THE "ESSEX" SPRING 1912 I We Have Only tlie Most ....Seasonable Styles.. OF Dependable Clothes.. Selected with great care from the lines m of the best makers, f The Correct Prices: $7.50 $10.00 $2.50 $5.00 Other People in town will ask you from $2 to $5 more a suit than we do. : ; : : : BAER & DALEY CLOTHING MERCHANTS WEDNESDAY. MAY 7, 1902. HOTEL ARRIVALS. GENERAL NEWS. The late Potter Palmer's fortune 1 1b estimated at 525,000,000. A representative of an American: company has purchased the wrecks i of the Spanish war ships Almirante Oquendo and Viscaya, and they will! be broken up and sent to Philadel-! phia as scrap iron. ; Representative J. S. Salmon, of the j fourth district of New Jersey, died ' suddenly of apoplexy at his home in Boonton. He was 5C years old and i was serving his second term in con-' gress as a democrat. This is the j third death of congressmen within a week. ! The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul road has placed export flour onj a level with wheat in the matter of j transportation charges. This action will be followed by all Western; roads with similar rates, and means ; a saving of millions yearly to the: mills of the Northwest. j Captain Hiram Pugh, who has just j died at Bridgeton, X. J.. had not. slept in a bed since he returned j from the Civil War. When he was taken ill, some weeks ago, his doc! tor ordered him to bed and he re sisted all orders from the doctor and died "with his boots on." PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. I T. H. Simpkins died at the Salem1 hospital Sunday, of typhoid fever.! He was 37 years of age. and is sur vived by a widow. Deceased came to Oregon in 1894, from Streetor, 111. i The committee of the city council of Albany has reported favorably af ter a thorough examination of pave-i ments, upon vitrified brick and that kind of pavement will he laid in Al iany on several streets. Two men, names not given by the Baker City papers, had words over iv cents, aue trom one to the other. The man who owed the money was cut on the hand by the fellow to whom it was due, with a pocket knife. Henry Gelbler, at the St. Joe saw mm, at Harrison, Idaho, was found with neck and back broken in a pit under a wheel run by a belt. He leaves a wife and three children at Detroit, Or. He was a fireman in the mill. George Leslie, who is under arrest at Portland, is known at SuiBun, Cal., as George Littell, a New York mil lionaire. During his brief visit there Littell spent money freely and end ed by contracting for the purchase of a 900-acre orchard for ?300,000. The Pendleton. Rufus Drum, Toledo. G. S. Youngman, Portland. J. O. Gerking and wife, Athena. J. W. Sawyer. Walla Walla. . William Ewing, Kansas City. E. W. Brigham. Boston. T. F. Powers. Portland. J. R. Burke, Portland. J. W. Morrow and wife, Heppner. C. B. Williams, Milton. T. W. Jackson, x-ortland. H. C. Bassett. San Francisco. E. G. Adams. B. Young, San Francisco. A. C. Earle, Philadelphia. Charles R. Campbell. B. W. Dennis, Duluth. E. B. Coman, Portland. Will Haywood, Spokane. W. E. Clarke, Kansas City. S. F. Steenberg. San Francisco. G. T. Williams, Walla Walla. Thomas Duncan and wife. G. W. Phelps, Heppner. H. C .Newman. J. J. Burns. Portland. R. H. Caston. Spokane. Charles F. Hyde, Baker City. William Livinstou. San Francisco, M. L. Olmstead. Baker City. J. M. Long, Portland. Jack Swart. The Golden Rule. C. Comer, Helix. Mrs. Raymond, Helix. Jay Van Cleve. A. V. Oliver, La Grande. Dan Davis and family. Salt Lake. Robert Jackson, North Yakima. Cassie Beck, Athena. Ruby Callender, Athena. R. McGahey, Walla Walla. D. H. DeWitt, Walla Walla. Mamie W. Briggs, Portland. E. H. Wilson, Echo. Laura Welch, Dayton. F. Thomas, San Francisco. J. A. Ferguson. Charles Carroll, Spokane. C. Cunningham, Portland. Sam Lee, Spokane. C. L. lowner, Spokane. J. Sheurman. Ed H. Conner, St. Louis. William Everett, Omaha. A. Y. Howard, Spokane. Edward Barrett, Chicago. John Merry, Spokane. Charles Nelson. Lena Lyman, La Grande. R. E. Porter, Meacham. D. B. Watson. Frank Pedro. D. S. Gardner. J. R. Means, Umatilla. S. E. Barron, Washington. p ELECTRIC LINE PROPOSED TO BUILD FROM ' DAYTON TO PENDLETON. SCHMIDT'S NEW DRUG STOKb OPENED FOR BUSINESS THIS MORNING MANY CALLERS. The Fixtures Are Rare Designs of j Skillful Workmen Solid Mahog- j ' any and Bevel Plate Uiass aio San Francisco Capital Reported to i js yery Complete. Behind the Enterprise; to Cost ptDdleton's new drug store was, $1,250,000. 'opened to the public this morning.; The Walla Walla Union prints thejalld a Very metropolitan view was following telephone message as com-i presente(j f0r F W. Schmidt & Co. ' ing from Dayton. Washington: . ' BP ,,,, neither - I An electric motor line from Day-' - ; j ton to Pendleton, to touch the cities j pains nor expense In ntting up an !in the Walla Walla valley and east-1 institution of which the city can feell ern Oregon, backed by plenty of cap ital and to cost Cl.2o0.000. is an justly proud. The fixtures are rare designs of1 i nounced as a positive certainty by i skillful workmen and were nianutac-1 vt Voiimon nr,A p r ttnmfv wiin ti.rurf hv thp cnsat western nrm oi : tnrlnv tpppIvpiI the nromlse nf a fiftv TL l.utfce & Co.. of Portland. year franchise as soon as the city have no superiors on the j council of Dayton can act under the i Coast. i lnw. The nnlv thlnir that can inter-1 The fixtures are of solid I fere with their plans, they say, is the any and bevel plate glass, and are " refusal of some city to crant them ! modeled after those of Woodward & j privileges of entrance. Waitsburg ! Clark, of Portland, which is pro-. and Davtnn have alreadv nromised nounced the finest in NEW FANCY HALF HOSE The season's latest production in this article of men's wearing apparel. Now thst o rr.J ; V. ir, 1 1 4 who Pacific mahog- I rights of way through their streets and other necessary grants and it is . not believed the other cities will hold back. In presenting their case before the, Dayton council. Nellman and Ronio ; announced themselres as the aeents the West. A noticable feature of the interior of the new store is the splendid man ner in which everything harmonizes; the finely polished woodwork with large mirrors at intervals, the hand somely modeled show cases, with glass extending from the floor to the top. and the rich paper on the walls for n Snn FYnnrisrn Kvnrlirntp be lieved bv manv to be the United t a" corresponding to a meet Street Railway companv of that citv.s Tbe opening was a very pleasant They promise to begin" work on the occasion for the large number of road within six months and to have! Arties and gentlemen who paid the tilt Imp pnmnlot o1 n,i r,,i,- wnro' store a visit and were graceiuliy re- ceived by F. ' the franchise. They announced there , r the company, and Morrison J ler, the prescription the head Mil- clerk. Mr. and that no effort would be made ,0 fchmidt has had IS years experience sell bonds or stocks although those Ve bJ,s,j;ef.s; la graduate wishing to purchase would be privi- j of f &t. I-ouis College of Pharmacy wri n ,io c ti,,,,. ooi- -n and for eight years was connected right to operate the line and guaran tee that passenger charges over it will be one-half the regular railroad fare. A service of a car each way every two hours is promised and special freight trains will be run. It is claimed by the promoters that rev enue from the freight traffic will more" than pay the running expenses of the road. All kinds and classes of freight will be handled. with tbe leading drag stores of St. Louis. He has also been engaged in the same business at Boise. Idaho, and Baker City. Mr. Schmidt's first impressions of Pendleton, which re sulted in his locating here, were ob tained while he was pharmacist for H. F. Johnson & Co. While F. W. Schmidt & Co.'s drug store is a new institution, it Is com plete and there is nothing in the drug line that is not in stock and all are fresh and good. The patent med icine line includes all the remedies that time has proven to be of real merit. A select line of perfumes, fancy and staple stationery, toilet articles, cigars, etc., are in readiness for callers. Owing to the delay in the arrival ' of the fountain, soda water is not be ing served, but will be in a short time. Register before May 15th or you It Power House at Dayton. The site for 'the power house of the company has been located above, this city, on the Touchet river. It is( estimated there can be sufficient! water power secured to generate 10,000 horse-power and a portion of this will be used to light the streets of Dayton. Quick Train Service. In stating their case the two San Francisco men say the prime" object of the road will be by a quick train cannot vote at the June election service to all points along the eighty will cost nothing to r-glsterl mues or its length. A specialty will be made of the handling of freight, berries and garden vegetables which could be shipped in fresh from the country at all hours of the day. A specialty will be made of picnic features during the summer season and in the winter skating carnivals will be arranged. Running at the speed of an ordinary railroad train the electric cars will make the trip from Dayton to Pendleton in better than four hours, thus making it pos sible for a business man to make the round journey in a day. There will be plenty of equipment for excursion trains and all other requirements of a first class road. 31 Oxford wearing weather is here you are advir to prepare. SUSPENDERS Another large lot of the celebrated and largely J HIGH TONED NECKWEAR Low Toned Price JUST IN New stock "collar and tie" complete And the newest of the new Coronation Eng. lish Twill Call and see them, as they are JUST OUT. Bay a "Stein-Bioch" Suit and the Other Fellow Jealous. Boston Ston CLOTHING DEPARTMENT There Is No Question ABOUT THE MERITS OF BYERS' FL0H It is the finest grade it is possible to make. Nothing but the choicest wheat enters into Byers' flour, and satisfaction is the result whererever it is used for bread or fancy baking. PENDLETON ROLLER W. S. Byers, Proprietor. Mill Reveals a Great Secret It is often asked how such startl ing cures, that puzzle the beat physi cians, are effected by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Here's tne Labor Men interested. Hammond. Ind., May 6. Labor men are much interested in the elec tion for mayor in progress here to day. A labor ticket is in the field but an odd feature of the contest is that union labor is not supporting It A. F. Knotts, lawyer for the union men in the recent fight against the plant of the W. B. Conkey publish ing company, Is the republican candi date and appears to have the fol lowing of union labor. Mayor Reilly. the present Incumbent, known ns Honest Pat," heads' the democratic ticket Upon the result of the eW. tlon depends the course to bo taken by the union printers and pressmen in a proposed renewal of the fight against the Conkey company. Alabama Pythians. Montgomery. Alt., May C The Al- Dandruff and Falling Hair vanish before the magic touch of Xewbro's Herpicide, the latest scientific discovery. it kills the dandruff germs. Destroy the cause, you re move the effect Kill the dandruff germ, and your hair will grow abundantly. ti-.m?A Axihost, Id aho, D. s. IlfTTWde Que all that you claim for It. It b"'lea2l n'T.lKad m dandruff , and Wi myaairtoeandiott. Qgos.M.UBOti;rK. For Silt at al! Firii-Clajs Drug Stores. ;:,! llflk i "Before Taking" He's no cause to repine,! foaming stein gives pie anticipation. Nourishing i vigorating, as weJ as pi the deservedly popular PILSNER. BE brewed by Schultz ishiol commended for table use, lant and tonic. Strictly p uniformly high grade, ill effective means of securi munity from premature old? r nhnmn cranil nt t.-ii..- Kjtht(itir secret It cuts out the Dheltrm and germ Infected mucus, and lets Pythias is In session at the capital te"p2?" rT.T ' the life giving OXVcen enrich nnrl vit-.todnv vcUh Ttv "nr T-T t-u.i- ti mi.AiIhi mf-u , William Pnintflns nf nncrnn nr.o 1 allze th hJnnri Jt Koolo , in ' i ..... 1 . . iWirand cln u to ut,vu . uuio tug luuau- uiiu&iiuiu presming. jarge deleea- 6 years, died at that place near Port-1 ed. cough worn throat and lungs, tlons are in attendnnr fmm ii,. BEST FOR THE BOWELS Keep Yout Houses Cool! Have a "Quick Meal" BIe Flame Oil St" Put in your kitchen without delay. Cheapest aud most feet stove made. One cent a burner au hour is all it cost to operate the Quick Meal. Ko trouble to start aud absolutd free from danger. New stock just in. THE THOMPSON HARDWARE COMP ir healthy moTtmtnt of tht a n or win be. Kwpyouii nt in tbe ihape of rlo . uuuKciuut i lit; a moo in War o Efreuint' thA KtH.ii Ue ' " land from poisoning. The day pre- Hard coUs and aubborn coughs soon 1 mlngham. Mobile and other chief Tious the child ate some raw cab-, yield to Dr. King's New DIbcovai-v cities of th ct.t,. rm . "r -l . ww t t,Uki L3 CANDY CATHARTIC bage, which had been shipped from California, and in a short while be gan vomiting and died in a few hours. the most Infallible remedv for nil Rlmu- fhnr a. i . rTTu. . - , ; u'to u -niuuauia is Throat jind Lung diseases. Guar-! in a flourishing condition, with an anteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial increased membership and a good fi bottles free at Tallman & Co's. j nancial balance. The sessions of - Dr. ; T . I the meeting, are expected to occupv Small Profits for Cash. , several days "as a number of mat- iiic oiunuuru urocerv uomnanv. i mre oi great lmnortanoo nr in M. L. Langford, an old resident of Union, died there Monday night of defeneration of his nnrvos Un n-am born in Cleveland, X. C. August 13 on Court street, has been selling at "a I considered and acted upon, i3t, and hence was GG years old. "' L,o;ie l"arE ana in order to He was an officer In the Coniederate Pontlnue t0 do so- t,le proprietors! "A Knowledge Scratcher." army, ne came to Oregon 20 years i ""7 i ao a strictly cashi The East Oregonlan announces :i,m a ,uuw ana Iour!,m n, :::Z'.T."ue; 181 " "as sccu "e nen-lces of . v.- n.c .ivuni uunKerjueri Jiuriman on the editorial orecon will soon receive oi me city can get credit at the ft R fa Cn.ln..i r-. shnre of ti, r. i". . ""iu wucory. u you are trad- the sales o 7t w ? "a a ,onB time credit store, it will .n-iorr ... i it,nd.tiu. mis monev is filsin.r.a annually soon after it has been re ceived by the state treasurer to the various counties In proportion to their area, and Is used for road and bridge construction work. surprise you at the bargains at the aianaara urocery. when you ask for the prices, remember that they are cash to all. Columbus buggies. $150. tllla Implement Company. at Uma- RtAff Mr. Huffman Is a writer ability and his contributions to jour nals and periodicals are always read with Interest. His articles alwavs bear the impress of a "knowledge scratcher." -Athena Press. i EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY nZr,fi2.l,,'-"t"' t'"n TaaUCood Do Good rnnmc Buiur coapwr. ciuaco ., nn loHi. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN Makers of Happy t . nr;rc coupled nftQ 9nrl Mattin? of kllOSj quality, prove question oi The Mattine. where best tied with promptness in where good style and. make low prices so emp- v BAKER & FOLS nakers of Happy It. If you fall to register before May 15, you will not have the right to cast a ballot at the June election. For Health, Strenafh nnri Pleasure Drink : : . Polydore Aloens, ProrjrietoT! 1 I) III 11 U