East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 30, 1902, Image 5

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WE GIVE with each ten cent pur
chase one stamps When you
have 50 stamps or moejbring them to
our store and we will givejyou,.yery hand-
some Florentine isiuuer vie.-tty.
Lee Teutsch
Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Company.
Junes A. Howard, farm loans.
iForrent; piano; Inquire this office.
Irarm leans at lowest rates. B .D.
iReasonable prices at Seibert &
iFuraished rooms, 309 West Court
The newest creations of the East
millinery are arriving daily at Mrs.
lit you want fine meats go to
hwaiz & Greullc-. They handle the
at there is to he had.
Honey to loan at lowest rates on
i or country property. J. R. Dlck-
n, East Oregonian building.
ITour mouth will enjoy a regular
lie If you treat it to Dutton's su-
rlor ice cream, the purest and most
polesome in Pendleton, being made
pnre cream and flavored with
khest grade fruit extracts.
They are fine ones and nicer ones
ire never served on any table than
macaroni we have received,
macaroni was made In Italy
Id comes direct to us and is fresh.
rtlns Family Grocery and Bakery.
Lost A gray mare, with reached
ne, branded on left Md with helf
tie over cross and a bay mare,
aaea wnn D on left shoulder and
nond on rleht shoulder. Suitable
rd will be paid finder by return-
w t. w. Ayres' barn.
tobs Fobs
I have just received some
pew designs in Leather and
Nal Woven Fobs. They are
kuties and very serviceable.
lhe cost is modest
L. HTTMT'tvcq
Pwelet and Optician
Whltaker, the dentist v
See Lee Teutsch for hatB.
Fechter's for ice cream. Court St.
Newest patterns at Seibert & Shulz.
T. J. Kirk, of Athena, was in town
Call at Nolte's saloon for fine fresh
Nice fat crawfish by the dozen, at
Nolte's saloon.
For Sale House and lot on school
house hill. Inquire of J. L. Sharon.
For Sale Cheap; a piano. Fech
ter's Confectionery Parlors, Court St.
George Knight came down this
morning from Helix to attend the cir
You will have to hurry if you join
our dish club as the club is almost
made up. Hawley Bros.
James Upton is building the foun
dation for a new residence on Webb
street, just east of the Baptist
A pair of young coyotes are at
tracting considerable attention to the
show window of the Thompson Hard
ware store.
Buy something that will tickle
your palate. Swift's premium hams
and bacons, finer than the finest, at
Hawley Bros.
Mrs. Will Kennedy has received a
letter from her father, Matt Taylor,
who was stricken some time ago
with paralysis, and whq is now in
Portland, receiving treatment, that
he has almost recovered from the
stroke, but is suffering from rheuma
tism. He does not know when he
will return to Pendleton.
A deal has just been closed where
by Theo Danner takes possession of
the photograph business formerly
conducted by him and Walter Lub
ken, one door east of the East Ore
gonian building on Webb street. The
change will take place May 1, when
Mr. Lubken will, take a position with
Dutton & Kennedy, in their candy
and ice cream parlors.
Reports from Eastern Oregon
sheep ranches tell of a most success
ful lambing season and heavy wool
clip. J .H .Beckley, who owns a band
of 4000 sheep and operates a large
ranch near More, Sherman county,
says the outlook in eastern Oregon is
most encouraging, and that the late
spring insures plenty of grass during
the early summer months.
Ben Swaggart is over from his
home in Heppner, shaking hands
with old friends and incidentally
looking after his colts that he has ir
training on the Perlnger track for
the coming season's' races. Mr.
Swaggart has five 2 and 3-year-olds,
that are very promising young ani
mals and he is confident' that they
will .make their mark on the race
course. He will, be Tiere several days.
William CJark jmd wife are In town
from Helix. ,
Celery Tablets...
R?ir The Puritan Oh
I '"S as'heirj'agents for Umatilla County., . .' ...
as w -
jM from Main1 Street Toward the Ccwrt House
Pendleton Players Entered the Game
Thinking They Had ah Easy Thing
Lewlston Scored Nine Runa In
One Inning.
Lewiston, 12.
Pendleton, 14.
At the end of the sixth inning,
when tho baseball game between the
Lewiston State Normal and the Pen
dleton teams was called to close
Tuesday, tho above was the official
score, which is evidence on tho face
of It that the game was a bum one.
From tho start to tho finish the
playing on both sides was replete
with errors and many expressions of
disgust were heard from those who
paid their money to see a "kid
game," as it was termed by all. The
errors on the part of the visiting
team can be excused on the ground
that 1ey are only school boys and
are not supposed to put up an error
less game, but when it is remember
ed that the Pendleton team is com
posed of men who have played with
the best league teams of the country
and came here recommended as ball
players, so many errors from them
are inexcusable.
The visiting team wont into the
field with no confidence in them
selves, for the reason that several of
their best players had been knocked
out before reaching here and they
were compelled to make up their
team with two or three outsiders,
who had never played with them be
fore and did not have confidence in
themselves, and it was the general
opinion of those who went to witness
the playing that Lewiston would be
shut ' out entirely. But in this the
fans were doomed to disappointment.
At the end of the second inning the
score stood 7 to 1 in favor of Pen
dleton, but this soon changed and at
the end of the fourth inning the score
was 10 to 7 in faVor of the visitors
It was in the fourth inning that
Pendleton fell to pieces, and let the
Lewiston boys make a Bcore of 9
tallies. Three men were on bases
and a Lewiston man went to the bat
and knocked a ball to second base
It was fumbled there, and the batter
got safe to first and the man on third
got home. The ball was thrown to
first, but not in time to do execution
From there it was sent to the home
plate to head off the man coming in
from second. Foley, who was behind
the bat, let the ball go through his
hands and the man was safe. Then
the man from second base made a
break for the home plate and by tlu
time Foley got hold of the ball Du-
puis, wht was pitching, was at the
home plate and the ball was thrown
to him. He fell and let the man
home safe and then threw the ball tc
third to head off the man who batted
the ball, who was then nearing that
bag. The man on third let the ball
go through his hands and the batter
got -home, making four runs on one
ball that was only knocked to second
This made the crowd hiss at the
work of- the Pendleton players, and
cheer the Lewiston boys, and from
that time on the sympathy of the on
lookers was with the Lewiston play
ers. In the next two innings the
score of the Pendleton players" ran
up to 14 and the Lewiston boys' scorr
went to 12. The game had been
dragging along and it was almost 5
o'clock by this time, and Manager
Cox, of the Lewiston players, pre
vailed upon the manager of the Pen
dleton team to qut the performance
short and give the boys a chance to
get away on the 5j30 train. The
crowd breathed a sigh of relief when
time was called and the look of dis
gust that was on the faces of all was
something discouraging. The visit
ors left on the evening train for
Walla Walla, where they will play
the Sharpshooters today.
Reds to Travel.
The game today with Lewiston Is
to be the last game that will be play
ed in Pendleton by the Redskins before-
their trip. They will leave here
Snnriav mornine fop Walla Walla.
where they will play the Sharpshoot
ers and also Aionuay jn tne aner
noon, and they will be on the go un
in Katiirlftv. thfe 17th of May. when
they will return home. The games
scheduled on this trip are:
Walla Walla, .May 4th and 5th.
Dayton, May 6th.
North Yakima, May 7.
Everett, May 9.
Victoria, B. C, May 10.
Everett, May 11.
Mount Vernon, May 12 and 13.
Vancouver, B. C, May 14 and 15.
They will have an open day the
ICth and wii lprobably play tho Non
pareil team at Ppattle. From' there
tlinv will rotnrn hnmn. In tlmo in Jilav
the scheduled game at Athena with
the Yellow Kids, on tne lstn.
Wants Othe9 $9 .'Know,.,
"I have used .peWits Little Early
Risers for constipation and torpid
liver and they are ajl- right. I am
glad to jndorse (hem for I .think -whon
w.e, And,, a-gocd thing we ought-toilet
Others know ' ii," writes Alfred
HpJnzfi.. .Oulncr. 111. They, never,
gripe or distress. .Sure, safe pills.
Tallman & Co. ,
s ' ,
Tim now waltz. "Memories of the
Pastf' composed, by .Fedj.G. Scbmeer.
for salo'-at 1 razierei uooKJsiore." -
The Walte Hand-Power Rock Drill It
a Remarkable Mining Tool.
Fred W. Walte ,of Pendleton, is in
terestcd with his father, W. W.
Walte, In tho Wriito hand-power rock
drill, for which reliable claims are
made over other machines ot tho
kind. The senior Mr. Walte Is now
In Columbus, O. .superintending the
manufacture of those drills, for which
there is always a strong demand,
the merits of tho drill having beon
discovered by actual experience, in
several places where they have been
put to practical use. Tho points of
the drill are aB follows:
FirstIt runs so easily that a child
can turn it.
Second Four blows are delivered
at every revolution ot tho crank.
Third The operator can deliver a
light or heavy blow at his will.
The averago man will strike about
200 strokes per minute. The more
rapidly the machine is turned, the
more and harder blows are delivered;
thus It will be readily seen that tho
Walte hand-power rock drill will eas
ily do tho work of from four to bIx
men, and In very hard rock even
Tho machine has been tested by
practical miners in tho hardest ba
salt rock, and has been found to drill
an inch per minute readily.
Fourth Tho machine allows tho
operator to stand in a natural posi
tion while drilling up, down, breast
or uppers.
Fifth Tho handle can be. adjusted
to either sido of the machine, or an
extra handlo can bo put on to allow
of its being worked by two men.
It 's asserted by those experienced
in such matters that the Waitos,
father and son, have a great fortune
In this excellent Invention of tho sen
tor Walte. The many friends of,
them in Colfax and Pendleton hope
that every expectation may come
Superintendent of Scouring Mills.
Leon Straus is in Pendleton from
San Francisco. Mr. Straus has ac
cepted the position of superintend
ent of the Pendleton Wool Scouring
and Packing Company's mill, hav
ing charge of the operation ot the
mills. He is an experienced wool
scourer, knows the work from A to
Z, and is engaged with the view of
Improving the scoured product of
the mill as well as to Increase their
capacity by more thorough manage
ment of the work in his charge. The
reputation of the mills is already ex
cellent, but it is the aim) to make It
still better, there always being room
for improvement.
Attention Rooters.
The Pendleton Baseball Rooters
Association will hold a meeting at
the council rooms Thursday evening
at 8 o'clock, to arrange for the trip
to Walla Walla Sunday. Ail inter
ested are invited to attend.
The homllest man in Pendleton, as
well as the handsomest, and others,
are invited to call on any druggist
and get freo a trial bottle of Kemp's
Balsam for the throat and lungs, a
remedy that is guaranteed to cure and
relieve all chronic and acute coughs,
asthma, bronchitis and consumption.
Price 25c and 50c. For sale by Tall
man & Co., sole agents.
Better See Them
Before You Buy
WORTH $5.oo
Boston Store
The Pioneers of;
the Pacific.
A Strictly Up (o pate Iniurauco
Afford Abiolute Protection und Vi
Claims ProVu'fJy
UBAOorywr. ,..
Is Well EaUbJIibcd ' ' '
in even 8ttv., .-
: -' It Pay. to Trade at the Peoffc WarehoW 1
Confirmation Dresses
Have yon thought about them? Don't loavo It for the. lait.,
moment and buy in a hurry. We aro making speoial prices oht'
all our White Wash Goods this week. Make- this store yoir "
shopping headquarters for this event.
Wash Goods from 5c to 65c per yard. Confirmation
Veiling, 75 Cents.
T arilAa Mint. fl.uM ma,. wtU .tiAkn,! i ,. ltiM.tti ttnV. AlilatiAit ttlkrtlp
ami slcevn, laco hih omliroMity from . . .... 95o to 4 M
Bklrt Chemise, trlmmtd vrith Val. Inco and insertion, ulto nnlihed in
beading and ribbon...... It 25 to II 60.
Muslin Skirti. rondo with Houneennd hem!Ultcli''rtUicks. (93 to W CO
Muslin Drawers, tlth wide flounco made ot embroidery Insertion and
hemstitched tucks , 2.1e to W 0
Muslin Underwear
In tho next five days wo will
sell Muslin Underwear at a
discount of 10 per cent. This
is quito a saving whon yon fig
ure it out; can be bought muoh
ohoaper than yon can mako
them yourself.
8 Piles fill
Dry Goods, Gonts' Furnishings, Boots
and Shoes.
Send for
Golconda Gold Mine
A Plain Statement of Fact :
The GOLCONDA MINE, in the Sumptor district, with all
its equipmont, and ten other claims, was recently purchased by
the Golconda Consolidated Gold Mines Company, principal ofllco
in Pendleton, which is now operating tho mine. The full pur
chase price is paid, and all but the treasury Btock disposed of to
those who advancod the purchase price.
Thero was loft in tho treasury for an operating fund
500,000 shares of treasury stook. Some of this stock is offered for
sale, but not exceeding 200,000 shares of it will bo sold ; as that
will supply ample funds until the mine is more than self sus
taining. This stock is ottered at 10 CENTS A SHARE for the next
thirty days.
As an investment of this character nothing equals it. To
prpve its worth those at work in the mine, who are in a position
to know what is in the Golconda, havo bought stook at ton cents
a share to the extent of their financial ability. Those who have
a little money which they can spare for the purpose should tako
1,000 or more shares of this stock, as thoy will most likoly find
it the very best investment thoy ever made in thoir lives.
Address all orders for stook with checks in favor of
Secretary Rolcomla Consoli
dated Gold Mines Company,
It's a Pleasure
To Trade at Martin's Family Grocery or Bakery.
"X7"0U always find our store clean and well arranged.
Our stock is always fresh and complete, and no
matter what you desire in tho grocery line, we have,
it. You never get stale goods. Our priceB are 'low.
Wo treat all alike, and your children will receive the
same careful attention that you do. Telephone orders
filled promptly and goods delivered to any part of
the city.
If you havo not heon trading with 113, give us a
trial order; you will. bo ploased with tho manner in
which we fill it. -
i ) r
hy y n HIT
1 1 s n
i m
R. MARTIN, Proprietor
8 a
9 "
alogtfe of them. A fall supply always kept In stock.
.This alirnaturo 1:1 on nverv box of tho mxriulnii -
' ; Laxative Brt)iiioOuliiincTaWeta 4
i'ltts0'Xh.C! roiuedy that xuruu a col la oho. rtaj
t XT
i if, ia.,