East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 10, 1902, Image 2

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    Furnishings For Men
Golf shirts, all sizes and colors 50c to $l 50
Plaited Bom Madras shirts, 65 and 75c and i 00
White shirts, extra quality 65c and 90c
"White shirts, unlaundried 40c and 50c
Night robes 50c to $ 00
Black satin shirts, sold everywhere for 75c 50c
Black and tan stockings, the 15c kind iOc
Gloves (large shipment just in) 25c to $t 50
Extra good boys' stockings other stores sell
them at 35c per pair . 25c
Handkerchiefs, extra large size, red, white and
blue 5c
Collars, Cuffs, Suspenders and Sweaters
Every Day Is a Bargain Day Here
One Price Glothiers, Furnishers and Halters, Pendleton
SiV.TUR.DAY, MAY 10, 1902.
The cholera statistics to date are
as follows: Manila, 8G7 cases ana
70G deaths; the provinces, 2152 cases
and 1806 deaths.
Mrs. Mary A. Llvermore, of wom
an suffrage fame, is confined to her
home in Melrose, Mass., with a seri
ous affliction of the eyes.
H. W. Barrows, disbursing officer
of the census bureau, is under arrest
in Washington, charged with embez
zling $7500 of government funds.
Bronson Howard, the noted Amer
ican playwright, is dangerously ill
in Prance. There is little hope foi
his recovery His age is 01 years
Pugilist' Sharkey has sailed for
London to fulfill his engagement with
Gus IUlhlin for a fight at the corona
tion. He will begin to train soon
after he lands.
At a fire at Dubuque, Iowa, Frank
Ganabee, aged 35 years, John Fltz
Patrick, aged 38, and Charles Wise
aged 25, were killed. The property
loss was only $15,000. The men were
killed by machinery falling on them
while fighting the flames.
A national bank, with $25,000 capi
tal, will soon begin business at
Burns, Harney county.
The Spokane share of the $10,000
fund fpr the preparation work of
the state at the St. Louis fair, was
raised in one day. It was $1500.
The First National Bank of Baker
City has individual deposits of $900,.
000 in round numbers. That is the
largest deposit of any bank in Ore
gon outside of Portland.
It took the jury in the caso of J. G.
Mack vs. the Oregonlan Publishing
Company,- for libel, about five min
utes to decide that Mr. Mack was en
. titled to no damages. Mr. Mack will
have to pay the costs.
The city council of Welser, Idaho,
has accepted a proposition from H.
V. Gates, of Hlllsboro, Or!, to put in
a system of waterworks and electric
lights to cost not less than $25,000.
The cijty is to voto $15,000 in bonds
and owns the plant, giving Mr. Gatoa
a lease of 15 years.
The directors of the Columbia
River Basin Board of Trade has In
dorsed Tho Dalles Portage railway
project. i. committee was appointed
to completo tho organization of tho
railway company and to secure tho
indorsement of tho project by tho
different commercial organizations
outside of Portland.
W. C. DeVoe, a brakoman on a
Southern Pacific freight train, was
killed in Marlon county Wednesday.
It is supposed that DeVoe, who was
standing on the track at a wood pile,
whore tho engines are loaded with
fuel, attempted to board the rear end
of the train while it was in motion,
which is frequently tho practice of
brakenien, and accidentally slipped
under tho cars.
The Pendleton.
E. H. Rand, Echo.
C. J. Shock, Omaha.
J. J. Burns, Portland.
J. P. Kirting, Minneapolis.
Gilbert It. Foles, Seattle.
E. B. Overtman.
W. E. Logan, Seattle.
F. J. Ginger, Spokane.
George F. Roberts, Portland.
May Moset, New York.
I. Steen, Portland.
T. W. Jackson, Portland.
Joe Hoderman, St. Louis.
G. M. Thornoll, Chicago.
W. H. Foyle, Portland.
I. K. Lovy, San Francisco.
R. T. Cox, Portland.
J. W. Morrow and wffe, Heppner.
George Stevens, Spokane.
H. M. Ogden, Portland.
H. C. Howell, St. Paul.
The Golden Rule.
B. E. Harder, Portland.
V. C. Brock, Walla Walla.
J. L. Wiley, North Yakima.
W. A. Wade and wife, Adams.
E. Simpson, La Grande.
J. H. Fin3k, Spokane.
F. J. Gardner, Portland.
B. T. Vaughan, Spokane.
A. E. McBreen, Portland.
John G. Helfrlch, Spokane.
F. H. Bratter, Weston.
L. H. Bilhauer, San Francisco.
J. T. Campbell.
M. S. Carrigall.
Ray Barton, Butter Creek.
William Folsom.
F. O. Rogers, Athena.
Fred Marten, Cold Springs.
M. F. Ward.
E. Bloom.
Mrs. Kirkendall.
G. D. Galley, Portland.
Burrows up the Scalp Into Dandruff
and Saps the Hair's Vitality.
People who complain of falling
hair as a rule do not know that it is
the result of dandruff, whloh Ir
caused by a pestiferous parasite
burrowing up the scalp as it digs
down to the sheath in which the
hair is fed in tho scalu. Before lnno-
tho hair root is shriveled up and the
hair drops out. If tho work of the
germ is not destroyed, hair keeps
thinning till baldness comes. Tho
only way to cure dandruff is to kill
tne germ, and until now there has
been no hair preparation that would
no it; wit today dandruff is easily
eradicated by Newbro's Herpiclde
which makes hair glossy and soft as
Btat sop Ohio, city or tolxdo j
Lvcak County. t "
Frank J. Clieuuy ranker) oath that he Is tho
senior imrtncr of tho tlriri of F.J. Cheney it Co.,
uolni? business In the city of Toledo, county
and Iate aforesaid, and that eld firm will pay
the um of One Unmlrcd Dollars for each and
every caso of Catarrh that canuotba cured by
the Uko of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before mo ami subscribed In my
presence this Cth day of December, A.
I 8KAh' I A. W. O.T.KA80N,
v- Notary l'ubllc.
Hall's Catarrh euro Is taken Internally aud
acta directly on tho blood aud mucous surfaces
of tho system. Send for testimonials, free,
K. J. OJIKNKV A CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by riruKcfsts. 76c.
Hall's Family I'JUs aro tho lct.
Vansycle Notes.
Vansyclo, May 8, E. W. Helen
who solicited orders in this viclnltv
for a -grocery firm in Portland, will
deliver tho groceries on the 10th In
stant, at Holl.w
A very warm and heavy rain fell
Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Fred Raymond went to Pen
dleton chopping Tuesday.
Tho warehouse nt Stanton is prot
ty well under construction acaln.
Ben Stanton went to Pendleton
Tuesdny on business.
A. C. Brothorton is sinkinir his well
deeper. He wants to get water
enough so ho can put in a wind mill.
AIlss G. V. Cleaver, of Pendleton,
will stop with Mrs. A. C. Brothorton
this summer, while she teaches music
in this locality. Sho arrived yesterday.
Hetty Oreon, the noted woman ot
flnanco, has been granted a permit
to carry a revolver by tho police or
Now York city, captain O'Brien's
report ou her application, say that
Airs. Green declared sho was In the
habit of carrying largo sums of mon
ey, stocks, bonds nnd jewelry.
A Long List of Claims and Bills
Against County Allowed.
The following claims .and bills
were allowed by tho county court,
now in session:
Coroner's Court Expense.
W. G. Cole, $10.20; C. W. Hoag,
$1.20; O. C. Turner, $1.20; C. u. Kin
ii nv S1 9fl- D W. Warren. S1.20: W
R. Pavno. 81.20: George Reynolds,
$1.20; D. F. Lavender, $1.70; George
McGrcw, $1.70; George Banners,
$1.70; J. A. Best, $5; W. G. Cole,
S14.QR: .T. L. Miller. $5.40: C. W.
Thomas, $5.40; Charles A. Frazler,
$1.20; A. J. Black, $1.20 ; uoberi
Lalng, $1.20; H. Kruger, $1.20; C. R.
Dnttnn. S1.20: B. F. Pierce. $1.20;
Frank Earnhart, !1.70; Clifford E.
Green, $L70; Grace Raucli, Jfi.iu;
Bert Hicks, $1.70; Charles J. Hill
yard, $1.70; F. W. Vincent, $5S
C. J. McKcnzJe, $2.50; Ed Culp, $1.70;
Bessie Hicks, $1.70; W. G. Cole
Road Labor, Material.
C. A. Brown, $1; W. N. Fix, $10.50;
M. L. Fix, $35; E. F. Straughn, $7.55;
B. Beagle, $3G; A. E. Burns, $3G;
Sanford Strout. $22.50: Walter Hays
$5; W. J. Clarke & Co., $03; C. W.
Brown. $10.50: J. W. Fix, $Y.bU
Oregon Lumber Yard, $128.50; Alex
Hudson, $11; H. C. Dunn, $iu.ou; a
Z. Jenkins, $26; Robert T. Patton
S10.50: D. J. Shewmaker. $7G: Des
pain Bros., $7.2o; Pendleton Planing
Mill. $70.32: Charles H. Miller. 54.4U
W. P. Benedict, $10.50; William Cor
ley, $28.50; T. C. Taylor, $5.25; Perrj
Whitworth, $2.25; T. G. smitn,
J. A. McLaughlin, $0.72 J C. F. Jones
Court House.
Mlax Moorehead, $111; D. Kemler,
$13.75; J. R. Guthrie, $5.50; T. G
Taylor, $4.90; John M. Bentley,
$111; M. A. Rader, $0; Joseph Ell,
Current Expense.
E. O. Publishing Co., $78.55; S. K
Yates, 75c.
Pauper Expense.
McQuowen & Depow, $8; T-. C
Taylor, $8.25.
Assessment, Collection Tax.
Ed Strahon, $51.
Road Labor, Material.
H. Capllnger, $10.50; Joe Banister,
$39; Henry Adams, $30; Joseph Gar
rett. $21; F. M. Bush. $2G; Willis
Bush, $14; C. O. Henry, $3.50; C. A
Barrett, $1.50; Athena Lumber Co.,
$7.30; Al Johnson, $12; The Milton
Lumber Yard, $42.98; W. N. Vancil,
$28.45; E. L. Smalley, $1; The Bet-
Hive, 75c; Freewater Lumber Co.,
$3.30; Freewater Lumber Co., $31.20,
James McElrath, $1.50; J. A. Creigh
ton, $12.20; G. M. Harrah, $2.25; W.
Haun, $G; J. N. Mathena, $10; A. J.
Overturf, $J; Philip Heidenreik, $12;
W. W. Wlnans, $5; C. Spencer, $4.80;
J. D. McCoy, $13.40; W. H. Kaseberg,
i4; John Hanson, $9; Charles Arm
strong, $3.50; J. N. Basket. $67.50;
Montgomery Bros., $16.82; Arthur
Grover, $5.50; Clarence Conner, $12;
.Arthur Grover, $8.50; William H.
Beathe, $18; James Fuson, $3.50,
James Fuson, $8; J. E. Lewis, $2,
James Wasson, $27; L. M. McRey
nolds, $22; James Wasson, $6; R. A.
Harpole, $7; F. H. Beathe, $200;
Thomas Jaques, $200; S. A. Edwards,
$151.50; Smith Blevins, $G6; J. W,
Hampton, $66; Alba Saw Mill Co,
.$11.13; James Fuson, $9.50; S. B.
Couch, $23.75; Fred Young, $9.50;
William H. Beathe, $9.50; Harry
Beathe, $1G.G2; Harry Beathe, $10.25;
S. B. Couch, $17; S. B. Couch, $80;
Fred Young, $15; Fay Loveridge,
$36.37; . William H. Beathe, $30.50,
George Rldenour, $5; James Fuson,
$30; J. E. Lewis, $14; Frank Greer,
$2.25; John Read, $8; John Read,
$25; The Umatilla Implement Co.,
$122; Temple & Wilcox, $37.50; B. F.
Caso, $10.15; C. E. Macomber, $24;
J. W. Arnold, $2.50; J. S. Vinson,
V2.50; J. H. Raymer, $2.50; Ward
Davis, $2.50; C.-F. Weiss, $2; C. E.
Macomber, $10; J. W. Arnold, $3.50,
J. S. Vinson, $3.50; J. H. Raymer,
$3.50; Ward Davis, $3.50; C. F.
Weiss, $2.50; C. E. Macomber, $24;
C. E. Macomber, $9; W. H. Beathe,
$2.50; William ZIgman, $5; J. E.
Walden, $5; W. H. Beathe, $5.50;
J. B. Hart, $2; C. E. Miacomber, $24;
C. E. Macomber, $1.50; J. S. McLeod,
$2.40; B. F. Renn, $2.40; W. H.
Jones, $2.40; William Rahe, $2.40;
James McKay, $2; C. E. Macombor
$14; J. W. Arnold, $4; J. S. Vinson,
$4; J.-H. Raymer, $4; Wndo Davis-,
$4; C. F. Weiss, $2.50; C. E. Macom
ber, $24; W. J. Stockman, $42.50;
Henry Peterson, $30; P. Sones, $57.
25; James Trlbble, $5; Ross New
port, $36; H. G. Newport, $36; F. P.
Harwood, $12.75; Jerome Gulllford.
$21; Ed Hammer, $4.50; J. A. Thorn
ton, $5.25; Mhtt McCullough, $19.50:
J. W. Saling, $4.50; C. J. Ward, $6;
Ed Tompleton, $21; Elmer Spike.
$19.50; W. W. Whitworth, $6; Frank
Spike, $37; Clarenco Conner, $19,25,
Arthur Grover, $6; William Arm
strong. $9; Clark Cockerlino, $27.50,
j. a. acott, $45; j. s. Matthews. $10,
J. S. Matthows, $8,75; Ross MfcMla
hon. $18; W. H. Bond, $4; L. E. Hu
spn, $95; W. O. Wnrron, $122.50.
Charles Chaney, $70; S, A. Hampton,
$117; Fred Searcy, $0; C, E. Brown,
$11.40; A. T. Bird, $19.20; W. H.
Wndo, $13.20; Gus Schrader, $7.80,
William 'Stickler, $0; William Stick
ler, $4.50; W. II. Wade, $4.20; G. F.
Jones, $3; G. F. Jones, $5,25; Wil
Ham Corloy, $3.50; Cotton, $9.60; A.
is. McKMght, $37.65; Sones & Walk-
Yon Are Urged to Make Health
limiting Your First Work
This Month,
Puts You in Condition to With
stand the Enervating Effects
of a Hot Summer.
If you are ailing, sick or diseased
it is our earnest desire to interest
you in your own personal welfare.
We try to do this by simply urging
you to make health building your
first work this month, as efforts to
banish disease are much more dif
ficult when, in addition to physical
sufferings, you are obliged to con
tend with the enervating effects of
a hot summer. Medical men know
well that a sicy person when treated
with the proper medicine in May,
has a much better chance or life
and health than Is possible in July
or August.
The incalculable amount of good
that Painc's Celery Compound Is
now doing in making sick people
well, should compel the attention of
every thinking man aud woman now
in sickness and suffering.
Faulty nutrition of the nervous
system is the direct cause of ner
vous debility, headaches, dyspepsia,
and neuralgia ailments that thou
sands aro now suffering from.
When people have blood that is pale
watery, and full of impurities, their
nerves cannot assimilate food prop
erly and derive nourishment from It
Paine's Celery Compound used in
May cleanses the blood, bestows
greater nerve force, regulates the
stomach and bowels, arouses a
healthy appetite, and brings about a
normal action of the dormant liver.
Paine's Celery Compound in overy
case gives a positive aud permanent
cuie. It is the most thoroughly
honest medicine that run down and
o.ckly men and women can employ.
Its life giving effect on nerves and
blood is truly marvelous.
The season's latest production in this interestintr
article of men's wearing apparel. Now that the
Oxford wearing weather is here you are advised '
C-lim HnilfH' by dyeing your faded garments
OelVl fllUlll) with Diamond lyes. 10 cents.
er, $45.05; Burt Legerwood, ?21;
Josh Clark, $21; Josh Clark, $3; Jink
Howard, $10; Charles Vanhoy, $6;
Ed Howard, $14; Fred Clark, $4;
John Anderson, $S; John Bisher, $1,
George W. Proebstel, $35.32; Martin
Roach, $14; J. D. Uish, $49; Orman
Fox, $39; L. E. Wells, $29; W. O. Mil
llkin, $10; C. E. Wolls, $2; James
Jonhson, $1.50; T. J. Conrad, $3; C.
F. Weiss, $29; G. C. Schrooder, $1;
Harry Beathe, $17.50; James Fuson,
$3.50; James Fuson, $S; S. B. Couch
$35; Fred Young, $14; Fay Loveridge,
$10.50; Charles Meteor, $2; Slle
ReRevs, $3S; N. J. Reevs, $22; Chas.
M'eteer, $35; Charles Meteer, $3.50;
H. M. Sloan, $12; Carnes Bros., $1.60,
William Estes, $2; Oregon Lumber
Yard, $61.40.
Assessment and Taxation.
Frank B. Brown, $72; Geo. Buzan,
$208; R. T. Brown, $150; J. P. Earl,
$9; R. A. Dozier, $24; E. S. Wllber,
$32; Frank Rack, $88; N. W. Mum
ford, $150; Geo. Ginn, $72; Abe Mil
ler, $120; Geo. Cowel, $136; Alex
Hudson, $68; Geo. Proebstel Jr., $28;
C. P. Smith, $48; Fred Rozenweig,
?io-i; Albert Harala, $68.
County Hospital Expenses.
The Thompson Hardware Co. $27:
H. F. Kamrath, $3; The Fair Store,
$n.iu; aiosgrovo & Co., $26.87; M.
h. Belieu, $2; W. S. Byers, $3.35;
C. F. Coiesworthy, $1.50.
Court House Expense.
B. S. Wnffle, $1.50 C. A. Frazler,
$G0.G9; Pendleton Electric Light &
P. Co., $7i; W. D. Chamberlain,
to prepare.
- out? juhauaxo
Another large lot of the celebrated and largely worn
"Useful." Save embarrassments and money.
Low Toned Price
JUST IN New stock "collar and tie" complete .50c
And the newest of the new Coronation Eng
lish Twill !
Call and see them, as they are JUST OUT.
tne Othe Fellow Jcalotis.
Boston Store
There Is No Question
It is the finest grade it is possible to make. Nothing
but the choicebt wheat enters into Byers' flour, and
satisfaction is the result whererever it is used for bread
or fancy baking.
r-s i-vi isb i-i ai-vi mm rw vi .1 ..-
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
v v v w r v w c cv tv cv tv nr w or cl- w rv cv cv cv tir k . t
The Independent Warehouse.
Will be onen for business, with n
competent man In charge, to see that
all customers receive
careful attention. Wool growers and
wncat grower will find it to their
Interest to store with tbio hni,D,
where they can shin over nlthop 11
of road. References, First National
"anic. wuuam Caldwell In charge.
Will work fnr win fU n ,i.t 1 1
compensation -6 V A R I ET ES all
prices. Write for catalog and SpV4lal o'ffwl
MILLS NOVELTY 00,, Chicago.
II In 9.1 Smith I.H..... ci.... D
Golcomda Gold Mine
A Plain Statement of Fact:
The G0LC0NDA MINE, in the Snmriter district, with al
its eauinmont. and ten other claims, was recently nurchased jO
in Jf endleton. which is now oneratmtr the mine. The iuu w
chase price is paid, and all trat the treasury stock disposed 01
those who advanced tho purchase nrice.
Thullfl TTTOO 1-ff i 1 r -fYxTI ntl rTl fifO tl Tl 0 Ii
U.U lull J.IX- tUO blUaD Ul.Y 1U1 UOi a
OUU.UUU SmvPfiK Ot trPARiirv stnnlr. Knmn of thifl RtOCK IS OUtUUU
RttlP. Tint Tint avnonriinn 900. OOO olinnna if tttiII ha ROlfl ! ES
TTtl I I 1 1' J 111 1 1 I 1 4- L. - t CtO 1 T K
ouywj UUIU1U ILliiUD UULil IUU Hi lilt? iD tuuu "VV
a . . , . . 1 it I
av .9 ii i ii iiju i ifi mi i iiT ri ii f i ri 1 1 -n ri nrii ti ti ri i irifiu h iiiiiin ivi
luruauiuuub ui tiuo viiaiaubOi uvHuwb vxw"
prove its worth those at work in thn minn. who are in a posl
1, it r i - i i i. il hti rflii
lu miuw wiiuL its iu luh iininnnna. orvh nnntriiL btuuii an w
w MUUU T II 111 IJ 11 ll 1 1 I V III I, I I n MfL I n 111! II 1 1 1 1 IfUl. LfWl-w m 1
i,uuu or more shares or this stock, as they will most iu"j
it the very hest investment thoy ,ever made in their lives.
Auaross all orders lor stook with oheoks m iavor m
sl . aid!,. i
Keep Yout Houses Cool !
Have a "Qaick Meal" Bltfe Flame Oil Stove
Put in your kitchen without delay. Cheapest and most p'
feet Htove made. One cent a burner an hour Is all H cosW.
operate the Quick Meal. No trouble to start aud absolute y
free from danger. New stock Juat iu. -a
" 1 ZTrTiirV'
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.