.J I Good Shoes Cheap 1 Very Stylish. SEC THAT THIS TRADE MARK IS BRANDED ON EVERY SHOE. Light Sole, Medium Heel. For Street or Dress Wear. Ezact'IUpradactlon of this Style Shot. A Lady Who Knows ALWAYS RECOMMENDS THEmimi "Queen Quality" SHOE She likes it because it has quality and style ; because it is made to fit and be comfortable; because it is a nice shoe at slight cost. Dmdmger, Wilson & Co. Successors to Cleaver Bros. Phone Black 91 TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1902. AN ABUSED INDIAN. Wants a Divorce From His Wife Be cause She Is a Shrew. Tl-ko-na, an Indian, filed suit this morning in the district court, for Umatilla county, for a dlvorco from his wife, Ka-lu-la-son-mi, sometimes called Mrs. Tl-ko-na. In the allega tions plaintiff complainB that for more than a year past defendant has been practicing a course of harsh and cruel treatment toward plaintiff, which consisted of calling him a worthless man and a liar and has been continuously peevish and scolding and that the only time that plaintiff could have any rest from her tongue-lashing and shrewish dlsposl tlon was to get away from her and Btay away, and about the latter parT of January, 1902, defendant became particularly abusive and drove plain tiff out of the tent where they lived, on the reservation, threw all of his clothes out of the tent after him, and ordered him away from the premises. For the above treatment plaintiri asks the cmirt to forever sever the matrimonial bonds now existing be tween them and that he be awarded the costs of this suit and such othei relief as to the court seems meet Carter & Raley are attorneys for plaintiff. postofflce, and If it did not come from good authority it might be hard to believe. J.K. Platter, well known here, who has gone into that country and taken a hand In farming, tells the story, which is as follows: One day last week two neighbors of his were out looking for cattlo and they came across a very rocky place on the bluffs which was almost impassable. These men clambered over the big boulders for several yeards when they suddenly came face to face with a living,- squirming mass of rattle snakes. The men backed off and se cured clubs and then "waded in" to thin out the rattlers. They fought until the stench from the mad and frightened reptiles became so great that they were compelled to back off to get fresh air and then seemingly the snakes were just as plentiful as when they commenced, although they declared that they killed 121 rattlers and 4 blue racers, before they left the battlefield. GREAT CASE AT MILTON. FIRST SNAKE STORY. Theesalon Opens with a First-Class Recital. A "whopper" of a snake story com&yfrbm the McKay creek country, only a few miles from the McKay OCR STATIONERY TS strictly fashionable and all the newest ideas are in our stock. You will be right in style with your correspondence If you select from our special stock TALLMAN & GO. THE LEADING DRUGGISTS AND STATIONERS The Justice of Peace Cited to Appear Before Judge Bellinger. The case of D. J. Phelps against John Savage, which has kept the lit tle city of Milton aBtir for the past ton days, terminated Wednesday In a victory for Savage and his attor ney, J. T. Hinkle, says the Freowater Times. Savage's houseshold goods were attached at tho depot by Con stable Dykes about ten days ago. Savage claimed as exemption of tha goods, but notwithstanding they were locked up In the Shields ware house by Dykes. Chas. Marcey, who had a mortgage upon the goods for $100, made demand for them anil ill ed his affidavit and bond. No excep tion was made to the sureties with in the statuatory three days. In the meantime Savage made demand upon Deputy Sheriff Richie for tho goods and Marcey, failing to furnish an in demnity bo!id, tho key to tho waie house was delivered :o Savage, Sun day n. ir. ing while Savage was at tempting to unlouk the warehouse, Dykes seized the key nr.d ran away with It On Wednesday rGoiijltm a restraining order issued by Thos Fitzgerald, referee in bankruptcy, was served upon J. L. Miller, Justice of the Peace, J. W. Dykes, constable and D. J. Phelps, plaintiff in the ac tion, restraining them from! Interfer ing in any manner with the goods. and citing them to appear before Judge Bellenger at Portland o show cause wny tne order should not bo be made permanent. Savage has filed a petition in bankruptcy and tho Milton authorities jarred loose as quickly as possible, leaving Savage to go his way in possession of the goods. For once tho Milton author ities havo discovered that there are higher courts than tho justice court, and will doubtless not relish the idea of answering to Judge Bellenger for contempt. pr Yvvvns a-tt aflflCBs tnnra a a a a vmrm mm a r m 1 -q A New Line of MEN'S SHOES That are especially good bargains and should not he overlooked, Patent Leather, Velonr Calf and Vici Kid. Combine wear and style at the special E PRICE $3.50 A PAIR 3 4 4 You'll Profit by Calling and Examining These Offers. THE PENDLETON SHOE STORE. PERSONAL MENTION M. A. Ferguson, of Adams, spent Monday night in town. Rev. Robert J. Dlven loft this morn ing for Milton to visit Borne of the members of his church. D. O. and Guy Saunders, of Milton, were guests of M. F. Kelly, of the Gol den Rule hotel, last night. Dr. C. J. Smith left thiB morning for Echo on a professional call. Dr. W. L. Dick accompanied him. Mts. M. F. Kelly returned Monday evening from Walla Walla, where she had been visiting friends. Walla Walla Statesman: Mrs. M. F. Kelly and daughter, of Pendleton, are visiting Mrs. Eugene TauBlck. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greulich have returned from their trip to San Fran cisco and other California points. Mrs. James Sailing left this morn ing on tho O. R. & N. for Athena, to Bpend a few days with relatives. Mrs. William Martin Is quite ill at the home of Mrs. D. Robinson, on Anil street, between Water and Court streets. Tlvls McBroom, who has been em ployed in the Oliver Bros, grocery store, is off duty on account of a severe attack of grip. Miles Kemler has returned from his trip to Portland. Ho reports having had a very pleasant visit with his old schoolmates and friends. Mrs. J. C. Cherry, of Pilot Rock, Is seriously 111 at the home of her broth er, Charles W. Beale, on the corner of Aura and Tustin streets. Doc Osborne, manager of tho Athe na baseball team, is in town to wit ness the game this afternoon between the Lewiston and Pendleton teams. Charles Beck and sons and brother-in-law and nephews of Mike Gratz, have returned to their home in Jack son, Mich., after having spent a week visiting with the family of Mr. Gratz Robert Burns, general agent for the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Com pany, with headquarters at Walla Walla, was a guest of the Van Dran Bros., at the Hotel Pendleton, last night. John "Vance has been taken to tho Sisters' hospital and is seriously ill Mr. Vance is well known in Pendle ton and the surrounding country and was at one time a well-to-do sheep man of this county. Julius Wagner, of Pilot Rock, was in the city this morning securing sup plies and making preparations to commence the shearing of his large flock of sheep. The work will be commenced tomorrow. Andy .Anderson has returned to town from Charles Cunningham's sheep ranch. He says Mr. Cunning ham has finished shearing 19,000 head of sheep and his clip of wool will soon be in the warehouse. W. S. Badley and Dr. W. J. Keys left this morning for Goldendale to look after their timber land Inter ests In the Klickitat country. Mr. Badley and his partner in the cigar store, Mr. Zehner, have 1200 acres of timber land in that country. A little daughter of W. J. Streever was taken suddenly ill while at Bchool this morning, and was conveyed to the home of her teacher, Mrs. W. Fitzgerald, where she received medi cal treatment. This afternoon James H. Raley took the little girl home in his buggy. W. E. Bond, of Athena, who was in Pendleton today, says that he is get ting his mill ready for operation at Riverside and expects to have it go ing again soon. He says that River side is on the verge of a boom. A store haB been established at the place and there is a postofflce and other business houses are contemplat" ed. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Huffman are In Pendleton from their home in La Grande. They will soon be residents of Pendleton, Mr. Huffman having ac cepted a position on the editorial end of the East Oreeonian. Mr. Huffman Is a forceful and pleasing writer, and nas been a contributor to these col umns for several years, where his work has been appreciated. W. D. Hansford, W. D. Chamber lain, t. u. Taylor, George Buzan, S P. Gould and Willtim Slunher. mam, bers of the Masonic lodge at this place, attended the dedication noi-v. ices of the new Masnnln tnmnlA at ui.t.u, luuuuay ulsui. urnua master wiuiam ia. urace, of Baker City, was present and conducted the services A fine supper was served by the h dies of the Eastern Star and those at tending from here say they were roy ally entertained by the Echo people, Ella, the little daughter nf H rv Haralscb, who was Injured at the W. & C. R. turn table some time ago, la lnmrovinr snicelv. Monday thn Komi. egeu were removed by the physician, wno is attending ner, and It was found that the akin grafted on her WOlinds Was crowlnar toettthnr nlfnlv Tho little brother anil cnualn nf ti mjurea gin, irom wnom the skin for the grafting was taken, urn still fined to their beds, but will soon be n and around again. The Cleaver Bros.. B. B. Md nut. ford, who have been actively identi fied With the business Intaraatn nf Pendleton for the oast nine yean, ar preparing to remove their families to Prairie City. Idaho, where thev h some very large and flattering mining iiuurt-BiB. tz. m. uieaver and family oimord d family .'"I ret, -.is; JS"S, will rctrrct to nave mem w!"rrr .... Dt onrrfiSS I)OS8l- wish tnem tne gi - . ble In their new home and line of business. . N THE POLICE COURT. Thomas Newport Fined for Striking a Woman A Peddler Fineo. t..j MnHnnrt has been busy again dealing out Justice to law breakers and drunks that Infest Pen- d Monday afternoon Thomas New- i.inv n'ni nrrrsted nt tne of the tenderloin, wno cmuum xt nDcnnitPfl her. It seems that Newport had been one of a num ber of men in Pendleton who made their living from the gaming wu.u a .rnmiiHnir was closed down he wa3 closed out of business and has been obliged to live from omer .oo TJnini n man who refused to make his living by the sweat of his brow, he called on aiane rum occasionally for money to help him ci UtrM nl.if!B. Sunday night he called upon her and she refused to give him money as ne aemauuuu. Newport became enraged at her and i flf nf nfiRsinn struck her. She awn to a complaint against him, he was taken in by Policeman Fee. After examining several witnesses and hearing all the evidence, Judge McCourt lined New port ?2B and costs, which amounted to $7.60, making ?32.G0 in all. The fine was paid. R. H. Standley, a traveling genius who came to town loaded down with clever wire arrangements for a coat and hat rack, and who was peddling them over town for 15 cents each was arrested last evening for peddl ing without a license and fined ?5. In default he was sent to jail for two and a half days. Adam Wilson, a sheep herder, and John Smithson, a painter, wera nlso before the police judge this morning for being I'ninfc and disorderly Wil son wns let go with the pronifco that he Wiiiild int repeat the offense, but Smit'UM;n was given two and a half days in the city bastile. Price of Spring Lambs. The Dalles, April 29. The price of spring lambs has dropped from ?2 to $1.75 per head here. Eastern buyers refuse to pay higher prices. No cause is given. MAIN STREET LOOKS BETTtf The Buildings on the East Side f It Greatly Improve w -... f Pomllcton and visit- T, " towr T who have been com- T nortion of Main street in front of a poruou V . t bcon the new mhla Ba. comp oted aajonu& rVaiinf loon can now draw a breath of relief. The'bulhlingB have been completed, Ind the rubbish has all been usQd up or moved away - r --- rlpar Wltn ine t-Ator""- -STme and cement barrels, an these will be removed soou. sightly Pile of boards, brick and other stuff has been an oye-sore, the new bricK Dunumbo " erected are good additions to the business buildings of the town and make Main street look 100 per cont . n 4-1..- wnrA ntlllT. better tnan oeiuru Harry Long Goes Free. Walla "Walla, April 29 Harry Long, who was released from the penitentiary Saturday and immedl ately arrested by Chief Kauffman, waB released yesterday, having been locked up for over 48 hours without a warrant. Long was hold under suspicion as being a man wanted in n fnr ciinnHnfr a denutv sher- IHUIIIUUU iui o -- iff. Upon advice that Long could not now be identified he was released. Long Is said to have a history in the Oregon penitentiary before- coming here. He had Berved six months when released Saturday. English Welt Velour Calf D 9 I FOR MEN AT $3 a Pair IS BEYOND ALL COMPETITION Mens Oxfords in all Leathers. Peoples Warehouse. IN POUND. Th fJlnwlttsr laiil K J . .w.wnsua uwvuucu mil ZD ail naVA hMn ttjm , up by th. marshal of the City "EndS! .J?J!f ?!??0S'.whlte between the fore lets ru" poi in lorenead, do brand vllbr weighs .taaS S l oowBun, One red and white spotted heifer, with hu moon in forehead; about S years old- weiphf boat NO pounds: no bmnf .iVihii.' .e,h' laafg. ar !.. I 1 . . . ".TV" ",S,SJ" .!' Claimed by the own nAMaln!t?heM,d SniiSSf uu wiiiun wn oats Irom ti, i:rr iai iMg' th. SaMi p" m- r5 h day of Dated this 29h dafof jSuS m<,DB Mle- J- A, BULEV, City Marshal m I . , w V 1 1 ON THE OwlTea 301 COURT STRUT, Thev Wlfl Bear W Savings Bank SEND YOUR ADDHUb 927 Market at, san Franciteo, secure freo, a beautiful NlcM 1 1 4Un nn T-U f I International Encyclopaedic reauere oi ima paper ior only 9 WBm W Vllhi Headquarters for Clotting (lnr f?nits. worth elsewnere $iu.uu bdu n 4.V. 1ml,.n 11 fill ...... U Wl OUllB) WU1LU ClBOWilDiC wxtJV v vv SnitR. wnntri f?lf?fiwhere $12 10 00 Snits. worth elsewhere 41b If you will look our clothing over you will find what we state to be correct PPTtirnnhnr wfi rrivfi awav absolntelv FREE with each suit of clothes A NICE HAT. THE LYONS MERCANTILE GO. THE LEADERS Fashionable Millinery IT REQUIRES.... ' HAT SPECIALISTS Tn malm TiarlifiR1 TTatR that nan hn nallfirl "hatR. flnr hats TJ08S6M all the peculiar characteristics of hats that come from first class millinery work room in style, workmanship a finish. : : : . : : : CARRIER MILLINERY I . VI VlVVIf GUAtMttH D...-I Ht.4t.HBUM. CurM KM- ImlOY j sd(.sl.LJLJtJLJLJLJtJlM M M M m 1. n AC H JL M M mm Werare Headquarters Seeing Is believing Carpets Carpets Carpets Ftirmtqre Fistaitutt M. A. RADER. Main and Webb Streets .1 Pendletof HWS, HORSES. POVL JUCe S U- S Wrr T I.. ; il oiulk rooa lor horses and cattle. Liaseed Oil Meal for WW "uw iure tor Milch cows t..u, a. trim cs. W r SEED SPELTZ itSzIStM C. F. COLESWORTHV;' Hv. Grain mmd PMd. wu u wiLiiin ina nnTt riav n 1' WHii TrnW. kw; W4 vnv, : ia7 aad ia9 East Alta Street. - - - Fe