Proebstel, TI president: J, R. Kllgore, cashier: di rectors, G, A. nnrtman, M. M. Johns, T. J. "Ice, G. D. Graw, J. F. Kllgore, Robert Jtmeaon, G. W. Proebstel. PIHST NATIONAL BANK OF PENDLE ton. Capital -$70,000 : surplus, $05,000. transacts a general banking business. Ex nange nml telegraphic transfers sold on Chicago, San Francisco, New York and Principal points In the northwest. Drafts Slfi-1ion Chlna- JPan """I Europe. Makes collections on reasonable terms. Levi An M?y; PraMent: W. F. Matlock, vlco-pres-12. 5 ?a Wn',e- cashier; H. C. Quern y. assistant cashier. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. rl;, ?JVAnD ARCHITECT AND STJ V?.tenaent makes, complete and rcll J"ans for buildings In the city or gantry, rtoom 17 Judd building. 8nh?J5K COLE, CONTRACTORS AND notiM t i Et'mates furnished on short J"' work n specialty. Prompt grow. Shop on Bluff street near Main. D- A' IAJ. CONTRACTOR AND BUILD maon,rit,mates "ilshed on all kinds of waers can be left at the East Oregonlau ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. "dowEm?OS ""T . STREET. LA itUrtR- Electrlcans. dealers .In elec tlectrlP ?1 ?' ..Hnnses, stores, wired for Ml fll Jifi,t8i be.lIs or telephones. Electrl RDal? S.of nU k,nfl8- Get our prices. Impair work a specialty. fl& n RIQTRigAL WORKS. C. F. treehi rop' Cornftr Ma'" & Webb PrtSntir am 'BJ?a M wiring neatly and. eM?an LonenKQ,ve u8 tt trll- All worlc guaranteed. Ph,one Red 403, ,C. F. Klne. HIDES, PELTS AND JUNK. et nVu G.RT THK HIGHEST MAR lada or LJor y.ur Peltfl- hides and oU Perriesrt 3?k' 'suc 88 rubber, brass, cop 11 kinds Llc' ,raFa and boitles. Iron of wnts wohP'claUy' "You cnn Ma ,n 50 forth S & ot Jrafrs or sn,n ,n 800 ame wL ldw nnJ w" bo treated In the lve u 0 imve ,como here .to atay. Sbank :u rv?" 'ou Will be satlafled. L. Ealern Iiifflne Ifi w'5jPne pext to cnee; Red 22i rent,1on' Oregon. Tele- FOR SALE. FOR SALE AT THE EAST OREGONIAN 'ofllcc, largo bundles pf newspapers, con taining over 100 big papers can be ob tnlned for 25 cents a bundle. FOR SALE NEW CniCAGO TYPE writer, universal key-board, first-class machine. Take a look at It. Thirty dol Inrds w.il buy It. East Orogonlan oluce. FOR SALE GASOLINE ENGINE, WITH pipes, tanks and fittings, ready to opor nte, five to six horse power. Economical In the use of fuel. Price $250. East Ore gonlnD office, Pendleton. FRATERNAL ORDERS. ROYAL- NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA Wlldwood Camp, No. 2333, meets second nnd fourth Tuesday of each month In Odd Fellows' ball. Mrs. Ida Holcomb, Oracle : Mrs. Ncc.o Robblns, Recorder. LitfATIliLA TENT, NO. 27, K. O. T. M. Meets In Secret Society Hall, second nnd fourth Tuesdays In each month. All visiting Sir Knights cordially Invited. J. S. Kees, Record Keeper ; E. ' D. Estnbrook, Commander. PENDLETON LODGE, NO. 52, A. F. and A. M., meets first and third Mondays of each month. iVIsItlng brethren welcome. T. J. Tweedy, W. M., Joe n. Parkes, Sec. PENDLETON CHAPTER, NO. 2fi T. C. Taylor, II. P F. F. Wamsley, Secretary. Meets first and fourth Friday of each month' In Masonic Hall. PIONEERS OF TnE PACIFIC WIL llnm Martin Encampment, No. 1. Meets every Wednesday at Hcndrlck's Hall. Mrs. L. F. nmpltln, Secretary. DAMON LODGE, NO. 4. KNIGnTS OF Pythias. J. i: Nowlln, C. C. ; R. W. Fletcher, K. of R. u S. Meets every Mon day In Secret Society nail. MODERN WOODSIEN OF AMERICA Tutuilla Camp, No. 6300. Meets first and third Mondays of each month at Odd Fellows' Hall. George A. Hamblln, Con sul ; G. A. Robblns, Clerk. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD REGULAR meetings of Pendleton Camp, No. 41, W. of W., are held In Secret Society Hall every Saturday evening. Visiting neigh bors are nlwnys welcome. J. P. Walker, Clerk, J. P. Earl, C. C. ATTORNEYS. CARTER AND RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT Law. Ofhce In Savings Bank building. BEAN & LOWELL. ATTORNEYS AT LAW Room 14 Association block. Pendleton, Oregon. N. BERKELEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofllcc In Association block. E. D. BOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 111 Court Street. h. B. REEDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pendleton, Oregon. JAMES A. FEE, LAW OFFICE IN JUDD ItullUlng, STILL.dAN & PIERCE, ATTORNEYS at Law. Mr. Stlllman hns been admitted to practice In United Stntes patent offices nnd makes a specialty of Patent Lnw. Rooms 10, 11, 12 and 13 Association block. MISCELLANEOUS. RUBBER STAMPS OF ALL KINDS SEND for catalogue. Ferney's Stamp Works, Walla Walla, Wash. KELLAR BROTHERS, PLASTERING and cementing. Cement walks a special ty. Estimates furnished free. Work guar anteed. Leave orders nt Badley & Zah ner's cigar store. Main St.,. P. O. box 104. IN POUND THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED animal has been taken up by the marshal of the Ciiy of Pendleton, to wit: One buy mare and colt; left par split; about Ave yeirs old; weight about. 950 pounds. Branded diamond on left shoulder and blotch brand on rlebt shoulder. If paid anlmalsare not claimed by tlio owners or those entitled to the poscession of them, costs and oxpenso against them paid nnd they taken away within ton days lrom the dato hereof, then nt 2 o'clock, p. m , of the 22nd day of May, 1902, the said animals will be sld to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, at the cttv ponnd on the corner of Cotton wood and Webb streets, in said city of Pendle ton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such costs nnd expenses of ronkfnn sile Dated this 10th day of May, 1903. J. A. Blakley, City Marshal. IN POUND THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED animal bal been taken un by the murshal.of tbeHtynf Pendleton, to wit; One bald faced bay horse, wih white legHJip to the kneand front feet white, about 6 years old. branded fry. lng pan brand on rierht hip, weight about 1.000 pounds. If said animal Is not claimed by the owners or tlioso entitled to the possession of it, costs and ,ep?nfes against ,ft paid nnd it taken away within ten days from the dato hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m. of the 80th day of May. J902, the fald animal will be sold to the highest bidder, at. public auction, for cash, at the city poundf .on the corner of Cottonwood and Webb streets, In rnld city of Pendleton, the procedes of suh fale to be applied to th payment of such costs and ex penses of making sale. Dated this 19th day of May, 1902. J. A. Blakley, City Marshal. FOR RENT Rooms In the East Oregon ' Ian building for rent-; steam heated, hot and cold water and bath room. NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR PURCHASE OF -HOSE. The City of Pendleton, through Us Fire and Water Committee, desires to purchase 1,000 feet of Inch cotton fire hose. All bids mist be filed with the city Rocnrder of Pendleton. Oregon, on or before June loth, 1902. The right Is reservod to reject any nnd all bids. Dated May 16. K02. JOHN McOOURT. jOity, Reorder, PHOTOGRAPHERS. W. S. BOWMAN, LEADING PHOTOQRA pher of the city. Harvest vlewar In dian photos for .sale. Finishing done for amateurs. Main St., near bridge. ' Phone Red 276. " , MEDICAL PILES Dr. William.' Indian Pile OIK TMEST will cure Hllnd, Hleedlng. and XtcblaK SMleo. It absorbs uo tumors, al Urstne 'Ucblneatonce, acts as a poultice, Klvps Instant relief, pr. WIN j private part .a, ur &vi 9 per 1hx Sold by Tallman & Co., Druggists. cared onlr for Piles and Itomnooi t Kterr box Is warranted. om ny onweiB br ma Ion receipt of price. SOc and 1 . trtu ri.ua ifih.'rl f'fl Mmn r. (JLKVlS SURE THING. "Dear me I That poor fellow looked so hungry." "Impossible. 'That's the author of "Infallible Systems REGULARITY OF EXERCISE. n Important Element In tliA Devel opment of the Horse. In writing about the care of horses nn eminent English army officer has the following to say: "Regularity of exercise is an Impor tant element in the development of the highest powers of the horse. The horse in regular work will suffer less In his legs than another, for he becomes grad ually and thoroughly accustomed to what is required of him. The whole living machine accommodates Itself, to the regular demands on it, the body be comes active and well conditioned with out superfluous fat, and the muscles and tendons gradually develop. Horses In regular work are also nearly exempt from the many accidents which arise from overfrcshness. As a proof of" the value of regular exercise we need only refer to the stagecoach horse of former days. Many of these animals, though by no means of the best physical frame, would trot with a heavy load behind them for eight hours at the rate of ten miles an hour without turning a hair, and this work they would continue to do for years without even being sick or sorry. Few gentlemen can say as much for their carriage horses. No horses, in fact, were in hardier condi tion. On the other hand, if exercise be neglected, even for a few daj-s, in a horse in high condition, he will put on fat. He has been taking daily the large amount of material needed to sustain the consumption caused by his work. If that work cease suddenly, nature will, notwithstanding, continue to sup ply the new material, and fat, followed by phethora and frequently by disease, will be the speedy consequence." Legislation Asked. According to Secretary Charles F. Martin, the legislation to obtain the passage of which tho National Live Stock association will devote its ener gies in Washington this winter lucludes the following: Extension' of the hide tax to every hide imported, dry, pickled or green; giving the interstate com merce commission the powers of the United States district courts; permit ting limited grazing on forest reserves; enforcing the stamping of shoddy made goods with some distinctive mark; ir rigtitlon of arid lands; securing the tak lug of an annual live stock census, tho returns to be published within sixty days of the enumeration; providing for government assistance lu tho produc tlon of cavalry horses. CYNICISMS. Don't get drunk with the Idea that people will enjoy bearing you say fun ny things. I a man succeeds in pleasing his wife, like as not he falls-with her folks aud the neighbors. If a man and wife still speak after living together five years, they have, made marriage a success. We hear a great deal about the "dis couragements" of life and' have do elded after talking with tho girls that it means a lot of unwashed dishes. Atchison Globe. A Neoesaary Connequeuce. She I .suppose it is hard to eliminate flattery from portrait painting'; The Artist Yes. We'd have to elimi nate a good mauy of tho sitters. Puck. Stand Like a Stone Wall. Between young children and the tortures and Itching of burning ec zema, scaldhead and pther skin di seases. How? why, by using Buck ion's Arnica'"' Salvo, dartb's greatest honlnr Oufokaat euro for Ulcers. Fever Sores, Salt Rheum, Cuts, Burns of Bruises, inrauiuio ior.Jfiies. idc at Tallman & Co's drug store. for Beating theRac," THE BEE HIVE FIRE. Adjusting the Losses, Which Were Largely Due to Smoke and Water. Walla Walla, May 21. Insurance adjusters are in tho city today settl ing the losses in tho case of tho Are in tho Bee Hive block yesterday morning. The losses aro practically covered by Insurance, but thero will be difficulty in settling on this ba sis, as much of tho damage is from water and smoke alone. Those who suffered loss are: Simpson & Dow ley, on building; William Ferguson, on stock of goods; F. F. Leoher, tin shop; Lynch & O'Rourke, plumbers. The origin of tho fire is still a mys tery. Reveals a Great Secret It is often asked how such start! ing cures, that puzzle tho best physl clans, aro effected by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Here's the secret. It cuts out the pholgm and germ infected mucus, and letn the life giving oxygen enrich and vit alize the blood. It heals the lnflam ed, cough worn throat and lungs Hard colds and f.tubborn coughs soon yield to Dr. King's New Discovery, the most Infallible remedy for all Throat .and Lung diseases. Guar anteed bottles 60c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Tallman & Co's. Most Effective Advertising. That advertising is the most effect ive which attracts tho oye and ap peals to tho brain. Strong adjectives may be as much out of tasto in an advertisement as in a bit of more aspiring literature. Exaggeration Is always to he avoided. People nowa days demand sincerity in all matters of business. It is observable that all the big and successful advertisers are most careful as to their statements of fact. They realize that confidence Is the key-stone In tho arch of trade. Their success came of their jealous regard lor their work Don't Use Too Many Words. Multiplication of words Increases tho expense and decreases the effec tiveness of advertising. Say what you have to say in as fow words as It can be taid then stop. By so doing you can set what you want to say In larger typo, so that It will command the attention of more readers than would a wordy discourse set in small typo. At bedtime Itake a pleasant herb drink, tho next morning I feel bright and my complexion Js better. My doctor says that It acts gently on tho stomach, river and kidneys and is a pleasant laxative. It 1b mado from herbs, and is prepared as easily as tea. It is called Lane's Medicine. Lane's Family Medicine moves the bowels each day. Price 25c and &0c. For sale by Tallman & Co., boIo agents. Sale of Household Goods. I offer for Immedlato fialo all my household fgurnlturo, Including car pets, parlor, hall, dining room, kltch en and bed room furnishings. H. C Hexter. t WHISKEY Bold by JOHH BCIIMIDT The Louvre Saloorj fKNULETlON OltKGOii TWO LINES. 1 time 15o 2 tlmea 20c 1 week . 30o Extra lines: .10 cents each HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON - VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel in Pendleton and as Rood as any. Headquarters for Traveling Men. Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 pet day. Special rates by week or month. Excellent CuLsIno, Every flodern Convenience. Bar and Billiard Room la Connection Only Three Blocks from Depot. GOLDEN RULE HOTEL. Corner Court aud Johnson Streets, Pendleton, Oregon, M. F. Kelly, Proprietor. HEATED DV STEAM. LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY American Plan, rale 11.25 to 12.00 a day. European plan, Wc, 76o, 11.00 Special rates by week or month Free Bus fleets all Trains. Commercial Trade Solicited. Flue Sample Rooms Special attention given Country Trade OEO. OARVEAU, Prop.; Elegantly Furnished Steam Heater' European Plan. Block and a half from depot. Sample Room in connection. Room Rate 50c, 75c, $1.00 Farmers Custom Mill Fred Vjlta,, Proprietor Capacity, 1M barrel! a it " Flour exQhanKt lor vif. FIo5ilMllfFePd.!(!an(.i.fjyvi!. ifl.. as hand. -J - ' ' 'i .Uuuy-i1; . ' f . T -liTHfc mm !l I THREE LINES. 1 tlm ( 2 times ,.30e 1 week 4S week; 25 cents a line per month. TRANSPORTATION LINES. OREGON ShoftLini! aid miDfi PACIFIC dm-art Tlmo Schedule aimmts roa From Pendleton r0N ' i ii Chicago- Salt Uke, Denver, Ft. Portland Worth, Omaha. Kan Hperlal ms City, 8t Louli, Chi- 8:00 a. r. 5 30 p m cgo and Kail, via ftunt in if ton. AtUntte Salt Lake. Denier, Ft. Kxprcts Worth, Omaha, Kan. Ml a. m. MiClty,flt.LouU,Uhl. U:10 p. m. Via Hunt- cago and Kat. lngton, Hi. Paul Walla Walla, Lewliton, Fan Mall Spokano.Wallace.Pull 8.15 a. nt. man, Mluacapolli, 8t. 530 p. H. rla Paul, Duluth, Mllwau Hpokano. keo, Chicago and Kaat. , Ocean and River Schedule. FltOM l'OUTLANI). All -tiling date subject to change. 8:00 p. m. For Han Francisco 1 p. m. Ball orory S dayf . ' bally except Columbia River Sunday 4pm 8 p. in. To Aatorta aud Way Sunday Saturday Lamltngi. 11) p. m. Willamette River Hoata leave rortlami dally, except Bnaday. (itagoof water permitting) for Willamette and I Yamhill Klver points. Loavo Leave Klparla Snake River Lewlstoa i9ut.m, 7:00 a.m. Daily HlpaiU to Uwlston. Daily Kxcpt Mon Kxcpt Mor F. F WAMHI.KY, Agont, Pondleton, RUNS Pullman Sleeping Girs, Elegnnt Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FARGO GRAND FORKS CUOOKBTON YVINNEPEG HELENA nnd BUTTE. TO TIIROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and all poluts East aud South Through tickets to Japan and China, Tacoma and Northern raclflo Bteamshlp and American Hue. vtt Co, TJMK SCHBDULB. Trains leaye Pendleton dally except flonday at 7:00 p. m, For fnrthor Information, time cards, maps, and tickets, call on or write W. Adams, Pea. dleton, Oregon, or A. D. CUAULTON, Third and Morrtiou Hti., l'ortland, Ors, Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for For Chicago, St. Paul, St. Louis, Kan hah City, St. Joe, Omaha, and AH Points East and South Portland and poJnU on the Souad TIMK OAHD. Leave feudletoa, dally except Sundays at 7 AO. pm. Arrive Pendleton Monday, Wednesday aai Jfrlday ViXA pm. ....... Arrive Pendleton Tuesday, Thursday wl Saturday 10:65 ami Leave Walla Walla dally, east bound 8rtp, Arrive Walla Walla dally west bound ia$6ftM. Vi-iv InfAvitintlin vatFttrtilnar vt tai1 ujodatloni, call on or a4drei I Pab ri IaIah flM U. Ii. OAtDKUlIKAD. Q. F, A., yy sua nana, rrasp. CURE YOUlf Elf I Um lllcr U for unci m 4 , ill.rh.rff.. liiHutn.u iIIak. Irrit&tlnti. tr -' 1 i ui ,11 ,1 n fi 11 a irmmti tot ., riiuv.s, aau uut.uHrt CllHltljCHtMictCo. or poisonous;, ' A - t I ,kl.l"tv I . or tout In pluiu wisBuf: I Irtivntu. prspsld, (of J ri rut hi-i K.fJ- Utt I ' J-lrt'iUr snil un.MMSslk I fori IFfVkiKa- aVMP Oau.sinl m lff jitft -