ATTRACTS t Ull I QUALITY DECIDES. CHALL1ES These goods will win your admiration on first sight, , the;r beauty won't fade when they come in contact i the washtub. A beautiful line in all colors: 6i Cents They will give you good service, too. and at the price quoted the cost is so trifling that almost any woman can afford to own as many pretty cool summer dresses as she would care to have. Ilexander Dept. Store L4III 1 1 1 1 I I I T " " " ' 1 9 -J; ill Vb, iJ Jjj mean MANTELS! In different styles, such' as will prove objects of utility and beauty in auy house. Catalogue of Mantels Free Electric fixtures, lamps, shades chandeliers, globes, etc. VERY LOW PRICES Will furnish original designs for til ing, wood work or mantles free. Spe cial designs for fitting up saloons. . Es timates furnished free. llftwStores ri4 -r . . . land Alder 1 h Inhfl riA ffPtt I .n. Opposite the Oregonian Office RAZIERS STABLES ATTENTION ! ESTFIELD, record 2:22 1-2, will make the season at FROOME'S STABLE, xubrji uss , every day in tne weeK, except weanesaay ana Tnursaay. AC JENA on Wednesday and Thursday of each week. TERMS: For the season, $18; to insure, $25. LLIVAN, Clydesdale, will make the season at FROOME'S STABLE, pmjEiuiN, every day in tne week, except Monday ana Tuesday; at 1LIAM TEMPLE'S nlace seven miles northwest of Pendleton, on Mon- pind Tuesdays I TERMS; For the season, 12; to insure, $15. lorfurtber information address FRANK FRAZIER, Pendleton, Oregon Drink Defiance to the Sun and the hot weather in SCHULTZ'S PILSNER beer. Build up your system now so as to stand without flinching the onslaughts of the heated term. Aside from its being a delightful beverage, it is renowned as a tonic for the weak and run down. THE HEDMEN MEET F.pTH great council AT WALLA WALLA. The Work of the Council Began This Morning Program of the Three Days' Session. Walla Walla, May 13. Walla Walla is in the hands of Red Men, and for three days the festive "Si wash" will be in evidence, not with feathers and arrows, but with colors of the Improved Order of Red Men, and with thq best wishes of hundreds of citizens of the city who are bent upon doing honor to the representa tives of the great order. The fifth great council of the state of Wash ington is in session in this city and it will remain for three days, clos ing its work Thursday night. A num ber of delegates arrived in the city yesterday and this morning scores more came on the early trains. The city is neatly decorated with the col ors, yellow, red and blue, and from the lapel of hundreds of coats float long ribbons with appropriate bad ges. The work of the council began this morning. The following pro gram will be carried out. as nearly as possible: Tuesday 10 a. m., kindling of the council fire of the great council of Washington, at Odd Fellows' hall; 8 p. m., reception of the great chiefs! representatives and visitors, at the opera house. Special entertainment has been provided for tho occasion. Parade will precede the gathering. Wednesday 10 a. m., business meeting of the great council. In the afternoon the body will be taken to the penitentiary to visit the institu tion. All will be admitted, but no as surance of release has been secured. 8 p. m session of Walla Walla Tribe No. 23, to which all Red Men are in vited. After the meeting, a banquet or smoker will be given to the vis itors by the local tribe. Thursday In the forenoon a visit will be made to Fort Walla Walla where a special artillery drill will be given for the benefit of the visit ors. This wil be followed by a busi ness session. At 9 o'clock p. m., the grand ball will be given at Armory hall. NEWS Or" WESTON. Debate at the Normal School Young j Woman's Christian Association Gave an Entertainment Weston, May 12. The long-talked-of debate between tho three mem bers of tho alumni association, and an equal number of the graduating class of tho normal school, took place at the chapel of tho school Friday night. The question debated was: Resolved, that tho United Slates should annex moro territory. After a long struggle, tho affirmative side of the question, which was argued by tho gentlemen representing tho alumni, was given the decision. Tho United States may now go ahead and annex all tho territory it pleases ami no one shall hinder. The Young Womens' Christian As sociation, of the normal school, gavo a very pleasant entertainment Satur day night. This is the first affair of tho kind the association has held since its organization. Those that attended spent a very enjoyable eve nlng. Mrs. F. M. Smith and her mother, Mrs. M. J. Dlxby, who have been spending several days in Weston, visiting at tho homo of Professor D. B. Smith, of the normal school, re- tumpd to Collego Place, Wash., yes terday. Harry Surdem, one of the pioneers of Weston, left for Spokane yester day, where ho expects to spend tho summer working at his trade. WALLA WALLA WATER SUPPLY. People to Vote to Expend $100,000 to Increase It A Gravity System. Walla Walla, May 13. At a spec ial meeting of the city council last night, an ordinance was passed cre ating an indebtedness against the water system in the sum of $100,000, to extend the system, and calling a special election to ratify the action on June 2. The proposition is to change the system to gravity press ure and add an increased supply. WHITMAN VS. WALLA WALLA. JESSE FAILING The Big Carpet Store HUSBAND AND WIFE never quarrel over the merits of our nil hip nail nrc of the verv hlKnest standard. Like real and true rrienaB, tney wear tne ueau mcu otjrio Is absolutely up loaaie.uuu uieuewgug and colors are most artistic and harmo nious. You snouia examine our Ingenue Carpet at 50 to 75c per yard. Something new In lace curtains aim puruu bukum. Makers of Happy Homes Low prices, coupled with Car pets and Matting of known high quality, prove bhiuumuub nn-aiw The question of Carpets and ' r. . i . 1 ' t. Matting, where best omaineu, it, sci aA with nrnmntness in our stock. where good style and real worth make low prices so empnauu. BAKER & FOLSOM lakers of Happy Home A Poor Exhibition of Ball Playing at Walla Walla Monday.. Walla Walla. May 13. -In a game of poor ball yesterday, the local team was defeated by Whitman college, a small crowd attending, the score be ing 9 to 4. Several costly errors were made by the Walla Walla team, and altogether the game was not up to the standard. This defeat follow- ing the poor game at Athena on Sun day, has had a depressing effect up. on local enthusiasts. City Clerk and Soldier Fight. Walla Walla, May 13. City Clerk Pov-nnlilR nnd a soldier from Fort Wnlla Walla. Kinard Logan, became mixed up in a personal encounter Sunday night about 11 o'clock, and both men were badly used consider-inp- tho tlmfi the flcht continued. Mr. Reynolds received a bad cut with a knife, and in return he strucK logan with his cane, mulcting severe bruises about the eyes and nose, io gan is not able to be about, but when he is the matter w.ll be aired in court. He is under arrest. VASELINE NO GOOD FOR HAIR. People Who Live Longest. From statistics It is learned that the longest-lived people of the world are the Norwegians. They arc tern perato and simple in their habits and preserve In great vigor their dlges tlve powers, which is most necessary In the maintenance of good health. The American usually lives so fast that tho stomach Is neglected until his hchjth Is completely undermined, and he finds himself gradually get ting weaker and weaker. If you arc one of these sufforors wo offer you a medicine that will strengthen your stomach and start you anew on health's pathway, and that is Hostet ter's Stomach Hitters. It will euro flatulency, indigestion, dyspepsia, constipation, insomnia, chills and malaria, fever and ague. Don't fail to try it. For sale by all druggists. LETTER FROM IDAHO. Corrects False Report Circulated Against Andrew A. Hammer. Hcport having gained circulation horo, through a tolephono message from an enemy of mlno, T, C. Wll. Hams, that my business was not lu- gl'.lmatc, 1 hero submit a letter sign ed by leading citizens of Mullan, Ida ho, which speaks for Itself. ANPKRW A. HAMMER. Mullan, Idaho, May 10. 1902. We, tho undersigned, certify that tho Copper Plato Mining Company, Limited, was organized in January. 1902, undor tho laws of tho state of Idaho, and have their principal place of business nt Mullan, Shoshone county, Idaho; that they own what Is known as tho Ralph group of five claims ndjolnlng tho Gold lluntor Mining Company's property on the north, and lying south from cast from tho Morning mlno Slnco tho opening of spring a shift of minors havo been and aro at pres ent employed continually doing de velopment work on tho lodge run ning westerly. Tho ledges show mineralization of tho character or ore found In other silver-load mines ad joining it. Treasury stock to tho amount ot 300,000 shares arc being disposed of. tho funds from which aro to bo uson for development work. Andrew A. llnmmor, vlco-presldont and manager, Is authorized to sell treasury stock and othorwlso to su perlntond tho development work. Coppor Plato Mining Co., Ltd. T. W. CONKLIN, Secretary and Trcnsuror. JOHN lllONDRlCKiSON, President, Miner. J. Rf THKNNICS, Snloon Keeper. V. A. UUCIIANAN, Hardwaro Doalot Wool Growers' Meeting. Tho Wool Growers Association will hold a meeting In Pendleton May 29. at 1 o'clock p. m. There will bo a wool salo May 29th and 30th by tho sealed bid method, officers of tho association will bo elected and other important business transnctcit. CORRECT Are the new patterns in wall paper we are show ing. Our stock has that bright new appearance because all our stock is of this season's styles. Con fidence can be placed in your getting a strictly first class job and the very latest ideas in paper at reasonable prices if you call at our store. Murphy, ARTISTIC DECORATOR AND PAPER DEALER COURT STREET Yoa Houses Will bo well cared for if taken to The Old Dutch Henry Feed Barn. Good comfortable stalls and plenty of feed Call and See Us .n Need ot Money. All parties knowing thomsolvos, in debted to D. Komlor aro hereby noti fied to call and Bottlo at once and savo costs T). KI3ML13R. Kit Hays k Connerley Proprietors HMl'I.OYMKNT IIUUKAU IK YOU AIIH 8cc..ltiK 'it position, or need ho!p, cull on or nilrirrxN 3. O. Spoonnmoro, 'SM Court 8t, l't'tiu.utoii, Oregon. The Golden Rule Store Our buyer placed an order for ladies' muslin underwear, to bo delivered February 1st. Tiiofnotory tv-aa Imlilnd mill Mil tint riullvar tlin trnoilM iiiit.II limt WW'k. TllOV llllVO limdo libonil COIlCOBslOUa to UH to 3 compensate for the delay. We havo deducted tho amount of their allowance and a little more from the 3 price of the goods iu order to crowd three months' soiling into tho next ten days. 3 Sale Begins Wednesday Morning, May 14th, 1902 1 CORSET COVERS Plain untrimmod corsot covers 9 V-shape neck, with lace trimming 17o Square neck, with lace trimming 24o Square neck, nice embroidery trimming 27c Round neck, lace trimmed and tucked front . 33c Round neck, with four rows of laco insertion down front 33c Dandruff Germ Thrives in It, as Well as in All Grease. A well known Chicago hair spec ialist invited the Inter Ocean report er to come to his office and see, under a microscope, how the germ that causes dandruff thrives in vase line. The specialist said that all hair preparations containing grease, sim ply furnish food for the germs and help to propagate them. The only way to cure dandruff Is to destroy the germs, and the only hair prepar ation that will do that Is Newbro's Herpicide. "Destroy the cause, you removo the effect." Without dan druff no falling hair, no baldness. Ask for Herpicide. It is the only do stroyer of the dandruff germ. The homliest man in Pendleton, as well as the handsomest, and others, are Invited to call on any druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lungs, a remedy that is guaranteed to cure and relievo all chronic and acute coughs, asthma, bronchitis and consumption. Price 25c and 50c. For sale by Tall man & Co., sole agents. Last call for the, dish club. Get In before it is too late. Hawley Bros. DRAWERS Plain hem, with threo narrow plaited tucks. . Plain hem with two rows of needle work and one tuck 15o 23o Bottom trimmed, with three narrow tucks and nice embroidery 33c Three narrow plaited tucks and wide lace on bottom 38c Four plaitod tucks and four rows of fluo noodlo work COo Two row valonoiounos lace insertion and laco bottom 72o GOWNS High neck plain tuckod yoko 42o V-shape neck, tucked and laco trimmed yoke 500 Square yoke with large ruffle and lace insertion 75o Square yoke, with laco trimming and embroidery insertion 890 V-shaped yoke with tucking, laco inser tion and lace edges $1 13 Skirts Six plaited tucks, heavy lace bottom 48o Deep flounce, four rows fine valenciennes, in sertion and fine lace bottom $1 63 Am Skirts Wide flounco, heavy lace trimmed 75o Deep flounce, twelve tuokB, embroidery in sertion and bottom. . .$1 38 . S5G - 1 .J, 1 5 It. -SJ ,-' ' f iffi" 'ft r