East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 09, 1902, Image 5

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    The 1 eutsch flat
Soli and GfS ar anteed by Lee Tetftsch, Pendleton,
The Teutsch Hat is made especially for us, after
A ,iiar hi no. ks that are in vosrue in the
bion centers. They are the most fashionable and
trictly up to dale men's head wear brought to Pendle
ton this season.
Each hat bears the stamp, embossed on the
. l a .
flie Tetftsch Hat
and Guaranteed Dy
Lee Tetftsch
Pendleton, Oregon
This guarantee means that every hat is warranted to
.? t:.n-)!nn nnrl run cf-nnH rpaflv tn mn4ff the iriiar-
give enure smwoim-n.., j o
antee good. There are no better gentlemen's hats made at
any price. They stand first in style, first in quality, and first
in popular price.
The "Teutsch are sou ana stin nais ana are maae
in all the latest styles and shapes, and sell from
$2.00 TO $3.50 EACH
Lee Teutsch
Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Company.
3 Lee Teutsch for hats.
imea A. Hownrn. farm Inn no
ImDlGlDPTlf PnmTonw
11 hnrt'c nr U(n nr j
A nrfoA 1Cn KTiPt
c---w -uw, O,
ffl firAitr. i i .
. 10 omito Trs j
In llnp nnH fin rrxi. -n.. n
utrictly cash grocery, which is the
- . .iou lumjiv : irnnn waeeH.
. t lino umue.
f VAtl 1
- uicuiit.. inev ; sinniA tnn
were Is to be had.
-' lu u at lowest raten nn
Or MllTlln. i - . .
&ast Oreconlan hiiMinr
08 Htntlfla.J
-o-v cmiea ar. tho nnMcoo f
, , '""'J caan trading plan.
lur nniinrQ .
waiia snnA.v in; .rr
wsTibm er 8ame Ly appylns
Eobs Fobs
1 have just received some
J" d(ignS in Leather and
.Woven Fobs. They are
ules and . . . .
.v-tjr acrviceaDie.
COst is modest
xd Optician
Castle's for fish.
Fresh fish dally at Castle's.
Fechter's for Ice cream. Court St
Furnished rooms, 309 W. Court St,
Columbus buggies, $150, at Uma
tilla Implement Company.
For Sale Lady's bicycle, almost
new. Apply 712 West Alta street.
Large stock of best toilet soap at
Martin's Family Grocery and Bak
Nobbiest Ideas of the season in
suitings at Seibert & Shulz's, the
Fresh Swiss cheese. It's delicious
At Martin's Family Grocery and
Brome grass seed and all kinds of
bulk and package garden seeds at
Hawley Bros.
Drop into Nolte's saloon and get
some nice fresh crawfish. Received
fresh every other day.
Helnz's strawberry and pineapple
preserves also apple butter. Very
fine goods, at Hawley Bros.
Extra fine assortment of bottled
pickles, preserves and jams at Mar
tin's Family Grocery and Bakery.
Hot house lettuce, strawberries,
asparagus, cauliflower and dressed
poultry at Demott & Co.'s tomorrow,
Just arrived from Chicago, the
ladies' new street hats, also the im
proved Sablin corsets at Mrs. Camp
bell's. William H. Eenfrey has disowned
his allegiance to the king of Great
Britain and declared his intention of
becoming a subject of Uncle Sam.
All kinds of real estate for sale,
Homes on easy payments, will fur
nish part of puVchase money.
Rihorn & Cook, room 10, Taylor
Police Judge McCourt assessed
Douglas McDonald $10 this afternoon
for being drunk and disorderly
Peter Touse, for the same offense
was fined $5.
Wm. Abalan of Turkey will show
Turkish and Oriental goods at R.
Alexander's store next Monday, May
12. These goods are made by Aba
Inn himself, in Turkey.
Sf. Joe Store will have a special
sale on groceries, dry goods, clqth-
tng, shoes and furnishings Saturday,
May 10th. Great bargains will be
ottered. Do not fall to attend this
The local lodge of Elks, initiated
E. L. Barnett, of Athena, Into the se
crets of their order at their meeting
last night. Refreshments were
served . and a social ime was enjoy,
Harry McCullough, arrested in
Wallowa county several days ago for
the theft of horses from Al Johnson,
at Athena, during last fall, furnished
ball in the sum of $250 and gained
his liberty Thursday evening.
Tom James, arrested Wednesday
night, charged with robbing Brock &
McComas drug store, will have his
preliminary hearing before Judgo
Fitz Gerald, Monday, at 10 o'clock a.
m. In the meantime, Jamea remains
In the county Jail.
The superiority of Dutton's Ice
cream has been manifested and the
demand continues to increase with
each season. The flavoring extracts
are the purest and richest obtainable,
while the cream Is strictly pure.
Try It yourself.
Lost A gray mare, with reached
mane, branded on left hip with helf
irele over cross and a bay mare,
branded with D on left shoulder and
diamond cn right shoulder. Suitable
reward will be paid flnder by return
ing to T. W. Ayrea' barn.
J. U. McDill has found his bicycle
that was thought to have been stol
en. It was found in the China noodle
house In Chinatown, and the owner
of the house claimed that he found
the wheel sitting in front of his
place during the night and took it
Inside to take care of It.
A petition was filed with the coun
ty court this morning by W. O. Ham
lsch, asking that he be appointed
guardian of little Ella Hamisch, his
6-year-old daughter, who was injured
by the W. & C. R. turn table In this
city the 7th of April. It is under
stood that this is the first move to
ward filing a suit for $50,000 dam
ages against the company.
W. H. Maple and A. B. Noble re
turned last night from Meadow
Creek, where they have been for
two weeks, taking their cattle to
their homestead claims. They per
formed considerable work in the way
of building fences and making im
provements on their land while
there. Mr. Maple says the roads
are good and the grass find. While
in tin inountalnR" they wero In Quite
a heTW snow storm.
The Court Will Probably Finish the
Business Before It at Close of
This Week.
The May term of the supreme
court will probably end tomorrow
evening. By this time all of tne 32
cases that were before the court
will have been disposed of, and
Chief Justice Robert S. Bean and
Associate Justices Frank E. Moore
and Chas. E. Wolverton, with the
attorneys who have been attending
the court from different counties
can leave for their homes.
Two Cases Only Dismissed.
Out of all the cases before the
court only two have been dismissed
and the rest, with the exception of
the case of G. D. -Simmons, plaintiff
and respondent vs. The Oregon
Railroad & Navigation company, de
fendant and appellant, is booked for
tomorrow. This is a complicated
case and will take some time to
argue. This is a case where the
plaintiff sued the railroad company
for damages and was awarded
$20,700 by the lower court for in
juries received in a freight train col
lision at Kamela some time ago
The defendants appealed the case
and are trying to show that the com
pany should not be responsible for
the injury because plaintiff had no
business on the train when injured
The cases argued and submitted
today were:
LeClare vs. Thlbault.
Edward D. LeClare, plaintiff and
respondent, vs. N. H. Thlbault and
Marie Louise Thlbault, defendants
and appellants. This case grew out
of an action brought to foreclose a
mortgage on mining property In Ba
ker county, given by defendants to
secure a note for $2000 . given to
plaintiff. The case was decided in
favor of plaintiff in the lower court.
Lowery vs. Sterling et. al.
M. A. Lowery, respondent, vs.
Henry V. Sterling, Thomas Wade
and A. Ferguson, appellants, is the
title of a case brought in Union
county by respondent to foreclose a
mortgage on a note .for $2084. This
was the last case up today.
Promise to Build an Electric Road
From Dayton to Pendleton and
Have it In Operation In the Next
Two Years. 1
H. Mollma nand Frank B. Romo
the street railway and electric car
lino promoters from San Francisco,
were in Pendleton last night and
had a conference with the city offic
ials and county judge and commis
sioners regarding a franchise for
their electrical road In this county.
Nothing definite was dono, but the
matter of granting a franchise for
electrical cars, both In and out of
the city, was discussed and Messrs
Mellmann and Romo are very en
thusiastic over their proposed
l'hey came from Walla Walla hore
and Interviewed all the towns In the
eastern end of the county between
here and that city, and report hav
tng received good encouragement all
along the line.
These promoters claim to have nil
kinds of capital back of them and
will be able to accomplish all they
propose If they can get the fran
chlse and rights of way. This Is
the only thing that Is in their way
at present, they say, and, If this can
be overcome, each town along the
line between here and Dayton will
not only be supplied with electricity
for any use for which it may b
wanted. but will connect the
neighboring towns with electric car
lines that will give quick and oco
nomical transportation.
While the scheme of these promot
ers is a practical one and, perhaps,
one that would prove a fortune to
the promoters, beside a great help
to the country through which the
road passed, It is regarded by many
as chimerical and not likely to ma
terialize for many years, if over.
The two gentlemen say that If
they can get the franchises they
will have the road built and In oper
ation within the next two years.
It Pays to Track at the Peoples Warehouse
To cut pricos at the beginning of the saeson! We are
overstocked and will make a substantial reduction in
nearly all lines. Romomber, wo do not carry CHEAP
May Shopping Festival
Table Linens
56 inch bleached and un
bleached table linen
regular 40c quality
The best that is manu
factured ON SALE AT 4c
May Shopping Festival
Shift Waists
You know the handsome
line we carry. All our
new shirt waists ovor
$2.50 sold at reduction of
White Gloves
A largo assortment of
ladies lisle laoo gloves
Reveals a Great Secret,
It is often auked no .' .
i Ing cures, that puzzle the best physl-
Discovery for Consumption. Here's
the secret. It cuts out the phelgm
and germ Infected mucus, and lets
the life giving oxygen enrich and vit
alize the blood. It heals the inflam
ed, cough worn throat and lungs.
Hard colds and f.tubborn coughs soon
yield' to Dr. lung's New Discovery,
the most infallible remedy for all
Throat .and Lung diseases. Guar
anteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial
bottles free at Tallman & C'o's.
p Pprin
b IbUJ
Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings, Boots
and Shoes.
Send for
The Rev. Timothy Magulre, pastor
of St. Kevin's Roman Catholic
church, in Chicago, was found dead
in a hath tub. at the parish house.
Death had been caused by drowning.
It is supposed he fell asleep In the
bath tub.
Stat kof Ohio, City or tolkoo f
Lucas County.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he ii the
senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co.,
doing busIneM In the city of Toledo, county
and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay
the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and
every case of Catarrh that cannotbe cured by
the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my
presence this 6th day of December, A.
(.. ID. 1886.
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and
acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo. Ohio.
Bold by druggists. 76c.
Hall's Family Fills are the best.
Ji Need of Money.
All parties knowing themselves in
debted to D. Kemler are hereby noti
fied to call and settle at once and
save costs. D. KEMLER.
Better See Them
Before You Buy
WORTH $5.oo
Boston Store
Did Yoa Know
We Sell These Items ?
Marriage Certificates J5cto
Cups and Saucers A fine
line--for gins ...45 to 99c
Baby Carriages and Go-carts
$4.45 to $21.95
Hammocks largest line in
Pendleton, 69c to $3.95
We print you 100 nice call
ing cards for 49c
78 patterns to select from
Crepe Paper
Plain and decorated, 5 to 22c
Per Roll
Fall Line of Baseball Goods
Balls, Gloves, Mitts, at
Lowest Prices
Frederick Nolf
Eating Time
Tb looked forward to with
pleasure by those who
dino at, the St. Qeorge
food is right, t'ho cooking
right, the hervico right
and the prices right.
Best 25 Cent Meal
in the City at the
St. George
Sheet Iron and Copper
Work... Special Attention
to Job Work.... Roofing
and Guttering.. .All Work
Guaranteed. : : : :
Shop: Cottonwood Street, Opposite
St. Joo Store, Near Court St.
Thn liminn rommlttoe on nubile
lands ordered a favorable report on
the bill permitting the secretary of
the interior in his dlscertion. to per
mit, the citizens of one state to cut
and use timber from a forest reserve
5n an adjoining state.
Impaired Digestion
is quickly corrrected by these won
derful pills One trial will show
you the reason for the big sales of
Sold ErerrwhereIo boxes 10c. And 8,
We Are Particular
About the manner in which our stock is
kept. Cleanliness is followed strictly, so
that everything that comes from our store
will please you and will prove appetizing.
Baskets and Brooms
Our line of baskets contains everything
you may need clothes baskets, lunch bas
kets, market baslftts, wood baskets, etc.
Brooms that sweep clean and stand tho
wear; do not get out of shape or loso strawa.
Superior Clean Goods at Reasonable Prices, with
Prompt Delivery Are Out pinners.
R. MARTIN, Proprietor
This slgnatuto Is on every box ot the gonulna
Laxative uronio-uummeTBbiets
'tlioowady that carta r cola ia ouo day.