East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 09, 1902, Image 1

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" t 1
Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonight and Saturday, fair.
"NT). 4430
U 15.
fin n
ated That it win ae
ienty inuuoanu -
AO Years Ago.
Lo Counties Show Increase
Iftr.and These Are Morrow
Lincoln - Only Five More
, in WHicli Voters Can Regis-
ad, May 9 reports irom
ras counties in uregun buuw
I the Tote at tne sime viwuuu
be will l)e suon wueu
ared with the vote 01 iwo years
'n reasons nre given for he
U of the voters to register. It
ftlmated that the influx of those
lie to vote has been over iu,
i the last two years, so that the
fought to be considerable larger
the vote two years ago. ne
mats claim the shortage in tne
an indication of the election
hamberlain for governor. Only
counties in the state show an
sase in the vote, that of Morrow
tare are Ave more days left in
e voters can register. It is pos-
the shortage can be made up
hese five counties if there Is a
In all the counties to register,
is not probable.
iro years ago there was a very
tote in certain counties on'
I Columbia river, because of the
1 fight between the two factions
he' party, and it was charged
that the rolls were "stuffed"
he interests of each side, and
is asserted, accounts for the
ase ii the registered voters at
lowever, there are some Indica-
that a like "stuffing" of the
i will occur in these same coun-
prlor to the closing of the reg-
Btlon books on May 15.
Endeavorers At Lancaster.
waster. Ky.. Mav 9. Lancaster
capitulated to a host of invadlnc
MTorers who have come from far
near to take rmrr. in thn TTninn
fistian Endeavorers' convention of
eighth district, which began here
7. Each of the half-dozen coun
i embraced In the dlRtrlnr. is fnllv
resented by delegates and visitors
a nign state of enthusiasm pre-
The programme is the heat
if arranged for a meeting of the
In this part of the state, includ
: addresses and papers by many
'Olnent religious workers.
Coal Operators Refuse Demand.
Scrantnn Pa yr.. n t u-j.
Fell, of the United Mine Work-
7UU "way tnat the an
acite operators refused the mln
r Proposition to submit the entire
on in dispute to an Impartial
fB Of arhltmtlr.. mi.. u.
tm,iu '""uuu' executive
h .7.1 "uviBaouuy or calling
Fe Uin6 of 15Knnn i
Kind fif !-!. A-..ii--.
RiS-d ) let
for Rman "Yc "ura lur n .
, . ' wus aiiaciced by
b .'.. W?lle wa'k'nB yesterday.
ssa lant , i.u
n( C 7 ' JB"r says, was
Y,0,ns the klne any
v DuuBcquenuy escaped.
SwSJi touA"'"ato Governor.
afidi. "ay .9-In trial of
es inrun iinaaii, a
i in X save deposition In the
"TSrnn. .jRmeB Budd- sver
wlifornia, at one time.
Dvld ru
- ..wmpson Embezzler,
"j 9 Extradition pa
WThn-. re.cevea here for
. "? ,B wantea in
and 7Z: 5.cWnS a
line iwiZ "OBU'avion ana
tmkt Thre Nw States
J AriZ' 9-The bill
w nzona. New ft j
Mtbiv. statehood
thu "iaionod
,w afternoon.
LNu-r,n May n Pct
-,wblir ' n'enea the oleomar-
The Funeral Was Attended by Over
1000 Officials of the Church and
Thousands of People Cardinal
Gibbons Lead Ceremonies.
New York. Mkiv 9. In the nrnsenpo
of the highest dignitaries of the
Catholic church of America, the
body of Archbishop Corrigan was
lnid to rest In the ervnt. beneath thn
altar of St. Patrick's cathedral in
this city this morning. The city has
Tinvnr witnessed such a solemn.
stately ceremonial which was partic
ipated in by over iuou omciais oi me
Public by Thousands Attended.
The public attended by thousands,
but only those who had cards were
permitted to enter the cathedral.
The march of 900 priests, a score
of bishops, 10 archbishops and Car
dinal Gibbons, all in full vestments,
through the streets, from the paro
chial school to the cathedral, was
an imposing sight.
Cardinal Gibbons celebrated the
pontifical high mass and read the
prayers. Archbishop Ryan deliver
ed the eulogy Final absolution was
then given, the body and the casket
placed in the crypt to remain for
the long sleep.
Entire Population of 25,000 Souls Perish From a Mass of
Fire Which Falls Upon the City of St, Pierre,
Hold Session In Harvard.
Cambridge, Mass., May 9. The del
egates to the National Municipal
League convention held their ses
sions today at Harvard at the special
Invitation of the university. The
principal subjects of discussion were
the political situatons in New York
city and Pittsburg, the speakers in
cluding Dr. Albert Shaw, editor of
the Review of Reviews; former Dis
trict Attorney Philbin of New York,
and Prof. J. H. Beale, of Harvard. At
the conclusion of the session, which
was presided over by President Eliot,
the visitors were entertained at
luncheon by the faculty of the univer
In Memory of McKinley.
BIsmarch. N. D.. May 9. In re
sponse to the proclamation of Gover
nor White today was observed as
Arbor day throughout the state. Un
der the auspices of various societies
trees and shrubs were planted and In
the public schools exercises appropri
ate to the day were held. In his proc
lamation Governor White recom
mended that "an elm tree be lovingly
planted and tenderly cared for on
the grounds of every school and pub
lic institution of the state in honor
of our martyred president, William
Yale-Harvard Deoate.
New Haven, Conn., May 9 Keen
interest is manifested in the debate
here tonight between Yale and Har
vard. The Harvard team, composed
of Messrs. Ballantine, Nichols and
Holmes, arrived here this morning -n
readiness for the contest. The Yale
debators are Messrs. Graves, Ewell
and irmlllps. Harvard will support
the affirmative and Yale the negative
qMa nf thn nunstinn. "Resolved: That
the immigration of the Chinese to our
insular possessions should oe pronm
ited by law."
Good Mat Contest Promised.
Columbus, O., M,ay 9. The wrestl
ing match between Doelker, the
crack wrestler of the Eastern Athlet
Is club, and Charles Relnecke, the fa
mous Pittsburg wrestler, which is to
be decided at the Auditorium tonight,
linn nroiiKod a lively interest among
followers of the sport. The contest
will be a handicap anair, tne nua
burg wrestler agreeing to throw Doel
knr t.hrfifl times In one hour or for
felt his share of the purse. Both have
trained faithfully since the articles
were signed and a hard bout Is ex
pected to be the outcome.
Undertakers Organize.
Trenton, N. J., May 9. At a meet-
lng of prominent funeral directors
nnri nmiinimnrfi of New Jersey held
here today preliminary steps were
taken for the formation of a state as
sociation. The object of the organlz
ntinn in tr nrotect and unhold the
standard of the profession, urge the
enactment or sucn laws as wm prove
boneilclal ana provide ior tne exami
nation and licensing of those quail
fled to practice embalming.
Meacham Excursion.
The regular Sunday excursion to
Meacham, arranged Dy tne v. .
m nn. fnr the convenience of Pen
dleton people, is now on. Train
leaves O. R. & N. depot, o:v
returning, leaves Meacnara, v.w,
Huron, 9:56; North Fork, 10:15;
Bingham, 10:35; Cayuse, 10:50, ar
riving at Pendleton at 11:10. Stops
at all stations. Round trip, $1.
St. Pierre Is the Commercial Center of the Island of Martinique, One of
the West India Group, Under the Government of the French, Lying
Several Hundred Miles South and West qf Porto Rica.
Paris, Mhy 9. The minister of,
marine Is in receipt of the following ,
cablegram sent from Fort de France, !
the Island of Martinique, last night
by the commander of the French
warship Suchet: "Have just re
turned from St. Pierre, which was
completely destroyed about 8 o'clock
this morning. The entire population
of about 40,000 souls Is supposed to
have perished. Have brought back
a few survivors, only about thirty.
All shipping In the harbor was Ac
stroyed by fire. The eruption con
tinues and every living thing Is al
ready swept away by the flames or
smothered by the hot ashes which
have 'fallen."
Location of the City Destroyed.
Martinique, Is one of the West In
dia islands, belonging to the chain
of the lesser 'Antilles, and constitut
ing a French colony, lies 33 miles
south of Dominica and 22 north of
Saint Lucia, being several hundred
TTiilRR from Porto Rica. The great
est length of the island is 433 miles,
and the mean -wiatn iv miies. xnere
is a cluster of volcanic mountains
in the north part of the island.
Fnrt de France, the chief town
stands on the bay on the west
coast. On account of frequent eartn
quakes all the houses are of wood.
St. Pierre, where the catastrophe
rnnorted occurred, is the cominer-
nlnl centre of Martinique. It lies
north of Fort de France on the
RnmA mast, close to the volcanic
mountains by which its 25,000 peo
ple lost their lives in a lew unei
Souffriere Spouts Fire.
London, May 9. The colonial of
flee reported the volcano of Souff
riere, Island of St. Vincent, in the
British West Indies, as being active
nn Tuesday. Three hundred refu
gees from the vicinity of the volca
no are being cared lor uy tne au
thorities in Chateau Beiair.
St. Vincent is the next island, but
one, south of Martinique. Souffriere
1b a famous volcano and has had
several terrific eruptions. This vol
cano is bOOO feet above sea level.
Its crater Is three miles in circum
ference and 500 feet deep.
Procurer General Escapes.
Paris, May 9. The procurer gen-
Albert Winters Also Ate the Bread,
Was Dangerously Sick, But Re
covered and Is Now Out of Dan.
li Grando. May 9 E1 Southwell
was poisoned by eating sour dough
broad, made In nn old tin can. llo
died hero Inst night. Albert Win
ters niso nto of tho bread, but ho recovered.
eral of St. Pierre, Martinique, today
cabled that he and his family were
among those saved. Ho confirms
the report of the complete destruc
tion of -the city.
Estimated at 26,000 Persons.
Paris, May 9. La Patrie estimates
the number of dead at St. Pierre to
be 2G.000 persons.
Mountains Spouting Fire.
London, May 9. Governor Llewel
lyn, of the Windward Island, cables
the colonial ofllco from St. Lucia
confirming the destruction by vol
canic eruption of St. Pierre, Martin
ique, and also reports an eruption on
St. Vincent Island, saying: "The
eruption of Souffrlcr Is very serious,
from what I saw on my passage
here. There is no news from St.
Vincent. Send assistance to St. Lu
cia." Brief Story of Catastrophe.
St. Thomas, May 9. Tho French
cruiser Suchet arrived at Point Api
tre Island, off Guadeloupe, the
French West Indies, from Fort de
France, Island of Martinique, this
morning, bringing several refugees
and confirming the report that St.
Pierre was entirely destroyed by a
volcanic erruption. Most of the In
habitants of St. Pierre were killed,
the neighborhood parishes were laid
to waste and tho few people who es
caped from St. Pierre are without
food or shelter. The commander of
the Suchet reports that on Thursday
the entire town of St. Pierre was
wrapped In flames; that his officers
and sailors went ashore in small
boats, seeking for survivors, but
were unable to penetrate the town.
They saw heaps of bodies upon the
wharves and it Is believed that not
a single person, resident in St.
Pierre at the moment of the catas
trophe, escaped. The governor of
the colony and his staff colonel and
his wife, probably perished. Tho ex
tent of the catastrophe cannot be
either imagined or described.
Not a Sign of Human Being.
The British steamer Iska passed
St. Pierre last night and arrived at
St. Lucia today. Her officers saw
flames, but not a sign of a living hu
man being.
Somebody Makes a Charge Against
Him and He Threatens Him With
the Penitentiary.
Washington, May 9. The chair
man of the Benate Philippines com
mittee today laid before the commit
tee a letter from Rev. Walker, of
Boston, denying the truth of the al
leged interview, declaring he receiv
ed a letter from bis son In tho Phil
ippines, telling of the murder of e
thousand Filipinos by shooting them
down in squads.
Also there was laid before the
committee a fetter from General
Funston, saying that John Nichol
son, of Norfolk, Va., accused Fun
ston of originating the "water cure."
Funston asked that Nicholson be
summoned or he, (Funston) would
sue him for libel and send him t
the penitentiary.
' Strike Is Postponed.
Portland, May 9. (Mayor Rowe
held a conference this afternoon
with the strike leaders and saw mill
proprietors, with the result that
there is a postponement of the gen
eral strike that was anticipated. An
other conference will occur this eve
ning. Private Bank Insolvent
San Francisco, May 9. The Cltl
zens' Bank, of Tuolumne county,
filed a petition of insolvency today,
with, assets of $94,330, and MaWltUes
of $99,336. The latter are principally
Meat Combine Forcing a Stale Artl
cle on the Market in Chicago.
. Chicago, May 9. Embalmed beef
of tho kind that created a stir dur
ing tho Spanish-American war, is
being placed on the market here in
great quantities, according to local
meat dealers. They say they hav
been Informed that tho people must
accept this meat or do without meat
of any Kind. Most of the meat offer
ed today has been in storage since
last august.
The Striking Mill Men.
Portland, May 9. There is no
nhnnen in the nlanlnK mill strike,
though it 1b reported that the saw
mill jemployes in all tne mins wm
shut down. Only one or two mma
have recognized tho union so xar.
Rebels Bombard Town.
tt vnir Mv a. A letter re
nuuft """in ' .
ceived here today states the rebels
bombarded wanning, . ,, w
province, three hours, on April 27,
using modern guns. Between throe
to four hundred persona were Killed.
Woolen Mill Strike.
Oregon City, May 9. Tho strikers
In tho woolen mills are meeting the
proprietors this afternoon. It la be
lleved a settlement will be effected.
Queen Signs Decree.
Het Loo, May 9. The queen slgn
ed several decreeB this afternoon.
Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers.
New York, May 9. Thcro wns
but little doing In wheat today, ns
most of tho traders nro holding off
until tho government report comes
out tomorrow. Liverpool closed
higher, G li. Now York opened
SOVi and closed S0. Chicago, 75
8. Stocks lower.
Closed yesterday, SO VI.
Opened today, SOU.
Range today, SOVKtfSO1.
Closed today, S().
Sugar, 12SU.
Steel, 11.
Union Pacific. 104
St. Paul, 170.
Wheat In Chicago.
Chicago, May 9. Wheat- 71
74 Uc per bushel.
Wheat In San Francisco.
San Francisco, May 9. Wheat
$1.11V(B1.12 per cental.
Young Man Drowned.
Eucono. Mav 9. Ell Joffrtcs. atfed
19, was drowned In tho Willamette
river on a log drlvo nt Jasper, this
Parado in Honor of the Dead
Without Precedent in Naval
The Queen Takes Nourishment.
Het Loo, May 9. Improvement in
tho condition of tho nueon continues.
Now sho Is able to tako sufficient
Rites In Honor of the Dead Conduct
ed by Rear Admiral Terry Sorv
Ices In the Church Were Brief
Admiral's Salute Fired.
Washington, May 9. Tho funoral
of Admiral Sampson today was
rarely equalled In tho hlstry of mil
itary obsequies In this city. Tho
burial of General 1-awton, undoubt
edly outclassed It In tho exhibition
of popular sorrow, yet tho parade of
today and the Interment nt Arlington
probably woro without prccodont In
naval nnnnls. President Itoosovolt
niul his cabinet In poison paid trib
ute to tho memory of tho (load nnvnl
commnndor. Tho army was officially
represented by Gonoral Miles and
his staff, Gonernls Corhln nnd Young
and tho heads of tho wnr buroaus.
Special committees of tho house nnd
Honato woro also In attendance
Tho entire body of navnl cadets
camo ovor from Annapolis, following
tho body to Its resting placo. Tho
rites In honor of tho dead woro con
ducted by Rear-Admiral Terry. A
multltudo of navnl ofilcors, In full
uniform, Joined tho solemn caval
cade. Services In tho church woro
brlof. At tho conclusion of tho pro
cession, mado up of pollco, cadets,
Fourth field nrtlllory, a battory of
(Concluded on pago 8.)
1' il
In Use the most Economical
Greater in leavening strength, a
spoonful raises more dough, or goes
Working uniformly and perfectly,
it makes the bread and cake always
light and beautiful, and there is never
a waste of good flour, sugar, butter
and eggs.
With finer food and a saving of
money comes the saving of the health
of the family, and that is the greatest
economy of all.
Notb. Mny mixtures, made In Imitation of btkiaff
powder, are upon the market. They m
sold cheap, but are dear at any price, be
cause they contalu alum, a corrosive poison.
-. jw-itev-jspitiasfeaB