East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 14, 1902, Image 3

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    44 HI 1 1 1 II I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 H II
ods will win your admiration 'on first sieht,
their beauty won't fade when they come in contact
These go
with the wa
shtub. A beautiful line in all colors:
61 Cents
r. , wjii give you good service, too. and at the price
DUOted the COSt IS SO inuuiK umi anuu&i any wuuian
afford to own as many pretty cool summer dresses
I as she would care to have.
ilexander Dept. Store
Mantles Guaranteed for 45 Days
Peeriess Flexo Mantles
t 9 9
These mantles are new productions and give 90 and
100 candle power respectively for the single and triple
weaves. They are made in two grades. Price 30 and
40 cents each
rhe john Barrett Company
New Stores : Cor. Sixth and Alder Streets
Opposlto Orcgonian
Economy Darability Heating Power
All that you could desire is found in the
"Perfect" Hot Ait Blast Furnace
Not a cheap furnace, and yet a cheap furnace. Not cheap
to buy ; cheap to use. YOU pay for the coal
that's why YOQ like it.
W. G. McPheson
1 Pacific Coast Agent
47 First Street, Portland, Ore.
X B. These furnaces are recommended by P, E. Judd, C. S. Jackson,
F. I). Clopton, II. I.. Hester and F. C. Taylor, who have them in their
Drink Defiance to the Stm
and the hot weather in
beer. Build up your system now
so as to stand without flinching
the onslaughts of the heated term.
Aside from its being a delightful
beverage, it is renowned as a
tonic for the weak and run down.
The Big Carpet Store
never quarrel over the merita of our
carpets, for all we sell are of the very
highest standard. Like real and true
friends, they wear the best. Their style
is absolutely up to date, and the designs
and colors are most artistic, and harmo
nious. You should examine our ,
Ingenue Carpet at 50 to 75c
per yard. Something new in Jace
curtains and porch shades.
Makers of Happy Homes
Low prices, coupled with Car
pets and Matting of known high
quality, prove attractions irresisti
The question of Carpets and
Matting, where best obtained, is set
tled with promptness in our stock,
where good style and real worth
make low prices so emphatic.
fUkera of Happy Hornet
Those of the Pendleton High School
Who Are Training for the Event
Pendleton Won Honors for Past
Two Years.
Extensive preparations aro being
made for the third annual track
meeting of tho inter-scholastic track
teams of Eastern Oregon, which is
to be held at Baker City on the 26th
instant The first of these track
meets was held in "Weston two years
ago, the second in Pendleton one year
Four teams were in competition at
these meetings, one from the Eastern
Oregon State Normal, at Weston,
and one from each of the high schools
at Baker City, Union and Pendleton.
This year Weston will not bo repre
sented for some reason, and La
Grande will take its place so that
four teams will compete again. Pen
dleton won the honors at both the
former meetings and if she should be
so lucky as to be the best team in
the field this season and win the sil
ver cup, emblematic of the champion
ship, it will be her's for good, for
it becomes tho property of a team
after having been won three consec
utive times.
At present there are 13 aspirants
for positions on tho Pendleton high
school team and much interest is be
ing manifested in the approaching
event. The boys of tho school have
had the advantage of training in ath
letics under Roy Conklin, one of the
best athletic instructors in the state,
and his work has been effective in
bringing them to the front in athletic
Since last year the team has lost
four of its valuable members, thy
dropping out of school. They are:
Jim Myrlck, who was a sprinte' in
short distances; Jim Dupuis, whu
was hard tp beat on the half-mile
run; Mart Moorhouse, the hurdler,
and Will Hessian, who was a runner
of considerable ability.
Robert Cronin is captain of the
team, not yet 19 years of age, but
he is the best all-round athlete in
Eastern Oregon. Ho plays full back
in the football team, pitches for the
baseball club, plays hand ball, and is
practicing at putting the shot. He
participated In the recent events at
Whitman college and won the shot
put contest against several teams of
that part of the Inland Empire. He
also won tho running broad jump,
the running high jump, and second
place in the pole vault contest. He
will enter in all of these contests at
Baker and Is sure to carry off some or
the honors.
Will Wyridk, is showing up quite
well as a sprirter, and will accom
pany the team to Baker City. He is
showing well in practice and took
third place in the 100-yard dash at
Whitman Friday, as well as
third in the 220-yard dash. Those
who witnessed these races say that
Wyrick was "pocketed" in both' of
these races and would have undoubt
edly come out second best, if not
best, had he had a show.
Harry Taylor is the fast man In the
team on a bicycle. He captured the
gold medals last year in the half-mile
and mile bicycle races and it is con
fidently expected by his comrades
that he will repeat tho performance
this year.
Dell McCarty is another sprinter
that is gaining considerable notice,
and he will be in the foot races. He
did splendid work in the meet of
1900 and 1901, and is showing up
better this year.
Lester Cronin, a brother of Robert
Cronin, is practicing to take part in
the high jump and he is making an
enviable record.
Sam Neil is practicing for the
broad jump and will also enter the
hurdle races.
Olin Arnspiger hopes to win fame
in the shot put and hammer throw
ing contest. He is developing con
siderable skill at these sports.
Fred Hartman is practicing for the
quarter-mile run and middle distan
ces. He is developing into a sprinter
of no' little ability.
Roy Leezer will take part in the
long events. He is practicing for the
quarter, half and mile races and will
probably be one in the four-mile hur
dle race. He won second place in
the 440 and 880-yard races at Whit
man last Friday,
Tom Vaughan and Fred Milne are
getting ready for this event and will
enter several of tho races but which
ones has not yet been determined.
They are both maMng good records.
Se Williams is booked for the hur
dles and long distance races and will
take part hi these with Roy Leezer.
Ed Jay is also out for honors in
the bicycle races and will enter with
Taylor. He is developing good speed.
In the evening, after the racei
meet, will occur the oratorical con
test, which will be entered by one
person from each school. This con
test will determine which school has
the best talent in this lino. The Pen
dleton high school will hold It3 con
test in a few days to determine who
shall represent the school.
In addition to those going, to take
part In the contests, quite a delega-
The skin is provided with millions of little pores
and glands invisible to the natural eye, yet through
these tiny outlets the larger part of the deadly matter
that daity collects in the body is carried off. But nature
never intended that poisons of an irritating or acid
character should be eliminated through the skin, the Liver and Kidneys being their natural
outlets, and it is when these important organs fail to perform their functions that these acid
poisons are absorbed into the blood and find their way to the surface of the body through the
pores and glands of the skin, producing intense itching and burning, inflammation and
swelling, and eruptions of every conceivable size, shape and character.
'Skin Diseases differ greatly in their general characteristics and degrees of intensity.
Red and angry looking spots break out upon some part of the body with a mass of small
pustules or blisters, from which is discharged a clear or straw colored fluid, which dries and
flakes off in bran-like particles and scales, or forms into hard and painful sores and scabs.
The skiu often hardens and dries, cracks and bleeds from the effects 'of the fiery acids,
uttumwa, lown, April iu, laui.
In 1883 I broko out with Eczema on my head, legs and arms. Tht
.Doctors treated mo for about two years without diving rollof. I next
tried various ointments, soaps and washes, but tlieso did me no good.
I finally quit taking modiolno, as tho physician said tho disease had
become chronlo and incurable Having endured this tormontlng malady
for about IG yoars, I dotorminod to mako another effort to got rid or It
and began S. S. S. In July, 1000, and continued It until Novcmbor, whoa
I discovered, to my surprise and Joy, that not a spot could bo found m
my body, which boforo had bocn almost oovored with tho qruptlon.
. It has now boen noarly a year slnoo the dlsoaso dlsappoarod, but not
a sign of It has ever roturnod, and I am satisfied tho euro Is permanent
F. C. NORFOLK, 1017 Hnckbcrry Street
throwing off. Pimples, black
heads and blotches are evidences
of a too acid blood, which has
inflamed and clogged the pores.
1 Skin Diseases being depend
ent upon the same causes require
the same treatment, which must
be constitutional and not external.
Nothing applied locally to the
inflamed surface can bring much
relief. The disfiguring eruptions
will continue to annoy and pain
you in spite of soaps, washes or powders. There is no hope of getting rid of a skin disease
except through the purification of the depreciated blood and neutralizing and filtering out of
the circulation all poisonous substances and acids.
The purifying and tonic properties of S. S. S. soon manifest their influence in skin
affections; the debilitated system is invigorated and toned up, and the gradual disappearance
of the eruptions show that the polluted blood is being brought back to its natural purity and
strength. Old chronic skiu disorders, which have resisted all the ordinary methods of
treatment, readily yield to the curative
powers of S. S. S., and there is no reason
why the long time sufferer should feel
resigned to his fate under the mistaken
idea that some skin diseases are incura
ble, for S. S. S. has cured and is still
curing cases perhaps far more desperate
than yours. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable
renfedy, containing no Potash,0 Arsenic
or any of the poisonous drugs which constitute the basis of so many so-called skin cures.
Our Medical Department has been of the greatest assistance to thousands seeking reli
from blood and skin troubles. Write us fully about your case, andtour physicians will help
vou, for which no charge whatever is made. Our illustrated Book 6n Skin Diseases will be
sent free to all who write for it. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. ATLANTA. GA.
tlon is expected to go from Pendle
ton to witness the victory or down
fall of the local high school students.
At bedtime Itake a pleasant herb
drink, the next morning I feel bright
and my complexion is better. My
doctor says that it acts gently ,pn the
stomach, liver and kidneys and is a
pleasant laxative. It is made from
herbs, and Is prepared as eaBlly aB
tea. It is called Lane's Medicine.
Lane's Family Medicine moves the
bowels each day. Price 25c and 60c.
For sale by Tallman & Co., sole
Notice to Voters.
Registration books will bo kept
open, at the court house, every even
ing until 9 o'clock, until Thursday,
May 15th, when tho books will be
closed at 5 p. ra., and time for regis
tration ends.
Lost A gray mare, with roached
mane, branded on left hip with helf
circle over cross and a bay mare,
hmndpd with D oti left shoulder and
diamond on right shoulder. Suitable
reward will bo paid finder by return
ing to T. W. AyreB' barn.
"?Ir wife )md pimple on lier fre, but
she ha beeu taking OASiOAKKTS and XUer
bare all disappeared, I bud been troubled
with constipation Jor soroo lime but after talc
ing the, first C'ascaret I have bad no trouble
with this ailment. We camiot apeak too high
ly of Cascarets." Vhbv Waiitman,
6708 Oerwantown Ave., Philadelphia P.
Low Rate East.
For tho "JCagles' Mooting," to ho
held in Minneapolis tho Washington
& Columbia River Railway Company,
in connection with the Northern Pa.
clflc, have named a rate of $it.G0 foi
tho round trip. Tickets will bo on
sale May 2Gth and 30th, with return
limit of GO days from dato of sale.
For full particulars, call on Walter
AdaniB, agent.
Pleasant. Palatable I'otent. Tan te flood. Up
Oooa. Nerer Sicken, Weaken, or lUi, 10c, 2ic,ttic.
St.rlUr II.mi.J (Ufi !, Mwlrrl. ttri. tit
III) Tft BID Sold ami piinraiitecd T all drug.
NU I U-IAw gut to twunrobuceo jiobit.
Oregon Lumber Yard
Alta St., opp. Court Hone.
For All Kinds ol Building Material,
Screen Doors
and Windows
, Building Paper
and Sand
And Don't Forget Our Wood Gutters
For Barns and Dwellings
Our Three Coated
In Blue and while colors is
just tho thing to give
good eervico.
Are the new patterns in
wall paper we are show
ing. Our stock has that
bright new appearance
because all our stock is of
this season's styles. Con
fidence can be placed in
your getting a strictly
first class job and the
very latest ideas in paper
at reasonable price3 if
you call at our store.
You Horses
Will bo well cared for
if taken to
The Old Dutch Henry
Feed Barn.
Good comfortable stalls and
plenty of fed
Call and See Us
Kit Hays & Connerley