East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 01, 1902, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonight and Friday, partly
cloudy with probably occasional
light Bhowors tonight.
" e A WEEK..
Lis Assert Demand for
bar Wages in Many
U of the Country.
a n..H Atnrlr.
iturj There rc u,v "
Ki.ti.. Th Plnnlnn
Workers In Portland Are Out
a Nine-Hour Day and Same
L..m ill.. Mav 1. Work In
.j-!.iri am Gh caeo and Al-
tMlstricts of Illinois mining
i practically suspended i-oaay,
i mon An il 48 mines are idle.
ihief cause of the strike is the
of the operators to furnish
, nnorntfi a double Shift.
aftrenoon thr- miners agreed
brn to work tomorrow pending
Ikmpnt of the differences with
lerators at a, conference to oe
Probably a Compromise.
York, May 1. The result of
inference between the coal op
and the representatives of
nlted Mine Workers to decide
t or not there will be a strike
anthracite coal miners, Is
nknown. It is believed, how-
lat a compromise has been ef-
burg Has 15,000 Strikers.
Iburg, May 1. The Indications
at over 15,000 men will be on
here today for higher wages
r working rules. The greater
of them are building trades
The striking of so many
necessarily throw out of
nent perhaps twice, that num
be strike of the ice men was
by the principal Ice comDa-
l&nlng a new scale. The em-
the gas plants were grant-
lullding Trades Tied Up.
I'.0, May 1. .All the hiiildlm?
I in this city are tied up today
strike of the carpenters,
rs and iron workers. Sixteen
(contracting carpenters Bigned
wage scale and there are 00
' sign. lnor
I to brick layers and the ma
th Strikers In Portland.
M. May 1. More than 200
mill nn,l i i ,
f .. vuiujfus Hirucit xoaay
Hue-hour day and a 10-hour
Bevnrnl mill- .
i,,""'"' """a lire ciosea aown,
PUierS STfi running n f
I .umu6 t 1UW
ne will affect building oper
ana thn i .
b v. diiumiuu is Benous
w saw mlu employes In this
Still nut .1.. il. i .,.
t-- -v, 1Du mo munary
Several of the laundry
, ran arresieu ror at
' "non-union employes.
' "Bankers Hniln "
No May l.-'-Bankers' hours"
Idav -ri. " uPenea ror busl-
hi In i ' OI)onB 118 doors at
hour of 10 and does
whirl, re .'clock at
wnd later"
t Nyv,0'E,mlra Ma808-
an e RhlTy 1,The aree
ttion Z the Employer's
Fe" into JTneymen Ma
Ine hJS10 tho Baao wages
amonB fallen
5 la Ctt ,Mlted by
- precarloiin i.nnjui
q - "uuiuun,
Nw. Unfortuate.
n? r he?!61,68'. Yielded In
'licacB 8t n,Eht- y
-0 OUfinn'o
Ja Batiafactor
Governor Geer Is Present and Has a
Little Air Pumped Into His Sena
torial Boomlet.
Cottage Grove, Iay 1. A public
celebration was held here yesterday
In honor of the beginning of construc
tion of a railroad from this place
to the Bohemian mines.
Governor Geer was present and
turned the first shovelful of earth.
The governor was given a big re
ception as a candidate for United
States senator.
Installed Into Office Amid the Most
Elaborate Ceremonies.
Denver, Colo., May 1: Surrounded
rby the bishops of the Protestant
Episcopal church, accompanied by a
host of clergy, and amid the most
elaborate ceremonial, Rev. Charles
Mi. Olmstead was today consecrated
as Bishop of the Episcopal diocese
of Colorado In succession to the late
Bishop Spaulding. The ceremony
was in St. John's Cathedral, one of
the finest church edifices in the west.
Unusual pomp and splendor accom
panied the ceremony for the reason
that It was the first of the kind to
take place in the Rocky mountain re
gion. It was a little after ten o'clock
when the bishops, led by Bishop Tut
tle of Missouri, left the parish house
and proceded to the cathedral. The
bishop-elect was escorted by the
presbyters, and behind him came the
visiting clergy, and then the surplic-
ed choir of the church, singing a pro
cessional. By the time the head of
the procession entered St. John's the
pews had been filled by members of
the parish and visitors. The cere
mony began with the reading of the
prayer of the morning. Then came
the sermon by Rt. Rev, Lelghton
Coleman, Bishop of Delaware. The
ceremony of consecration followed
according to the ritual of- the church.
Bishop Tuttle acted as consecrator
and among the other participants
were Bishops Millspaugh of Kansas,
Hare of South Dakota, White of
Michigan City, Graves of Laramie,
Leonard of Utah, Gailor of Tennes
see and Brown of Arkansas. At the
conclusion of the ceremony there
was an informal reception in honor
Of the visiting clergy.
50 IS
Shooting of Private Roberts
by Private Dunlap at Walla
Walla Over a Woman,
The. Four Occupants of the Vehicle
Were Instantly Killed.
Kewanee, 111., May 1. A carriage
containing C. Abutters, E. A. Emery,
Blanche Harding and Margaret Kee
ler was struck by a Burlington train
early this morning, and all four of
the occupants of the carriage were
instantly killed.
Memory of Heroes Honored.
Ephrata, Pa., May 1. On Zlon's
Hill, where are buried 200 Revoln
tlonary heroes who died in the Eph
rata cloister hospital from wounds
received at the battle of Brandywine,
there was unveiled today in the rres
ence of patriotic thousands, a hand
some monument in commemoration
of their valor. The unveiling was
carried out with Impressive cere
monies, civilians, military and office
holders uniting to make it a gala day
never to be forgotten. The princl
pal oration was delivered by Ex-Gov
ernor Robert E. Pattison, and other
addresses were made by General
John is. Roller, Colonel J. A. South
gate and Congressman J. A. Stofer.
Mississippi Teachers.
Jackson, Miss., May 1. Teachers
from all parts of Mississippi have
taken possession of Jackson for their
annual state convention which will
be in session here during the re
mainder of the week. The conven
tion will be opened formally this
evening with a big welcome meeting
nad the business sessions will com
mence tomorrow morning. The
names of a number of prominent ed
ucators r.ppear on the programme
and an unusually successful meeting
Is expected.
Eight Hour Day.
Columbus, O., May 1. President
James Mahon, of the Blast Furnace
Workers of America has sent out an
official notice that on and after today
eight hours shall constitute a day's
work. The notice affects all the blast
furnace workers In America and ser
ious disturbances are expected If the
union insists on Its enforcement.
It is announced that with this
week's Ibsuo of the Conservative, J.
Sterling Morton's weekly journal,
the paper will suspend publication.
Dunlap Gave Himself Up to Officers
of the Garrison Immediately After
the Shooting and Tells a Straight
Story of How it Occurred.
Walla Walla, May 1. Private Fred
Roberts, of the Tenth Battery, is ly
ing at the hospital -in this city, dan
gerously near death, from a pistol
shot wound inflicted by Private
Frank Dunlap, of the Thirtieth Bat
tery. The shot was fired about S o'clock
Wednesday evening, on West Pop
lar street, and the cause is said, to
have come from a feud that started
some time ago over a woman. Dun
lap tells the following story about
the cause of the trouble:
Story of the Shooting.
"I had my first troubJewith Rob
erts several mouths ago. I was com
ing up the street and met Roberts.
He refused to allow me to pass and
shoved me from the walk. Later we
met in a saloon and Roberts told me
he wanted to be my friend. We
shook hands and the matter was
"Last Saturday night, in company
with a yuong woman, I attended the
Salvation Army meeting. I left my
overcoat at a cigar store on the cor
ner, and, after the services, told the
girl to remain in the barracks until
I got my coat. In the street I met
a lot of soldiers from the battery,
Roberts among them. Roberts call
ed me to one side and we had words.
I told him I did not want any trouble
with him, but he struck me in the
"Musician Kern Informed me that
Roberts had a gun and told me to
look out. Sergeant Sutton also In
formed me to be on my guard for the
gang had threatened to fix me. Aside
from that Roberts told several others
that he was going to put me in the
Last evening, in company with
MicCutcheon and two or three of the
boys, I started down town. Roberts
and Mike Rodell, another soldier,
were standing at the little bridge
just outside the reservation, and
when I saw them I told the other
boys to wait until I went back to
"When I returned, Will Kohl, a ci
vilian, had joined the men at the
bridge and McCutcheon and I pass
ed the three and started up town
Rodell had a wheel and he overtook
us in front of Mrs. Aubln's house
and ordered us to stop. I told him I
didn't want to have any trouble, and
when McCutcheon stepped up to my
side Mike Rodell said:
The Attack Upon Dunlap.
" 'What have you got to do with
this?' and knocked him from the
walk. Then he struck McCutcheon
with a rock. Roberts and Kohl were
nearlng us at the time and I drew
my gun and ordered them to stop.
They advanced. I backed from them
and repeated my command. Still
they came and I fired."
Dunlap went straight to the garri
son after shooting and was arrested
and turned over to the officers. He
and Roberts were recent additions
to the barracks and were classed as
"rookies." Roberts may recover, but
the chances are against him. The
bullet passed through his body half
an inch above the heart.
President Havemeyer of the
Sugar Trust Testifies Before
Cuban Committee.
Bank to Have Palace.
Chicago, 111., May 1. The work of
construction on the new home of the
First National Bank of Chicago was
commenced today. The building is
cost $5,000,000 and will be the larg
est building in Chicago, if not In the
world. The structure will be sixteen
stories high and will not be com
pleted before May, 1904. '
Tornado Killed 416 People.
Calcutta, Man 1. A disastrous
tornado swept over Dacca and vicin
ity today. Several villages were raz
ed and 416 persons killed. The crops
are ruined. Dacca is about 160 miles
northeast of here.
Archbishop Recovering.
New York, May 1. Archbishop
Corrigan is recovering Blowly. The
pneumonia has left his lungs.
Major Glenn, for Administering the
Water Cure to President of lebar
as, Will Be Tried by Court-Martial
Under Direct O'ders of President
Washington, May 1. President
Havemeyer, of the sugar trust, ap
peared before tho senate Cuban rela
tions committee today, when tho in
quiry began into the question as to
thb amount of Cuban sugar owned
and controlled by the trust. Ho said
the trust now owns about a 10-days'
supply of Cuban sugar and denied
that tho trust had been buying up oi
seeking to control a largo proportion
of the Cuban sugar .crop.
Havemeyer denied that ho had
served notice on the beet sugar men
that he would control the sugar trade
or drive them out of the business;
he admitted that at times ho had
sold sugar a less than cost and de
clared he would rather give sugar
away than lose his fair percentage
of the trade; that he had .no antag
onism to beet sugar industry, as he
was too greatly interested in it him
self. Ho thought it had been encour
aged, because it was a good policy
to keep all the farmers of the coun
try profitably employed. He said his
company controlled G5 per cent of
the refined sugar product of this
country .-and was therefore the mas
ter of the situation.
Roosevelt Is Determined.
Washington, May 1. It is reported
that President Roosevelt has declar
ed to some of his senatorial intimates
that if congress should adjourn with
uot passing some bill for reciprocity
with Cuba that he would issue a call
for an extra session within ten min
utes after its adjournment.
Congressman Moody Sworn In.
Congressman William Moody, of
Massachusetts, this morning took
the oath of office as secretary of the
navy. Those present were his pro
decessor, John D. Long, and a num
ber of Massachusetts congressmen,
department officials and others. Mr.
Long was the first to congratulate
the new secretary.
Major Glenn's Trial.
Tho war department detailed a"
court-martial, of which General Fred
Grant will be the head, to try Majoi
Edward Glenn, who 'was accused 6y
recent witnesses before tho senate
Philippines court, of having admlnis
tered the water cure to the president
of Icbaras. The trial will bo con
ducted under direct orders of Presi
dent Roosevelt.
Summoned Major Gardner.
Tho senate Philippines committee
today decided to ask the secretary
of war to cable orders to Major Cor
nellus Gardner, civil governor of
Talabas province, to start for the
United States as soon as possible.
The Campaign in Samar.
The house this morning agreed to
the Burleson bill, calling on the sec
retary of war for copies of all orders
bearing upon the campaign in Samar
specifically, so far as they relate to
the campaign directed by General
Smith. A similar resolution was
agreed to by the senate.
The Man Was Wanted for Stealing
an Overcoat, and When Arrested
Tried to Escape.
Rosoburg, May 1. (Acting Deputy
Marshal Frank Reed fatally shot T.
C. Owens In tho head early this
morning in thiB city. Reed recogniz
ed in Owens n man wanted at Eu
gene for the larceny of an overcoat.
In attempting to escape, Rood Bhot
him. Owens died at 10 o'clock with
out regaining consciousness. Tho
'postmortem, examination occurs this
afternoon. Owens was formerly a
school teacher at Myrtle Creek. Ho
w?.8 about 21 years old.
Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers.
Now York, May 1. Tho wheat
market was strong and higher today,
mainly on tho bad crop roports that
are coming from Kansas. Prices ad
vanced stendily from tho opening,
and show a gain of 1 cents at tho
close. Now York opened 80 and
closed 82. Chicago closed 77.
Stocks higher.
Closed yesterday, 81.
Opened today, 80.
Rango today, 80 5? 82.
Closed today, 82.
Sugar, 127.
Stool. 41.
St. Paul, 174.
Union Pacific, 104.
Wheat In Chicago.
Chicago, May 1. Wheat 74S
75c per bushel.
Wheat In Portland.
Portland, May 1. Wheat CGGG
Wheat In Tacoma.
Tacoma, May 1. Wheat G5 cents
per bushel.
Streets of Los Angeles Made
Gay With the Elks' Comic
Parade and Decorations,
Biennial Congress Opens Meeting of
Advisory Council 'First Session of
Federation, Mrs. Low Presiding
Governor Gage and Mayor Snyder
Deliver Addresses.
Ix)s Angolcs, May 1. Tho annual
fiesta colouration opened this morn
ing with tho Elks comic parado. Tho
stroots woro gorgeously decorated.
Tho hionnial congress of tho Nat
ional Federation of Womon's Club
opened horo this morning in a moot
ing of tho advisory council. Tho first
session was hold this nftornoon, Mrs.
Rebecca Douglass Low, of Georgia,
presiding, ino addresses of wolcomo
woro made by Governor Gage, Mayor
Snydor, Mrs. Chester P. Dorland, tho
state president ;Mrs. Kato Bulkoy,
of Oakland; Mrs. Joslah Evans
Cowlcs, president of tho biennial
board. President Low responded.
Greetings from fraternal delegates
and roports of coinmltteos woro ro
ceived. Tonight a rocoptlon will oc
cur In tho Women's club houso.
Withlngton and Perkins Funerals
Portland, May 1. Tho funerals of
Banker George E. Withington and
Richard Perkins, tho pionoor cattlo
man, woro hold this morning In this
Tho American chambor of com
merce at Manila has passed a reso
lution endorsing tho action of tho
United States army in tho Philippines
in tho endeavor to counteract what
tho members of tho chamber boliovo
to be the opinion of tho United States
that the officers and soldiers havo
acted in violation of tho rules of
Change among W. U. Officials.
Now York, May 1. B. M'. Brooks,
today succeeded Charles A. Tinker
as general superintendent of tho
oastom division of tho Wostorn Un
ion Tolograph company. Mr. Tinker
tho retiring ofilcor, haB boon with the
company for 21 years. Ho was an
operator during tho civil war for the
war department at Washington and
a warm friend or President Lincoln.
Mr. Brooks comes from' Donvor,
whoro ho has sorvod ns manager for
tho past twolvo yoars.
Disgraced Navaf Officers.
Washington, May 1. Secrotary
Hay today rocolvod a cablegram
from tho United States ambassador
to Italy to tho effect that ho had con
ferred with tho prlnio mlnlstor con
cerning tho imprisoned American of
ficers and had boon aBsurod that
thoy would bo released shortly.
Chicago has Graded .Milk.
Chicago , May 1. Tho agreement
recently adopted by the Chicago Milk
Shippers' Union, controlling the
Chicago milk supply, went into ef
fect today. Heretofore one price has
been charged the dealer by the ship
per of milk, poor or g6od. Now milk
is to be delivered In grades accord
ing to tho amount of cream It con
tains, end a lower price is to be paid
for the lower grade milk.
Look Out For Locusts.
Indianapolis, lnd May 1. This is
tho month set for tho appearance of
tho 17-year locust plague, according
to State Geologist Blatchley. Mr
Blatchley declares that Indiana, Il
linois, Kentucky and Ohio will have
mrvr lnrnntn tlinn nil tlin othnr Ren
tral states put together. Only East
ern Illinois will be affected, he says.
Many farmers have paid attention to
the warning and have set out fewer
fruit trees thiB year than usual.
Backing Powd
Menkes Cleaurv Brea.d
With Royal Baking Powder there is no
mixing with the hands, no sweat of the
brow. Perfect cleanliness, greatest facility, .
sweet, clean, healthful food.
The " Royal Baker and Pastry
Cook" containing over 8oo
most practical and valuable
cooking receipts free to every
patron. Send postal card
with your full addreaa.
Alum is used In somehaklnfr powders and
In most of the so-called phosphate pow
ders, because It is cheap, and makes a
cheaper pouder Dut a I urn is a corrosive
poison "which, taken in food, acts mjur5
lously upon the stomach, liver and kidneys.
royai memo rowos CO., 109 WIUIAU ST , MW trPM.