East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 10, 1902, Image 8

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    Prepare lot Warm Weather
Come in and see how we have prepared for your com
fort Out Spying and Summer Lines
For Ladies or Gentlemen are well worth your inspec
tion and our store is a perfect mirror of fashion.
See the beautiful low shoes and canvas oxfords for
ladies, also the canvas shoes, tennis shoes and light
weight leather wear for gentlemen.
Fancy shoes but not fancy prices.
Good Shoes
Dm&nger , Wilson & Co.
Successors to Cleaver Bros.
Black 91
SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1902.
Printers and Barbers and Rooters
land the Real Indians Play on the
Alta Street Grounds Tomorrow.
Pendleton won the baseball game
at Everettt Friday afternoon, by a,
score or 7 to 3. Tins Is a great vie
tory for the Indians, as they were
dreading the Everett aggregation
worse than any other team they
were booked to meet on this trip.
Everett had one of the swiftest
teams In the field last year and won
from almost every team it played,
and It had the name of having just
as good, if not a better team this
j-oar, but they were not in it when
they went against the Redskins.
This is the fifth game that Captain
Ziegler's team has played since leav
ing Pendleton last Sunday morning,
and they have won all but one. Thoy
played in "Walla Walla the 4th ana
6th, and on th 4th the scorn wns
7 to 4 in favor of Walla Walla; and
on the 5th the score stood 7 to 1 in
favor of Pendleton. In Dayton, the
tin, .renciieton won by a score of la
to 5, and in North Yakima, the 7th,
Pendleton wiped up the Hop Pick
ers with a score of 17 to 0.
The Games Tomorrow.
Many will see the games tomorrow
between the printers and barbers ana
rooters and Umatilla Indians. This
Will be a double-henrlfir nnrl nun-Jit I
to give the fans a chance to get their
money's worth. While there may be
a little change in the JJne-ups as pub
Jlfihed yesterday, it is practically the
same for tho three town teams. Tho
Indian line-up will be: August Alex,
ander, catcher; Billy itipK&y, pitch
er; xxenry Lewis, short stop; Charley
Williams, first base; Andrew Lewis,
second base; Frank Clopton, tmrd
base; Robert Henry, left field; Mo
tonic, center; James Pond, right
field; Charley Van Pelt, sub.
Republican Disaffection.
W P. Card, who desires to be des
ignated a Lthcoln republican, who
resides about 10 miles smith nf Pph.
dleton. on McKay creek. rptnrrprl
this morning fro ma business trip to
lo. uranue. Ho says he was greatly
surprised to find a number of repub
licans in that section vigorously op
posed to J. W. Scrlber for joint sen
ator and in favor of Walter M.
Pierce. He further states tlinf Hip,
is a strong feeling also for Chamber
lain against Furnish for trnvpinrr
and it Is predicted that the demo
cratic ticket Will Ret a larco number
of republican votes and carry the
county. Mr. Card says he is one or
tho republicans in Umatilla county
that will vote a mixed ticket. He
says he is opposed to the methods
Used in the renublican nrimnrlen In
Umatilla county and elsewhere.
$50,000 DAMAGES.
Two Other Suits Filed at Court
House Involving Possession of
Land and Damages and for the
""collection of an Mccount.
Three nulla were filed In thn pr
cult court at tho court house, late
Friday afternoon. Tho most Import
ant of these was the damage suit by
W. O. HjimfRnh ncnlnsf the WnsMni?.
ton & Columbia Illver Railroad com-
pany, to recover $50,000 damages for
me lnmr.v tn Ills Inrnnt ilnntrnter.
Ella, while playing with other child
ren on the company's turntable, in
this city
The allegations in this case are in
in part as follows: That the de
fendant, carelessly and without due
regard or any care or caution to
nrovent nenlilontR failed tn Inelnse
their turntable or in any way place
any obstruction to free access to the
turntable, and that it was left open
and unlocked and children allowed
to play thereon.
That on tho 7th day of Anrll. little
Ella Hainlsch. aged 5 years and 11
months, with other small children,
was playing on the turntable and lit
tle Ella was sitting on tho end of
the table while the other children
were turning it around. Her foot
was caught between the end of the
turntable and tho track anil the
Ilesh torn from the foot and leg to
above the knee, and the bone of the
foot was badly crushed and mangled,
so much so that the foot had to be
amputated .just below the knee
That she will bo a cripple all her
life, and for this reason plaintiff asks
the court to award him ludcrment
against the railroad company for
?50,000 and tho costs of suit. J. J.
Balleray and John McCourt are at
torneys for plaintiff.
make his home and look after his
which con
UUblHtroo jmuioi-o www,
slst of mining property and a town
site. Mrs. Cleaver left today for
Portland, where she will remain for
a few days, visiting friends, and will
return here prior to going to ner new
- -1 t nf T.nfnvetto. Ind
yjt u. jjcii liicoo, v L ' - '
is tho guest of S. B. Smith, having
- .)n..n ..lolf frnili
come nere ior a iow uujo
Hood River, where ho has been stay
ing for several months. Mr. Harness
M a splendid specimen ui
served manhood. He is 83 years of
age, but to see him and notice his
actions one would be led to believe
that he had not passed tho 50 mark.
t 1 i nwi nnn 1 ii Tii n in the air
nu 10 uuiivu j"-" i-
and strike his heels together twice
before reaching the feround, ride a
bicvcle and enjoys various forms of
outdoor exercise. To an East Ore-
gonlan representative Mr. Barmess
said last evening that ho had never
smoked, never took a chew of tobau-
co or a drink ot intoxicants in ni
Walla Walla Fruit Fair.
Walla Walla. Mav 10. Tho man
agement of the Walla Walla fruit fair
has determined to hold the fair Sep
tember 22 to 29 inclusive, about
the same time it was held last year,
with such splendid success. Plans
are now on foot to place the best ex
hibit ever attempted within the walls
of the pavilion. The management has
over $1000 on hands from last, vear
and everything looks promising for
tne success or the fair.
Lake vs Suhl.
S. W. Lake vs Herman Suhl is the
title or a suit filed to gain possession
of 160 acres of land in section 28,
township 4, north of range 32, E. W.
M., which plaintiff alleges that he
owns but defendant has possession
of, the same and will not gi(ve it up.
Plaintiff asks for judgment in tho
sum of $2000 for rent of mo land.
since Jan. 1, 1898, in addition to tho
possession of the land. T. G. Halloy
and J. J. Balleray are attorneys for
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Judd Entertain.
Mr nnd Mm V. R. .Tndtl cave a
charming party, in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. E. Y. Judd, at their home on
the north side, last evening. The
evening was spent at cards and mu-
sic. The Judds' new home was brll-
Hnntlv Ht?htert and adorned with
flowers, and tho company was hos
pitably ana aeiigntiuny entertained.
Light refreshments were served. Mr.
and Mrs. F. IS. Jiuia were assistea in
entertaining by Mrs. Judd's sister,
Miss Mary C. Roberts and tho guests
of honor, Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Judd
who will remain in Pendleton iot
several months.
Byers vs Watson.
. S. Byers has filed suit against
D. B. Watson for judgment in the
sum of $104.30, alleged to have been
au0 since isy, for twine purchased
oi aerenaant. T. G. Hailov Is attor
noy for plaintiff.
Improving National Capital.
For some time past plans have
been under preparation for the beau
tifylng of the city of Washington.
Tho commissioners in charge have
visited many European cities, and
the result of their search has been
embodied in a series of nlans. whleh
will make our capital the most beau
tiful city in tho world. In selecting
a family medicine, however, it is not
necessary to search the world over,
because Hostettor's Stomach Bitters
the famous American remedy, is
recognized as tho best remedy na
ture and science have been able to
produce. It has over fifty years of
cures to its credit of such ailments
as sick headache, indlsestlon. dvR.
pepsla, nervousness and liver and
kidney troubles. When you need a
medicine for these aliments, don't
fail to try tho bitters.
Fred Martin, of Cold Springs, is in
Ing to T. W. Ayres barn.
'Let the GOLD DUST twins do your work.1
' TS strictly fashionable and all
the newest Ideas are in our
stock. You will be right in
style with your correspondence
if you select from our special
Slara If VOU will, but it vnu nrftfar trt mnVm hAttu.
It makes home brighter and cere lighter.
viuuKv. now i cru, oosion, il. LAWS.
Fishing Season
Is with us and we are up with the season
with a large line of brown duck fishing
Your Summer Shoes
Come to us as we have the desirable articles
in Oxfords for ladies or gents, canvas shoes
to fit and suit all feet, and tennis shoes.
-Ait t tttgf MftftfMtig8fl annua gunman BajBgoftnj5
Lost A gray mare, with roached
mane, branded on left hln with heir
aircle over cross and a bay mare.
branded with D on left shoulder nnd w. a Wnio on a.,
,n ,i -J", : Ul re
u.uu uU wsui, Buyuiuur, euuabie m town.
MStAan ' I lltl I III 111 IlrlMrt I A I
iovu4u tt r ""-r uy return- r Alnvn.ior i,, -m-j
Professor J. E. Cnerrv lis In town
trom Adams.
Barney O'Neil. formerly In busi
ness m Umatilla, Is now in business
at uottage urove.
Mrs. William Mack returns tminv
from Portland, where shn h
visitwg tor several days
Miss Pearl Wells, a nrJm.irv tnh
er- in the Weston schools, Is in tho
city today, tho cuast of M!th nonn
anu Miss Epplo,
Mrs. Edwin Swltzler hns
rrom a pleasant visit to her nnmntg
Mr. and Mrs. Hiteman, at their homo
at Vancouver, wash. She was absent
tor several weeks.
J. W. Miyrick is in town tndnv fmm
ma rancn at warren. Mr. Myrlck is
circulating a netltlon for iimor.
asking tho postal authorities to ea
wiunsn a postomce at Warren
IL T Cox is in Pendlernn from
Portland. Ho is on hln rstiim trin
from a tour Of tho linnor nnnntrv n
i .
w'" teave nero on Sunday night's
tram ror Portland, where he now re-
Fred Lan cover, whn mnnt tn Pnrt
land as a deleirntn frnm tha lnnol
v. -
painters union to thn atnta mnntl..
ui uiu reueration ot .Labor, has re
turned. Ho says that tim lnimri,,.-
a, . .
men oi me state are becoming well
uiKuaizea ana tney expect to afccom
push much for themsnlvpn tiirmmi,
Mrs. E. J. Wall and nnn warn n0
tered at Hotel St. nnron rn.,,ron
night, on their way home to Eugene,
who ner uusoana is pastor of tho
uumuenana Presbyterian nhn-M,
Mrs. Wall has Just flnihhed n vara
successful year as music teacher In
uoiumma college, at Milton.
James SDGncn rfitnrnd WMa xr
enlng from Buttor Creek, where he
uua uoen in tno interest of th A. Kun
kci Implement Comnanv. .Tim en.
mut ino grass is growing wonderful
ly In that country and nvAn,)hin
seems lovely. Ho says that tho only
tui. cuuiu teic on tno cranir tlmt T,na
not been sold are 176 head that be
long to uobert Stanfleld
Clifford nienvnr la nonbln. t.i
iiousonoiu goods preparatory to mov
t w rminu uuy, wnero ho wUl
Laundry Safe Robbed
Portland. May 10. Thn snfo nf tho
oity laundry m this c tv. wan hrnir.
en into last night and a small amount
Committee of Business Men From
Portland Coming to Promote the
1805 Exrjosltlon.
T. C. Taylor is in receipt of a tel-
. . . 1 il 11 L
egram from l'ortiana, staling iimt u
.u nf linalnnoa mnn rnnnpp.t-
I UlilllliLLCU Ui mu.....v ,
' .i ia T nwlo nnil Clurk 1905 ex
position at Portland, would arrive In
Pendleton Wednesday next, for the
purpose of meeting with tho business
men and property owners of Pendle
ton to talk over exposition matters
and get in touch with this section.
On Wednesday evening at the Com
mercial Association rooms, there will
be a meeting, on which occasion
there will bo present several promi
nent and entertaining speakers to
discuss and make clear the scope and
spirit of the enterprise under con-
oMnrnllnn nnil It In hmiprt thltt n
good audience of Pendleton business
and professional men and property
owners will be in attendance, , as all
are invited, whether members of the
association or not.
Registration in County to Date.
One week ago today, 3007 names
had been regisered in the court
house for the coming election. To
ilnv tho hnnkn rnntaln 3R28 nnmpn
.i : j
showing that the voters of Umatilla
county are beginning to awaken to
the responsibility. Only four moro
days remain in which to register,
and these are expected to be busy
ones for Registration Clerk Kennedy,
as there are something nite 1500 men
yet In the county who have not registered.
It has
See Ou,
othet Pan o
This Pap
Owf It
Cheanest nlnn n
1 in urernn
rtHvmv s Kan f n
. . "vnauiMi
wv uiti aan u m.j.
- HW
uvvuaw Ki. il IlHElllTlTlfl Ut.
ings unnK. aisn full ...
Kuruine tne now Th.
Internationa Encvci
arv wninn in r nw hn H.
" uv,mt i
xaworo ima paper for
Cents a Day.
4 uuc a n p
we are now snowing the largest and mostup-to-
dLuvyn. ui uiubb guuuH iu ue jouna in i en dleton
nieiineat selection of DRE3S SKmTS. The largest assortmejt
uim jairai Bljricn iu LAlJlIiO OtllltT WAtOTtj.
We have nil the now tbinga in H03rERY. The finest assort!
ui ijAMi.ua- ivtu wijUVJUB in the city.
We are giving a Cash Discount of 15 per cent on all our tailor-"
nmde suits. We are headquarters for all new and desirable Roods inoir
1 1 1 ii 1 1 111 im 11 nil uon 11 w - -
v. UVU 4.
Register before May 15th or you
cannot vote at the June election. It
will cost nothing to register!
! A Light, Stylisl
Every Pair Guarantee! to
give satisfaction.
Fashionable Millinery
j.o maKe laaaies Mats that can be called hats. Our hats possess
all the peculiar characteristics of hats that come from
nrsr class millinory work room in style, workmanship
Of the Newest Designs in
Fashionable Furniture
Is ready for your inspection at our store, as our bit ship
ment, completely filling two large cars, is now in, and we
invite you to call and examine this new stock. It includes the
prettiest makes of Bed Room Suites, Dining Room Sets and
odd pieces of furniture whlrh nr c f,.i in Jmnrovinethe
appearance of rooms. Call and inspect this shipment.
Main and Webb Streets
CIGARS, the best brands 1
TOBACCOfinest for i
smokinc: and ohewimr 3
jrurc to suit all.
t Dn0OI.
Lee'3 TT c tj t-. . ' . T-t.mittO
Stnrt t?,i I C B ixciutjuy ior swme piaguc. "
Kl'rJi?!l! and ca"le: Linseed OifMeal tJS.
-, -, T"J- i uumy lOQUS anu waii' .
C. F.
HtV. Hfaln anH PaaH
J7 d 129 East AUa Street. .- - . Pedl