East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 10, 1902, Image 4

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    I " - ' I
We have just received the first direct import order of
T(D)(Q)tti Eraslhe:
ever brought to Pendleton. They are made of the finest Eng
lish bristles, with wax back (a new idea) which makes it im
possible fot the bristles to come out, as is the case with most
brushes. Every brush has our name and guarantee stamped
plainly on it, and is not only backed up by ourselves, buc the
manufacturers as well Should any brush prove unsatisfactory,
a new one will be given in its place or money refunded. They
come in hard, medium and soft bristles. Where can you buy a
brush like them for the money ? We are making a leader of
them at 35 CENTS.
SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1902
The democratic candidates will
speak, and shake hands with the
voters, at the following places and
dates within Umatilla county:
May 19, Pilot Rock, 7 p. m.
May 20, Alba, 1 p. m.
May 20, Ukiah, 7 p. m.
May 21, Potts, (at school house),
7 p. m.
May 22, Echo, 7 p. m.
May 23, Milto. , 11 a. m.
May 23, Weston, 1:30 p. m.
May 23, Athena, 3 p. m.
May 23, Pendleton, 7:30 p. m,
Note: Governor Chamberlain and
other state candidates will be with
the county and district candidates at
Milton, Weston, Athena and Pendle
ton on this date, May 23.
May 24, Helix, 1 p. m.
May 24, Juniper, 7 p. m.
May 27, Mountain, 2 p. m.
May 28, Milton, 7 p. m.
.ay 29, Valley, (Behnkes
7 p. m.
May 30, Freewater, 7:30 p.
May 31, Weston, all day
hastened his death, at least It sad
dened his last days and squeezed out
about all the cheer that was in his
heart. His mental health was such
that he could not be hold responsible
for his acts for several years before
his death. He was sick In mind long
before his friends suspected it, and,
possibly, some of his performances
and short comings were due entirely
to this condition.
Admiral Sampson was a man of ex
cellent strongth of character, which
is shown by the fact that ho rose
from the lower ranks of life to one or
the 'highest positions In the gift of
the American people. Ho served his
country faithfully nnd death relieved
him of all afflictions and sorrows, of
which he had fully his share. He
lies at rest with the honors of his
country entwined around hijs good
"What the American people have
accomplished for themselves or the
Filipinos in the Philippines could be
put in a nutshell, at least It would
not fill a book with Its recital.
In short our military administra
tion in the islands has approached the
danger lines of national disgrace and
shame. Public sentiment is on the
eve of becoming a hostile force to it
and those back of it. President
Roosevelt will have to act quickly to
avert tho blow that is about to fall
It is doubtful itf ho will be equal to
the occasion.
Tho current of popular opinion Is
about to run counter to tho admlnls
tratlon's policies, as expressed by the
military In tho Philippines. The peo
ple are beglnnng to suspect that
"benevolent assimilation" has not
been made to prevail and what has
been accomplished was more in tho
interests of the masters than of tho
slaves, of tho whites than tho "nig
Profit from our exploitation in tho
Philippines has been preached freely,
out no profit, unless it bo that of
brutality, is in evidence. Our plans
There are indications of dissatis
faction, with the republican machine
and Its ticket In many parts of Ore
on. These evidences are not on tho
surface, but a little below. Tho sur
plus strength of tho party in the state
threatens to be exhausted by tho
time election day comes around.
From a multitude of directions
signs come of revolt against the party
and the silence of the "insurgents"
is portentious. The republican news
papers of the estate are almost free
from reference to tho Issues of the
campaign or mention of the candl
date, who make up the ticket.
With the exception of the Ore-
gonlan, the republican cause Is ig
nored by tho republican press, at
least to such an extent that the ob
server cannot resist inquiring, what
is the matter?
Census bulletin No. 15G purports to
give a more complete enumeration of
livestock In the United States than
was over before authorized by con
gress or undertaken by any census.
It says: "Not "only were previous
census reports deficient with respect
to the number of domestic animals on
range and In barns and enclosures
elsewhere, but the statistics of live
stock and t livestock values wore too
general to be of practical value to
either breeder or shipper." Tho
present report alms to be free from
theso defects and the statistics were
careiuuy collected with that end .u
animals on farms. Allowing tho same
average values, however, the animais
not on farms have a value ot io,
192.928. It is nrobable. therefore,
thnf tho ilnmnstlti animals in the
United States June 1. 1900, had
value of at least $3,200,000,000, of
which amount the value of animals
on farms and ranges constitute over
93 per cent.'
In this connection it is worth not
iiiK that the discussion of the re
sponsiblllty of the beef trust for the
high nrlco of beef has led to a carotin
calculation of the amount of beef
controlled by the trust, and while the
figures may not be strictly rellabl
they are at least interesting. The
National Provisioner says: "There
are killed in this country about
(KO.O00 cattle, including calves;
about C.000,000 of these are killed at
the fifty odd official or Inspected
aoattolrs. while about C.000,000 are
killed at the other 900 unofficial abat
tolrs and by farmers and small
slaughterers over this country. The
whole of the cattle and calves as well
ns the hogs and sheep slaughtered by
the Ave uackers in question are
killed at the government Inspected
abattoirs, and arc among the 0,000,-
000 head given out by tho secretary
of agriculture as our official slaugh
tor. Assuming that the Ave concerns
cited kill 3,000,000 of the total, there
remain the other 2.000.000 and the
G.000,000 of outside cattle 8,000,000
head in all to hit the market in
competition. With so much beef and
veal for competition tho outside con
cerns would kill any such combine if
it existed."
If the figures stated are reliable it
is evident the complaint against the
trust is unfounded. It is further to
bo borne in mind that there was a
heavy shortage in the corn crop last
year, and consequently the farmers
did not raise so many beeves as usual
for the market. In any event there
is no reason for any excitement over
the matter. We have only to . con
serve the pastures of the west that
are now being ruined and provide for
irriKation of the arid lands to uro
vide us with a supply of beef ample
for our own needs and extensive ex
port for generations to come. San
Francisco Call.
Soon "the party" will be openly
defending and championing trusts,
instead of pretending to oppose tho
destruction of silver as standard
money and then Hopped over as soon
as it felt able to throw off the mask
The advance guard are already a'
work and have organized a society
called "United States Export Asso
clatfon," with headquarters in New
York. They are sending out litera
ture to the papers all over the coun
try and asking them to publish it,
defending "Trusts and Combina
tions" and giving Rev. Sam Jones as
an authority to prove that trusts are
just the thing to make the people,
happy and prosperous. They also
quote the Washington Post in sup
port of trusts. In a little while any
person who refuses to support the
trusts will be bitterly denounced and
slandered by the organs as having
"left the party" that made them, and
all that sort of thing. Nobody but
a trust magnate or defender -will be
a "good republican." Oregon State
all her strength, and if she is nervous
and melaucholy, and loses appetite there
A summary of the numerous de
tailed tables of statistics contained in
of pacification have been carried out tho report shows that on Juno 1, 1890,
with "flro and sword," slightly as
Blsted by administration of tho "water
cure" and other civilizing amusements.
There is a growing bitterness
against our military despotism in
theso islands, which is not alone con
fined to tho anti-Imperialists or tho
tho value of all livestock on farms in
tho United States was reported as
$2,208,767,573. Tho estimated value
of all livestock on ranges was $100.-
000,000, making the totnl for farms
and ranges $2,308,707,573. The cor
responding total on June 1, 1900, was
$2,981,722,915, a gain of 29.1 per cent.
Tho gain .f course was far from
being uniform throughout tho census
Tho country is to see whether dlvisi'ons of tho country In the North
noosoveltlsm is a remedy or cure for Atlantic division the value of Uve
Funstonlsm, Smlthlsm. Wallerlsm ?A$t?eL fl9T ?313'90t2'50 V
.i niinm mi a i , 5305,3C0,85G, or 2.8 per cent. This
nnd Qlonnism. Tho American people decrease was caused by losses in tho
nro ueconung sick nnd-tired of the number of meat cattle, horses shoop
Philippine muddle, for which they nnrt swme. tH0 Increase In average
hold tho republican party
leaders alone responsible.
and party
values and in tho number of other an
imals having been insufficient to bal
ance the same. In tho South Atlan
'tic states tho vnlue Increased from
$101,031,801 to 81$4.152,273, a gain of
ld.D per cent; in tho North Central
states, from $1,195,701,202 to $1,529.
975,317, a gain of 2 Sper emit: In tho
South Contrnl states, from $392,155.
5')S cnt OKt; ROT .... I.. r.n
hero or ono well understood by the Lent, and in tho Western atnt fl
people, hut ho was respected and ad- $215.373,C7S td $3C1,453,-153, a gain of
mired by a largo body of his country- 47-a l,er cet
men. Ills ond. so soon after his
earthly victories, was particularly Aftor slvl"S those figures tho bullo.
sail. AfflinHn,, n,i .iioo ..-.4 t,n Kes on to W- "N reports wore
" , """ ""y secured concerning the vnluo of nnl-
mo iiiuasuio uuu grauucaiion, which nials not on farms and ranges. Tlioy
'Tho death of Admiral Sampson
causes profound sorrow throughout
the nation. He was not a nonular
should have been his aftor tho Span
Jsh-Amorlcan war.
Possibly, tho unfor.tunato contro
probably havo averago values some
wnat greator than tho animals on
farms and ranges, since tho greator
number nrn lnrntfii in m ont i,..
vorsy of which ho was tho principal, ing tho highest average values for
In GIHh&odl
There is a great need of motherly watch
fulness and care. A growing girl needs
is surely something wrong. This is espe
cially true as the young girl approaches
mat important pe
riod of change
when the woman
ly function is es
tablished. Time
ly care and proper
treatment at this
period may save
much after suf
fering. The best medi
cine for youug
rirls who are
nervous, melan
choly, and irreg
ular of appetite,
is Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescrip
tion. It cures
nervousness, diz
ziness, and melan
choly, promotes
the appetite, and
gives the body
robust health.
There is no alco
hol in "Favorite
Prescription " and
it is entirely free
from opium, co
caine, and all
other narcotics.
"Sly daughter was troubled with duzluess and
constipation and was very nervous for five
?T'"Ztil? M.rs' US?rter' of.'5 4th Street,
N. V.t Washington. D, C. I tried several clcx
tors but they cave her no relief. At times she
would eat uotliins, had green and purple circles
under her eyes, ami was melancholy. A woman
Inciul of mine told me to try your 'Favorite
Prescription and ' Pleasant Pellets which I did,
Ailer taMii? one bottle of each she beiran to 1m.
One of Georgia's Useful Educators is
Grateful For What Pe-ru-na is Do-
i?nv Suffering Huinanruy.
P. A. Curtright, A. U., Principal of the
Georgia Normal and Industrial Insti
tute, and editor and proprlotor of the
"Georgia Helping Hand" writes tho
following glowing words concerning
Peruna, and its efficacy In tho euro of
Ho savs : "I was Induced to try Peru
na by tho advice of a friend, and cor-
tainly believe that sunoring numanuy
would bo relioved if they only gavo Pe
runa a fair trial. Would that I could
frame words sufllciont to express my
uratitudo for tho benefits derived from
Its use." 3?. A. CURTRIGHT, Greens
boro, Ga.
Hon. W. N. Roach, United States
Senator from North Dakota, In a lottor
written from Larimore, North Dakota,
"Persuaded by a friend, I have used
Peruna as a tonic, and am glad to testify
that it haa groatly helped mo in strongth ,
vijror and appetite. I have been advised
by friends that it is remarkably effica
cious as a oure for tho almost univorsal
complaint of catarrh." W. N. Roach.
Senator Roach's wife recommends Pe
runa also. Sho says ; "I can cheerfully
... .niinTif. romedv. Pe
recommenu yum --" ---- -
runa. Iudoed, I know of no other rom
edy as good as yours. It is a grand tonic,
and many of my f rlonds havo used it for
catarrh with good rosults.-MrB. W. .
Tho most common phasos of summor
catarrh are catarrh of tho stomach and
bowels. Peruna is a specific for summor
Mr. Wm. Hebley, Duquesne, Pa.,
writes: "I am cured ot catarrh of the
stomach of two years standing. I had
It so bad that I could not eat anything
but milk. 1 doctored with several doc
tors and they could give me relief for a
short time only. I saw Peruna recom
mended and thought I would try It,
and I now think' I am cured of catarrh.
I have worked two months and did not
lose a day."Vm. Hebley.
Mr. Mosos V. Morrill, Columbus, Chor
okee Co., Kansas, Rural Routo No. 3,
'I had boon troubled with systemic
catarrh, which affected tho lowor bowols
especially. I was troubled with running
off of tho bowols and troublesomo catarrh
of tho bronchial tubes which caused
spitting of thick mucus. Since taking
Peruna my Improvement has been
wonderful. My bowels are regular as
clock-work. I can now eat like other
people and my vltuals digest."
Moses F. Merrill.
Hon. Willis Browor, Represontatlvo
in Congress from Alabama, writes the
following lettor to Dr. Hartman:
Houso of Representatives,
Washington, D. O.
Tho Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O. :
Gentlemen "I havo used ono bottle of
Peruna for lassitude, and I take pleasure
in recommending It to thoso who need a
good remedy. As a tonic it Is excellent.
In tho short time I havo used it it has
dono me a great deal of good." Willis
If you do not dorive prompt and satis
factory results from tho uso of Poruna,
write at onco to Dr. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your case and ho will
bo pleased to givo you his valuable ad
vico gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
JR.- F.I
around her eyes now and slip is healthy and
robust, eats as much as any child, and is crow
lag fatter every day."
Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate the bowels.
and cementing. Cement walks a Htiwlni.
ty, Kstlrantes furnished free. Work eiinr-
nnteed. Leave orders at Dudley & Zuh-
uer's cigar store. Main St.,. 1. O. box lOi.
and the only people in the saddlery
business that carry a complete stock of
Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Spurs, Sweat
Pads, Pack Saddles and Bags, Tents,
Wagon Coveas and Canvas.
Leading Harnoss and Saddlery.
Not on Pasco,
Yout Horses
Will be well cared for
if taken to
The Old Dutch Henry
Feed Barn.
comfortable stalls
plenty of feed
Call and See Us
Kit Hays k Connerley
w"wu"u ,uis and. tvj
jet the benefit M
, " ""itu enju
tllm tn cnll . US
dl Verv
mnrmn '
Lumber, BuUias
Lime. CemMi tr.
I 'VMll BP
Sand, Terra Cott
or anything h this
get otst prices.
Pendleton Planing H
Lumber Tart.
R. FORSTER, Proprietor
as aHliffhtbreakmavcndiniiereitciti
Better send your vehicles to NEM
jsuus. ana nave necessary repaint
soon as tlio v ara aimarent. Our cried n
goiiablo and low and our workmauk!l
cinss in an respecie, aim smibh repunu
lis carefully looked altar as complete renin
See Us About Gasoline Eob
Water St., near Main, Pendletm,!
Gray's Harbor Com. Col
A. C. SHAW &
Being one of the largest muj
ufactunng plants on rage
sound are able to sell yo
lumber cheaper than anyow
else. New lumber coming m
every day. They also malt
all kinds of boxes, includiaj
Apple, Pear, Peach, Cherry,!
and Plumb and berry crates,!
and are prepared to make youl
prices either in small lots orl
Dully East Oregonlan by Cin
only 15 cents week.
I still have Farms for Sale
N. Berkeley
Siivln.CT Bnuk Building, Pendleton. Or
Will be reapaired Propor
ly if sent to
Shop in Pendleton Shoe Store
It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse
...IN TOWN...
Are Our Customers
We aim to sell the best of hats and we do. Nothing
but hats from the best makers find room
hero. Our $3 hat is without a doubt the
best hat for the price that is made. If we
knew of a better one we would get it ; but
there is no better.
Hats this season are rather high in the
crown. Some well dressers like them very
high. We have hats to suit every taste and
ick Patterns