MY EVENING EDITION "1 DAILY EVENING EDITIOM THE DAILY Eastern Oregon Weather Tonight and Thursday, fair" probably frost tonight; warmer Thursday. " 5cAWEEK. PEyPLETOX, UMATILLA COUNTY, OHEGOX, AVEiyN ICS DAY, MAT 21, 1002. NO. 41 -10 EW ES SPOUT . i n m:! n i nrri Nn nr arc .ik nil (i n in uwu ii mi vj in I i Threaten the Terrified Pep- .Unftho klanrls. peopU fly from FORT DE FRANCE. jr.. ' i ! DnniM Rilnrtau new - i.u. Vnru Ar.tive- lonv " 9nnn Victims the Latest Eruptions Panic i. 01 Tho fnllowlne bul- nnflteri HI Tn? II1II1IMLIV UL colonies iobbj . ...., morning received a dlBpatch he actlne coventor of Martin- phenomena observed on May 8 renewed. A rain of stones fell Fort de France and flashes fol- by reports were seen In the the volcano, immediately order- IKn itAtnmnnilnH y-f thrt Ulinhnt tf" bare to leave in order to recon ter. A second cable, under the date, Informs the ministry that vas received by the governor the commander of the Le Car detachment that fire fell on that ge in the morning. A third ca ays: The Le Carbet detach er the safety of which fears entertained, had suffered no Leave Fort de France. Lucia, May 21. One hundred lees arrived here on the steamer A new leruntion of Mount. Ph. .li.l II - . 'men tnreatened Fort de France the exodus. The refucees re at when they left Martinique ! Iirovalleil si nil tVio nnnnlc. laning refuge on board of ves tne harbor. pw Eruption Began Sunday. new emotion iwrn,, 5,iv , Ox 14 V V4 MOnunv thft mniinfnifi wnt " l 'v tuuutiUVlli VV HQ active, throwing out great ",' 'ava and showerc of dust -v..v..v.u u now crater nas ' in INainacua vnli I uie ijnnhnmnia mminn a I -....vy muutuauti Part of the island is threaten--tit j . . . uevastation from flowing I ftew victims have been caught r luli number of deaths ISouffrlere at Work t-Uda. Mnv f I tn t ' 18 agaln ln activ 17.. . 1 ie wno lmd returned lomuu uueciea uy - w, are returning to Kingfa ip"Ple Have Recovered. Is Tf' "V 21-Ever, t ,-.w llure ioaay, tbe inhabi JJWB recovered from Mon w Massoo in I u I C4 1 11 CO. 0rk Mo.. i . . Ith, ' captain Han- Hut h "'"uuco ioaay, re- tad .TnnL." ' "."' or bt H Z lom e trom the khtwr" "0CK. a isolated h st M eet n,gl1' Juat off wamuique, ""nlarof p, . N-Sal.n, ooi. fetenfaiai i-i . ; u- 21- re boon "uu iiropr- lr, 3, "ak ns or mow F- and (rIvorable nsplces. ' thfl Z' B. wuu im- ad thn i . eruuaou ? the a .lns of corr Chapei p centennial JUDGE H. G. YOAKUM. IjntB. "eluded among P&i8,11 taown hu- ' ? .portlanrt tno Hotel 8e la aeon ' from PasaJe- Bccompanlod by .his The Bast Oregonian artist caught him as he was remarking upon the favorable outlook of the democratic candidates for office in the county and state and the growing strength of the democratic cause in the na tion. SWITZLER FAMILY REUNION. Forty of Them Gather at the Wirt Nye Place Near" Vancouver, Wash Some forty of the descendents of John Switzler, one of the earliest pioneers of the northwest, gathered Sunday in the large home on the Wirt Nyo donation land claim, about a mile above Vancouver, Washing ton and enjoyed a day together that they will long remember. The old house ln which they assembled was built ln 1868 by Vvirt Nye, who mar- ried the -eldest daughter of John Switzler. Both families crossed the plains to this country in 1845, and John Switzler took up a donation land claim in Oregon on the Colum bia river, Just opposite Vancouver, For many years he ran a small ferry between Vancouver and the Oregon side. The gathering Sunday was largely mado up of the five Nye girls and children, the direct descendants of Wirt Nye, and the daughter of John Switzler. The Nye sisters, who were raised ln the old house ln which the gathering was held are Mrs. Jacob Proebetel, of Portland; Mrs. M. "W. Johns, of Athena, Oregon: and Mrs. 8. D. Durgan, Mrs. W. C. Durgan and Mrs. A. J. Proobstel, of this county. A. W. Nye and family of Pendle ton, Edward Switzler, of Pendleton. John and Jehu Switzler of Umatilla county are descendents of John Switzler, but were sot present at the re-unlon. COLONEL JAMES H. RALEY. Another "Fad" Disease. 'Tenosynovitis" is the name of a brand new disease which is said to result from the excessive strain on the muscles of one leg consequent upon over indulgence In tha new game of ping pong. It Is gaining ground rapidly in this country ana apropos thereof the San Francisco Call remarks that "first you ping, and then you pong, and then you Democratic Nominee for Attorney General of the Str.te of Oregon. CHAMBERLAIN IS COMING ARRANGEMENTS BEING MADE FOR RECEPTION. James H. Raley was born in Ne braska City in what was then the Territory of Nebraska, on January. 10, 1855, and resided with his pa rents, Jonathan and Rachel Raley, in Nebraska, until the spring of 18G2, when the entire family emigrated to. Oregon, crossing the plains by teams and arriving at The Dalles in Octo ber of the samd year. The following winter was spent in Portland, and in rne spring or ist4 tne ramuy camu to Umatilla county, locating first about one mile below the nresent which time he has filled many im portant offices of trust. Ho wns elect ed one of the first councilmon of the city of Pendleton, and aftorwards wns elected mayor of the city, both of which offices ho filled with credit to himself and great satisfaction to his constituents. He served eight years in the state senate of Oregon, and is the author of the irrigation law of this state, which bears Ills name. He is also the nuthor of the bill creating the Eastern Oregon State Normal School, and hns been one of the regents of that iustitutlo site of Pendleton. Mr. Raley's odu-f sir&e it was founded. During hiff cation was obtained from the com mon schools of Umatilla county, sup plemented by a brief course at the State University of Oregon. Hi& boyhood pursuits were chiefly stock raising and assisting his father on the farm, during all of which time, however, he was a close student ot books. Very soon after attaining his ma jority, he was elected county survey or of Umatilla county, and then was elected to a second term. This was his first advent into politics, since legislative career, he ranked as one of the ablest members of the senatt He was a delegate to the national democratic convention in Kansas City in 1900. He was admitted to tho bar in 1885, and is one of tho promt nent attorneys in the state, and has been most successful in practice and Is at present vice-president of the Oregon Bar Association. In 1879 r. Raley was united ii. marriage with Minnie A. J?ruett, and is blessed with three daughters ami one son. His friends arc legion. MARCONI'S EX-FIANCEE WEDS a ONLY A HEW MONTHS AG J SHE BROKE ENGAGEMENT Now She is Married to Another Man So Soon After She was Supposed to Be in Love With the Other. New York, May 21. A dispatch from .London says that the wedding of Miss Josephine Ifolman, formerly of Indianapolis, who was once en gaged to marry Signor Marconi, of SENATORS ALMOST FIGHT A SCRAP IN THE SENATE NARROWLY AVERTED Committee Annolnted by Local Dem ocrats to Arrenge for a Big Meet. Ing Next l-iidny Evening. An informal meeting was hold bj tho local democrats In Colonel 10. D. Hoyd's office, on Court street, Tues day evening, and preliminary ar rangements wore mado for tho recep tion of Hon. Georgo 12. Ohnmberlaln democratic candidate for governor, who Is to bo In Pendleton next Fri day evening and deliver an address on the questions of tho day. No program lias yet boon arranged, but a committee 1ms been appointed for this. Tho commlttco on arranges mcnts are: Kd Murphy. W. S. Atch ison, John Halloy, Jr., Georgo O'Dnn lei nnd John Hrown. This cominlttcu will hold another meeting tonight to determino what nature of program shall be rendered In addition to the speaking. Tho commlttco to meet Mr. Cham berlain at tho 5:20 evening train and escort him to a hotel, wlioro ho wlh be ontcrtnincd, is composed of A. I). Stillman, W. A. Mack, W. H. Fowler, S. A. Nowbery. G. A. Hartman. Jr.. M. Heathman, C. F. Konnody, 10. T. Wado, Dr. C. J. Whltakor and D. D. Watson. Mr. Chamborlain will pass through Pendleton on Friday morning on hlh way to tho east end ot tho county whore ho will be with tho -county candidates at Milton, Weston and Athena and then thoy will all come back to Pendleton to bo hero In thu evening. Following nro tho dates for tho democratic political meetings at diff erent points In tho county from now until election day: Echo, May 22,. 7 p. m. Milton, May 23, 11 a. m. Weston, May 23, 1:30 p. m. Athena, May 23, 3 p. m. Pendleton, May 23 7:30 p. m. Helix, May 21, 1 p. m. Juniper, May 21, 7 p. m. Mountain, May 27, 2 p. m. Milton, May 28, 7 p. m. Valloy, Dehnko's hall, May 29, i P. m. Froowater, May 30, 7:30 p. m. Weston, Mny 31, all day and night. THREE CENTS MILE King of Railroads Harriman Decrees That the Fare Shall Be the Same on All Roads FOUND uoLD WITHIN CITY LIMITS OF ASHLAND. alt NEW YORK MARKET. Senator Dietrich, of Nebraska, Shook His Finger In Senator Patterson'i Face and Made Some Unkind Allu slons. Washington, May 21. Boforo tho Philippines committee, during thu examination of O'Brien, Senators wireless telegraphy fame, to Eugene' Dietrich, of Nebraska, and Patterson Moross, of Budapest, Hungary, will take place at St. Margaret's chapel, Westminster, in the presence of a brilliant assemblage that included many prominent members of the American colony tomorrow. The announcement a few weeus ago of Miss Holman's engagement to Mr. Moross created something of a sensation, as It came so soon after It had become known that the troth between the young Indiana girl and Signor Marconi had been broken Mr. Moross is well known ln this clt having paid several long visits here during the last few years. He is the only son of a wealthy business man of Budapest, and has been a great traveler. He is about 30 years of age, handsome, accomplished and a man of charming manners. On his latest visit to America he was the guest of B. R. Merrltt, of this city, u Work of the Cyclone in Texas. Goliad, Texas, May21. One hund red and thirty-five deaths are now known to have been caused by Satur day's cyclone in this city and vlcln- lty. Nine more of the injured are dead and three additional corpses have been found. District Judge Alaska. Washington, . May .21. President Roosevelt today nominated Alfred Moore, of Pennsylvania, to bo Judge of the district court of tho district of Alaska. The Dead Number 227. Coal Creek, Tenn., May 21. Up to noon today 159 bodies wero taken from the Fratesvillo mine. Tho total killed is now estimated at 227. of Colorado, almost came to blows, precipitated by tho former's action, shaking his finger in Patterson's faco and accusing him of doing everything to besmirch tho American army. Pat terson denied tho accusation, advanc lug upon Deitrlch, but when a pei sonal encounter seemed imminent, the chairman called for order anu the excitement died' down. JURORS FOR JUNE TERM. Court Convenes on Tuesday, June 3, Judge Ellis Presiding. The county clerk and sheriff have completed drawing the names of the men who will be summoned to serve on the jury at tho June term of tho district court for Umatilla county, which convenes Tuesday, tho 3d. Tho names aro as follows: Jerry Stone, Athena; A. A. McDan lei, Fulton; O. P. Bowman, reserva tion; J. B, Kennedy, Helix;- A. J. Wagner, Athena; R, C. Hagor, Bing ham Springs; Fred Searcy, Union; Claude Steen, Milton; John Schro der, Helix; L. M. Watrus, Adams; L. S. Osborn, Meacham; Peter Embysk, Adams; A. B. Thompson, Echo; J. W. McCormach, Pendleton; C. Halo, Ukiah; J. N. Stone, Milton; Hugh McLean, Athena; M. A. Bryson,Wes. ton; R. h. Oliver, McKay; Louis Mas sie, Ukiah; B. Osborn, Milton; John Thompson, Bingham Springs; J. Tf Elgin, Fulton; John N. Bahr, Fulton, Georgo Overturf, Milton; W. D, Hans ford, Pendleton; W. If. EvanB, Alba; C. R. Cates, Willow Springs; S. L Phillips, Milton; H. U Frazier, Mil ton; L. R. Vanwinkle, Weston. Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pendle. ton, Chicago Board of Trade and New York Stock Exchange Brokers. Now York, Mny 21. The wheat market was llfelufis today and tuino was scarcely anytnliig doing. The Liverpool quotations wero ifactlcal ly unchanged. New York opened 80 and closed 80. Chicago clos Ing was 1W. Stocks aro steady, Closed yesterday, m. Opened today, Range today, 80Q80. Closed today, 80. Sugar, 128. Steel, 40. St. Paul, 108. Union Pacific, 104. Wheat In San Francisco. San Francisco, Alny 21. Wheat tJ,U&l.iaVi per cental. PROMINENT REPUBLICANS. F. I. Dunbar and Charles S. Moore Looking After Political Fences. F, I. Dunbar, candidate for ro-elec- tion as Bccrotary of state on tho re publican ticket, and Chnrlos S, Moore, candidate for ro-olectlon as Btate treasurer on tho samo ticket, arrivod in tho city Tuesday ovenlng on their way back to Salem, after u tour of tho eastern part of tho statu in the interests of their candidacies Speaking to a representative ol tho East Oregonian at republican head quarters, Mr, Dunbar said: "Mr. Mooro and mysolf aro not making any aggresslvo campaign, not regarding it as necessary, Wo left home last Thursday and have Visited most of tho Important places in Eastern Oregon from Ontario to Sumpter and thenco back along tho lino, We are much ploaaod with the outlook for tho ticket in the coming election and feel confldont of ropub Mean success." Exercises at the School, Tho program of exercises, muaic. recitations and essays rendered by tho pupils of tho fourth grade of the public school on school house bill this afternoon was successfully carried out boforo an audience of parents and friends of the pupils. The different seiecuons were wen rendered and the entire affair was decidedly enjoya ble. Tho Strike of Union Workmen In Portland Has Stagnated Business. Plan of Wool Auction Sales at Ba ker Tho Divine Healer Appears. Portland, May 21. 10. H. Hnrrliuaa announces that lie would reduce fares on all lines in Oregon to threo cents a mile, the samo as In effect on tho Northern Pacific. O. R. & N. and Great Northern. Tho now rates aro to go Into effect very soon. Ho loft this morning over tho O. R. & tf. for up the Columbia on a tour of inspec tion of tho lino. Strikers Number 2500. Portland, .May .,,21. Twonty-fivu hundred members of tho building trades obeyed the orders of tho fodm. ntod trades this morning and refused to go to work In order to assist thu planing mill workers now out tor a nine-hour day. The Strike In Portland. The general strike of union work Ingmen In Portland Is on. On ac count of it business In mnny llnoB Is tied up and suffering badly already. Planing mill mon show no signs, of weakening. Two mills aro olosod and threo aro running with non union mon. Tho proprietors of theno throe mills issued a statement showing they paid highor wages than the other mills and that tho mills af fected by tho strike aro in competi tion with tho 10 hour snw mills and tho snsli nnd door fnctorlos on Pugol Hound and throughout the stntefl ot Washington, Idaho, Montnna ana Utah and In r-ornpotltion with all of tho stock factories of California lu tho trade of Southern Oregon, South- em Idaho. Wyoming, Utah nnd Colo rado, us well as In competition with tho stock factories Of Duhuquo. Osh'- kosh. Minneapolis and other Eastern inaiiufact tiring centers. The union denies thoHo statements Gold Find In City Limits. Vhlund, May 21. U. T. Ulovlna, a minor, uncovered n pocket of gold In tho G. K Hillings Hold, lnsldo the city limits of Ashland,, that sold for $560. Plan of Wool Auction, linker City, May 21. Tho first wool of tho season arriving hero makes u fine showing. It Is first class. Tho growers favor tho Wyoming plan ot auctioning wool, but the plan to be adopted at tho wool sales horo Is not yet decided upon. The Fake Divine Healer. PortJund, Iay 21. Schlatter, tho noted protondor to dlvlno hoallnft. suddenly appeared horo on tho streets In tho garb of Josiib. Ho Is attempt ing no cures, honco his visit la quite mysterious. Body of Missing Nurse Found. Portlnnd, May 21. Tho body of Mrs. Frances Golgor, tho mlaBlng nurse, was found In tho Willamette river this morning. Sho dlBnppoarod from her homo In thin city about 10 dayn ago and It Is thought sho com mitted suicide becauso of despond oncoy ovor her work na a profession al nurso. Murder of Benton Tracy. Junction City, May 21. Officers aro looking for Burt Ray, claiming ho Ib tho murderer of Benton Tracy, who was shot in his saloon and his ' body robbod. I. O. O. F. AT NEWPORT. The Session of the Grand Encamp ment Elects Officers. Newport, Or., ay 21. The grand encampmont, I. O. O. P., elected the following officers: T. W, Stewart, ol Portland, grand patriarch; T, F, Howard, of Pondloton, grand high priest; William Fron, ot Eugene, grand senior warden; E. E. Sharon, of Portland, grand scribe; B. E. Mil ler, of Portland, grand treasurer; Claude Gatcb, Salem, grand Junior warden; Thomas F. Ryan, Oregon City, grand representative; O. A, Sinks, of Portland, grand marshal; W, E. Cunningham, of Canyon City, erand sentinel: J. H. Penn. La (Grande, grand outside sentinel. . 4? pungle for the doctor."