r illlll II I III TTTTTT QUALITY DECIDES. SHIRT WAISTS i i..,n!niiiio !a altvflva a Vticr fViiurr Viom Simply because we give this line the atten- fit deserves. New Oibson Waists New Sailor Waists Fine White Embroidered Waists Lovely Chambry Waists Colored Mercerized Waists 7Jand careful buying, we are able to offer ; ; more styles, better styles at lower prices' than ;; nfititors. Those who havo not Wy ui :r- - 7 .1 . n 11-11001 nor onmA rrnnn thin era wander Dept. Store i HI 1 1 1 1 1 1 M I II II 1 1 1 1 1 III HI 1 1 1 II III 1 1 1 1 1 YOU CAN'T BUY IT CHEAP, BUT YOU CAN RUN IT CHEAP WHICH PAYS IN THE END ? "Perfect" Hot Air Blast or a Cheap Fornace? ft ft ft ft W. G. McPfaetson HEATING AND VENTILATING ENGINEER 47 First Street, Portland, Ore. v. R These furnaces are recommended by F. E. Jadd. C. S. Jackson. , B. Clopton, H. L. Hexter and F. C. Taylor, who have them in their jiencei. Imp Mantles Guaranteed for 45 Days Peerless Flexo Mantles ty THING 4 JUST OUT BEST IN THE WORLD These mantles are new productions and give 90 and 100 candle power respectively for the single and triple weaves. They are made in two grades. Price 30 and ) cents each. ie John Barrett Company New Stores : Cor. Sixth and Alder Streets Opposite Oregonian few) VISITS THE MINES SUMPTER ANTICIPATES BEST SEASON IN HER HISTORY. JESSE FAILING The Big Carpet Store HUSBAND AND WIFE never quarrel over the merits of our carpeta, for all we sell are of the very highest standard. Like real and true friends, they wear the best. Their style is absolutely up to date, and the designs and colors are most artistic and harmo nious. You should examine our Ingenoe Carpet at 50 to 75c per yard. Something new in lace curtains and porch shades. Work In the Big Mines of the District Has -Passed the Development Stage and Monthly Output Is Stim ulating to Business. Jas. A. Howard, secretary of the Red Boy Consolidated Gold Mines Co., and the Golconda Consolidated Gold Mines Co., has returned from his trip of inspection to the mines. In speaking of things in the Sumpter country and these mining proper ties, Mr.Howard said: "I foundt everything running smoothly at the Red Boy and the camp In general, front a mining standpoint, seemed very prosperous, although the towns were somewhat dull. Sumpter, however, Is looking forward to the coming summer as be ing the best season in her history, and I believe, if the plans now being laid out for the development of the town and country are carried out the expectations are fully justified. "I visited the Golconda mine last week and found things there very lively. Mr. Melkel, superintendent of the mines, feels greatly elated over the fact that he has been able to disclose high grade ore at soveral points in the new works. "It is generally understood that the old Golconda company never had any pay ore to amount to anything below the 200-foot level. Its work seems, for the most part, to have been directed south from the shaft, while the policy of Mr. Me.ikel has been to drive north on the vein. "On the 300 foot level, at a point about 100 feet north from the shaft, the rich ore shoot, originally worked by the old company, was encountered and we are now driving in as good a grade of ore as one could wish to see, it being 12 feet wide and all of milling grade. On the 300 foot level immediately under the point from which the rich ore was extracted by the old company and which made the Sumpter gold fields famous, we have been able to pick up this rich shoot. "We are now sacking for ship ment a streak of ore from 1 to 2 feet wide that runs from high grade shipping ore to hundreds of dollars per ton. "The management at the mine feel perfectly confident that with only a few weeks work they have de monstrated beyond question of doubt that the rich ore shoot, opened by the old company and which proved so puzzling to it, dips to the north at a very heavy angle and j they believe that they will be able to follow it without .further difficulty. If they are able to do this and the ore shoot continues as good as it now is, it will be but a few months until the Golconda will be rated along side of the famous Red Boy, Bonanza, North Pole and Columbia, the two last named mines being on the same vein with the Golconda, the Columbia joining it on the north. We have a force of something over 35 men at work In the Golconda and are driving north on the 200, 300 and 500 foot levels, and we hope to be able to blocK out enough ore to insure a continuous mill run within the next three or four months." 'Wednesday, during tho first day of i ho court: Pauper Expenses. D. P. Lavender, $3.50; G. N., Rey nolds, $3; G. A. R, MteQrcw, $12.85; Mary J. Lteuallen. $1.90; H. Hossel $3; S. J. Cully, $18; Fair Store. $7.95; Mrs. J. C. Davis, $1.75; Mrs. Bon Case, $15; V. B. Dcardorf, $1.50; PredvGerbordlng, $4.50; MJrs. J. B. Dupuls, $20; Mosgrove & Co.. $5; i-nwlcy Bros., $10.50; Jesse Falling $48.S5; n-osenzwelg & Shick, $25.75; H. A. Brandt, $1.30; K. Thonoy, $5.75; Chns. King. .$1.50; Jesse l.lou alien, $1.50; Fred Gcrberdlng. $4.50; Chastalnm Pharmacy, $17.85; The Fair Store, $7.90; Justice Court Expense. J. C. Stamper, $28.37; Thomas Fitzgerald. $7.20; Lee Hold, $47.C0; Thomas Fitz Gerald, $G.39; J. V. Dykes, $45.10; J. L. Miller, $4.60; Thomas Fitz Gerald. $7.G0; Thomas Fltz Gerald, $4.00; J. W. Dykes, $2.00; J. L. Miller. $4.25; William Harris, $1.70; C. J. Smith, $l.io ; Grover Wade. $4.50; Virgil Wade, $4.50; Thos. Fitz Gerald, $9.05; Thos. Fitz Gerald, $4.10; J. L. Miller, $4.45; J. W. Dykes. $14.90. Current Expenses. Glass & Prudhomme, $10; The Irwin Hodson Company $24; Pacific 'States Telephone & Telegraph Co., $4l..76; c. II. Crocker Co.. $10: Glass & Prudhomme. $4S: C. H. Crocker Co., $10; Glass & Prudhomme, $2.14; C. H. Crocker Co.. $18; Jas. W. Maloney, 85c; Fred nou, ?io.50; w. M. Blakley, $6.19; W. M. Blakley, 85c. Court House and Jail. Tho Ozonet Comnanv. JIG: E. .T. Murphy, $7; The Peoples Warohouso, $zd.ou; L.ot i,ivermore, ?ui; w. M Blakley, $4.13; W. M. Blakley $107.24. School Supt. Expense. C. C. Ewart, $7.50; J. F. Nowlin $oo. 33. Road and Bridges. J. A. McLaughlin, $10.08. Circuit Court Expense. Victor Llebc, $2.20; Gus LaFon- taine, $27.30. Tax Rebate. J. B. Larkln, $2. Election Expenses. C. H. Crocker Co., $108; Glass & Prudhomme, $10; The Irwin Hodson Co., $6. HANGINGS AT WALU WALLA DEATH PENALTIES OF THE 8TATE TO BE PAID THERE. "Before Taking" He's no cause to repine, for his foaming stein gives pleasure in anticipation. Nourishing and in vigorating, as well as palatable, the deservedly popular PILSNER BEER brewed by Schultz is highly re commended for table ue, stimu lant and tonic. Strictly pure and uniformly high grade, it's an effective means of securing im munity from premature old age. A PETIFEROUS GERM. Burrows up the Scalp Into Dandruff and Saps the Hair's Vitality. People who complain of falling hair as a rule do not know that it is the result of dandruff, Which is caused, by a pestiferous parasite burrowing up tho scalp as it digs down to tho sheath in which the hair is fed in the scalp. Before, long the hair root is shriveled up and tho hair drops out. If the work of the germ is not destroyed, hair keeps thinning till baldness comes. The only way to cure dandruff is to kill the germ, and until now there has been no hair preparation that would do it; but today . dandruff is easily eradicated by Newbro's Herplclde which makes hair glossy and soft as silk. Improving National Capital. For some time past plans have been under preparation for the beau- tlfylns of the city of Washlncton. Tho 'commissioners In charge have visited many European cities, and the result of their search has been embodied In a series of plans, which will make our capital the most beau tiful city in tho world. In selecting a family medicine, however. It is not necessary to search the world over, because Hostetter s Stomach Bitters the famous American remedy, is recognized as tho best remedy na ture and science have been able to produce. It has over fifty years of cures to Its credit of such ailments as sick headache, indigestion, dys pepsia, nervousness and liver and kidney troubles. When you need a medicine for these aliments, don't fail to try the bitters. Capital Punishment to Be Adminis tered In the Penitentiary at Walla Walla for All the Counties of the State. Walla Walla, May 8. With per haps ono or two exceptions, every man who will hereafter suffer tho death penalty In this state will bo brought to this city and within thr walls of tho state penitentiary tho fatal drop will occur. On tho west sldo a caso or two still hang flro In tho courts, but on tho enst sldo no murderer is confined awaiting his doom at tho hands of a county slier Iff. A wlso or unwlso legislature made the provision, and now tliero are soveral second-hand hnnglng nin chinos In tho different counties which could be sold at bargain sale and still the present owners would make money. Tho next murder committed In this state, If punished by death, will bo avenged in this city, and tho su perintendent of the state ponltentinry will have charge of the work. It hns been often questioned hero ns to the result of tho new order of Mil nirs mi the men confined in tho prison hero. Auout oau men are now nt tho pen! tontlary. several sorvlncr llfr. nontnn ces, but none under sentence of ileatli. A now system will havo to Do adopted when tho first condemn ed murderer enters the nHson hn cause ho will havo to he kept In close confinement until tho day of execu tion and then hanccri. Tfir nffppt nt tho tragedy upon the men unused to acts oi mat Kind m their prcsonco will be watched with Intnrost lv lr. cal officers. Just how tho details of an execution will bo arranged will not bo known until the first hanging is about to occur. There aro soveral modern gallows In tho stato owned by tho counties having used them, and It is posslblo that tho stato will purchnso one of these for use nt tho prison. King county, Pierce, Spoknno, Snohomish, and perhaps other counties havo hanging machines recently construct ed and of modern design. Ono of these instruments of death costs from $100 to $200. Lost A gray mare, with roached mane, branded on left hip with helt circle ovor cross and a bay mare, branded with D on left shoulder and diamond on right shoulder. Suitable reward will be paid finder by return ing to T. W. Ayres' barn. ... Smokers' Delight ... Pride of Umatilla Pendleton Boqaet Emblem Best Ten Cent Cigars Made HERALDO Clear Havana. Two for 25 Cents Has No Superior. Manufactured by THE PENDLETON CIGAR FACTORY 7 G 5 s V I i J J There is a Best OF EVERYTHING In Wall Paper or Decorative Materials wc have the best Just come in and take a look at the new styles we are showing. They arc the cor rect ideas. Our paper hangers and painters arc the best workmen, and you are never disappointed if your work is entrusted to us. Murphy, ARTISTIC DECORATOR COURT STREET BUY YOUR LUMBER AT THE Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St., opp. Court House. PRICES AS LOW A5 THE LOWEST For All Kinds of Building Material. Including Doors Windows Screen Doors and Windows Building Paper Lime Cement Brick and Sand And Don't Forget Our Wood Clutter For Barns and Dwellings Office and Warehouse, Cor. Alta and Cottonwood Streets. A. KUNKEL & CO. Dealer in COUNTY COURT IN SESSOIN. Makers oi Happy Homes Low prices, coupled with Car pets and Matting oi Known nign ' quality, prove attractions irresisti ble. The question of Carpets and Matting, where best obtained, is set tled with promptness in our stock, where good style and real worth make low prices so emphatic. BAKER & FOLSOM mkera f Happy Heaves There Will Be a Little More Business Than Usual at This Term. The regular May term of the coun ty court convened at tho court house Wednesday morning with Judge G. A. Hartman presiding. There is lit tle extra business to be transacted at this term of court. The following business was transacted during the first day. The bond of Felix H. Beath, for road supervisor, was approved and filed. Mr. Beath gave bonds In the sum of $2000 to insure his faithful performance of his duties. George W. Proebstel and Robert Jamison are his bondsmen. A petition was presented by C. C. Barth with 65 signers, asking ror a new county road and the petition was granted. This petition asks that the new proposed road begin at tne northwest corner of section 30, in township 4, north of range 336 eaBt. The court appointed Claud Steen, Dave Still and H. B. Lee as viewers for this road and C. B. McComber as surveyor. Bills Allowed. The following are bills allowed John Deere Plows and Harrows, New Mo- line Wagons, Buckeye Drills, Minnea polis Threshers. Dain Buck Rake. The Jones Vertical Cuttar Bar may bo instantly raised to a vertical position, by the lifting levers whilo tho machine is in motion; and the foot lift raises tho bar much higher than any other machine, the sickle being thrown in and out of gear auto matically. .... . , The Jones Vortical Mower has by actual count nearly one if makfi-nn than the ordinary mower ovor null iono jwvvm v i v ono hundred less than the best of them, Come and see sample. A. KUNKEL & CO. The Pioneers of the Pacific. . A Strictly Up to Date Innuranc Organization. jo Affords Absolute Protection and Pyi Claims Promptly. head office: PENDLETON - OREdON Is Well Established In Huven Htaloi. SOLICITORS WANTED. 3 tjLPJUUUJUUULUJULPJUJU TRANSFER, STORAGE. CROWNER BROS. TKLKHHOHK MAIM 4. Your Meals Will ho greatly onjoyod If you dine at the French Restaurant The table we set Is Buro to pleaso you aa we serve . every thing that 1b in season OUR 25 CENT MEALS Aro tho Best in Pendleton, The French Restaurant GUB LA FONTAINE, Prop. Our Three Coated ft In Blue rad white colors ie just the thing to give good service. W. J. CLARK & CO.