East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 21, 1902, Image 3

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Ready - to - Wear
I,tecT? ire summer days the weather we have been antici
f H Sir, in lone We have CHILDREN'S DRESSES and
LSaw Hats in broad variety. Good quality
Nicely trimmed
.. In
Good Sizes
In Straw Hats there are many new shapes in this
i i:i.:rf f urine WTf Ytavp tVipm. Krinir vnnr
tsuon S Sirin"h "'J'1"" ' - --o J
children or senu wciu iuc. j. hi. uuu -u au uum
I ieatment with the lady.
lexander Dept. Store
amous Shows
The Best Show of
Its Kind on Earth
Transported in Their Own Train of Special Cars
Ml JUSTICE: ffflvwim. 9 9
alned Ponies, Docs and lffnnknvn. a wiinio Word nf T.iiiimitinTi
Ps-the smallest oh earth,
pined Camels and Sacred Cattle, the most wonderful trained
sn earth,
Nng in Our Own Waterproof Tents
fOP tftlan C4-A i- T "I i-mi-ti-i mn -nin-mw
Hanii awuBi raraae jBitJiiJU tu juvxiai UHJU at 11
S8RlraPPingS' GUtterillS Chariots, Cages and Bands of
127 1 TUESDAY May 27
GRlTk-r lJari'r-U.-U-w-
y,lh r imriiuf Kmcn
FIn thaWvone of the greatest improvements made in the heat
B IafH ten years is the
M0t Air B'ast FiirnAPA trhA PArfArtr"
fenj thfi itl a,r het,lDB chamber in the furnace itself. It draws
Wur iTu.meut, introduces it into the furnace at a verv hiifb
n .v, ii inn flnohu. i i. ... ... .t .7. .
weir tt17X i.. 10 mix wnn tne gases ot tne iuei, tnus in
I1 twSLcSmVlV,Uon- The riy furnace which actually does
! th nTottrful r8ulti 11 18 acknowledged, Js the ''Perfect,"
" m the Keneral V fV ' 0
W. G. McPh
47 First Street, Portland, . Ore.
wmm Mr a wrcnniTC 111 fCDC
Hon. J. N. Williamson and Judge J.
C. Moreland Address a Large and
Enthusiastic "Gathering in the
Opera House.
The political ball was set rolling
in Pendleton last evening, when the
republicans held a grand rally In
Prazer's opera house, at which Hon.
J. N. Williamson, republican candi
date for congress, and Judge J. C.
Moreland, of Portland, elucidated thu
issues of the campaign to an audi
ence which packed the spacious hall
to overflowing, a largo number ot
people being turned away on account
of lack of seating capacity.
The evening's program opened
with a torchlight procession from re
lublican headquarters down Main
street to the corner of Webb, whore
the long line counter-marched to
Court street and along this back to
headquarters in the opera house
Here the stage had been tastefully
draped with bunting, under -the direc
tion of Vvuliam Hickey, United
States and Cuban flags also being
extensively used in the decorations.
At either side of the speaker's table
were easels bearing portraits of the
Roosevelt, respectively, while at each
.oosevelt, respectivelyjwhile at each
side of the platform "und in the cen
ter of a large American flag at the
rear were pictures of W. J. Furnish,
republican candidate for governor.
John 'McCourt Presided.
John McCourt, president of the lo
cal republican club, presided and in
troduced the speakers of the evening.
The procession was several block,
in length, there being in line several
hundreds of men and boys bearing
torches, and appropriate illuminated
banners, while Roman candles and
colored fires added to the excitement
and general effect. The procession
was marshaled by J. E. Krausa with
A. O. Carden as lieutenant, while the
Helix hand and a drum corps of local
enthusiasts furnished the music for
On the platform beside the speak
ers of the evening, were Thomas
Thompson, chairman of the congres
sional committee, Frank Curl, chair
man of the county committee, A. B.
Thompson, member of the legisla
ture, R. Alexander. T. C. Collier. B,
F. Renn, John Crow and other prom
inent local republicans, and C. E.
Mcuomoer, candidate for the lecis-
Speech of J. N. Williamson.
After opening the meeting In a neat
speech affirming his adherence to
the principles of the republican party
and hearty support of the candida
ture of W. J. Furnish and the balance
of the ticket, Chairman McCourt in
troduced Hon. J. N. Williamson, who
made a rattling speech, outlining the
issues of the campaign and making
a strong plea for the adherence of
the voters of this section to the
He had never fully realized the
full, meaning of the common saying
that Eastern Oregon was a big, vast
country, said he, until he had taken
the nomination for congress and
started out to stump the district
During the time that he had been on
the road he had mado a number of
interesting discoveries, not the
least of which was that W. J. Fur
nish was to be the next governor o
the state of Oregon. He had not
found a man in all his trip who
would say that he would not make
one of the best exectuives In the
United States.
Favoring the opening of the Colum
bia river to navigation, he told of the
huge stacks of grain which ho had
seen In Gilliam county piled up all
through the winter and unable to
reach a market on account of lack of
transportation. Whether or not
elected, he was strongly In favor of
and would lose no opportunity to fur
ther the opening of the river to navb
gation, regarding this piece of public
improvement as one of the most lm
portant to come before the legisla
tors of the country, opening as It
develop sometimes from very trifling causes, and when and where you would least expect
them. A boil, or abscess, burn, blister, wart, tumor, mole, or the simplest little pimple
may be the beginning point of a malignant, frightful looking Cancerous Ulcer.
Apparently there is no difference between a Cancerous and Common Ulcer when
thej' first make their appearance, and for this reason every ulcer, no matter how insignificant
or harmless it may seem, and all slow healiner sores should excite suspicion and cause
I alarm, particularly if any of your ancestors ever had Cancer, or you have good reason to
j think j'our blood is impure; for the .-sore, after all, is only the outgrowth, the external
evidence of polluted blood, and nothing can check its progress until the cancer tainted,
vitiated blood lias been punned. All eltorts to heal the ulcer by means ot salves or other
external remedies will result in failure, for such treatment can have no possible effect upon
the deadly germs and morbid matter that form iu the blood and are carried through the
circulation to the sore.
I had a Cancer on my left brenst, which
caused me great pain for three or four
yenrs At times tne
pains were deep and
shooting. The nicer
discharged yellow and
rather offensive mat
ter. I hnd given up
all hope, as the doctors
Afe,v .Ms Save me 110 renci.
My mother, two
aunts and an only sis-
it -r t a 1: . .1 . c a c
0sMtiw brcnst-nmi 1 nm
fj Ml"&& satisfied that I, too,
" would have been gone
but for S. S. S. I felt some better after the
first bottle, and after using only seven bot
tles, was cured, lljis was several years
ago but have seen no signs of the Cancer
since. I would urge all who arc suffering
from the disease to give S. S. S. a trial.
Belton, Mo. Mrs. James Cassuu..
About the first of February, 1899, I
noticed a small lump on the inside of my
lower lip. It annoyed me considerably
the doctor cauterized it am, in n few days
it dropped off, but shortly after another
came and broke into an open sore, and in
spite of the larue number of remedies 1
tried, it would not heal. I then went in
another, and he gave me something to
nut on the sore, saying if it did not cure
lie would cut the sore out. I used his
medicine, but received no benefit. I de
cided n blood purifier -was what I needed,
and began to take S. S. S. The ulcer was
growing rapully, with some pain and a
crawling, creeping feeling. At first S. S.
S. seemed to make the sore worse, but
this soon changed, and after I had taken.
seven bottles the place healed entirely;
my general health improved and I am as
well now as ever and no signs of the dis
ease have been seen since.
Hollands, S. C. - W. P. Brown.
Mr.Jno, Massic.Owcnslxiro, Ky., writes:
"About three years ago a blister cainc on
the right side of my
nose. It gtew steadi
ly in spitoofallefforts
to heal it up: Uic pain
was not very severe
at first, but increased
when the sore began
to inflame and dis
charge matter. At
times the place would
scab over and appear
to be getting well,
but the scab would
drop off, leaving n
red, angry looking
ulcer. I had almost despaired of ever
curing the Cancer when my attention
was called to S. S. S., and after taking a
few bottles the Cancer began lo gradually
grow smaller, the discharge stopped, and
I was relieved of the terrible disease."
Oo-nonrrmc TT1nri-c rnn 1r ivnr1ior1 rmlir r o rrntntr1tr flint nrfc iitvm 01111 (lirniwjl 1m
blood system, and this is just what S. S. S. does. It goes to the f pun tain head of the disease,
and drives out the germ producing poisons which cause the ulcer, and purifies and builds up
again the deteriorated blood. I his is the only true and
logical treatment for sores of this character.
By the use of S. S. S. the ulcer is supplied with
pure, strong blood, which quickly allays the inflammation
and forces out all the irritating poisons, and allows the.
sore to heal naturally and permanently. S. S. S. acts
also as a tonic, and where the constitution has become
debilitated and weakened, it restores vitality and strengthens the nervous system, and helps
the appetite and digestion. S. S. S. contains no Mercury, Potash or other minerals, but is
guaranteed purely vegetable.
Those having a chronic ulcer or sore of a 113 kind that is slow in healing, whether
located upon the body or internal', will receive medical advice and such special information
as they desire free of cost. Book on Cancer and Other Diseases of the Blooci sent free.
Don't Let Your Carriage Kun Down
(or want of little repair. Taken In time, the
coat may be trifling. "A word to the wife is
undent." We do carriage and wagon repair.
lag In all ita branchea, at lowest prlcei, and
warrant all work to be I rlctly first clo's. Hak
your vehicle equal to new in appearance, dura
bility and motion. Jobbing promptly executed.
See lis About Gasoline Engines
Water St, near Mala, Feadletoa, Or
would large areas in threo of tho
leading states of tho Union.
ReeardinK the leasing of public
lands, he said there as no issue be
tween the two parties, both having
adopted planks opposed to this. Tho
oniy two material differences in tho
platforms of tho opposing parties, life
declared,. were the tariff and tho Phil
ippine questions. As to tho first, he
decided strongly in favor of the re
publican plank.
Touching the Philippines, ho put
aside the question of tho constitution
following tho flag and declared that
the islands having come into pos
session of the United States by rea
sons over which they had no control
there was nothing to do except retain
them. Tho democratic stand on this
question" reminded him of tho story
of the man and wife who decided
that there should be no twins In tho
family, but still got them. There was
only one thing to do and they did
Further, tho possession of the Phil
Innlnes was irreatlv addlnir to tho Im
migration into tho Pacific Coast
country, and increasing values all
over tho West. He predicted that
the state of Oregon would double In
population and wealth within the
next 10 years, this being attributa
ble to the republican policy in tho
Judge Moreland's Address.
Closing his address amid hearty
applause, he Introduced Judge J. C.
Moreland, who In a speech liberally
besprinkled with humorous anec
dotes, told why ho thought tho voters
of Pendleton and surrounding coun
try should caEL their ballots on Juno
2 next for W. J. FurnlBh and tho re
publican candidates.
Tho Judge, after recounting early
experiences in this section, stated
that he expected to livo to see tho
center of population moved from tho
Mississippi across tho Rockies to
ward the Pacific Coast.
One of tho most Important duties
which falls to the lot of tho American
citizen, said he, Is that of deciding
who should be the various state ana
national officials to administer the
laws of the country. The people of
the United States, and tho state of
Oregon, could be counted upon to ap
proach this duty with tho proper
sense of its importance, and having
once decided upon the policies which
they wished carried out they could
be counted upon to see thaj tho pro
per men were placed in office. He
for Dillons nnd Nervous Disorders, such a
Wind ami I'alu iu the Htottuiili, Sick lleml
oclie, Giddiness, I'uliiest ami Kweltltiir ufter
meals. Dizziness and Drowsineks, Cold Chilli
Plusmngsof llent, J.ois of Alletlte, Short
ness of llreath, Costivctios, lllotches 011 the
Bkln. Disturbed Bleep, I'riirhtful Dreams,
and all Nervous and Trembling Bensatloiis,
TWENTY MINUTES- ''" i o t'ctlon.
Every sufferer Is earnestly Invited to try one
Box of these rills, and tliity will ho ncU.
iiotvlcdccd o bo WITHOUT A RIVAL.
HUKCII AITI'S taken as direc
ted, will quickly restore Females to complete
health. They promptly remove any obitru.
tloa or irregularity of the lysteui.- iter a
Weak 8tomachv
Impaired Digestion.
Disordered Liver,
theyact like magic a tew doses will work
wonders upon the Vital Organs; Hlrengthcii
ing the muscular Hystem, restoring the long,
lost Complexion, bringing hack the keen
edge of appetite, ana arousing with the
Itoacbild of Health llio tvliole I'liy
Icnl ennricy of the human frame. These
are "facts" admitted by thousands, iu all
classes of society, and one of the best guar
antees to the Nervous and Debilitated ia
that HKEOHAM'8 PILLS have th
Largest Sale of any Patent
Medici nee In tho World.
Ileecliam'a Villa have lfn Toefnra
tho public for half a rcntiiry, and
nra tho most ixipulur futility mmiicIiii)
Mo testimonials oro published, a
Ueerhain'a I'll Is
Prepared onlr by Thoniu Jleocliaui.St.
llnlous, J2ug., nnd 80S C'uuul tit,. New
Mold everywhere lu boxes, 10c. and 2Sc
u -oll 1, aren't . rrffiilar, Iiesltliy, raoTeroeni of M
KJels ev"y Soy, jou'ro III or wl I Is. Ko'P.y0.1"
lrnd clean Is to t&ks
(Concluded on page 6.)
Pleasant, l'alatahle, Potent. Taste flood, WoOood
erer Sicken, Weaken, or Clrlpe. 10, , and W eentj
ter ox. Write for free sample, anil booklet o
Health. Addross
Trays, Packages, Parcels,
Letters, Messages, promptly
delivered to any part of tho
City. Calls answered at all
hours ol day or night.
Prompt Quick Reliable
It ATK8-Under 10 Poundm
.'i JSlockH and under, , . 10 Cento
!l it) 7 JlloeltB 16 Cento
7 to 12 JIloekB 20 Canto
l!Ho 2Q JMockH 525 Ceuto
All Messages Strictly Confidential
J. C. Spoonemore, Manager
330 Court Street
OpiMHiltu Golden Rulo Hotel
Telephone, liluck 136
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
A. C. SHAW & CO.
Being one of the largest man
ufacturing plants on Puget
sound are able to sell you
lumber cheaper than anyone
else. New lumber coming in
every day. They also make
all kinds of boxes, including
Apple, Pear, Peach, Cherry,
and Plumb and berry crates,
and are prepared to make you
prices either in smull lots or
carpets, on shelves, walls, oc for wrap
ping purposes. Old newspapers la HMt
bundles of 100 each at 25 casta at jHwata
at the BAST OUKaoWAN'oaTtea, laaHa
ton, Oregon. '