Ftitaisliings For Men it I Golf shirts, all sizes and colors 50c to $i 50 Plaited Born Madras shirts, 65 and 75c and 00 White shirts, extra- quality 65c and 90c White shirtB, unlaundried 40c and 50c Night robes 50c to 00 Black satin shirts, sold everywhere for 75c 50c Black and tan 3tocking3, the loc kind XOc Gloves (large shipment just in) 25c to $t 50 Extra good boys' stockings other stores sell them at 35c per pair 25c Handkerchiefs?, extra large size, red, white and blue 5c Collars, Cuffs, Suspenders and Sweaters Every Day Is a Bargain Day Here BAER $ DALEY One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters, Pendleton BASEBALL RECORD S "NO CLINKERS." THE PERCENTAGES OF THE FOUR TEAMS. SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1902. GENERAL NEWS. HOTEL ARRIVALS. The will of Sol Smith Russell, the actor, was filed today. The estate mostly real, es valued at ?150.000. The only heirs are the widow, Mrs. Alice Adams Russell, and two child ren, Robert and Alice. The document is very brief and leaves everything to the widow. Ex-Secretary of the treasury Car lisle is in Havana making negotia tions for placing a loan for the City of Havana. He is a large stock- j holder in the National Bank of Ha-' vana. The Palina loan amounts to $15,000,000, with the privilege of in-1 creasing it to ?2S,000,000. Governor Odell, of New York, was ; (.irnri n ropont inn mid intrnrlllpofl t r I about 150 prominent citizens at the Union League Club, in San Francis co. The governor's party left San I Francisco on Friday for Del Norte, ; remaining there a week. It will then ' go to Yosemite for a few days and go ; home by way of Portland. j Announcement of great importance ; to the University of California were made at the commencement exer-i cises of the university a few days ago. President Benjamin Ide Whee-j ler stated that gifts aggregating $80,- j 000 hu.i been presented to the uni-' versity, and one of the largest bene fit! ions is that of D. O. Mills, who gives ?50,000. In the United States district court nt St. Louis, Judge Adams rendered a verdict in favor of Mrs. Margaret Roth for $10,000 on a life insurance policy held by her husband in the Mutual Reserve Life Association of New York. A time prior to his death Itoth ' refused to pay an assessment on his policy, and this act, the com pany claimed, made the policy in valid. The Pendleton. George E. Meredith, Kansas City T. W. Jackson, Portland. L. O. Lakin, Portland. S. R. Houston, Kentucky. R. B. Brownwood, California. C. W. Cotton, San Francisco. W. H. First, Chicago. W. O. Markes. E. .L. Barnett, Athena. S. Sinsheimer, Chicago. Al Vaughn, Baker City. W. L. Mason, Kansas City. J. J. Burns, Portland. Mrs. J. P. Johnson, John Day. F. W. Vaille, Portland. W. B. Bolton, St. Joe. C. W. T. Koch, Chicago. P. H. Hopkins, St. Louis. R. Smith, Perry J. H. Gaylaud and family. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. The report that Senator Simon had returned from Washington is not true. The senator is still in Wash ington, despite the statement in the Oregonian and Telegram, the latter publishing a dispatch from Pendle ton to that effect. John Green, a hoisting engineer at the Gem mine, at Butte, was suf focated by steam. Green ran the! cage into the sheaves and fearing the Bteam which was escaping into the shaft would kill the other miners, he attempted to warn them and met death In the effort. Saturday, May 24 has been named as the date for the sheriff's sale of the roadbed of the Central Naviga tion & Construction Company, com monly known as the Paul Mohr road. The sale is to take place at Golden dale, Wash., to satisfy a judgment of $30,0ou held by Winters & Chapman, of Spokane. Joel C. Inman, a pioneer of Lane county, died at his home near JElml ra, 1C miles weBt of Eugene, Thurs day after several weeks of illness from pneumonia. He was born in Alabama in 1824. and with his wife and three children crosssod the plains from Missouri in 1SD2, settl ing where he dlod. William Allen White, the famous editor of Kansas, clho raanhert ilia. tinction because of his books on! Kansas, was a visitor In Portland Thursday. Mr. Whlto is touring the coast in search of health and refresh ment. Incidentally, he is writing his views and impressions of this coun try for the Emporia Gazette, of which paper ho Is the editor. The Golden Rule. W. Walker, city. H. Sparkes, Portland. G. W. Popp, Walla Walla. Charles Gardner. James W. Morton. A. M. Holton. F. Prulot and wife. R. A. Thompson. W. Grace, Portland. C. H. Seeley, Pomeroy. P. E. Hunsucker, Spokane. James M. Wrover, Malheur. Sam Lee, Spokane. Mrs. D. Crosby. J. H. u.ll, city. J. P. Jones, Portland. N. B. Johnston, Walla Walla. Frank WTallace. J. D. Murphy. Charles F. Hart and wife. George W. Proebstel, Weston. S. W. Frazler and wife. A. George. F. J. Gardner, Portland. E. Carroll. C. L. Downer, Spokane. R. H. Simpson, Baker City. A. Schwartz, Walla Walla. J. C. Russell, Spokane. Mrs. E. A. McLaughlin, Gurdane. Ray Barton, city . John Damaln. Maggie Mills. J. L. Wilbur, Portland. f Edwin R. Price, Spokane. C. P. Strain. .Milton. William H. McCorkell. . Blanche Collins. Charles Hudburg. Jeff Forcett, city. The Yellow Kids, of Athena, Will Disband After the Fourth of July Other Teams Will Play Through the Season. There was no baseball game in Se attle Friday between a Seattle team and the Pendleton hall tossers on ac count of rain. Had the boys played this gnme and won it would have made them a rec ord of 10 out of the 12 games played on this tour. As it is, the local team has won nine games out of the 11. which is a wonderful record, and naturally the fans are feeling highly elated over it. Below are the games played on this trip, the tnllies of each team and the percent of the local team: Walla Walla, May 4 Pendleton. 4; Walla Walla. 7. Per cent. 000. Walla Walla. May 5 Pendleton 7; , Walla Walla, 1. Per cent. 500. I Dayton, May f Pendeton 13; Day i ton. 5. Per cent. CGG. j j North Yakima, May 7 Pendleton. ' .17: North Yakima, 0. Per cent. 750.; Everett, May 9 Pendleton, 7; Ev j erett, 3. Per cent. S00. 1 ' Victoria. May In. Pendleton, 7, ' ! Victoria, 3. Per cent, S34. i Everett, May 11 Pendleton, 1; Ev erett, 5. Per cent. 71o. 1 Mount A'ernon. May 12 Pendleton 10; Mount Vernon, 2. Per cent, 750 Mount Vernon, May 13 Pendleton S; Mount Vernon, 1. Per cent. 770. Vancouver, May 14 Pendleton, 3; Vancouver, 2. Per cent, 800. Vancouver, May 15 (Pendleton, 4: Vancouver, 2. Per cent, 778. The above games were not classed in the local league team games. ; which are as follows: Pendleton, played 8 games, won 5 lost 3. Per cent, C25 Athena, played 10 games, won C. lost 4. Per cent, GOO. La Grande, played 2 games, won 1, lost 1. Per cent. 500. Walla Walla, played G, won 1, lost, 5. Per cent, 1G7. Athena Will Disband. Athena will disband its fast base ball team immediately following the Fourth of July. This has been prac tically agreed upon on account of it being next to Impossible to attrac. ' paying crowds to witness games in so small a city during the hot weath er. At about the time Athena dis 1 bands Baker City will organize. It is understood that the majority of the Athena players will find their way into the Baker camp and don new uniforms for the season's last days. The Walla Walla and Pendle ton teams will remain in commission longer this year than ever before and will not close the season before the latter part of September or the middle of October. Baseball Team Returns. The Pendleton baseball players accompanied by Manager Leon Cohen, returned on the W. & C. R. train this forenoon from their tour. , They were met at the depot by a large crowd of admiring Pendleton 1 friends, who think that nothing is too good for the Pendleton basel ail players. j The boys say they had a splen Jld ' time on their trip and were treated ' with courtesy wherever they went.' They are very tired, but will be inj trim to meet the enemy on the Athe na diamond Sunday afternoon. A1-! though some of the players have I sore shins and lame joints, tlmy are "Cokes the Coal and Bums the Coke A Testimonial From Some or Pendleton's Business Citizens. Mr. W. G. McPherson, Portland. SSf S!r:-Aftor having given the "Perfect" Hot Air Blast Furnace a thorough test In the last two years we can truthfully say that we hate never seen its equal for economy. Your statement that it "cokes the coa! and burns the coke." we found to be correct, for we find that after burning a fire continuously, there is loft only a very small qtian .. -t. a nn rlinkcrs. tilt! Utv Ol asiiiea, "" - c fino ns flour. The i splendid results we have nttained with this furnace have truly surpris ed us. Yours very truly, F. E. JUDD. C. S. JACKSON, T. C. TAYLOR. F. B. CLOPTON, H. L. HEXTER. Grand opening of beer hall iu the basement of the Golden Rule Hotel. Saturdav evening. May lith. Fine free lunch will be served. Music by Fechter's orchestra. SehlLtz's Milwaukee draught at the Maze. beer on DO YOU WANT ? ,A Doctor A Nurse Medicine iSick Room Goods iToilet Articles I Perfumes TELEPHONE Main 85. and it will be attended to im mediately. Goods delivered Free to any part of the city. Our mes sengers are QUICK. No delay! Any "Patent Medicine" that you see advertised can be ordered of us by telephone, AT 'THE SAME PRICE, and we will deliver it free. F. W. Schmidt &ICo., Rel'able Druggists, Association Block. in the prime of condition, couMennt the fact that they playad a game : every day, since leaving on the 4th j instant, except two. j Shriners' California Excursion. The Imperial Council, -Nobles of Mystic Shrine, meet in San Francisco. June 10 to 14. The O. R. & N. for this meeting, has made the following excursion rates: Pendleton to San Frisco and return via O. R, & N. steamship from Portland, Including meals and herth, $2G.85. Via rail from Portland, $31.85. Dates of sail fori ntni. nwr. lfnn 01 T T . ..I. I . I oiuuuiuin, ,iiuj tij., uuue u, viu run,. June 5, C, 7. Limit of tickets, GO days. For the biennial meeting, Knights of Pythias, to be held in San Francisco, August 11 and 12, the O. R. & N. Co. has mado same rates as above, the selling dates being for steamer, July 30 and August 4; via rail, August G, 7, 8. What Thin Folks Need. j Is a greater power of digesting and ! assimilating food. For them Dr.! King's New Life Pills work wonders.! They tone and regulate the digestive ( organs, gently expel all poisons from , the system, enrich the blood, inr prove appetite, make healthy flesh. Only 25 cents at Taliman & Co's. . The Fair The Place to Save Money Ladies' Furnishings Clothing, Shoes Hats, Dry Goods Light Hardware In Fact, Anything You Want Watch for Our Special Sale Ad for Next Saturday. thi? season ask to eee Steln-Bloch Clothes. E B V' 41. I . v Do lou use euui uwn JUdgn wueu ouying a suite! eh or do you depend r1 salesman's adviL, . Do you realize that his iL vice may be infln..5 the large profit tha, Zt iu aume manes Study the situations sen compare the quali; fabric and the garments of different !a the srvlR. fit ' "" ... genera ish; take particular notice d , JaDej: The Steln-Bloch Co. Wholesale Tailms Registered is& Thev are tailnrpH k-.i. . - - - J4 tamous Wholesale Tailor, .nocnester, MemBioch to influence you unduly. w A ----- . 4V the best riresHpri mnn We are nerfectlv willing know -what It will be. SUITS .... S15.00 fn SK And Your Money Back for the Asking. !H VVh H A T1 lOt f 1 Ol. 0 x HUSBAND AND Wirt carpeie. ior an we sen are 01 u to arutn ita v nn mnniP hiiii hip nimiR. "Vnn clinnlH pTnmine OUT' Ingenue Carpet at 5Uto f . cuitainB and porch shades. I A Good Wife and i !U mmt himself and wife by using tit w MPVtn 1111 m u i ill i . beer. It is pure, healthftl. IlULIlLlUUt. OUU iJ - hftvprace at anv season, and ing warm weather there i nirm rii iriiLiici Liit b Every Saturday a Spe cial Sale DON'T FORGET IT George T. Myers, a citizen of Port-, land, has been nominated by the republican county central committee as a candidate for the seat in the state senate left vacant by the resig nation of Robert D, Inman. UNBEARABLE ITCHING iCberishd Keep Yoti Houses Cool! Haw o 11 r;f, TJX f DC. T7f-.no Oil StOTt Put in your kitchen without delay. Cheapest and most per fect stove made. One cent a burner an hour is all it costs to operate the Quick Meal. No trouble to start and absolutely free from danger. New stock just in. THE THOMPSnw HARnWARE COMPANY The Independent Warehouse. Will be open for business, with a competen man in charge, to see that all customers receive prompt and , careful Tittentlon. Wool growers and ' wheat growor3 will find it to their' iutorest to atore with this house, where they can ship over either lines of road. References, First National Bank. William Caldwell In charge. Grand opening of beer hall In tho hasomont of the Golden Rule Hotel, Saturday evening. May 17th. Fine free lunch will ho served. Music by Fechter's orchestra. Felt It Would Be ltellef to Tear Skin From Hack. Cured by CUT1CURA. I had a breaking out oil over my back. Tlio Itching waa almost unbearable, and "at times I felt that It would bo a relief t tear tho sLln oil ruy back. I tried doctors1 pro fccrtpUond, and several remedies, without even relief. I read of your Cuticuha renic. dies tn tho lndlanaolfa Xtwi. After three Applications, my back quit Itching, and by the time tho box ot Cuticuua Ointment wan half used the brcoklnr out had all disappeared. J. 11. THOMAS, 2310 Cornell Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. CUTICURA THE SET $1.25 Complete External and Internal Treat' naont for Every Humor, cotulsUog of Cirrt. cuiii Soap (26c ), to clratua tbe akin of crunU end (calea, Cuticuua Ointment (SOc.), to allay itching, and (oothe.and bra), Octicura Kraoi vent (60c.). to cool and clraote the blood. Hold throughout tbo world. 1'nTTtK Duco amp Ciicx. .Coup., Bold TroiM.. lloatoo. "How to Curt Itching Humor, free. Awarded lid MoiTnl Bold by JOHK BCHillDT The Louvre Saloon PJ5NDLBTON OKEQO. ThePB I No fluestion It is the finest grade it is possible to make. Ntlu'DJ but the choicest wheat enters into Byers' flour, an satisfaction is the result whererever it is used for brea or fancy bakine. PENDLETOM POLLER XWT O T" T1 w o. oyers, jrropnKtv For Health, Strength and Pleasure Drink Polydore Moens, Proprietor. II 11