East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 01, 1902, Image 5

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WE GIVE with each ten cent pur
chase one stamp. When you
have 50 stamps or more, bring them to
our store and we will Rive you very hand
some Florentine Dinner Ware.
Lee Teutsch
Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Company.
r ft m is w iimiriiia
"THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1902.
James A. Howard, farm loans.
For rent; piano; Inquire this office.
Farm" leans at lowest rates. B .D.
Reasonable prices at Selbert &
The newest creations of the East
IIU111UU1 J i C uiiiKUt
t !!
minimi k.
If you want line meats go to
t 0 t ... T I . niVnv n n rl I n t h n
YVHF. (V. lliUUllbMt J. UW .MUUAV vuw
est there Is to be had.
Money to loan at lowest rates on
j. T T TMaU
Buy something that will tickle
Tin narnns ininr tiiiiti t.iih 1 msr. h.l
1 T
The Jolly Club will give the last
: their series of dances in the Music
T T.1-! ,1 ..Il.i A 1 i i.lmA
assured all who attend.
Your mouth will enjoy a regular
if you treat it to Dutton's su-
pure cream and flavored with
Lost A gray mare, -with roached
nrm tyn nHn.I 1 r-. PL x. I lit. 1 m
. uu luib OUUUIUGI U11U
Warn Wl ho rnll fln,lAM T
w " ' ' UU1U
I have just received some
new designs in Leather and
Metal Woven Fobs. They are
duties and very serviceable.
Th5 cost is modest
Jeweler and Optician
Whitaker, the dentist
See Lee Teutsch for hats.
Fechter's for ice cream. Court St.
Newest patterns at Seibert & Shulz.
Call at Nolte's saloon for fine fresh
Nice fat crawfish by the dozen, at
Nolte's saloon.
A neat four-room house for rent.
Apply "to E. T. Wade.
For Sale Cheap; a piano. Fech
ter's Confectionery Parlors, Court St.
You will have to hurry if you join
our dish club as the club is almost
made up. Hawley Bros.
The Peoples Warehouse, Leon
Cohen's popular store, is being im
proved by a fresh dress of white
J. C. Hays, buyer for the local Se
attle markets, will ship a carload of
draft horses to that place over the
W. & C. K. road tomorrow evening
Gus LaFontaine "and Mr. Garrison
have sold the old Dutch Henry feed
yard and stables to Joseph Hoch.
Mir. Hoch will not run the business
himself, but has leased it to Kit
Hays and William Conneiiy, who will
conduct it as in the past.
Rev. Carl D. Thompson, A. M., will
deliver an address on socialism, the
supreme moral issue of the hour," at
the Congregational church, in Pen
dleton, commencing at 8 o'clock this
evening. Rev. Thompson arrived in
Pendleton on this morning's train.
He is said to be a very interesting
speaker and his audience should fill
the church. The East Oregonian will
give a report of his address in its
issue tomorrow.
Excursion to Walla Walla.
On Sunday, May 4, when the Pen'
dleton and Walla Walla teams cross
bats, there will be the greatest base
ball excursion that ever went out of
Pendleton. Fourteen special coaches
have been ordered for the occasion
The special train leaves Pendleton
at 12 o clock noon; Adams, 12:30;
Athena, 12:45; Weston, 12:55; Mil-
torf, 1:30; arriving at Walla Walla 2
p. m. The game will be called at 3
p .m. The train wil Heave Walla
Walla, returning, at C p. m.
Reports received at Cheyenne from
various sections of the state indicate
that the storm of last week killed
12,000 or 13,u00 sheep, the losses run-
nnig from 2 to 10 per cent. The
heaviest loss occurred in Natrona
county where shearing had commenc'
ed early. The loss there is estimated
at 3000 head.
M(rs. Sophia Parsons, an Oregon
pioneer of 1852, died at her home at
Dilley, near Forest Grove, Saturday
night, aged 78 years. She was born
at Porter, N .Y., and went to Califor
nia in 1849. Three years later she
came to Washington county, where
she has since resided.
Celery Tablets...
The Puritan Chemical Company have appointed
us as their acrents fnr TTmnH'iln nnnnf.,"i
telerv Tnii..
fo late ' La'8e '
65 Sw,
a irom Main Street Toward
the Court House
R. E. Berry Proposes to Build an
$8000 Brick Building In Freewater
Considerable Building in Both
Milton, May 1. Business interests
are Improving all the while in this
part of the country. The Bank of
Milton reports a .Xalr increase
business over the same months of
last, year, and business men all over
town are reporting a steady increase
of trade in their lines as well.
C. P. Strain, candidate for assess
or on the democratic ticket, will
soon begin building a two-story brick
on Main street. The building will
be 50x100 feet, and cost about $5000.
The lower floor will be divided into
two store rooms, and the upper part
of the building will be fitted up for
the use of the K. of P., W. of W.,
A. F. and A. M. and Odd Fellows'
lodges. When completed it will be
one of the finest buildings in Milton.
Real estate is moving very lively
for the past few days. Yesterday
Clay Gordon sold the Markman prop
erty, consisting of 360 acres, five
miles northeast of town, to J. B.
King, of Shulton, Neb., the consider
ation being' 110,500. William Nichols
sold his farm of 160 acres, south of
town, to James Christinson, this
week, for $800. Miss Hattie McNe
mar bought the Ben Bainbridge prop
erty, consisting of 80 acres, north
west of Milton, for $900.
Commencement exercises will be
gin at Columbia College next Satur
day, and continue until Monday eve
ning. Rev. Jones, pastor of the M. E.
Church, South, of Pendleton, will
preach the baccalaureate sermon on
Sunday morning.
News of Freewater.
Freewater, May 1. Business is in
good shape in Freewater at present.
W. T. Wright is building a new
frame store building, 36x50, making
two store rooms 25x36 each. One
will be occupied by a hardware store
and the other by a milliner. The
building will have a glass front and
cost $1000.
Joseph M. Middleton and family
of Loveland, Col., arrived here last
week and will make Freemater their
future home.
Wednesday A. S. Pearson sold the
Jay Holman property to Mr .Middle-
ton, consideration $1000.
Sheets & Lumberg opened a cozy
Ice cream parlor on Depot street last
week. They will carry a stock of
confectionery and expect to set up a
$165 soda water fountain this week,
R. E. Berry, who recently came to
Freewater from Springfield, 111., has
bought out the real estate business
and home of A. S. Pearson, of this
place, consideration being $1,775.
Mr. Berry expects to build soon, a
two-story brick building, the lower
part of which will be used for a
store room, and the upper story as a
town hall. It will cost from $6000 to
A. Special "Train of Fourteen Coaches
to Accommodate Crowd.
Are you going to attend the base
ball game in Walla Walla Sunday,
between the Redskins and Sharp
shooters? This is the question that
is being asked on all sides and' from
all indications one of the largest ex
cursion trains that ever left Pendle
ton to witness a ball game will go
from here. Two weeks .ago Walla
Walla sent 12 coach loads over here
to witness the game between their
team and the Pendleton boys and the
local fans should not let their neigh
bor city out do them in interest and
enthusiasm. The O. R. & N. Com
pany is making great preparations to
accommodate all who want to go,
and it anticipates tljat 15 coaches
will be required to accommodate
those who will go. The train will
leave Pendleton at 12 o'clock and
the fare will be only $1 for the round
trip. Are you going?
Because Its Formula Is Submitted to
Alexander McMillan, M. D., a prom
inent 'physician of Lansing, Michi
gan, writes: "On three cases I have
tested Herpicide for dandruff and the
result has been all that could be de
sired." Hepriclde is made upon an entire
ly new principle, that is, that dandruff
and falling hair are caused from a
microbe that infests the hair bulb,
and, by destroying the microbe one's
hair is bound to grow luxuriantly.
Herpicide is the only hair remedy
that claims to, and really does destroy
the dandruff germs.
There was an extraordinary cold
wave over the western part .of Hun
gary, the whole of Austria, Bohemia
and Galicia a few days ago. Continu
ous heavy snow storms are reported
from Galicia, and it is feared that
widespread damage will result from
the severe weather.
Just a Little Understanding Between
Nominee for Governor and the As
plrant for Senatorial Honors.
Since the opening of tho campaign
no step has been taken that may be
regarded as being of greater politi
cal slgmncance than tho candidacy
of Governor Gecr for the United
States senate. If tho governor sup
ports Mr. Furnish in good faith it
will of course add much strength to
tho head of tho republican ticket,
and on the other hand, should Mr.
Furnish and tho state committee sup
port Governor Geer his prospects for
going to Washington will bo consid
erably brightened.
Mr. Furnish does not know what
Governor Goer is going to do for him;
neither does tho governor know witl.
what favor his race is looked upon
by tho gubernatorial candidate.
Mr. Furnish was asked in Portland
by the Journal how he stood on tho
question of. Governor Geor's candi
"Mr. Geer knows how I feel on tho
subject," said the silent man.
"But others desire to know," was
"I talked to the governor about it,
was the only reply, "ho knows."
Governor Geer was not in Portland,
but Walter Lyon, private secretary,
was there.
The most satisfactory reply given
to any question asked him was:
"We are republicans and wo are
supporting the ticket."
Still this algebraic problem of two
unknown quantities remains unsolv
ed. Governor Geer arrived in Portland
Wednesday, but he did not go to re
publican headquarters. He was found
on the street and asked regarding his
candidacy. He was as silent as the
Sphinx as silent as MV. Furnish
"Have you made a formal an
nouncement that you will run?" he
was asked.
"No, and I shall not until my name
goes on the official ballot. It will re
quire 1600 or 1700 names on the pe
tition to do this and I do not know
yet whether there will be that many
"Will Mr. Furnish give you his
hearty support?"
"Ask Mr. Furnish."
It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse
Confirmation Dresses
Have you thought about them? Don't leave it for the last
moment and buy in a hurry. We are making special prices oh
all our White Wash Goods this week, Mako this store your
shopping headquarters for this event,
Wash Goods from 5c to 65c per yard. Confirmation
Veiling, 75 Cents.
Ladles Night Qowni, mado wth tucked And inserting yoko, finished nt neck
and sleeves, l.co and embroidery from ................ 95o to W CO
Skirt Chemise, trimmed with Vat. Uce and Insertion, also finished in
beading and ribbon fl as to It 60
Mnsllu Skirts, tnado with flonnco and hcrastltch'-ri tucks 69e to 3 00
Muslin Drawers, with wide llounco made oC embroidery insertion and
homstltchcd tucks , USo to f.t 00
. . 1 1
Muslin Underwear
In tho noxt flvo days wo will
sell Mnslin Undorwear at a
discount of 10 por oont. This
is qnito a saving when you fig
ure it out; can bo bought much
cheapor than you can mako
them yoursolf.
Puis warehouse
Dry Goods, Gents Furnishings, Boots
and Shoes.
Send for
The president ot the Boston Cham
ber of commerce, just returned from
Cuba, made a careful investigation
of the sugar conditions. He finds
that there is no truth in the state
ment that the advantages of the tar
iff reduction will go to the trust.
G L 0R I A
Better See Them
Before You Buy
WORTH $5.o
Boston Store
Sheet Iron and Copper
Work... Special Attention
to Job Work.... Roofing
and Gutte'ring...All Work
Guaranteed. : : : :
Shop: Cottonwood Street, Opposite
St. Joe Store, Near Court St.
Golconda Gold RHine
A Plain Statement of Fact :
The GOLCONDA MINE, in tho Sumptor district, with all
its equipment, and ten othor claimB, was rocontly purchased by
the Golconda Consolidated Gold Minos Company, principal olflco
in Pendloton, which is now oporating tho mine. Tho full pur
chase price is paid, and all but tho treasury stock disposed of to
those who advanced the purchaso price.
There was left in tho troasury for an oporating fund
500,000 shares of treasury stock. Some of this stock is olforod for
sale, but not exceeding 200,000 shares of it will bo sold ; as that
will supply ample funds until tho mino is more than self sus
taining. This stock is oifered at 10 CENTS A SHARE for the next
thirty days.
As an investment of this oharactor nothing oquals it. To
prove its worth those at work in tho mino, who aro in a position
to know what is iu the Golconda, have bought stock at ton couts
a share to the extent of their financial ability. Thoso who have
a little money which they can sparo for tho purpose Bhould take
1,000 or more shares of this stock, as thoy will most likely find
it the very best investment thoy evor mado iu thoir lives.
Address all orders for stock with chocks in favor of
Secretary Golconda Consoli
dated Gold Milieu Company,
- a ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft
M. W. O'Shea, a painter, slipped off
rnof in Portland, falliner a distance
of 80 feet, breaking his arm and dis
locating his shoulder. He is in a
critical condition,
Have the Feathers
In your feather beds
By the 1902 STEAM PROCESS,
No mixing of feathers. You get
your own feathers, Work called
for and delivered.
It's a Pleasure
To Trade at Martin's Family Grocery or Bakery.
""VTOU always find our store clean and woll arrangod.
Our stock is always frosh and completo, and no
matter what you desire in tho grocery lino, we have
it. You never got stale goods. Our prices are low.
Wo treat all alike, and your children will receive the
same careful attention that you do. Telephone orders
filled promptly and goods dolivorod to any part of
the city.
If you have not been trading witli us, give us a
trial order; you will bo pleased with tho manner in
which we fill it.
GfttfF J IB
R. MARTIN, Proprietor
afogae of them. A full supply always kept in stock.
This signature is on every box of the genuloo
Laxative Uromo-Uuinine Tablet
'the remedy that eurvm h ooltl la oao Amf,
1 .