East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 30, 1902, Image 4

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    i w mi v - .
in. favor of the bll from the house Who .held a Btrong whlto hand unto
-j; til it., i ' : . i ' i i I f 1 1 r mnlmofl
Vj$t ..April no.
J15S4 ChevallerBaynrdj last of the knlghU
' errant, died In Italy; born 1475.
1623 Francis XaVler.de Luvulle Montmo
u. .rencl, flrst Canadian Roman Catholic
blBtiop, born In Lnvalle. Franco; died
??!! -70S.
JC32 John Count de Tilly, famous Imperl
all3t soldier In the Thirty Yeurs' war,
ir'.. died.
'189B Mary II. of England, consort of Wll-
llam of Orange, born; died 1694.
I17S9 Qeorge Wtmlilngton Inaugurated first
v'l president at New York.
il854 Jamos Montgomery, Urltlsh poet,
died; born 1772.
J1S35 Qustav Freltag, 'the popular German
novelist, nuthor of "Soil und Haben"
and other notable works, died at Wies
baden; born 1S1G.
1300 President Kruger Issued a proclama
tion ordering all Iirltlsh subjects to
leave the Transvaal.
There is a vacant chair at the re
publican love feast of Oregon. One
of the royal families of- tho dear old
committee, tho house at bnce-iaddpted
his report, upon the ground that the
bill was just and that tho labbror
needed legislation. -Hut tho railroad
attorneys began a crusade among
the members; They employed Dres
ser, a republican from Clackamas,
to oppose the 'bill upon its Introduc
tion. Ho was followed by Story,
chairman of tho house railroad com
mittee, and a staunch republican
from Multnomah, Eddy, a republican
from Tillamook, Roberts, a republi
can from Yamhill all opposed the
measure In spirited speeches show
ing that tho promises of the party are
., wrong,
ui live uu ruiiruuua cu.nuunea uree n, ol.nmo? Who ejrml- T-
.republicans, Story of Multnomah, England strone?
the maimed.
The bleeding and those struggling
to be free,
Whose boast it was your soaring
trumpet voice
In warning sounded as a giant's
' tones
Whorover chains still clanked their
rlrnnrlfnl tinlan
Or despots wrung from babes and
women, moans.
What will you say, my country, when
nll'o flimo
And God himself upon the sky doth
lour just decree as falls the angry
How will you hide your hands no
lai uio promises or. tne party are iu"Kr wuuei
forgotten. The house committee Aro yu made coward by your guilty
i i im
Thompson of Umatilla and Butts of
Yamhill. Did 'these men prove that
they were willing for the laborer to
have his "rights and privileges?"
The bill died in tho hands of the
senate railroad committee, which
contained three good republicans,
Brownell of Clackamas, chairman;
Booth and Cameron. Did these men
have any respects for the "rights and
Lot not some crazed fanatic strike
him down
For God is sure, though Blow His
dials turn
And surely bring they, in resistless
To each what wago his little life
hath earned.
dynasty has not yet arrived at 1 ..,.. ,
. i ii i viiugca ui me lauorerx
The same J. N. Williamson who is
least has not yet been nllowed to en
ter. It Is not quite fair to say that
lie has not arrived, for the jingle of
his spurs have been heard outside the
walls for many, many, weary days.
His horse has pressed his nose
agalnBt the gate repeatedly, but it is
unyielding. Tho rightful Knight
yearns to press that vacant chair and
fill that aching void, but there is a
confab going on inside. Who Is the
heir to this high station? Which one
of the many armed and caparisoned
knights outside will pull off his
shoes and tread the sacred precincts
of the senatorial nomination?
That was a sad mistake to leave
the circle Incomplete. But it is so
difficult to choose from among the
many plumed and daring warriors.
Such an array of aspirants dazzled
the delegates The glitter of their
shields and the ring of their oratory
carried the bunchgrass members
away in a dream. Forgetfulness, in
such cases is excusable. Many
stronger diplomatists, on more pro
tentious occasions, have forgotten
their own identity for the moment
then shall we censure the politician
from the the sheep sheds of Crook,
from the wheat fields of Umatilla,
the alkali plains of Harney and the
prune groves of Union for their for
getfulness? The people may wonder why the i
canuiunte for United States sonator
was not placed upon the republican
ticket, in the rejmlar mnnnnr nn,i t e following. poem, written hv n
the regular time, but the neonle dr. F" 3' 00.d' L. Portland, is printed
w -,--., ,. . 1,1 le uosion i'ilot:
..v uuugioiuuu mo muueements in
now the republican candidate for
congress from this district, sat dumb
in his seat in the stnte senate, while
the laborers wore fighting a forlorn
hope for their "rights and privileges."
There was not a, champion of the la
borer raised his voice from the great
party of Williamson, in the senate
on that occasion. The republicans
had It in their power to grant any
thing they wished. They were in the
majority. But the syren voices of
Cotton and Fenton, the railroad attor
neys, were sweeter than tho appeal
of the workingman.
This plank in the republican plat
form is "bosh." They had the oppor
tunity toput Its demand into execu
tion and they failed.
The great intellect which furnished
legislative news to the morning Ore
gonian, poked fun at the "raw em
ployes" who were at Salem making
an effort to get legislation fo rthe la
borer, and dwelt upon the incongruity
ot ignorant untrained employes de
fending their cause before the legis
lative committees, against the able
and experienced railroad attorneys
and officials. And yet railroad men
support this greatest enemy to labor,
on the coast. They must be be
wildered by its pantry full of pie
crust promises.
Let him live on. The fleshless hand of
Shall taint upon his forehead, black
as night,
G.-eat letters telling his Ignoble crime,
Tiien thrust him forward In historic
Where all the world may read and
none forget
These words: "He lied to hide his
guilt, he swore
Mtost false. He plotted war. His hand
was .wet
With blood. "The harlot's golden
crown he wore.
He stabbed at Freedom's breast. He
planned to rob
A people of their hard-built homes,
their lives.
With bloody Kitchener made one
great sob
Go up through all the land from
babes and wives."
Thus Chamberlain the thif is cruci
fied And thus shall hang till time 'itself
hath died.
lorgemuness which swarm around
men at such moments, in the pres.
once of such allurements.
It is a trying task for men tn nor
form, in the fuce of so much gallant
ry, so much qualification, so much
Joe Chamberlain, whom all men just
ly loame,
I pity thee. Life is ro Rlmrf
A11U Hard to Struecllne TTifn I nit-
The sad eyed herd and lilm wlin
makes them moan.
England, I marvel for that you should
Your treasure and your blood for com
mon thieves
Like Chamberlain and Rhodes. The
sturdy Boer
iou may subdue, but hound in
bloody sheaves
Will be a harvest you shall surely
Of retribution, wasting moans, and
For though the laws of justice seem
10 sieep
iney never sleep, but like the
ocean's flood
They creep up to the water mark of
And when they ebb, there is but si
ieni sume.
mere waits above thee, England
brand and rod
Held in the iron fists of frowning
- ime,
uiuing m patience when the blow
snail tail,
A .1 41 1. . 1
nuu uiiuuBu me gioom I see a na
lion's pall.
-a m 1 l -
.i.-i f;. tmm verv triflinir causes, and when ana wiiere - you would 1
them. A boil, or aoscess, uum, uibw, - t.t iuue
may be the beginning point of a malignant, frightful looking Cancerous Ul
Apparently there is no difference between a Cancerous and Common tJicer w
fl, first unite t heir appearance, anuiui una n.aBun . nowins oJ
VWT A. -t 1 - 1 . 1 J : 1 'KUIII
nr harmless it may seem, aim uu r -"oyu.-uju anrt
. .
. ' . . it ry nil 1111' ir;i I . t 1 7 1 j .111 r in ' v 1 1 v . .m vi 11 mn- .
nr hnrm ess It mav &ecia, .mu u." 0 - "r.iuU .
alarm, particularly it any or your aufwioia J , . s0011 re,
for the sore, after all. is only tne outgrowth. A-
I I I I I I k I'll I I IJIiniU X J 1 ' 1 vUL. rTTn ,
m.,Ar,,-.r. f nn ni-pfi n nnn. anu iiuLiuiii: -un ,inv.xv iw H1w6iv.o uuUJ uk cannw i.- :
' 1 . ... n . j l 1 11 1 .T n .
Ii.ii.J 1.1 i l.-r. hnnll TlllfltlPn Mil K1ICJILS LU ll.ill LllC UltU U V --IC-LU.N flT Cn .
iun.u .i.-.i - - - .... - . , , , t." . yira
p-v-tprtml rfttipri es will result in ranure, iui -uui ticutiic-i. -- av. uossiDie effp-i...
, . r T,1J ,1 . , . ' u
- 1 1 .1 !.. 4-1. 4 fnm -in fho rln-iri nTtri n-t-c .
tne aeauiv crerms aim uiuiuju - uiroutrh
circulation to tne sore.
T1 1 r ,, 1ff Krancf -plliplt
- JJUU (1 V.1111.C1 Wil lll u.,
caused me great pain for three or four
years niu-a mc
pains were deep and
shooting. The ulcer
discharged yellow and
rather offensive mat
ter. I had given up
allhope, as the doctors
. gave me no relief,
LVh If-.. turn
11 lll(bui, v
.units mid mi onlr sis
ter died of Cancer of
breast, and I am
sfied that I. too.
mild linvp been pone
butforS. S. S. Ifeltsomebetterafterthe
first bottle, and after using only seven bot-
Huc irqc ri,rol TI1112 -fie Clv,ml vpnrc
ago but have seen no signs of the Cancer
t 1 1 n ..t it :
-nice. 1 wuuui urge uu rau urc-iuiciiii
from the disease to give S. S. S. n trial.
Belton, JIo. Mrs. James Cassem,.
'-t'V'im TSi sat
About the first of February, 1899, I
noticed a small lump on the inside of my
lower lip. It annoyed me considerably
the doctor cauterized it and in a few days
it dropped off, but shortly after another
came auu, oroe 11110 uu open sure, uuu iu
spite of the large number of remedies I
L1CU, lb VVU111U UkUl, .U-l. fTwUfc T I
another, and he gave me something to
:e 11. 1.
put on tne sore, saying 11 11 uiu not cure
ipniilil .iif ihr Brim -llf T llta
. 1 ; .. : 1. . . . -n:.i ., i.n.. . t i
lllCUlwlllC, UUL JtLClVCU liU U.ll.Ufc. JL
citled a blood purifier was what I needed,
and began to take S. S. S. The ulcer was
growing rapidly, with some pain and a
crawliner, creeping feeliuc. At first S. S.
S. seemed to make the sore worse, but
this soon changed, and after I had taken
cm'nn 1iH1.a tni nlnrn Iin1i1 iif?r1i
my general health improved and I am as
...in . 1 r. -: -c as.
wen liuw cva uuu uu aiua ui lii - uia-
ease nave been seen since.
Hollands, S. C. V. P. BROWN.
Mr. Too. Massie. Owensi
-- -ku u ouster r..
th , (rlif- oiffo r
uose. Itgrewsteadi-
1 V in Suite of nil pfTnrtu
to heal it up; the pain
was not very severe
at first, but increased
when the sore Wnn
to inflame and dis
charge matter. At
times the ulace would
scab over and appear
to be getting well,
but the scab would
droo off. leavinirn
red, angry lbokinir
ulcer, i Had almost despaired of
nurmtr in I'gtirar ,.
was cailea to S. S. S.. and nft,.
few bottles the Caliper liotrnn i--i
crow smaller, tne fiisnimrtro ct-..i
x was renevea 01 tne ternble diseist"
TTl - A,. 4.-U-4. J ,1
vauLEiuus .au uc 1 tin.ucu uu.iy uy a icuicuji mai, aui. upuu U11U. LurOugfl
rrA CTffftil oirl -lnc? 1C 4nc?f TrTinf Q Q C rl -r T4- nr-r -r tlx -F-.-.4..-;-. X.A C 1.1.. v
and drives out the germ producing poisons which cause the ulcer, and purifies and builds
ciaiii me ucLcnujuicu uiuuu, x ills 15 Lilt. Olliy true
lorrical treatment for sores of this charnrter
"Rr fli iico f Q Q Q 4-l,. ,,1
I -.-..- .i.tw w. - L-AiW U1V.V-1 JiO OllUUlICU IV!
I J J- 1 " "1 T T W -.AAV. Jl X A.- Ulil 111,1
1j? i111 .
anu rorces out au ine irritating poisons, ana allows
i. 1..1 11 J j1 r r r
mi r ill r; 1 1 : 1 1 i : i i r si Tin tipttti a ti fTi r i tt v v
dehlllfntpn nun wpnlrpnpfl if rfcfrrAc TrifnltfTr nrA ?f--ir-flir-ir 4-"U. .j t.i
l - j C5 ww w t v - fcJ k-v-lli, tliiu 11U
guaranteed -ourelv vep-etnhlp.
w - A- . o
TIIOSP TlJlVUlfr n rTirnni itlnt t- ?ri -iP t-f -? 1-,- 1 1: 1..
i.cll;il Li i ii it 1 Lilt- 11111 f in iti nriiii 1 -r 1 1 rproiTTQ ino inn i --!-- . y-i ., 1 . . . 1
X "J - " w.v.v.a iliv-vil-ui UUVILV. Hi 111 T LL 1 1 -lUC-Iliil 1 i 1 1 1 J 1 lllrll
as thev npirp frpp nf mcf "Rolr ti Oonn. fii-i ta: i? i. ti i . r
j jjwuiv y-xi vuiiui xy ibcubca oi ine jDiooQ seiic iree.
J u ... .
peculiar and unique fitness, to select In?,td of coming from this short A Chieaen Sooiotv Tinflv in
one favorlto r,n f--m o- life's span .a. wuuifeu oulil.. Xiimy, m
life's span
A glory which all after ones could
rending to turn them away. It Is so . ,
sad that wo can onlv ho. h.A ttu As one who clearor mado the rights of
one favorite son from so many, many
iavonto sons. It is almnar lmn-t.
letter to 3Ii"s. Pinkham says !
sad that wo can only have two Unit
eel States senators. In a state onn
talning at least 30,000 aspirants, all
And lifted somewhat
of their
perfectly capa ,lo of holding this high Thou hast played btucher. England
Olnce. It Is a rniiqo fry rto ,
us try and console one another
"Dea-h -das. Plnkham: Of all the
prateful daughters to whom you have
glad than I.
" Idy home and my life was happy
Three-fourths of tho people In Umatlll countv
LU,8 Dg? hrn8 n(1 saddle, and
oeher fourth has ust mmmnH ,i.
-I'.'M8 Roes to show that onr are nil e marl I
uiiAbSand PRICES RIGHT. We' carry a com.
Plete StOCk Of Knllnra ,, v..?" ,..5?m'
The Big Carpet Store
uur uownv. nanflsome unrt lnxurlniia carMa
rugs are. Tliey are so rich In color, ban
11 CflmlmiHtinn nrirl hpntitiful in nAttAm toll
' 1 . w w Ill.ilinU Ull. JUG JiVll M.I H. i
.lir.e finings frnm Ihp tilficnrtnR bnri rrAll-iia
mer rooms.
Lot I made a shame
And fitench. showed naked her de-
cayeu old nee
And torn her banner into nhrpils nf
"With others' blood writ "Coward"
on tne nacre.
Homes burned, the hnlnlpas at n rvrt H i
anu oaues sun born,
ine railroad employes of Oregon
win read with much intorest that
nlank In tVio --..i.u -.a . .
. .uuun.uu mate pint-1 im uurn,
form which ''recommends tho locisla- T,mo -hlaels for thy .tomb one vast
turn f- -- -,, . . . word "Scorn! "
w UU Ili?r(Rnnrtr lnrrlnlntl-.
V t ..i-biaiuiiuu
nriviw!?.. ,ab0rV,5;8 iylfifita and Truth hath a snowy wing will mount
hath to fathom
It is only two months more than a
year since labor appealed to the re
,.-1.11 - ...
iiuuuLun legislature of Oregon. Tho
railroad employes of the ninro
v i uw Uit- Vitiligo UJ1
mulated a. bill which included a fow bo wcU
vital joints unsettled In this state Tho ' raldlance from tho
ootwoen omployer and employe, and
presented It nt .tho. last session. Af
A crystal ovn ria
Man ennnot' slay her,' and her sacred
ShaUworlc until all. things on earth
Leading Harnoss and Saddlery.
Until Illness came nixrn mn f Vi Tf WARM
nirno , -r , . . TT. ..... .
of Truth "7 ?' -"-.""t uoucea it uy belnff irreg-
The .word IwIII shino;thIngwiIl no 'o.T'bv J
mui aUOOlUH. VI. 1 lUliKL'I Hl"ni. rrailAfnl linnUl. !1 .1 . T 11 - ,
ter thirty days of broken promises Pl,t ned stand in neither cmlte nor joymymeala; I became languid and
and conferences with railroad offl- a , I ., . nervous, yitli griping pains frequently
- t'"viiiv.u Uv mo mngio or ,rv tr .
our drenm. I advised
L1IU 11I1I1NI1 TOTIlDnil . . - I " " - v Ul I .. .
tnoA , 7, lu our drenm. i. nuvisou with our family phvs-
tJleSO OrgnnizntlonR llin lnnt It r-,n ... . . Inlnn ,..il.l .-IH...1 ?T'
7 - "i ui i "j" (imunuit; veiut and uurnlnirl " i'twniu ivuuui,uny jm-
the "rights and privileges" thoy ihbuse' shall be u"b provement. Ono day.he .said. Try
Apain ablate. Tho unkempt ;Boor Lit:. V i ' ,v"'",u " -s"ueaios.' I
shall Btand ' " ,dU!! tlmnlc Uod j tho next month I was
Above his starved wlf nni L"' u: ,W" mo up
.babes threo W iu"f montns xvjis cured. This
His rough' cheeks wet. Christ's Bible .55
And ho shall write In 'blood above the 1U.-W00 fcit tf above testimonial t9 M
19 In In - I tmmtlm
Th'of -"yLlar T"-(Qownrdr- Josoph T Trustworthy proof, is abundant that
viiiiuuriuiu, i--v- -.nn.iiHiii's V UflCtSlUlU
yomig woincu frojn danrs resulting
El Principe Degales
Henry The Fourth
La Flor Stanford
Sanches & Haya
El Telegrapho
La Mia
Charles The Great
2 for 25 cents
It Pays to Trade at the Peoples War efiotfse
ngnis and privileges" thoy
speak of in their platform. The ro-
puuucans had it in their -powor to
"uow moir friendship for tho laborer,
railway, employes submitted
- mnR cut off at tho pockets day
after day, by the railroad committees
of the legislature .Railroad attor
noys advised with thoan
and provnlled upon them tn h.,,m,-..
tho enudoye in tho coruiultWe irooraf
Whon Iloitkompor. of ' Multnomah'1
county, brought in a minority report
Our Three Coated
In Blue and white colors is
just the thing to give
good service.
I ?al' Bm Oregonlan by Carrlar
only 1o cent a week. rnor,
..Men s Suits..
Good Style
Good Make
$15.00 H
b?e m and try on some of them and see what tands!S
15.00 I lookers they are, You are under no $i5W
obligation to buy just because you look, you kno.
ick Patterns