East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 13, 1902, Image 2

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Furnishings For Men
Golf shirts, all sizes and colors 50c to $J, 50
Plaited Bom Madras shirts, 65 and 75c and i 00
White Shirts, extra quality , 65c and 90c
White shirts, unlaundried 40c and 50c
Night robes 50c to $i 00
Black satin shirts, sold everywhere for 75c 50c
Black and tan stockings, the 15c kind iOc
Gloves (larg6 shipment just in) ..: 25c to $i 50
Extra good boys' stockings other stores sell
them at 35c per pair , 25c
Handkerchiefs, extra large size, red, white and
blue 5c
Collars, Cuffs, Suspenders and Sweaters
Evety Day Is a Bargain Day Here
One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters, Pendleton
TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1902.
Lord Pauiiccfote, the British min
later, is seriously sick in Washing-
King Edward has sent 25,000
francs as his contribution to the
fund raised for the sufferers of tho
Martinique disaster.
The French nress is hiehlv delicht
ed at the promptness with which aid
was extended to the Martinique suf
forers by the United States.
Senor Palma had a long conference
with General Wood, at which thov
discussed the details of handing over
the government of the island to the
Uuuan administration.
A fire which originated in Prank
OUonnelrs store, at Carbondale,
Kan., destroyed practically the en
tire business section of town. The
cause and loss are unknown.
Admiral Prince Henry of Prussia,
has inherited the castlo of Rheinsein
at Blngen-on-the-Ithino from Princn
George of Hohonzollorn, a cousin of
Emperor William, who died May 4.
Jama's E. Stone, lieutenant-governor
of Wisconsin, died at Water
town, Wis., after a lingering illness,
from cancer of the stomach. He
underwent an oneratlon in a fihi
hospital recently.
The czar of Russia has telegraph
ed to President Loubet expressing
the sincere sympathy of himself and
the czarina, who share with France
the sorrow caused by tho terrible
West Indian catastrophe.
The First National Dank of Hopp
ner has deposits of $407,000 as shown
by a recent statement.
Mrs. Mary Spink, a well known
woman of The Dalles, died Saturday
night, aged 77 years. She was born
in Scotland.
James Chovers, a workman in a
stone quarry at 1-labor's Landlne.
seven miles above Vancouver, was
crushed to death by the fall of seven
tons of rock.
William Allen, a laborer, was
found in an. alloy at North Yakima
unconscious. Ho had been on a spree
for several days and It Is said ho
was drugged by nn associate.
Robert Reid, aged 24, was killed
Saturday, May 3, at tho saw mill on
Thorn Greek, Morrow county. He
was experimenting with tho engine,
when tho fly wheel bursted and one
of tho pieces struck him and killed
Earl Sanders, democratic eamll.
dato for representative for Wasco,
Urook, Lake and Klamath oountirm.
failed to fllo his acceptance of nom
ination within tho .time prescribed by
law, and is now circulating a peti
tion for sgnatures to allow his nane
to bo placed on tho ticket.
Tho Salem Grango is making ar
rangements for tho entertainment
of tho State Grange, which will
convene in annual session in Salem
on Tuesday, May 27. Tho grange
will bo In session for threo days, con
cluding its deliberations with a ban
quet on tho evening of tho 20th.
Bernard Spencer, one of tho pro
feasors of tho high school nt Bahor
City has been elected first lieuten
ant of Company A, O. N. G. at a
special election hold undor tho dl
rectlon of Major Mead, commander
of the hulopondont company of East
orn Oregon. Mr. Spencer is very
popular with tho hoys of tho company.
Tho Pendleton.
Leo F. Ferguson, Walla Walla.
H. Brash, Portland.
W. T. Dovell, Walla Walla.
S. B. Leighton.
E. C. Davis, San Francisco.
O. E. Hall, Portland.
E. C. Skiles, Spokane.
J. L. Elam, Walla Walla.
J. W. Collins, San Francisco.
J. E. Martin.
Ij. A. Baker, Portland.
G. Brass and wife, Wallace.
I. Monhelmer, Milwaukee.
J. B. Mulvey, Portland.
Max Stofel, Chicago.
M. H. Patton, Spokane.
J. H. Kloeckman.
H. G. Shaw, Spokane.
W. W. Holmes.
The Golden Rule.
John McBeany, Boise.
Cassie Beck. Athena.
D. W. Sanford and wife, Kamela.
P. E. Hunsuckor. Spokane.
Chnrles Carroll, Spokane.
L. Cunningham, Portland.
C. Cunningham, Spokane.
C. H. Burke, Spokane.
O. F. Thompson, Echo.
W. P. Dodson, Portland.
B. E. Hornsby, Athena.
Frank Hopkins, Coyote.
J. P. Wellington, Heppner.
Ray Barton, city.
Albert Mclrvin, Meacham.
Norman Reeves, San Francisco.
E. O. Coffin. St. Josenh.
J. D. Phylls and family, California.
Mrs. a. (J. Wood, Walla Walla.
Anna McAHstor, Enterprise. '
Ed T. Orth, Shelton.
Julius F. Wagner.
D. H. Mansfield, Athena.
W. F. Woodstock, Nolin.
Montie Charles, Colfax.
Frank Hasler, Colfax.
htatkof Onto, City of Toledo i
L.TTCAS flnTTNTV. . 88
Prank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is tho
senior partner of tho firm of F.J. Cheney & Co.,
doing business in the city of Toledo, county
and stato aforesaid, and that said firm will pay
tho sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and
every caso 01 uaiarrn that cannot bo cured by
iug uau ui ii it 11 h uuiarrii i;urc.
Sworn to beforo mo and subscribed In my
! iMctciira mis oia uay 01 December, A
seal ( 1886
IlAll'lI Putnrfli fliim la ta 11 1
flntsn runtlvnn (tin Kt - .
T i, J " , - , 1 uiutuuo Bunavva
wimoDsiuiji, oeiiu jur testimonials, ireo.
c v F; J CHUNKY & CO., Toledo. Ohio
Sold by druggists. 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Republican Club Organized.
A meeting was held at ropubllcau
Headquarters Monday evening for
thO PUmOSO Of orcanlzlncr n vnnnl.1t.
can club. Between CO and 75 onthus.
iastic republicans were present and
tho organization was perfected with
John McCourt. president: Itnspno
S. Bryson, secretnry, nnd Peto Allen,
assistant secretary. The object of
this club Is to creato interest among
tho lukewarm workers in the rennh.
llcan ranks nnd arrange for tho ro-
puoiican rallies and public speakings
that are billed for Pendleton during
tho campaign. Committees wero ap
pointed to look after these affairs.
Tho club will meet again In tho samo
place Friday ovonlng.
ForSale or Exchange.
Tho now brick and stone pom
- - - -
cornor water and Vincent struts
Has .all modern improvements. Will
tnno part in unimproved property.
Apply I. I,. Ray, 114 Court street.
New Steel Concern.
Har'risburg, Pa., May 13. UppIIca
tlon wns made today for a charter
for the Franklyn Rolling Mill &
Foundry Company, of Franklin. Pa.
TJ company is capitalized nt $750,
000 and will absorb the Electric Tri
parlto Steel Polo company, of Now
Jorsoy. Its chlof product will be
steol triparlto poles foe telegraph and
tolophono wires.
Nearly 1000 Delegates Will Be In
Attendance, Representing 225
Presbyterians and Nearly 30
New York, May 13. Arrangements
have been completed for the meet
ing of tho one hundred and four
teenth Presbyterian General Asseni
mly, which will begin here on Thurs
day morning. It will bo the largest
gathering of representatives of this
great denomination that has been
held in the century of its existence.
Nearly 1000 delegates have received
credentials, and these will represent
225 presbyteries and nearly 30 sy
nods. It. will lie. moreover, a cosmo
politan assemblage, for full-blooded
Indians will sit side by side with
missionaries from fihina. India. Ja
pan, Africa, Siam, Korea and other
remote narta of. the world, and the
IdnnliCkt nf flip rnlnrnil rnpo frnm the
south will fraternize with the leaders
of religious thought In tho north.
About one-third of the delegates are
guests of hospitable residents of
Now York, whiln tho remainder are
quartered in the leading hotels of
the city.
Tlip rlinlrn nf n mnilprntnr its still
a matter of Hfriilntion. lint it 1ft
certain to fall upon a cleric, senti
ment In favor of hnstnwine this sig
nal honor ininn n Ifivm.in not linlnu
sufficiently advanced. Among the
eminent divines whose names are
mentioned in connection with the
honor are the Rev. Drs. DufTield, and
Henrv van Dvke. President. Moffat.
of Washington and Jefferson college,
the llev. Richard Holmes of Pitts-
burc. and the Rev. David Stuart
uouge. jj. ij.. president of the board
ot Home Missions.
The reports of a score or more of
committees are to be presented to
the assembly, and the members of
these are hard at work today com
pletinc their labors. The most im
portant is the renort of the sneninl
committee annotated to nnnsiilnr Hip
question of revising the faith. Those
memuers ot tne cnurch who have de
manded a radical revision will be
disappointed at the report. The re
vision which the committee has de
and does not touch the text of he
sections of the Westminister confes
sion over which there has been most
controversy. It is true that the re
port makes certain statements in ex
planation of these mooted sections.
makinc It plain that tho church does
not hold to the narrow interpreta
tion many have insisted unon as bo-
mg alone consistent with the text
Certain obviously antinuated oara
graphs are to be omitted and two en
tirely now sections are to bo added.
A statement has also been prepared
to cover the main points nf belief
held by the church. Over the recom
mendations of this committee there
Is likely to bo one of the most stlr
rlmr debates that over nmr.nreri tlio
attention of a modern ecclesiastical
body. The question will be over al
tering the creed to which the denom
ination has adhered since it was
adopted by the convention at West
minster some 250 years ago.
In addition to tho consideration of
the revision of the confession nf
faith, tho general assembly this year
will pay considerable attention to
the problem of evangelization. A
committee, in which the Rev. J. Wil-
bur Chapmnn and John H. Converse
of Philadelphia are leading spirits, is
to submit a report.
Grand Army Men Assemble.
Indianapolis, Ind May 13. Over
10,000- veterans and other visitors
are estimated to have arrived here
today for tho annual stato encamp
ment of the Grand Army of the Re
public and the attendant celebration.
The depots and tho streets presented
every appearance of the great annu
al reunion as tho excursionists ar
rived and wero soon seeing the
sights. Tho preliminary meetings of
the encampment wero held today,
but tomorrow and tho day following
will be the bis: dnvs. Thursday win
witness the dedication of the
iicent soiuiers and sailors' monu-
mont. All ind cat ons nninr in tlm
selection of Benjamin Starr of Rich
mond as tho next department mm
Communication Established Be
tween Butter Creek Country and
For tho first time in the existence
of Echo the citizens of that little
burg can stay at home and talk to
friends In Pendleton or other places
whore telephone connections are
had The Farmers' Telephone Line
has been completed between Pendle
ton and Echo and tho last 'phone was
placed on the line Saturday This
makes a telephone connection' into
the Butter creek stock country. 30
miles from Echo and places about
30 farmers on the line.
Between here and Echo are 13
houses with phones. They are E. A
Snider, John Hagen, Lou Hagen, A.
T. Perkins, D. Nelson, Ben Morton,
Ira Perkins, Andy Peebler, Virgil
Moore, Clay iiransieier, juuu jmiu
nnn a m iipi:arrv. iu. viii.iv.
In speaking of tho phone lines to-
,liv A T PnrlHns who is Oil the
line between here and Echo, says
that the line is working all rignt ami,
while some are finding fault with li
lumniton rliot' OVU Tlflf nnPllStnillPd tO
i v l: v. ii 1 1 v. uiv. ... s . . - - .
the use of It, lie is satisfied that the
line will prove a success.
The 'phones cost each man $2
per month..
Celebrates Semi-Centennial.
Mansfield. O., May 13. Several
hundred prominent ministers and
Invmnn linvo nrrlvpd frn tfllm nfirt in
the semi-centennial meeting and eel
ohrnHnn nf tli f!niirrp.ratlnnal As
sociation of Ohio. The sessions be
gin tonight with the Rev. E. I. Bos
worth, the retiring moderator, pre
siding. "A Half Century of Reli
gious Life and Work," is tho theme
of the convention and among the
prominent speakers to be heard are
President Barrows of Oberlin col
lege, President Thwing of Western
University, Rev. Washington Glad
den, of Columbus and Rev. J. P.
Jones of India.
if you fall to register before May
15. vou will not have the rlnht to
cast a ballot at the June election.
A Reliable
Drug Store
THAT means a drug store
where as much attention is
paid to see that a five cent pur
chase is as satisfactory to a cus
tomer as a ten dollar purchase.
It means a drug store where a
child can trade, with as satisfac
tory remits as the head of the
family. These things make It a
safe place to trade. You cau't bo
too careful in your selection of a
drug store to trade at. We will
try to make our store a reliable
drug store. One visit would show
you if our claim is without foun
dation. We Want Yout Trade
F. W. Schmidt
& Company
The Reliable Druggists
Association Block.
We Sell more Clothing
. mm i
1,11 fc'V'AWA W
Well, the prices and Styles
right up to date.
Staw Hats
are now in season and
We Snow 0
Ask us afcoat the way to wear scspenders onjJ
the shirt at 25 per.
All sfces of overalls and working)
Boston Store
There Is No Question
It is the finest grade it is possible to make. Nothing
but the choicebt wheat enters into Byers' flour, and
satisfaction is the result whererever it is used for bread
or fancy baking.
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
May Investigate Beef Trust
Chicago. 111.. Mav 13. Tt i v.
nected that the federal
which assembled today, will take an
independent part investigating tho
methods of tho packers, particularly
that part dealing with tho
anco of rebates fram tho railroads.
w 11110 tho practice ceased since the
recent niing of tho injunction hill,
thnt fact does not bar from indlptinr-
for past offenses. Tho report Is that
the grand jury will nt least consider
tho matter from tho criminal stand
The Fair
The Place to Save Money
Ladies' Furnishings
Clothing, Shoes
Hats, Dry Goods
Light Hardware
In Fact, Anything You Want
; Watch for Our Special
1 Sale Ad for Next
' Saturday.
United States Ambassador Von
Meyer, at Home, cabled tho stnte de
partmont that Consul Pearson has
informed him of tlm nmai nt nioo
Tnylor, tho woman chnrged with tho
abduction of her niece. Mnrramt
Taylor, from her homo in niiin
of her lodgement in jail at San Ho
Every Saturday a Spe
cial Sale
Gofconda Gold Mine
A Plain Statement of Fact :
The G0LC0NDA MINE, in the Sumpter district, with
uuuiuub, uuu. ton umor uituuiB, was recently puruaaocu .
the Golconda Consolidated Gold Mines Company, principal offiM
xii jrouuitjiuu, wmun is now operating the mine, xne iuu f
film so nrinn a rnA nn.l n 1. x .i!on1 nf
those who advanced the purchase price.
rmn niTh,ere was Mt in treasury for an operating ft
wuujvuu duuicd ui M'uuBury SIOOK. BOmeoi tulSSiOCiiiauueiBu
sale, but not exceeding 200,000 shares of it will be soldi as 1
Will HimnltT omnln A. 4.11 xl. nnlf I
uuyjuj uiuyxv 1U11UH UUU1 lUB 111 lilt) 18 H101U Uluu Don
taming. This stock is offered at 1 5 CENTS A SHARE for the nt
thirty da vs.
As an invfiRrmnnt nf lio nl,ont 1.iTirr onnnlslt. Ifl
prove its worth those at work in the mine, who are in a poiltw
to know what is in the Golconda, have bought stock at tencetf
a share to tlm AYtmit nf tiio?
a I"" money which they can spare for the purpose should m
1,000 or more shares of this stook. as they will most likely
a j y investment tney ever made in tneir nvsa.
Address all orders for stook with checks in favor of
Keep Yout Houses Cool!
Have a "Quick Meal" Blue Flame Oil Stove j
Put in your kitchen without delay. Cheapest and moat per
fect stove made. One cent a burner an hour Is all H mU
operate tho Quick Meal. No trouble to start and absolutely
tree iroin danger. Now stock just iu.
rur neaitn, Mrength and H
Pleasure Drink ::::::: '
Polydore Moens, Prp J