East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 17, 1902, Image 5

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Are Coming in Daily
ifE ARE receiving all the fancy and staple
Tf articles of the market, and have the brightest,
freshest and stock in Pendleton.
DepencJafe Goods and Reasonable' Prices
Lee Teutsch
' Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Company.
SATURDAY, MAY 17. 1902.
WtlUker, the dentist
See Lee Teutsch for hats.
James A. Howard, farm loana.
saved at the Standard.
Furnished rooms, 309 W. Court St,
Fashionable suits at Seibert &
Columbus buggies, $150, at Uma
la Implement Company,
i few boxes of good solid moun
la apples at Hawley Bros.
lAlwars a nleasure to eat Dutton'B
! cieam. It's pure and wholesome.
Scorching weather Is made enjoy
cooling off with Dutton's ice
1 in line and do your trading at
f cash grocery, which Is the
ng Monday. Mrs. CamDbell
close out 100 trimmed summer
! at reduced prices.
por crawfish come in fresh every
' day and are packed in cans In
own juice. Nolte's saloon.
Ul kinds of real estate for sale,
mes on easy payments, will fur-
part or purchase money,
n & Cook, room 10. Taylor
Grand opening of beer hall n th
pement of the finlflpn nnia wr.toi
today evening, May 17th. Fine
re mncn will be served. Music by
pater's orchestra.
I have just received some
designs in Leather and
etal Woven Fobs. They are
duties and very serviceable.
f he cost is modest
fewder and Optician
Castle's for fish.
Fresh fish daily at Castle's.
Newest patterns at Seibert &.
New California ioney at Martin's
I' amuy urocery ana Bakery.
No use talking, the crawfish at
Nolte's are fine. Try them.
Cuff buttons, collar buttons, poek
knives, fancy dishes. Nolf's.
Columbus buggies $150, at Uma'
tllla Implement Company.
All kinds of fresh vegetables at
Martin s Family Grocery and Bakery
New potatoes, plump and sound, at
Martin's Family Grocery and Bakery.
Last call for the dish club. Get in
before it is too late. Hawley Bros.
Dutton's ice cream and soda watei
are delicious. You never tire of
Stop; have some ice cream soda
with crushed pineapple, 10 cents, at
Koeppens Drug Store.
Goedecke, Court street, for ice
cream. Finest line of chocolates and
bbn bons just received.
The Standard Grocery Company
feel highly elated at the success of
their strictly cash trading plan.
Nice, fresh ripe strawberries, to
matoes, oranges, lemons and bananas
at Martin's Family Grocery and Bak
ery. The East Oregonian will give em
ployment to a good, stout, bright, ac
tive youth, from 17 to 19 years of
age. He must not be afraid of work.
Do not fail to 'attend the special
sale at the St. Joe Store Saturday
and monday, May 17 and 19th. They
will make some very attractive
A piano recital will be given next
Thursday evening by the pupils of
Miss Maud Wheeler, beginnng at
7:30, at Wakefield's music store, on
Court street.
Grand opening of beer hall In the
basement of the uolden Rule Hotel,
Saturday evening, May 17th. Fine
free lunch will be served. Music by
Fechter's orchestra.
One of the hardest rains that has
visited Pendleton for several days;
fell yesterday afternoon and last
night. The rain was followed with
a heavy west wind, which has blown
steadily all day.
The woolen mill has been idle
since Friday morning, as the result
of the breaking down of one of the
supports of the large shaft. It will
be repaired and ready for business
again Monday.
The beer hall in the basement of
the Golden Rule Hotel will be open
ed to the public this evening, when
a free lunch will De served ana mu
sic jqndered. The beer hall has un
dergone some extensive improve
ments and offers a cool, clean and
comfortable place to enjoy a social
biaoo uunng me warm, sultry days
some nouses burn up. Now do
you want yours to burn too? If not,
call in the chimney sweeps and have
ui tjuuu your cuimncys. uetter
man insurance. Telephone or pos
tal, Hotel Eastern. Boylan & Ne'i
Preparations Being Made to Inaugu
rate the Service In Pendleton.
The mall boxes and carrier pouch
es have arrived for the free mall de
livery and are now in the local post
office awaiting the arrival of a gov
ernment official from San Francisco,
who will help to locate the mail
boxes in the different parts of the
city to the convenience of the citi
There are 12 of thesp hnxps lnr
and small. The larce ones will bn
used alone Main and Court
and the smaller ones are for the res
ident portion of the town. These
boxes are made of iron and the posts
will also be of iron. It Is not yet
known where the boxes will be plac
ed, dul one is expected to Iir nt thn
corner of each street crossing Main
one at tne corner of Johnson and
Court and one near Bvers' mill.
The examinations for
and one sub will be made the 24th
instant. When this is stnrfpii it ..m
cut off the work at the local office,
as only one delivery clerk will be
needed to wait on thnsA
their mail at the delivery windows.
men the need for more postofflce
room and boxes will be met.
The Play Appreciated by the Small
Audience Present.
.Lincoln J. Carter's nlav. entitled
"Two Little Waifs," at Frazer's
opera house last night was not greet
ed with the house that the produc
tion deserved. This is one of Mr.
Carter's best plays and the company
that is playing it is a strong one.
The only feature that nfiirs the play
is the Jong and tiresome waits be
tween acts. This cannot verv well
be helped, as it takes some time to
piace tne scenery that is used.
The feature of the nlav last nlcht
that took best with the small audi-
ence was the singing by little Stan
ley ana Lolita Lamb. They are
clever children and will make a hit
wherever they go. The members ot
the company played their respective
parts well and the scenery was very
elaborate and there were many pret
ty effects.
The Death of Edwin R. Collins at
His Home in Walla Walla.
Walla Wall, May 17. Edwin R.
Collins, father of Edwin Collins,
news editor of the Morning Union,
of this city, died at his home In this
city Wednesday night, about 10:3u
o'clock, aged 70 years. Rheumatism
of the heart was the Immediate cause
of his death. Mr. Collins was a
member of the Grand Army and thft
Odd Fellows. He was a pioneer of
the Northwest and had resided In
Walla Walla for many years. The
funeral was held this afternoon at 2
o'clock, from the family residence,
Rev. Andreas Bard, pastor of St.
Paul's Episcopal church, officiating.
Koeppen's Bedbug Destroyer
mi Kinas oi insects.
Ti 1 j.
ajj . " iwuus ui insects, it is meanest prepar-
.aIbvedbUgS-,IT'Wl-L6 THEM d keeps,
Car " can also be used for moths, ants, roaches and
befor US- Sll0uld be used freely on clothing and furs
"nBm away. Price 25 cents a bottle.
I 5 Sfc from Main Street Toward the Court Hoase
Suit for Indian Land.
A suit was commenced in the cir
cult court Friday by Ta-wat-toy. an
Indian, against Ka-ka-mas, an Indi
an, and Charles Wilklns, as United
States Indian agent, to recover the
title and possession of 80 acres of
allotted Indian land on the Umatilla
reservation. This land belonged to
Little Loyd, who died In Montana Ir
1897, and Ta-wat-toy Is the husband
of Little Loyd and only heir. Ka-ka-mas
claims to be the heir of the de
ceased and claims the right to the
land which he has had possession
of since the death of Little Loyd.
Plaintiff now prays that the court
award him possession of this land
and that he be declared sole heir to
the same, Bean & Lowell are plain
tiff's attorneys.
Baseball Excursion to Athena.
The Pendletpn Indians arrived
home in good condition and feel In
fine shape tp go against the Athena
Yellow Kids tomorrow. Special train
leaves via O. R. & N. at 1 p. m. Round
trip 75 cents. Tickets good on regu
lar morning train also.
The Fire Is Thought to Have Been of
Incendiary Origin Loss Is $1,100,
Insured for That Amount by A. C.
Haley, Contractor.
Gus Byers' now house, which was
almost completed on East Court
street, burned to the ground betweoii
11 and 12 o'clock Friday night, and
the origin ot the fire is unknown.
This was a cozy two-story real
dence which Mr. Byers was having
erected tor a home, and A. C. Haloy
was the contractor. The carpentei
work would have been completed to
day and the paper hanging, which
was being dono by C. C. Sharp, was
completed and one coat of paint had
been put on tho inside and tho out.
side was ready for tho painters. The
house would have been turned ovor
to Mr. Byers In a few days.
Tho origin of tho lire is a mystery.
but it has much the rot-cmbluncti if
Incendiarism. Some thought it might
have been the work of some careless
cigarette smoker, who had thrown a
cigarette in tho shavings, whilo
others advance tho Idea that some
boys had perhaps gone up to tho
camp meeting during tho evening
and went into the houso to get out
of the rain and hnd dropped fire
from a cigar or cigarette, but this
could not have been done, as all of
the doors and windows were secure
ly locked and there was no place
where any one could have gained ad
mittance to the building, consequent
ly the only conclusion that can bo
reached is that It was deliberately
set on fire by some one.
The fire was discovered by Lester
Cronln, who turned in tho alarm, but
when the fire boys reached tho scene
the house was all ablaze and there
was no saving of any portion of it.
A. C. Haley, the contractor, had
the house insured for 1100. which
was the builders' contract price, but
it cannot be replaced as building ma
terial has advanced since construc
tion began. Work will commence at
once to rebuild the house.
In That Event the Strikers Would
Number 500,000 and the Coal Trust
Would Be Powerless Against
Hazleton, Pa., May 17. The hope
that 300,001) union bituminous miners
of the country will consent to join
the ranks of tho striking anthracite
men is the rock upon which tho lead
ers of the strike are building a vis
ion of victory today. To do this, tho
bituminous men would have to break
the yearly contract, which they so
cured after hard labor, and which
anthracite men are now trying to ef
fect for themselves. President
Mitchell refused to discuss tho prob
ability or the possibility of a soft
coal strike. No time or place is yet
set for the national convention, but
it is likely to bo held at Indianapo
lis. Tho situation this morning re
mains quiet.
In an address before tho diocesan
convention of the New Jersey Epis
copal church, Bishop Scarborough
called attention to tho growing prac
tice of women appearing hatless In
public places. It had been extended
to attendances at divine worship
which, he thought, was not a consis
tent 'practice, and he hoped It would
be discontinued.
It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse
" ...Is It Worth While...
To como to town for something that is advertised
Special by the Peoploa Warehouso ? Of course it
is. When we advortiso anything special you may
depond upon getting a bavgain.
flay Shopping; Fcatlval
Hosiery Specials
Children's new spring
hose, regular make
and all sizes at
4c, 7c, 9c, (1c
Crash and Covert
A material u&od for
walking skirts and
outing drossos
Covert Salting, yd t2c
Crash Salting 8c and up
Day Shopping Festival
Table Linen
Kogular 35c quality in
white and unbleached
Regular 65c quality in
white and unbleached
White Wash Goods
Wo aro showing a largo
assortment . of white
wash goods; lots of pat
terns to seleot from at ....
5c to 75c pet yd
t Piles m
Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings, Boots
and Shoes.
Send for
Ladies' Wants
New berry dishes, cut
glass pattern, each 24c
Scissors the kind that
cut made especially
for us 45, 60 and 95c
Eastman's Gorman Col
ogne, per bottle. ,9c and 20c
Cannon's Talcum Pow
der, 25c grade 18c
Men's Wants
Fountain pens Water
man, Parker or John
Holland makes $1 to $2 50
Late garden seeds, fresh
Lamps-r-we show a large
and reasonable line....
20c to $13 45
Men's purses, seal, calf
and buckskin 10c to 45c
Flags, Fireworks Croquet
Sets at Lowest Prices
Frederick Nolf
Your Place
Is always ready at our tables.
There is always a variety of tempt
ing and excellent food on our bill
of fare. Everything is well served
by courteous and attentive waiters.
Best 25 Cent Meal
in the City at the
St. George
W. W. Panghurn, Prop.
Sheet Iron and Copper
Work... Special Attention
to Job Work.... Roofing
and Guttering.. .All Work
Guaranteed. : : : :
Shop: Cottonwood Street, Opposite
St. Joo Store, Near Court St.
Piano for Sale.
A high grade piano, nearly now
Will bo Bold cheap. Address Box 208,
Pendleton, Ore.
At St Olaf College.
Northfleld. Minn.. May 17. (The
corner stone of the new library of St
Olaf college, presented by Consul
Hall Steenland of Madison, Wis., was
laid today with Interesting cere
monies. It was a gala day for the
college. Alumni and friends of the
Institution were present from all
parts of the northwest. The day was
appropriately chosen, It being tho
eighty-eighth anniversary of Nor
wcglan independence and the col
lege being supported wholely by Lu
therans of that nationality.
It ,is reported from the French Is
land of Guadaloupo, that pumice
stone in great quantities Is floating
in the sea 'there and the BriBh
island of Dominlco and that muc-n
atone has been cast upon the.,beachps
or uiese lsianas, ,
headers in
In Spring
Your supply of canned fruits, jellies, preserves
and canned vegetables generally becomes exhaust
ed and we have prepared for the emergency and
have a full line of fresh dried apples, dried apri
cots, prunes, raisins, grapes, currants, preserves,
jellies, that are as delicious as your home pre
pared goods. They are put up as carefully and
are as clean and healthful as any lady can pre- (
pare for the use of her own home. We can also
supply your desires for good pickles, pickled on
ions, olives, etc. Your orders sent to us are
promptly filled, given the most careful attention
and delivered.
It's a Pleastite to Ttade with Us.
, 9
Ml fill iffl i
R. MARTIN, Proprietor
alogae of them. A full supply always kept in stock