East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 02, 1902, Image 2

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We Have Only the Most
SPRINQ ....Seasonable Styles.
Selected with great care
from the lines of the
best makers.
The Correct Prices:
$7.50 $10.00
$2.50 $5.00
Other People in town
will ask you from $2
to $5 more a snit than
we do. : : i : :
THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1302.
An official estimate of the total
cost of the South African war to
March 31, 1903, places the amount at
nearly 223,000,000,
Balschanaff, the man who assassi
nated M. Slpiguine, the Russian min
ister of the interior, April 15, has
been sentenced to death.
Governor-General Wood lias revok
ed the order prohibiting the collec
tion of burial fees by parish priests.
In Cuba. The governor-general .took
this action, believing that all persons
who deemed themselves deprived or
injured in their rights should appeal
to the courts.
Lieutenant Shields, aide-de-camp
to General Smith, testified at a ses
sion of the Smith court-martial. He
said he knew well the slgnatmv of
Lukban, the insurgent leader. The
order issued to poison the natives'
spears was undoubtedly signed by
Billy Gibbons, a cattle thief, was
Kiueu rt Aimira, uicanogan county,
and a man named Wild, his partner
is nt large, handcuffed, after having
been arrested for the same crime
Gibbons attempted to shoot the ar
resting officer and Wild escaped frorr
a hotel where ho was held in custody.
The racing season of 1901-02 ended
in San Francisco with the .last day
in April. During 153 days $435,500
was given away by the association.
The biggest winners were: G. B.
Morris, $31,905; Burns and Water
house, $29,865; Caesar Young, $21,.
670, and W. B. Jennings,, $18,925
Twenty-two stables won $5000 or
more during tho meeting.
Captain A. Albers, of the Hamburg
American steamer Deutschland, fell
dead of heart failure in the chart
house of his vessel as she was ap
proaching the port of Cuxhaven. The
long hours spent by the captain on
the bridge of the vessel after the loss
or ner rudder at sea, which occurred
before tho Deutschland reached Ply
mouth, during tho passage of the
North Sea, probably hastened tho
captain's collapse.
The Pendleton.
C. A. Whitmore, Portland.
E. Buchanon, Spokane.
15. R. Cox, Athena.
George W. Harris, Portland.
F. W. Kimberk, Adams.
J.-H. Hubbard, Portland.
C. Springer, Chicago.
Wirt Minor, Portland.
G. W. Hunt, Portland.
G. D. Hurst, Now York.
A. Roderick Grant, Portland.
Ed Blackburn, Omaha.
S. E. Burnett.
F. J .'Gincer. Snokane.
Andrew Nylander, Portland.
E. C. Sklles, Spokane.
A. J. Rhodes, Kansas City.
A. B .Galloway, Portland.
Miss M. M. Bryan, Virginia.
Miss Lillie Mi. Hunt, Portland.
S. C Swift, San Francisco.
L. A. Russell, The Dalles.
The Golden Rule.
O. M. Schmidt, Everett.
H. A. Schmidt, Seattle.
J. W. Young, Westoiiv,
George Ginn. Walla Walla.
H. C. Adams, Weston.
E. H. Thompson. Portland.
George D. Corwin and family, 111!
E. J. Ely and family, Weston.
Mrs. S. G. Wood. Walla Walla.
Mrs. Denny, Echo.
James H. Fink, Spokane.
C. L. Donner, Spokane.
Sam Lee, Spokane.
C. Cunningham, Portland.
James Simmons, Helix.
Frank K. Wells, Milton.
John G. Helfrich, Spokane.
W. N. Loy, Spokane.
H. L. Ross, Goldendale.
Mrs. Halstead, Echo.
J. B. Saylor and family, Echo.
J. A. Wood, Joseph.
E. L. Hitman and wife, Athena.
R. H. McKee. Athena.
H. J. Clark, Chicago.
Dr. HenUer, Portland.
Dr. Lindsay, Portland.
Lucy E. Stlnson, Denver.
F. J. Gardner, Portland.
Ralph Booth, n well-known machin
ist, died in Walla Walla Wednesday,
of pneumonia, nged 42 years. The de
ceased leaves a widow and three chil
dren, besides a brother.
An immense lnnd transaction has
been consummated at En
which a tract of 10.000 acres of tho
llnest timber land in tho Cascade
Mountains ' is bought by an Eastern
syndicate of capitalists.
Walla Walla people havo petitioned
Gilbert Hunt, tho well known ma
chinery man of that city, to permit
tho uso of his name as a candidate
for mayor. Tho petition wns signed
by almost every business man and I
property owner.
Mrs. Sarah Glenn Kn
born in Virginia in ISO I, crossed tho
plains to Oregon In 1852, celebrated
her 98th birthday at Oregon City
She has six living children, three
having died, she has 21 living grand
children and 20 great-grandchildren.
The 30th nnnnnl nnln p
Oregon Pioneers' Association will
take place in Portland on Juno 18
All persons coming to, or born In
Oregon territory nrlnr tn i.vi. .......
14.1859, without regard to where thoy
now live, nro eligiblo to membership.
Judge T. A. McBride, who came to
Oregon in 1816, will deliver tho anna
nl address and W, T. Wright, of Un
ion, tho occasional address.
Like a Drowning Man.
"Five years aeo a diseaso tlm dnn
tors called dyspepsia took such hold
or mo mat l could scarcely go,"
writes Geo. S. Mnrsh, well known at
torney of Nocona, Tex. "I took quan
tities or pepsin nnd other medicines
uuc noimng Helped me. Ab a drown
ing man crabs at n. str. T rrmiiiiori
at Kodol. I felt an Improvement at
once ana alter a few bottles am
sound nnd well." Kodol is the only
preparation which exactly reproduces
me natural digestive juices and con
senuently is tho onlv nn wiiinii
gests any good food and cures any
form of stomach trouble. Tollman &
Large Number of the Order in Ore
gon Will Be In Attendance An
Elks' Special Train to Be Arranged
Preparations are under headway
for the meeting of the grand lodge
of the Elks, which is to be held in
Salt Lake, beginning Tuesday. Aug
ust 12, and lasting over the 13th nnd
14th. This is the time for the regu
lar annual session of the grand lodge
of Elks from nil over the United
States, and representatives will be
there from every state, both east and
west. If the preparations now under
headway do not miscarry, this will
be one of the grandest affairs in the
history of fraternallsm.
Arrangements are bolnc made for
a nunilinr from I'prwllnfnn. At n rp
cent, mentlmr nf tlin lnrnl lniltrrv C. H
uooseveit was elected representative
to tlm irrnnil lnili?p HPSKlnn nnil Tl. Al.
oxnnilor wns opopt nltcrnnto A
number of the local Elks will attend
as visitors, Mr. Roosevelt having
been made a committee of one to
work up Interest in the matter.
The Baker fiitv Dflm'ncrnt in a r
cent issue, savs: Oregon Elks are
coiner to he.iri tlifi nrnnesslnn Tlinv
are going to Salt Lake in 12 special
Pullman palace cars; two carloads
from Baker Citv nnsslhlv thrpiv 1va
from Portland; one from Astoria; one
from The Dalles; ono from Rose
burtr: one and nnrhnns twn frnm R.n.
lem; and one from La Grande and
Pendleton. The train will be run in
two sections. Oregon banners and
loins' colors will bo hung upon the
Chairman Olson, of tho Elks' rnm
mlttee. state of Oretron advises ttmt
me various lodges in the state are
making strenuous efforts tn tnlfp n
large delegation to Salt Lake. All
lodges are active In the work. The
u. u. & N. and O. S. L. railroads
nave made special rates for the occa
sion, and the Pullman
Company has also made special
rates. The Elks fully appreciate the
accommodations afforded hv tho n.
roads and have only good words for
uie transportation companies.
Baker City lodge is now training
io oiks on the Divine ranch, Harney
county, which if sufficiently trained
to be safe for handling, they will
take them with th n tn Knit T nlro
for participation in the grand parade.
Preparations at Salt Lake.
Frank E. Wilson, the mining man
of Salt Lake, who is in nimn
business, says that the local lodge of
aaii ane uity is making prepara
tions on an immense sp.nio
less of exnense. for tho ontortoin
ment of the visiting brothers. The
electric street lighting alone will cost
ouuu. special trains will come from
all parts of the country and the dele
gates will sleep in their Pullman cars
while in the city. Those who do not
come on specials will bo provided for
otherwise. All will be taken care of.
August is the middle of the Utah
outing season. The Salt Palace will
be In full blast; bathing at Saltalr
will be another specially attractive
feature; in, fact, there will be enter
tainment day and night for the Elks
and their families. A club house will
be opened and it will be one of the
finest .structures of the kind in the
United States. Utah will do Itself
Twelve Notices to Be Posted In Each
District In the County.
Deputy County Clerk B. B. Hall
has been very busy for tho past three
days getting the election notices
ready and niailint,- them to 'he vari
ous precincts of tho county.
Twelv- of these notices, printed on
cloth. In large letters, with the p'a.-e
of voting and the time, with other
instructions are sent to each district.
Two are sent each to the judges and
clerks and they are required by the
Oregon laws to set; that the notices
are ported In 12 conspicuous places
in the district. The law requires
that thoy be posted at least 30 'lays
prior to' the date of election, which
comes on the 5th of June. This gives
those who receive the notices until
next Wednesday to post them nnd
thev nn.st be up by this time so that
the' judges and clerks are urged to
see to it that this is done.
Dangerous if Neglected.
T)ii.n rtiito n ti il rktlinr wnlinrls nf-
IJUIUO, l, 11 "I'M w n . . "
ten fall to heal properly If neglected
and become troublesome sores. De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve prevents
such consequences. Even where de
lay has aggravated the injury De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve oflects a
cure. "I had a running sore on my
Ion- thlrtv vonrs." saVs H. C. HartlV.
Yankeetown, Ind. "After using nmnyj
remedies, I tried DeWitt's Witcli Ha
zel Salve. A few boxes healed tho
sore." Cures all skin diseases. Piles
yield to it at once. Beware of coun
terfeits. Tallman & Co.
If you fail to register before May
15, you will not have the right to
cast a ballot at the June election.
50 Cents
Have you seen them ? You ought
to if you intend getting a suit
made. See them and you will be
Boston Store
& CO.
Reliable ,Dr aggists
Association Block.
Excursion to Walla Walla.
On Sunday. Mnv 4 whnn tlin Pin
dleton and Walla Wni
bats, there will bo tho greatest base
ball excursion that ever went out of
i-eniuoton. Fourteen special coaches
avo ueen ordered for tho occasion.
Tho special train lnivns Pnniintn
at & o'clock noon;. Adams, 12:30;
Athena, 12:15; Weston, 12:55; Mil
I ton, 1:30; arriving nt Walla Walla 2
p. m. The game will bo called at 3
P .m. Tho train wll Heave Walla
Walla, returning, at C p. m.
Wants Others to Know.
"I havo used DoWltt's Little Early
Uisers for constipation nnd torpid
uvur ana inoy nro all right. I nm
glad to Indorso thorn for I think when
wo find a.gocd thing w0 ought to let
others know It," writes Alfred
Holnzo, Qulncy, ill. Thoy never
TaZanVcr8' BW' "fa pl,ta'
Don't Start Wrong.
Don't start the sn
goring cough or cold. Wo all know
What a "summfir pnlrl" to t i
... .w. ii, i0
Hardest kind to ouro rmn if i.
on" through the entire season. Take
it in nanu riglit now. A fow doses of
One Minute Cough Cure will set you
right. Sure cure for pnmriic ,.i.i
croup grip, bronchitis, all ' throat
au lung irouuies. Absolutely safe
Acts at once. Children like it. "One
Minute Cough Cure is the best cough
medicine I ever used," says J H
Bowles, Groveton, N. H. "I never
found anythlnc
and quickly." Tollman & Co.
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
There Is No Question
It is the finest grade it is possible to make. Nothing
but the choice&t wheat enters into Byers' flour, and
satisfaction is the result whererever it is used for bread
or fancy baking.
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
y U fn 1 ru,8t'- before May
15, you will not have the right to
cast a ballot at the June election.
Filed Petition in Ferguson Estate.
H. C. FerKUSOn. son nf PnlK, r-
euson deceased, has filed his petl-
w, , uie county court asking to
be appointed administrator of the es.
tatO Of his fnthor a. "I.. ", s
i6M a:!'ln'n!ent ih0 Petitioner sets
iuvin I'erguson died intes
tate on tho lih ii p a. ...ii ,nS
TZns n?Jl ?.8t.nt0. va,e(1 t about
vvift iuu mi rH in ruin An.ni.n
, - who cawuu are:
tho heirs Of Snrnli TlnnM.i...
,iio. .u" .7:. 'n-
"ZL , I . oeba Rngh,
if n S , u" isuson, unknown;
11. C. Fercuson. nf Wnoin.,, m '
ni, ' -',"vii nances
0ri,!n.0.rn' De'" Boat-
,ruuwn, una mo petitioner, H.
C. I'orguson. A dllllgont search has
been mnde. but nn uin
,.,, - "" "n uuen
A. C. SHAW & CO.
Being one of the largest man
ufacturing plants on Puget
sound are able to sell you
lumber cheaper than anyone
ui&e. wew lumber coming in
every day. They also make
all kinds of boxes, including
Apple, Pear, Peach, Cherry,
and Plumb and berry crates,
and are prepared to make you
prices either in small lots or
Hammering It Into His ',
Schultz's Pilsner Beer Is tfcel
brewed isn't necessary at aU.1
will find that every man, of eitto
ness or pleasure, knows it.
nothing so bracing and thirst qi
Ing, when suffering from sprinjl
or fatigue, as a foaming glass of
You think you have a newlea
after enjoying its exhilarating t
Representatives of tho Virginia
Carolina Chemical Compan yadmlt
mat ouo of the purposes of President
Morgan's visit to Europe is connect
ed With tho nrnhnliln ,.i.,.i).o,. r
Gorman potash works.
Register before Mav 15th or unl
cannot vote at th
will coat nothing to reglaterl
Nothing is more pleasing to the eye than a beautilul
Now is the time to get your
We have the best values from $4 up.
USTHiGir Grade Garden Hose at Low Prices.
Thompson Hardware CoinH
G. Berquist
Shoe Repafre
I make a specialty of doing
first class ;work at reasonable
prices Bring in your shoos
and let me fix them.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Shop in Pendleton Shoe Store
Hea,t.r. Strength and
Makers of Happy m
Low prices, coupled wjj ,
pets and Matting rrfl
quality,, prove attractions i
..'The question of
Matting, where Desi ' ,j
tiea witn prornpiuc" ,
where good style and rw
make low prices so empMHU
nakers of Happy