5f aaRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Less Cants and Societies Classified Advertisements COUNT SIX AVERAGE WORDS TO THE LINE. .nca Al PHABETICALL.Y ARRMNnrn ....nNS AND -uvslSlANS. nrnl? 10 to 12 . I u nfflce "'1,IS, -t TflCPPne' -... ,VJ TtT.rCK. P-----rr7JESrAlN BLOCK. IlllE!L w..'eye troubles, catar IW"1? Ympftlrca hearing. tJtloW ffi, for refractive cr- rf(ttIT ' L r""nrFlCK over the frS?Jnt Telephone 30; Jjjtpoui"-- rrn, HOMEOPATH' ..RTIELO. i.'' " office Ir In black sf5rA. ...nTiv vrr rnr;r. pit issi. y-iggncVPne Red 23. I-PXn .one Main 93; resl- black 101- infinities eye. ear, nose kP-.?lls,vinns Bank build- j JI1ID . " . . , . r. Y",T0 pi nffipp one block west ljuj?- i rtTllIiAKESIjEE, CHRONIC '..m nnd diseases of wo- "5 V.. n.i-tnn. ror. Water SI Pendleton. Ore. rbone DENTISTS. FlrnHAN. DENTIST, OFFICE IN ........a. rtl7TrW TV Afl- SnON M. over Schmidt's new HITECTS AND BUSLDERS. HOWARD. ARCHITECT AND ST7- for baildlncs In the city or Boom 17 Jufld miuainR. ; 1 COLE. CONTRACTORS AND fcj. estimates lurawu ui -jo work a specialty. ui Snop on isiun sireei uuui iuom. iwviPTnii a vn titttt.tv. Estimates furnished on all klnas of hr, cement wbiks, stone wmia, u ran be leit at ine usi uitsuumu ERY AND FEED STABLES. 3SICAL STABLES, G. W. FROOME Tlrorr Pvl nnrt Rnardtnir. All If himnnts. Cnmnetent drivers. 6r iHctel Fendleton, telephone 16. . First class slncle and donble r tn occasions. 617 uotionwooa me Mstn 70. Elvln Craig, Prop. I STABLES. T. W. AYERS. PROP. feed and boardlnc. The best In the cltv. Altn St. between aa Cottonwood Sts., Prone Main 70 FOR SALE. FOR SALE AT THE EAST OREGONIAN office, Urge, bundles of newspapers, con taining' over 100 bis papers can be ob tained for 25 cents a bundle FOR SALE NEW CHICAGO TYPE writer, universal key-board, first-class machine. Take a look at It. Thirty dot iaris wi Duy iu ivnsi uregoniau oiilce. FOR SALE GASOLINE ENGINE. TV1TH pipes, tanks and fitting, ready to oper ate, five to six horse power. Economical In the use of fuel. Price ?250. East Ore- gonlan office, rendleton. ATTORNEYS. CARTER AND HALEY, ATTORNEYS AT Law. Office In Savings Bank building, BEAN & LOWELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Room 14 Association block. Pendleton Oregon. N. BERKELEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office In Association block. E. D. BOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 111 Court Street. U B. REEDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pendleton, Oregon. JAMES A. FEE, LAW OFFICE IN JUDD Building. STILL.-1AN & PIERCE, ATTORNEYS at Law. Mr. StUIman has been admitted to practice In United States patent offices ana makes a specialty oi patent uw, Rooms 10, 11, 12 and 13 Association block. FRATERNAL ORDERS. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA Wlldwood Camp, No. 2333, meets second and fourth Monday In each month In Odd Fellows' hall. Mrs. Ida Holcomb. Oracle: Mrs. iscc-e KobDins, Recorder. UjJ ATH.LA TENT. NO. 27( K. O. T. M. Meets In Secret Society Hall, second and tourth Tuesdays In each month. All visiting Sir Knights cordially invited. J. S. Kees, Record Keeper; E. D. Estabrook, uommanaer. PENDLETON LODGE. NO. 52. A. F. and A. M., meets first and third Mondays of each month, .visiting bretnren welcome. T. J. Tweedy, W. M., Joe H. Parkes, Sec PENDLETON CHAPTER, NO. 28 T. C. Taylor. H. P.. F. F. Wamsley. Secretary, Meets first and fourth Friday of each month in Masonic nail. PIONEERS OF THE PACIFIC WIL- liam Martin Encampment, No. 1. Meets every Wednesday at Ilendrick's Hall. Mrs. L. F. .ampkin, Secretary. DAMON LODGE, NO. 4. KNIGHTS OF Pythias. J. u. Nowlln. C. C. ; il w, Fletcher. K. of R. -. S. Meets every Mon day In Secret Society Hall.- MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Tutuilla Camn. No. C399. Meets first and third Mondays of each month at Odd Fellows' Hall. George A. Hamblin, Con sul ; G. A. Robblns, Clerk. OS FEETl YARD, W. T. BOYNTON Special care clven to horses left It. Lower Webb Street. Phone Red I CABS AND CARRIAGES. laB IINE. ERWIN 11AKER. PROP. fcbone Main 79, nt the Depot Llv.ery IECOND-HAND DEALERS. 1 0'DAViRr. KPiw AKn HTfxnvn i laoft hnnhf nnH oMrl Cnny- at. UdvK block. Call and see him. EOBLE. DEAIiRIt TN RTflPnwn ' fods. If there Is anvthlne you I v , ... i J I nil VI lUlUlllUC, l granite ware and crockery, call and Ielectrical supplies. f.f.k- Electricians, dealers In'elec- Lii i. "oe. stores, wired for -su, oeus or telephones. Electrl- lrn Of all ktrwla Ool- n , ....... v. uiivmi 0Tk a specialty. lT rJ5LECIR,c'AI' WORKS, a F. ft.Prop. Corner Main and Webb- P- HOTIR A nnH KM fetl A c" wriuR nearly ana .uvue eu "jua, u. i'. nine, BANKS AND BROKERS. RATIONAL BANK OF ATOENA. Ma n..i5: S ;"u to- Henry E.' i n. . T J. Kirk, vlce-presl- t-toBC'. F. S. Le- I' raKriT PT-nv; . . WJrton. ftrli " oav inuS BANK, l:'tS,..0r??n. Orcanlzed Mnrrh i ' boBht ,1U"S ueposits. isx- Swclal ?h "?,ld on a Principal special attention given to colis tct-triiH;u.rn,n" President; J. N. -.T J. Morris, 'cashier: hS7!' 0P WESTON, &ch?nff.D ? ft Renerat banking orS. "JSW and aold. . DrtV attended to. R. puStl fB! W' I'rbstel KC. A. h,w"- K1'?0. cashiers dl- D. Sni, t ' Al- Johns, T. J. 0; KlIo. Robert PltaT$7I6o-'K r rKNDLB.' nel hi,8UrP'U8' ??5,000. Mm &IC transfers sold on L Chlii northwest Drafts ryn rea:, , ana Kurope. Makes L,.!a.?,?.?na.b'e terms. LT An. Egi&fwas fc5-!!iiAND JUNK. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD REGULAR meetlncs of Pendleton Camn. No. 41, W of W.t are held In Secret Society Hall every Saturday evening. Visiting neigh bors are always welcome. J. P. Walker, Clerk, J. P. Earl, U. C. MISCELLANEOUS. KELLAR BROTHERS, PLASTERING and cementing. Cement walks a special ty. Estimates fnrnlsbed free. Work guar anteed. Leave orders at Badley & Zah- ner's cigar store. Main St.,. P. U. dox 104 WANTED ADVERTISRS TO MAKE USE of these classified columns. If you have someth.ng you Jiave no use for, offer to trade Jt for something that some other body may have and have no use for, some thing that you may need In your business. You may have an extra horse that you may wish to trade for a cow or a vehi cle. Somebody may have the cow and vehicle and want the horse. A fifteen or twenty-five cent want ad will probably do the business. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IF YOU want to subscribe to magazines or news papers In the United States or Europe, remit by postal note, check, or send to the jjast OKKUONIAN the net puDiisners price of the publication -you desire, and we u,u nave it sent you and assume an tne risk of the money belnir lost In the malls. Jt will, save you both trouble and risk. If you are a subscriber to the East Oregon- Ian, In remitting you can deduct 10 per cent irom tue pubusner s price. Address EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO., Pendleton, Oregon. OLD NEWSPAPERS TO PUT UNDER carpets, on shelves, walls, or for wrap ping purposes. Old newspapers In large bundles of 100 each at 25 cents at bundle at the EAST OREGONIAN office, Pendle ton, Oregon. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU IF YOU ARE seeding a position, or need help, call on or address J. C. Spoonamore, 220 Court St jt'en.eton, Oregon. FOR RENT Rooms In the East Oregon lan building for rent ; bteam heated, hot ana cold water and batii room. IN FOUND. The foil i wine described animal has been ttftken flP by the marshal of the City of Pendle ton, town: A bald face roau colt, one year old, witb white legs up to the knees. No brand visible. If said qnlmal is not claimed by the owners or those entitled to the possession of it, coU and expenses against it paid and it taken away within ttn ds-ys from the 3ate hereof, then at 2 o'clock, p. in. of the 12th day of May, 1902, the said animal -will be sold to- tbe highest bidder, at publlcuiuctionl for cash, at the city pound, on the corner of Cottonwood and Webb streets, in said city of Pendleton,, the proceeds of such sale to be applied. to tbe payment of such costs and expenies of making sale. Dated this 1st day .of May. 1002. ' J. A. BLAKLEY, City Marshal. PHOTOGRAPHERS. l. "e,fflr IIIOHEST MATl. rVin. Ll ulbber' brass, ccpi. fifit'oales: ironif b Mh LOU can hrlnir fn r.! 7 " be Seated In the L V .5Je come here tn r fcCu, satisfied. dretoro?ego.neM W. S. BOWMAN. LEADING PHOTOaBA pbejr of tbe city. Harvest views, In dian photos for sale. Finishing done for amateurs. Main' St, near bridge. Phono Red 270. MEDICAL 4ard remedy tor Gleet, Gonorrhea and Runnings fMine 1 IN UOIIRS. Cures Kid- IHUUI J My and Bladder Trouble. Den con White (sarcastically1! DM you stack ilese kvaluls? Deacon Black (Indignantly) Do you t'lnk 1 win trained f cheat? iJv.acon hltc (sardonically) I tinK you was ovah-irained. l'so cot five deuces' A LEVELING TRIANGLE. For Irrigators la a Small Way-Dt tatla of Coa-troctlon. The use of a leveling triangle was suggested to small Irrigators in Call fornla many years ago by a prominent irrigation engineer. It is constructed in this way: Tbe tbree pieces A B, B C and O A are made fast to eacb otber at A, B and C. Tbe board B D is fastened to tbe triangle at right angles to A C. An or dinary carpenter's square used in the A O J E TBIANOIiE WITH FLT7MB BOB. construction of the apparatus rtll in sure sufilclent accuracy In the position of B D. Near B, on the board B D, a plumb line is made fast. The plumb bob, like u mason's plumb bob, bangs in a hole, so that when B D is vertical the string hangs very near the surface of the board B D. When B D is exact ly vertical, A O is exactly horizontal if the angles at D are true right angles. The dimensions of the triangle may be about as follows: A O, 12 feet long; A B, about 7 feet 3 inches; O B, about 10 feet; B D, about "0 feet long. Other dimensions will do as well, tbe essen tial features being the straight board A O and the board B D at right angles to it and near enough to one cud of A O for the man carrying that end of the triangle to see accurately the position of the plumb line. The board B D should not be less than four feet long or the plumb line will be too short to give satisfactory results. It will fre quently be found convenient to have a scale of feet marked off on A O. In marking on the board B D the line In which the plumb line will hng when A C is exactly horizontal consid erable care is required. Two pegs are driven into the ground as far apart as A and C for these points to rest on The highest one is driven Into the ground until the plumb line follows about the center line of the board B D. Having marked this position of the plumb line, the triangle is reversed so that the end B rests on the peg where before we had the end C, and vice versa. Should the plumb line make an angle with the first line marked on the board, then the correct position will be exactly In the middle between these two lines. This point should be per manently marked on the board B D. In using the triangle when the plumb line passes through this point tbe base of the triangle will be level. Amerlcau Agriculturist. Make the bed six feet wldo and as long as required. Sow one tablcspoonful of seed to the square rod. More seed makes splmlllng plants. To Insure eveu seeding mix the seed with corn or cottonseed meal, and as it is sown over the bed a. more per iect sowing may ue outnmeu on ac count of its color. After sowing run a heavy hand roller over the bed or plank it Firming the soil Is essential to sue cess, as a compact surface retains mols ture. Apply the following once a week until plants thoroughly cover the soil Three bushels of poultry droppings placed in a large barrel and filled with soft water. After a week's fermenta tion the liquid is ready to dilute with warm water in a proportion of one of liquid to ten of water. This will stimu late the plants without delaying a good healthy development. Money In Potatoes. Small crops often prove a blessing to the few expert growers, although a bad thing for the general run of farm ers, remurKS an American vjumvaior writer. A full crop of potatoes when prices are high, as they have been this year, will net higher profits per acre than any other crop that we can grow. and even a three-quarters crop should yield a profit sufficient to pay big wages. Therefore we fiiid plenty of growers not ut all discouraged over the past setison's results. On the contrary, they are more convinced than ever that there is money in potatoes, but more especially in Intensive, modern culture. One such season in the past is enough to convince many of this. A high yield of excellent market potatoes caii bo ac complished only through intensive cul ture in good seasons, but when the weather, seed and insects are all against the crop one in then particular ly thankful that nothing has been left undone to get the best from the soil. The Tobacco Heed lied. Make the seed bed fine and friable three or four inches deep, advises Seeding 'With Clover. When clover is sown early in the spring on the crop of wheat or other winter grain, it may cost nothing but the price of the seed, which is uot much, whether ten or fifteen pounds is UBed to the acre, and the labor of sow ing, yet we would prefer to Increase its cost by going over the wheat with a light or smoothing harrow before sow ing the clover seed, says Amerlcun Cul tivator. This will benefit wheat or rye if done at the right time, when the ground is not wet enough to cause the harrow to sink too deep and uproot the plants. This makes a good seed bed for the clover, and in a day or two after the first rain the little plants will bo sending their roots down Into the soli. Japanese Valtalns Mice. Among the many animals which are adopted as pets there are numerous odd and peculiar creatures. But cer tainly one of the oddest Is the Japanese waltzing mouse. Mice have been brought under cultivation and have been so aTtereil in appearance by the fancier that their original wild rela tives would fail to know them. Yet the fancy mouse, with his wonderful markings, Is a very ordinary creature compared with this waltzing member of the family. It Is no doubt true that many a tale hangs by the tall of many an animal. The waltzing mouse probably has this In view, as his main object in life appears to be to catch and Investigate :! own tall, the contortions and gyra tions in which he Indulges during tho process being decidedly ynlfjue. Tho mice sometimes perform In pairs, but they are different to ordinary dances In that they waltz head to tall, turn lng so quickly that it is difficult to tell where one begins and the other ends, The faculty of waltzing is hereditary, for the young mice of this variety evince a tendency to spin as soon us they are old enough to move about. There are no special markings In the waltzing mice, though they ran be obtained In several different colors. Lady Wortley Montugu, one of Eng land's most brilliant women, incurred Pope's undying hatred in the following manner: The poet, vho wus deformed and very dark aid addicted to question ing everybody, once asked her to define an Interrogation mark. She defined It s-v "a little, crooked, black thing that asks questions." TWO LINES. 1 tlm 1ta 2 times 20o 1 week v SOo THREE LINES. 1 time 2 timet 1 week .SO Extra lines: .10 cent each a week; 25 centa a tine per month. HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel in Pendleton and as good as any. Headquarters for Traveling Men. Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 per day. Special rates by week or month. Excellent Cuisine, Every flodern Convenience. Bar and Billiard Room in Connection Only Three Blocks from Depot. GOLDEN RULE HOTEL. Corner Court and Johnson Streets, Pendleton, Oregon,' NI. F. Kelly, Proprietor. sHsBalli kBem. HEATED BY STEAM. LIQHTED BV ELECTRICITY. American Plan, rates $1.26 to 72.00 a day. European plan, 60c, 75c, 11.00 Special rates by week or month Free Bus fleets all 1 rains. Commercial Trade Solicited. Pine Sample Rooms Special attention giyeQ Country Trade TRANSPORTATION LINES. OREGON St-Olr LlNfl am Union Pacific m niriT Time Sshedule -miti ran Prom Pet.dloton fbom OhlcAfO. Suit Lake, Deurer. ft. 1'ortUnd Worth, Omtht, Kan BpecUl ui City. St Loult, Chi- IMl.li 5-J50p m cafoand Xttt. via Hunt ington, Atlantis flalt Lake, Dourer, Kt. Bxpreu Worth, Omaha, Kan 5:U a.m. MiCttr.Bt.Louli.Uhl-11:10 p. w, via Hunt- cago and Kit. ington. St. Paul Walla Walla, Lowliton, Vait Mall Bpokane.Wallace,Pull 8.1S a. m. mau, Minacapolli, Bt. 530 p. a. via Paul, Duluth, Mllwau Bpokane. kee, Chicago and Kaat. Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. All tailing- datei lubjeot to change. 8 rt p. m. For Ban Francisco 4 p. m. Ball ererjr 6 dayi. j j- except Columbia River Sunday 4pm 8 p. m. To Altorla and Way Bnnday Saturday Landings. 10 p.m. Willamette River Boati loave Portland dallv, oxcept Sunday, tags ot water permlttlnK) lor WlllamtUaa4 vamhlll River poluti. Loavo Rlparla 4MUa. m. Dally Kxcpt Mon Snake Klver Rlparla to Lawliton. Leave Lewlitoo 7:00 a. m. D-llT IKxcptMor F. F. WAMBLKY, Agent, Pendleton. RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars, Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars f BT. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FARGO GRAND FORKS CROOKBTON WINNEPEG HELENA aud RU'lTE. TO Register before May 15th or you cannot vote at the June election. It will cost nothing to register! WOOD! COALl WOOD! COAL! WOOD! COAL! W. C. MINNIS SELLS BOTH. KeinererCoal. First Class Wood Orders Promptly Filled. telephone, Red 401, or call ou W. C. MINNIS, Office Main Street, Junt'oppoulte Hans- rora dmompson'ii u&ruware store. on. ii gSK OEO. DARVEAU, Prop,; Elegantly Furnished Steam Heated European Pica. Block and a ball from depot. Sassple Room la coaocctloa. Room Rate 50c, 75c, $1.00 -BBBBr I. l u ft d.ri.Bl cut u nrl.lur. Pr.Moii taoixi-.o 17-1 lBBv CINfitMNiTI.O QUSI CURE YOURSELF! tlo IHgU for uiiialarai luclisrgu., liillaiiuiitloDt. Irrllfttluii. or ulcer-ltaiu- of in ii cuil, nicmlirann Pillule,, uml nut j'.lr. Nulil J Druk'-Ut. ir IJIJ In I-Ulll fHHwr lir CM-li... ilrl4l, (o' ll i, or 4 ImiuIm, U-11- i ircmur win on laiuatt THROUGH TICKETS TO UHJUAUO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and all polnta East and South Through tloketa to Japan and China, via Tacoina and Northern Pacific Hteanuhlp Co. and American line, TIMK SCHEDULK. Tralni leave Pendleton dally except Sunday at 7:00 p.m. ror rartner lnior.DUtiou, time carat, inapt, and tlokett, call oa'pr wtlie W. Adamt. Pea. dleton, Orogotii or . HA. D. CHARLTON, Third and Morrison Bit., Portland, Ore, Washitpn 44& Columbia River Railroad Take this route for For Chicago, St. Paul, Ejt. Louis, Kan ww City, St. Joe, Omaha, and All Points East and South Portlaad and polats oa tbe Sound TIMK CARD. Leave Pendleton, dally except Bandayi ki 7;00. pm, , Arrlvo Pendleton Monday, Wednesday aaS ' Frldav 12 aa am. Arrive Pendleton Tuetdar. Thurtday a-ai Saturday 10 M am i v Leave Walla Walla dallv. east bound 8:60 mm. Arrive Walla Walla dally watt bound. ISjOft ajg, For Information retarding ratet tad aeaeaa. modatloni, call oa or address ' TV, AUAatB, AfMI. PeudletAti. Oraaaa 8. B. OALDKKHKAD.Q.P. A.. , wain waua. wmb, CALL FOR COUNTY WARRANTS. All Umatilla county watrunU re.itlurod lu Nmuiiibr ami December, VXO, will be paid at my oAU'u ui Die court liouteiipon lircsuniatlou. Iiitcreit ctaies on date o( publication, Pendleton, Oregon, April ko, iwu. B. K. YATKS Treasurer oi Umatilla County. II