ESKdEM). MIERS IS. MENIS TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1902. THE CONDUCTOR AND THE BOOK AGENT CASE FOR GOLF RASH Seat Rash, Inflammations, itching, irritations and chaflngs, nndne orotfenalTe perspiration, and many other sanatlre uies, nothing so cooling, purifying, and refreshing u a bath with C en CUBA Soap, followed In the sercrer forms by gentle anointings with Ccticcba, the great skin cure and purest of emollients. Cmcru Boir U be rood ill doubt the mat rfftcttr fcin purify In it ul bttlfrior rap. tll u tl pnmt and iwicMit for tolkt. bih. and nam. Sold through at tb woild. PtrrrtK Uttva Av CuirK. Cor-, tU fropk, Bomco. llow to IUt ISuatiful SUs. Crn. 0 e Just Right To Please All Tastes Are Our Candies They are fresh and deli cious. You never tasted more satisfactory confectionery than we make. Our Ice Cream Soda Water is a treat you should enjoy. We furnish ice cream, candy and taffy at -wholesale for par ties, socials, etc. THE DELTA C. W. IRV1N, Proprietor Martin Block. The Charge of -Blackmail or Slander Heard in Walla Walla Justice Court Case Taken Under Advise ment Walla Walla, May G. The justice court room was crowded yesterday afternoon when the case of Mrs. A. Miers, charged by Conductor Men zies, of the Oregon Railroad & Navi gation company, with blackmail or slander, was heard. Mrs. Miers came from Spokane to have the pre liminary without delay, and the case attracted considerable atten tlon. The evidence showed that Mr. Menzies brought the Pendleton mix ed train Into this city last Friday tnat among the passengers was Mrs. A. Miers, a traveling represen tative of a publishing house. The lady had money deposited in the safe at the Hotel Pendleton and secured it just before boarding the train, After the train had started she asked the conductor about connections at Wallula, and he sat down beside her to explain. Upon his leaving the seat Mrs. Miers missed her purse contain ing a draft for $255, $200 in gold and $105 in currency. She spoke to the conductor about, the matter and con cluded that he knew -where the purse was. Then she wired the chief of ..USE PURE.. Artificial Ice 0 X I police in this city to meet the train ! j l and to him .she told her suspicions In the presence of the conductor. This, led up to the charge lodged against the woman the following day by the conductor. A warrant was issued and the woman was arrested in Spokane. She told a straightfor ward story and traced her steps from early in the morning until she arriv ed at Spokane. The court took the j case under advisement. CURRENT POLITICAL DISCUSSION. iwwi inn, at Issue before the People of Oregoo Today. COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Commencement Exercises Cover Two Days The School Is Flourishing. Milton, May 5. The commence ment exercises of Columbia College began Saturday night and will be concluded tomorrow evening. The year has been a good one for the col AWAY FROM HOME NEWS REPORTS FROM UMATILLA COUNTY IN PORTLLAND. Anti-Furnish Organization Said to be at Work In This County 300 Members Strong. The following article appeared under date of May 2nd, in the Port land Journal in the form of a dis- ! Political Notes. I o,ih finvernor Geer be nomlnat led by petition for United States sen ator as now seems probable, the re publican committee hopes to secure j his services in the campaign. 1 rm.-!iii: exnect to carry onnntv for W. J. Furnish .... ,nnn witv. The democrats ex pect to carry it by as equally as big k maiority. Here you have as much nc pither side knows of the contest. rl democrats are oL-in- .mils of the various counties Of course each side claims that fine showings are made. State Chairman White has received a letter stating that there would be democratic landslide in mne cuuu- lege, although there is no graduating. Patch from Pendleton, doss this year, owing to the reor- Pendleton, Or., May inis ganlzation of the school. The Sev-! COunty, Umatilla, there is in exist- enth Day Adventists built the school ' anti-Furnish organization several years ago; later they moved, .i,ii, am nnt 1ps? i a tr, nn. pi. Trnch on,) th Mil. 1 connected with which are not less ton people bought the property and! that 300 voters. The number is in- j Colored republican voters in Port- deeded it to the M. E. church, South, , creasing every day. These are stand- j al)d are not over fond or me repuu with the provision that the church Hke a wall of rock against the iican ticket upt up, for the reason raise $5000 and keep the school open ' attempts to whip into line the mem-1 tnat no Afro-American has been rec tor five rears. The church is now i.prs nf the republican pari "".nenzed D a nominauuu. trying to fulfill "these requirements, have declared that they will not in- The attendance durinir the vear was i Hnrc. tho hpnri of the republican good, and the faculty renort the pros-' tint-Pt. This orcanization is led by : pamnaicn. but will leave his fight in pects as encouraging. About $200 1 men 0f high-standing of which the j the hands of his friends, will be expended during the vacation ! best-known Is Judge Stephen A. Lo-; ; well of Pendleton. who has pro- Only Bogie lain. claimed in an open letter that he j Oregon shall elect a democratic will fight Mr. Furnish to trie ena oi Covernor. Orecon will be recKoneu as a democratic state, anu it win De so rnnCTPssman Thomas H. Tongue will not come to Oregon during the in painting and repairs Sales of Real Estate. H. H. Swartz sold a 40-acre tract. northwest of town, to Rosette Bain bridge, today; price, $800. Sarah Vinson sold her residence property, in Nichol's addition to Milton, to Samuel Smith, today; con sideration. $600. -Helix Happenings. Helix, May G. The Helix band! thp contest. His associates are aiso men of influence, and many of them have been honored at the hands of their party during the past years men who have never before cast a ballot against the republican party who have been of the bone and sinew of that organization. The movement is without prece dent in the history of politics in , . . , . , I uem iu cue uiaiui; ui i'v wo., are maKing great, preparations -,.,., ntt. it tc nt n cHU to give a dance next Friday evening , ut rfinr of lnvnitv at Huson's hall, in Helix. i nn. . J' T10 veu uv. i UbUk iiviLio at c UChlUUlUh IU look beautiful. The late rains have changed poor prospects into most flattering ones. in fact." remarks the Oregonian, with further bogie talk to the effect that this would be an awful calamity, ine facts are that Chamberlain's election would signify nothing of the sort It would simply mean a rebuke to unclean politics administered alike by democratic and republican citi zens who do not regard votes as a legitimate commodity; and when the occasion for this rebuke in a state where the republicans ordinarily ters who are connected with the anti-! have 10,000 majority, became known Furnish organization are telling the throughout the nation, Oregon s voice people here what they propose to do, would be gladly heard in its protest .1 !.,..' ,1 1 ,1n I. nr i x i.! C .1 . T Dr Grfcwnlrl rpnnrts nnlto n mim , uu luc' "lc i""-ccu'"B uu "ai against corrupuou in uie ulci. 11 .7rr TT?S 1U"L3 il"m: openly as it is possible. J will herald the day when corpulent The protest registered by the anti-, "sacks" shall no longer be a potent Furnish republicans of this county influence in politics. Weston Leader. is: That Mr. furnish, a life-long democrat, altered his views, not he-1 A Puerile Attack. cause he held to different economic, Th( pflndieton Tribune insanelv ber of persons sick, among them Mrs. William Potts. Mrs. M. Meiners, Miss Bessie Lockwood, Grandpa Brown. Ted Keopke, Vern Walker and Bill Loftus, all are slowly im proving. Dr. Griswold thinks the most of the sickness is due to the late cold and disagreeable weather. I Mrs. Barger and daughter, Eva, j were Helix visitors Saturday. i Miss Cleaver is here from Pendle ; ton. In the interest of her music class. I Telephone Wain 105. No Sediment to Foul The Columbia Lodging House NEWLY FURNISHED BAH IN CONNECTION IN CENTER OF BLOCK BET. AITA & WEBB STB F.X. SCHEMPP, Prop. HARPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY for Gentlemen who cherish Quality. Bold by JOHN SCHMIDT The Louvre Saloon PXKDLETON j Feast of Music at Kansas City. I Kansas City, Mo.. May 6. Every- trilnr. tc t .7 t A 1 . Your KeingeratOr tonight of Kansas City's second May ' festival, under the auspices of the No Disease fierm tn uratono society. The programme Endanger Your Health whicn the chief feature will be the i choral competitions. The soloists to ue neard this year are Mme Schumaun-Heink, Miss Chariot- tee Maconda. Ellison Van Hoose and Joseph Baernstein. MORSDALL & BOSS had studied carefully the perplexing questions of the day and determined that he had been wrong previously, and therefore must now align him self with the republican party in order to secure correct expressions of his views; but that he altered them because he saw that the republican party was at that time upon the up : . i i e i . ;i . I cuuuuuva Ji& ireuK euuurnu, uuu makes an especially puerile attack I upon W. F. Matlock, whom it classes ! with Hank Vaughn. Before the edl j tor of the Tribune had mastered a ' dozen words of the language he uses '. so recklessly. Mr. Matlock was as sisting in the development of Umatil la county. Few men have been more It. I J , .1.. ' ' - --. b"''"" 1UU1C f t Z "U1L nucccM. anu mat public-spirited than he; few men he might gain some advantage fromnaTe done more for the town whose ft TlnfTrt--ln Prf f this' support the Tribune asks. We can w if" eg6,? th,at, 11 uf", ,be Proven fancy the gleam of amused con m 1 d7 fl"lendS Bom tempt in "Bill" Matlock's steel-blue hm nnf Ze hnT?S the?ansf' a?d e-ve should he chance to read the d d not deny that lie would make the Tribune stripling's estimate of his change only In the event that the 1 PhPtpr-wL T 1, 01 1118 tirlo c0omn a , . ., 1 "".uii eauer. iu uc uuw lug lowaru ine republican party. Otherwise, he would remain in the democratic ranks. 0 Is-s- : OBCQOI Nothing Old For you to look over in ..Wall Papct.. Our stock is select and in it you will see all the new patterns. You will find just what you want in our stock. Don't hesitate but come in and inspect our stock for yourself. "See ing is believing," C. C. SHARP Opra Home Block court Bt. The Woman Behind The Tub the birsoapier! GiVC hCr thC bCSt Water' the best tub Diamond T Soap f?m nd C , Soap Is noJ soaP- Behnd it Is a record of seven years of success. It is used by tens of thousand of the bnghtest housekeepers in the country. 0f 3h!Z2? il 5s ePdi ause it does better work and goes further than any other laundry soap. Ctven for wrappers, sent on requestT Aptalw-Ul bK premlums Prcmiaa DepU Tbc Cadahy Packinf Co., So. Ooak. Neb Leave Its Columns Blank. It would be wisdom for republican managers to pay a goodly-sized rate for the Pendleton Tribune's editorial columns and run then blank. This is ; wnat the esteemed "Trib" says ! Charley Marsh: "He does not deserve me umce and is too young to fill it well. His chief support, it is under- io ttiLnuuiauie to tne vounc "uu "hk nim quite a remark- UJ. anu encourage him in his aiuujuunH. aucn petty flings will ,7 "urve l increase the majority of this modest and unassuming yet com petent and deserving young man. coiuii i-eaaer. A GOOD FROfTT bring manv a deeerving ttta who, ill-clad, might n. in makiiig your apparel whit w other BAanthlix. ... Vuur Ever tried onr -nv prices? uul "I", THE DOMESTIC WM J. F. Robinson, Prop. iwJ Why Not? pass a pleasant ( ing playing Pool Billiards at GoIdeRtile Pool and Bil Patlor- WILLIAMS &VVILLW 213 Court Street. No Question About It p" . question of Mr. -u,a,U5 election as governor. Si Sf the confldee and good wl l of the people. Long-time re publicans say that they wilful fbr son A" ''LCier"nce 1. an- ther per been tripT, k unaaaberlain has ,tZ b: tbe. PePle- He has IC&l. i npV hora H. ..1 I H 1 lur mxu and they will elect him. Mr. nii,i,pl.. ,. 1,1 COOrl nc ltJ -----""oaiu ja as Ever,- dav hp Lti!lpre.!ent "me Coos Bay News Reublica'n. DSer- Why Taxes Are High. nast prpn , ,v wue lor ine - w vfarK nno matelr SG40 nnr, ... u.TL "?cu "PProxi reoulrpi fn u L"c revenue 'evenue rpnnl r r- . . . kv Salmon Mtadow., Idaho. .1 11 ii we U a numlprT . re" home for Salmnr T ir ::Aib Pa8t has been in beauJ fi m?ra.w- This is a nr. vauey. Ave miles wid the lr arrest P,nt on jirom We er fronT, 60 m,leB PIfic. iS 1 NorthpCh P!aCe cempleted to Councif ThJltrf 18 ,are on the 1, , mv lbe meadows jtain and Judge YoakumhhDHer MUn the P. 1. & g 1 oakum belIeves that tended to Th"ad w111 be ex' the next vp?"nde.r.,M?u?taln within I Kit Hays k Proprietors The Old Dutch He Feed Yard. Cavalry Horses for BEST OF CARE TAI TEAMS OVER NIGE QIVE US A CI Mountain Resort. FOR SAL The celebrated ''Bjnghamjigj locatad in the Blue JIounu the . Umatilla River, comp furniture, fixtures, stages and J Absolute control of five miles e trout fishing stream in Oregon. sell 80 acre tract including 1 grounds with water privileges, 1 acres, as desired: making 1 fo t i AAtifrnllintT till ran6 lease. Call on or address: Ftanfc B. Oopt' Pendleton, Oregoo KEEP YO Not on Pa BUT ON 1 BYERS' GROA ADDITION TO PENDLETON. I still have Farm &i N.BerkeJ mines of that IT . ar,,r 80 If !as they are rPn V? prove 88 ric Yoakum llys 'T '? be' i Is a fine rich ,1 1 8ect,on of Waho Interests the tn' He ha cattle THE REAL ESTATS SavliigB Bank BulMi