DAILf EVENING EDITIOl Eastern Oregon Weather rnuf residence Tonight nml Thursday, partly elotuly, cooler. J5cA WCE" PENDLETOX, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1902. NO. 4434 Oh FCKGN M It. P. U Train While Running " o at Full opeea on a. uui vc Strikes Coal Cars, IEMAN SHAW KILLED ENGINEER WATSON INJURED. eman Charles Anderson Escapes ith Slight Injuries Engine Was oUlly Demolished and Eight Cars mashed into Kindling Wood. alUe, May 14 A freight train He Northern Pacific, running at sneed arounil a curve, in enter- Interbay, near this city, this i nUo.1 with twn f.nrs Innri- LUI1IUW " - - ' B. W. Shaw was killed and En- was slightly injured. The cn- tos demolished and eight cars shed into kindling wood. Who ID uiamu lur Liic; uuuucut 10 uuk J ..l.lln Flood of Cheap Sugar. asnmgton, amy n. annual m- lescineu ueiure uie seuiue rem- committee with Cuba, said ir Cuban reciprocity bill, as passed ted States with chann snenv. ENGINEERS' MEETING. The Biennial Convention of the Most Conservative and Influential Labor Bodies. Norfolk, Va., May 14. During the text three weeks the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, one of the most conservative and influential la bor bodies in America, -will be In bl 'ennlal convention In this city. The convention organized for business to day and as there is much to occupy its attention the session is likely to Jbe a busy one. The reports of the various officers will show that the organization's af .fairs are in splendid condition. Since its organization in Detroit, in 1863, with a membership of 12 men, the or der has increased in numbers until it has now 585 subdivisions, repre senting a membership of 41,000. The Brotherhood has succeeded in making written agreements with 90 per cent of all the railroad compa'nies in the countrjy'covering rules and rates ot pay for the members. Furthermore, the order has been instrumental in giving to the railroad companies a mpre efficient class of men, as it has aimed steadily to educate its mem bers up to a high standard of excel lence in their profession. CHIEr NIXON IS OUT. Another Soldiers' Home. aaiuugiuu, uiny xt. ouiimur xur of Washington, today introduced R SpnniO n till Ytyv nc-tnUHc. TEXAS WATER SUPPLY. ' 1 ' f C4 his I III I lldL State Excite Interest. p nr mo i-it-.-.-j r a . . r water supply of Texas is the oc- iiuiiuiiui UllUfiiail Bluings of the escarpment which bounds SOUtll-eastnrn nnrHnn of T7M. ieau. -rnese waters are Auionio and elsewhere. They irnm . - -j.wufao, Him llow away in suearas winch form the source careful study of their behavior. - iuoi luuir now is not con- out flUPtllotno !.. - - wn UCUVCBU U illgU low discharge. It has also been 0Tered that thnsn ni,nnn i ....u.u icaomuiance. ootn in uu amount to the fluctuations nrni - ii "est of the rainfall curve over fsiun oeing follower! with "IB Crest Of tlio rHc. kru x. , Ul ine springs. This ir. I ,B ueen round to hold true uu wet years alike. The Ed- fiateau is a flat. eitt mfquare mlles r more "tent. Thfi rnl ,..l,lT. ,n. loes not flow off In surface and . "io me porous eventually fi,i0 it region ,.i, ,uoia scarP llne of 'fsmn vhere t hnt t n.. fl. U""L UUL ill I IIH ... opnnps. "u All! On C rlVAr II. ,a one of i , en tn o.,i " l ttUU ma weus Antonln Jl, 1 lu lue Clly 01 uiuuio tnpre enn. i "i WHlCh ln,H i, . .. . Gently IJS. .. It . "MB Blnartll,. ,j Wtlt rIver fel1 Bever. Wth,,.?1 on Cutting oft U ny4 A-U LX. k. II 14 1 IIM IZ flow, of the 1 rise , iB" jow the "v:8 helgth on T'r ff taS'Ch tthe8 wrings ftoftK u68dIv'8lnof Hydro 'fougj, p"' 8- Geological Sur LeStv 5" n? U- Taylor, of The Tammany Chieftain Soon Got Enough of His Job and Resigns. New York, May 14. At a meeting of the executive committee of Tam. many Hall this afternoon Lewis Nix on presented his resignation as the leader and chief to take effect imme diately. It was accepted. Trouble arose in the association because of the differences between Nixon and Carrol, and the former thought it best to retire. Convention of Miners. Hazelton, Pa., May 14. The con vention of United Mine Workers, to consider the proposition to make the present strike in the anthracite dis trict permanent, began here today. President Mitchell, In addressing the delegates, said: "You are going to decide the most important movement to the coal industry and, perhaps the most important labor movement of the world." GDLUMiMSOFSMOKE.BALLS OF FIRE The Disaster on St. Vincent's Island Considerably Worse Than Reported, But Relief Will Be Promptly Given "to Unfortunates, . SHOWERS OF ASHES AND PEBBLES CONTINUE TO POUR DOWN. American Naval Officers Report Situation In Martinique Plenty of Fresh Water Left in the Island Symptoms of Trouble on Porto Rica Island Names of the Ships Lost at St. Pierre Vesuvius Is Active Apaln Mount lona, In Nebraska, Threatens People of Ponca, and They Have Organized a Band of Watchers. London, May 14. Secretary Cham berlain last night received the follow ing cablegram from the governor of the Windward Islands, regarding the conditions on the island' of St. Vin cent. The dispatch is dated at St. Vincent: "Arrived here yesterday and found the state of affairs much worse than News of disaster at St. Vincent. Have sent the Potomac and will follow If necessary." The third dispatch from the Brooklyn navy yard, saying: "The cruiser Buffalo is ready to sail for Martinique within two hours' no tice." Fresh Water Not Needed. Consul Aymo, at Martinique, In an was given in the reports forwarded j J? Secretary Hay s dispatch of tr ti,0 nrttnistmtnr ti,o nm.ntw 5 sterday, as to whether fresh wator was needed In Martinique, J ot their JneXaa' 18 maWng WB,r OCCUrrAn. Andrew Carnegie's New Honor. London, May 14. In recognition gifts, the Plumbers' company, an ancient guild of the city of London today conferred the freedom of the company upon Andrew Carnegie The ceremonies took place in Guild hall and consisted of the presenta tion of resolutions contained in gold box, the presentation being ac companied by suitable addresses and a response by Mr. Carnegie. Dinner to Whitelaw Reld. New York, May 14. A notable din ner takes place at the Union League Club tonight in honor of Whitelaw Held, special envoy to the court of St. James for the coronation ceremo nies. The dinner is not given by the club, but by a large number of its members. Senators Piatt and Depew, several members of the cabinet and other men of note are to be present Glass Factories Closing Down. Anderson, Ind., May 14. The fires in all the factories controlled by or under the influence of the American Window Glass Company, will be blown out tomorrow and production will cease for an indefinite period. According to the manufacturers it is the regular summer shut-down, though a little earlier than usual, and the purpose is simply to main tain a steadiness in prices. Ship Yard Closed. Astoria, May 14. Men at Leather's ship yard at Astoria have struck for an eight-hour day. No notice was given. The ship yard is closed. NO HIGH SCHOOL. The Paine Brick School Building De- dared Unsafe and the Classes Dis missed. Walla Walla, May 14. Walla Walla is without a high school today, the Paine building having been condemn ed as unsafe by the board of educa tion yesterday. The building is of brick and is a well appearing build ing. It was constructed at a qost of over $40,000 about 12 years ago. The cause of the sudden breaking down of the walls Ib said to be defective foun dation work, and an effort will be made to strengthen the building so that It may again be UBed. It is said that the high school will be perma nently removed from the building, but until the engineers have fully exam ined tho building nothing definite will be done. along the east coast, between Robin RocTc and Georgetown was appar ently struck and devastated in a manner similar to St. Pierre. 1 1 fear, practically, all living things are kill ed. Tns dead will probably reach 1C00 to 2000, but the exact number will never be known. Managers and owners of estates and their families and several of the better class were killed. One thousand uouies were found and burned. One hundred and sixty persons were sent to hospitals at Georgetown. Of this numbei, probably 00 will recover. The de tails are too harrowing to describe. All of the beet sugar estates in tho Carib country are devastated and all cattle are dead. The eruption con tinues, but is apparently moderating. Anxiety is still felt." Spouting Smoke and Fire. Castries Island, St. Lucia, Tuesday,' May 13 Tho eruption of La Souff riere continues. Great columns of smoke and balls of fire are rising miles in tho air. The discharge is accompanied by tremendous explo sions that are heard miles away. Im possible to reach the burning district, which embraces the entire northern end of the island. Kingstown is safe, though showers of ashes and pebbles are continuously falling over the city. Naval Officers Report. Washington, May 14. Tho navy department today received three dis patches regarding the situation at Martinique, one of them from Lieu tenant McCormlck, of the Potomac, dated Fort de France, which says: Villages surrounding St. Pierre are uninhabitable. The island is covered with ashes within five miles of Fort de France. The second dispatch is from Commander McLean, of the cruiser Cincinnati, dated Fort de France, this morning, says: "Arriv ed at St. Pierre this morning, assist ing the government of Martinique. or wired no." NEW YORK MARKET. Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pendle ton, Chicago Board of Trade and New York Stock Exchange Brokers. New York, May 14. Tho wheat market wns slow today nnd prices were nearly n cent lowor than yes terday at tho close. Good rains In Nebraska and Kansas Induced free selling. Liverpool wns higher, G 1. Now York opuned and closed Sla. Chicago, 75. Closed yesterday, 82. Opened today, Sl-'Xi. naiigo today, 8181. Closed today, Sl-. Sugar, 127. Steel. -U'd. St. Paul, Hit). Union Pacific, 105U,. Wheat In Portland. Chlcngo, May 14. Wheat 75- j1 7o&c per bushel. ' SOLD DRINK TO INDIANS. 1EIT CROP FAILS Portland Exporters Announce Failure of tho Australian Wheat Cron. WILL INCREASE DEMAND FOR INLAND EMPIRE WHEAT. A Bin Conflagration. St. Lucia, May 14. A conflagra tion was seen last night in tho direc tion of Fort do France. Trouble on Porto Rico. Chicago, May 14. A San Juan Porto Rico, dispatch, says: "Advices from the south side of tho Island are to tho effect that heavy clouds of smoke obscure tho hoj-izon and the sea suddenly receded more than 100 feet this morning. Tho atmosphere became exceedingly "oppressive." The Names of Ships Lost. Paris, May a. The secretary of Martinique telegraphs from Fort do France today that he has ascertained positively the names of tho ships lost in tho St. Pierre disaster. They were seven in number, one French, two Italian, one English and three Amer ican. Tho French' vessel wns Tam ayaj the Italian Noril and America and Saraciro Tersa Trola; English, Cableship Grapplo; American, the Roraima, Arama and Anamore. Vesuvius Resumes Business. Paris, May 14. A Naples dispatch says Vesuvius shows Blgns of activ ity. Lava Is flowing from the crater or- Pompeii side and hot cinders are thrown up at intervals. Sails for Martinique. Washington, May 14. The war de partment this morning made public the dispatch received yesterday from the commander of tho United States forces at San Juan, Porto Rico, an nouncing that the collier Sterling would sail for Martinique. Getting Close to Home. Ponca, Neb., May 14. Mount lona continues to rumble and smoke, but fears of eruption aro over. However, a band of watchers are organized and watch is being kept in order to give alarm in case there are symptoms of trouble. Why Emll Beck and Harry McDonald Arc In Jail In Portland. United States Commissioner John Hnilcy, Jr., has rocolvod word from United States Deputy Marshal Rob erts, saying that ho had arrived nt tho Multnomah county jail with his two United States .prlsonors. Harry McDonnld and Emll Beck, who wcro sent from hero Saturday, for selling liquor to Indlaiui. Consldernblo com plaint has boon made recently about drunken Indians, but Commissioner Hnilcy has boon unable to got nny complaint that would lead to convic tion. A low evenings ago no was passing up Court street and snw Charles AVhirlwind and another Uina tllla Indian dead drunk. Mr. Halley questioned Whirlwind and ho said that a man gavo him tho whlHky. Ho gave a description of Emll Beck. Ilailoy looked around, but could not locate Beck. Ho went away and after a short time returned and found Whirlwind again. Tills timo tho In dian had a bottlo of whisky and said that a man gavo it to him at Damaln'a saloon. The description, ho gave or this man answered tho exact descrlp ion ot Harry McDonald who was employed at thnt place. Ilailoy sent word to tho United States marshal, Houser, nnd United States Prosecut ing Attorney Hull and thoy canto up and Beck and McDonald were arrest ed. Book waived examination and McDonald stood tho preliminary triai. After tho ovldenco was heard by Com mlssloncr Uuiley thoy woro bound ovor to tlio October torm of Unitod Stntcs court, In .tho sum of $250; In default, thoy both wont to Jail. TALKS ABOUT SHEEP. TO CHECK TUBERCULOSIS. The Third American Congress to In quire Into the Disease With the View of Checking It. New York, May 14. If .learned dis cussion can do anything towards checking the dread disease popular ly known as consumption, then a great deal will be accomplished at the third annual session of tho Amer ican Congress of Tuberculosis, which began today at the Hotel Majestic. Those in attendance include repre sentatlvo medical men from every state and territory of the union, from nearly all the Canadian provinces from several of the countries of Cen tral and South America. In addition to the foremost representatives of the medical profession there are ac credited delegates from leading scientific societies and bar assocla tlons of the United States. This means that the great question at is sue is to be discussed from every standpoint. The medical depart ments of both tho army and navy are represented. The sessions are to continue through the remainder of tho week. There will be aside from all papers of a miscellaneous character four symposiums arranged, each to occu py one session of the body, as fol lows : "Preventive Jegislation, embracing the social, municipal and state as pects of Tuberculosis." (What aid should bo expected from tho Btato in the euro and prevention of tuberculo sis, and how shall this be secured?) "Tuberculosis in its pathological and bacteriological aspects." "The medical and surgical aspects of Tuberculosis." (Embracing sanita ria and climatic conditions, light and electricity.) "The veterinary aspects of Tuber culosis," Stovemakers to Combine. New York, May 14. A consolida tion of all tho largo stove manufac turing plants of tho United States probably will be consummated at the meeting of tho National Association of Stovemakers, which began here to day. Tho combine is tho result of three years' work on the part of its promotors. Tho consolidated compa ny will embrace between 40 and "0 plants located in all parts of the country and will be capitalized at $100,000,000. Prepare for His Burial. Grant's Pass, May 14. A balloon ist here is arranging for an aerial flight with the intention of descend ing on Crater Lage, 85 miles east of here. A Montana Buyer Says the Price of Mutton Will Take a Tumble. John Town, tho Great Falls, Mont sheep buyer, Is in tow stopping at Hotel at. (ieorgo. Mr. Town came down to ship out tho 10 cars of slieop that lio purchased two months ago from Joo Vey and they will bo load ed and leave Echo Friday evening for Great Falls, This Is tho soconil train of sheep that Air. Town has shipped from Echo this spring. When he was hero before ho took 2G cars out. Ho says that these aro the last sheop ho wants for ho looks for a big slump in tlio market ns soon as the grass mutton is ready. In Chlcugo now a good mutton sheop will bring from $7 to $8, and Mr. Town has Just returned from theso markets From the number of sheep in this westorn country ho looks for them to go down this Hummer, and, advises all who have sheep to dispose of them enrly. Mr. Town said that tho sheop men were holding on to their sheep because of the good range at thlfa season and fow wanted to soil stock sheep, while mutton sheep wero all out of the country, REGISTRATION. Up to Noon Today 3925 Had Register ed In Umatilla County. Havo you registered? Only one more day remains In which you can register nnd if you put off this duty until after 6 o'clock tomorrow o g you way iiiIbs get ting to voto. Whon tho registration books closo thoy aro closed for good and no one can say that thoy havo not had a chanco to roglster. The books haye been open for three months and tho county has paid a man to remain in tho clerk's office from early morning until evening for no other purposo than to reglstor tho voters of tho county, but many have not availed themselves of the oppor tunity. Up to noon 392G names wero on tho registration books and it is estimated that there are more than 1000 men yet in tho county who should havo their names on the books, Prisoners Make Attempt to Escape From City Jail Stato Sunday School Association In Annual Con vention Jury In Diamond Robbery Case Disagree. Fortlnnd, May 14, Oreson and Washington wheat exporters are Jubi lant. Tlio failure of tho Australian wheat crop as reported, menus a big Incrouso in wheat that will bo ex ported from thono states to South Af rican ports. Tlio Hoot cleared so far this fionson has carried 1.C00.000 bush els. Tho British ship Dcccnn, tho 17th ship to sail from tho Northwest for South Africa, has Just been char tered by tho Portland Flouring Mills Company to load at Tacoina with wheat. Prisoners Attempt to Escape. Prisoners In the city jail, under tho leadership of OharloB Burton, nllas Boiultt, attempted a jail dollvory lntit night. Thoy sawed off tho bars, but were caught bol'oro tho Job could bo completed. IJomltt robbed tolophono boxes anil Is serving n term of one year. Sunday Shcool Association. Tho x7th annual Htato Sunday School Association opened In this orty this morning in tho Taylor M. 12. church. Three hundred delegates aro In attendance. Thoy wore wel comed by T. S. MeDniilels, of Port laud. Tho day was taken up with ad drcssscs. The Jury Disagreed. Tho Jury disagreed In tho case against Charlos Savngo mid wlfo for robbing; tlio Portland Hotel of $10,000 worth of diamonds. A now trial has been ordered. Portland, 8; Helena, 2. The opening league ganio between Portland and Helena, played yostor day, was won by Portland, tho scoro being 8 to 2. Tho visitors played badly. Mine Was Dirt Cheap. Grant's Pass, May 11. William Brown, John Hlgglns and John Ing. ram discovered a gold mlno In Rogue River valley. Sonio of tho ore wont $1000 to tho ton, though tho avorago waB only $75. CalUornlans havo bought tho mine for $0000, ns the ownors woro In need of monoy. Notice to Votors. Registration books will bo kept opon, at tho court house, ovory overl ing until 9 o'clock, until Thursduy, May lGth, whon tho books will bo closed at 5 p. m., and tlmo for regis tration ends. Banished From Their Country. Pretoria, May 14. Thirty more Boer leaders havo been permanently banished from South Africa. KNEW WILLIE FURNI8H. Now Wants to Meet W. J. Furnish, the Candidate For Governor. Henry Geo, of MeMIunvlllo, has tho distinction of being, so far ua known tho only survivor in tho western half of Oregon of tho little party which crossed tho plains by ox toam In 18G5, and which contained among Its members Hon William J, Fur nish, tlion u child of 3 years. Mr. Geo and r. Furnish wero horn with in II vo miles of each other in Ran dolph county, Missouri. Thoy crossed tho Missouri rlvor for Ore gon, May 20, and togothor traveled to Green river. Gee rode on horse back all tho way, and led a Jack. H remombors as it woro only yester day of tho Furnish boy straying from camp u short distanco, nnd running prickly pear In quo of his bare feet. Geo ran out and carried him back to camp, Whllo on Lost river tho party was made sad by the death of tho head of the Furnish house. hold, After reaching Oregon, Mrs. Furnish and family became resident of Polk county, and Mr, Geo located In Yamhill. Ho has not soon the Fur nish boy slnco, and will tako pecu. , liar delight in mooting him when bit shall visit McMInnville.