v. EVEHINGEDITBH DAILYEVENINGEDITIM Eastern Oregon Weather Tonight and Wednesday, show era. PEyPLETQy, ULATILLA COUNTY, OKEGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1902. !NO. 4421 lii'scmm it. Imnn nuse Waiua im.i ...... nation on Philippine Mili tary Operations. . ON SECBERTARY OF WAR TO FURNISH IT. IK RaWling m rinmim fcment General MacArthur Bills Await President's m President ' Makes a litr of Appointments L-U-nn Anrll 29. The houso tmlttee of military affairs today Hded to report the Burleson reso- hn to tne nouse, requesung me iff of war to furnish the nouse ... -i i. xl - opf or all orders ana insirucuuuB I were fnmrnnled to the command- l-niim-tr nfflrjr In the PhiHnnines. v..fc.w - J Itine to the conduct of military . j i 1 1 atlons in samar, anu eupeuiuiiy a nnlorc iesiipri nrinr to and re- hg to General Smith's campaign. Personal Explanation. Uator Rawlins in the senate to- made a personal explanation In ping the dispatch in which he had n nnntprt as hnvlner characterized feral Chaffee as a dastard and vil- for his conduct In the Philip- s. The villainy in question, he he desired to place upon what lelleves was a cabal of military arts In WnRhlntrtnn. which rpptti. to be' engaged in enforcing an In- an warfare in the Philippines and attempting to draw down the ptry'a heroes. MacArthur's Testimony. leneral MacArthur continued his- mony before the senate Philip i committee today. When asked le knew that Aguinaldo was de- pa oy the forged signature of era! Luna, brought to him by eral Funston, MacArthur said: sow he was deceived, but I mnv 'ell say right here, that Funston not responsible for any of the tods that resulted in the capture iflUnaldo. I am mvnelf rpsnnncl. for all of them." Await President's Signature. FO Important. 1 rYt I ten subject to a protracted con o congress, await the president's we Derore becoming laws. They lie Chinese exclusion and oleo we Dine. The former meas Wines operative nc nnnn - v, went approves it and as the ex- t laws on thp cmM. t Wpite bv Hmltntlnn rpi. i will be urged to sign without V. e treasury department nave l tr nntr.. n u. f the facts. Ak for the Details . , . "ttJ"-on, or tne cruiser "l "1115 10r an immediate re- InT Z u mviction In the Ve- of hie BhiD CGrta,n mcers and 'lent iakes Appointments. 8ei'elt ty'ient to i: wn,..the,.foowlne nomina. Moooy, of MaBBachu- ..smith ; ?e. nyy; Mttornov "ea HWleB dig fc rSJ0r.he rict of 4,e- L. .i"''0 01 public mnnova r- ' at oeauie, waah.: P-;reitfi, ,,K' Vancouver, luT??. at OlymDia wh L ,L mlth at SeatUe. ,mrtlb,u Bill PaM. mbr .UD1'c bulldlag bill, k tte house tbiB after- JMCf Clvk't Man 1 "WstL.!! r "OMiuon of the N6T r. fane and also w, ei -vv,u Twiaiea oy -1 iSfl!l 8mlth" Rw ti0 m. Hotel L-l .?f.rr, where ' Kf, Tr7n- Mrs Russell ; "Hires, of . , 18 r h w telegrams of GEORGE WITH1NQT0N IS DEAD CASHIER OF FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. Dies at the Good Samaritan Hospital of Slight's Disease, After a Long Illness. Portland, April 29. George E. Withington, cashier of the First Na tional Bank of this city, died this morning at the Good Samaritan Hos pital, after a long illness of Bright's disease. He was with the bank for 30 years, the greater part of the time as cashier. He had been in bad health for a year or more. His fam ily were at his bedside when the end came. SUPREME COURT OF FORESTERS Gather from All Parts of the United States at Los Angeles. Los Angeles, Cal., April 29. Up wards of eight hundred delegates who come from all parts of the United States and Canada are gathered at Los Angeles for the twelfth triennial session of the supreme court of the Independent Order of Foresters. At the opening ses sion in Blanchard's hall today the visitors were cordially welcomed by Mayor Snyder, to whose address response was made by the supreme chief grand ranger of the order, Dr. Oronhyatekha, of Toronto. The work of formal organization occupied the greater part of the opening session. The regular business of the conven tion will be taken up tomorrow and is expected to occupy three or four days as several matters of importance are to oe brought up for consideration and action. Th e reports of the var ious officers will show the affairs of the order to be in good condition, a gratifying gain in membership and finances having been made during the last two years. The report of the secretary, John A. McGilivray, shows the total membership to be more than 2,000,000, located throughout the known world. During the last year the order has disbursed more than $1,500,000 In benefits. ATTACKED BY LIONS Fred Demartina, Anima IFeed er of Pan-American Circus, I Severely Injured, THE FLESH STRIPPED FROM HIS RIGHT ARM. Meeting of Air Brake Builders. Pittsburg, Pa., April 29. Nearly every railroad in the United States and Canada is represented at the an nual meeting of the Air Brakeman's association, which began here today. The object of the association is to exchange opinions regarding the var ious makes of air brakes in use. Dur ing the three days of the convention several papers will be read on sub jects pertaining to safety devices on rolling stock. Sons of Ohio Will Dine. St Louis, Mb., April 29. The Ohio Society of St. Louis has made elabo rate preparations for its sixth annu al banquet which takes place at the Mercantile club tonight. The speak ers are to include Gen. George H. Shields, Hon. Shepard Barclay and Rev. Daniel Dorchester. While Feeding Lions the Attack Was Made and His Injuries May Prove Fatal Accident Happened In Port land. Portland, April 29. Fred Damartl ni, an animal feeder in the Pan-Amer-lean circus, was attacked by lions and both his arms and his body were badly lacerated. The flesh was strip ped from his right arm in long pieces and the man was seriously hurt. The Pan-American show gave two performances in Portland, yesterday afternoon and last night to good au diences. The Parade in Portland. The Portland Telegram said of the parade on Monday in Portland: The point that made itself most ap parent was the fact that there was a newness, a refreshing freshness, about the procession. Judging from the appearance made on the street the show has not been long on the road this season, and everything is spick and span. Stains of travel are conspicuous by their absence, the gilt on the wagons and vans is glittering in its prestine glory, and The cos tumes look as if they were being worn for the first time. Tawdry tin sel, inseparably linked to the clrcuff garments, is shown, but all is as the manufacturer turned them out. There are no wrinkles nor shop-worn effects about the costumes, and the usual masquerade toggery looked snappy. The knights and ladles, the Roman chariots, the clowns and other things going to make up a typical circus parade, were in evidence. There were three elephants in the crowd, one being a whopper. One van was open and disclosing a couple of lions with the trainer hypnotizing them with his whip. The inevitable calli ope brought up the rear. This circus gives two performances in Pendleton tomorrow, "Wednesday afternoon and evening. RUBBERY OF BANK W. 0. Ticer and Thomas Ven num Are Suspected of the Crime at Brownsville. TOOK $2000 FROM INSTITU TION IN BROAD DAYLIGHT. Mike Burke, Railroad Brakem'an, Un der Arrest, Charged With Killing a Man in Tacoma by Striking Him With His Fist in the Neck. Brownsville, Or., April 29. Evi dence is strong against W. O. Ticer and Thomas Vcnnum for robbing the Bank of Brownsville yesterday. While Cashier Glass was at luncheon, the men got in the banking 'room by a rear window and stole $2000 and fled. They overlooked a much larger sum of money. The robbery was dis covered by the cashier immediately upon his return and the men wore soon afterwards arrested, being strongly suspected. It Is asserted that the evidence is overwhelming against them. Tuberculosis of Bone. Orville Duncan, the 14 year old Weston boy, says the Leader, who has undergone suffering in the paBt 18 months, has entirely recovered from tuberculosis of the bone in his right arm. He submitted to four op erations at Walla Walla, conducted by Dr. Nelms, and in the last opera tion the bone was drilled out from the shoulder to the elbow, a piece of it being now in his possession. So persistent was the disease that his recovery Is a remarkable one, render ed doubly so by the fact that he Is now able to use his arm almost as well as ever. It is likely, however, that when Orville has a nightmare, he dreams of the operating table. A Brave Boy. William McCarty, aged 12, lost his life in Port Chester, Conn., while try ing to save his blind father, in the belief that he was In danger. The father lost his sight a few years ago by a premature blaBt In a quarry. The bov was nlavlnsr with rninu com. panions, when he saw bis. father walk ing sear tne railroad, and an express train approaching. The blowing of the whistle caused the boy to think his father was in danger. He started across the tracks to save him and was struck by the train and instantly killed. A Great Cow. Hiram Gragg, of Garfield, has a cow that is a record breaker as a profit producer. During the past three years this cow has raised six calves, having twins each year, and these six calves are now valued at $200. Mr. Gragg estimates the. value of the milk and butter produced by this .cow during three years at $216, making a total of $416 the cow has produced in three Tournament of oman Whlsters. Boston, Mass., April 29. When the nth annual tournament and congress of the Womens' Whist League began today at the Hotel Somerset the large assembly room was thronged with fail devotees of the game from all parts of the country. Members were in attendance from Cincinnati, Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Louis and numerous other cities. Play for the Toledo trophy, the Brooklyn trophy, the Phil aledphla cup and other" prizes emble matic of the championship commenc ed auspiciously and from all indica tions the tournament, which is to con tinue through the week, will be the most successful ever held by the club. JUDGE ELLLIS' VIEW. Tells a Portland Paper That Furnish Will Carry Umatilla. Judge W. R. Ellis, formerly con gressman from the second district, came down from Pendleton Sunday on legal business. In speaking of the political outlook, Judge Ellis said: "Umatilla county will give Mr. Fur nish all the way from BOO to 1800 ma jority. I do not personally know much of the feeling in the other coun ties. While Mr. Chamberlain is stir ring up a great deal of enthusiasm in that part of the state, It appears to me to be in the nature of a personal tribute, merely because he 1b a 'good fellow.' "I know Mr. Furnish, and have known him for a long time. He is a good, clean man and commands the entire respect of the people of East' era Oregon who know him. Unless Mr. Chamberlain gets a vote in the western part of the state that is un precedented, Mr. Furnish will Be elected by a safe majority. "In regard to Judge Lowell's bolt I think that the judge made a mis take. While it will have so big in fluence it shows his impracticable na ture. Judge Lowell, personally. Is a good and lovable man, but in politics he does not command much strength. Killed a Man With His Fist. Portland, April 29. Mlko Burko, a brakeman on the Northern Pacific train, was arrested at Kalama this morning, charged, with killing a man In Tacoma last night. Ho struck the man in the neck with his fist and ho died from the effects of the blow. Planing Mills Closed. Portland, April 29. Planing mill owners in this city are refusing all orders because of the Impending strike of their employes, who demand a nine-hour day. Building is already seriously handicapped. No signs of owners conceding a nine-hour day. They say they are prepared to hold out indefinitely. The strike is to go into effect Thursday, May 1. Barbers Will Get In. The Barbers' Union, in Portland, demands that all shop proprietors give no work to laundries. Shops and hotels are having a hard time to keep a supply of linen. The situa tion may involve the barbers also. Several laundries are trying to run with non-union help today, but with little success. The strikers claim a victory. They will Btart a union laundry of their own in oppos'Mfn to the others if the strike lasts, move iban throe or four days. CONSUL OSBORNE IS DEAD AMERICAN CONSUL AT LON DON PASSE8 AWAY. Already Rumored That H. Clay Evan?, of the Pension Department, Will Succeed the Dead Man. London, April 29. William McKln ley Osborne, United States consul general horo, died this morning after a long illness. He was a cousin of the lato President McKlnloy. Os borne was tho secretary of tho repub lican national committee in 1896, and the following year wns appointed consul-general at London, which post ho held until his death. H. Clay Evans May Succeed Him. Washington, April 29. It Is report ed hero this afternoon that H. Clay Evans, until recently tho head of tho pension department, will possibly succeed the late Mr. Osborne as consul-general at London. TORNADO IN TEXAS Swept Over Portions of Som erville County, Killing 25 People in All, NEW YORK MARKET. Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pendle ton, Chicago Board of Trade and New York Stock Exchange Brokers. Now York, April 29. Tho whoat market was dull nnd featureless to day, without much chnngo in prices. Liverpool was V4 lower, C . Now York opened at 80 Vh, sold up to SlA and closed 80. Chicago opened 7CV4 Vi anil closed 75 . Closed yesterday, S0. Opened today, 80. Range today, 80.81. Closed today, 80. Sugar, 124. Steel, 42. St. Paul, 171. Union Pacific, 104. To Vote on Capital Stock. New York, April 29. A proposition to reduce tho capital stock from $1, 200,000 to $120,000 is to bo voted on by the stockholders of tho Bank of tho State of Now York at today's meeting. Tho Institution has boon taken over by tho National Bank of North America, and is in voluntary liquidation. Tho object of tho pro posed reduction is to facllitnto tho liquidation. AT LEAST TWO HUNDRED FAMILIES HOMELESS, Six Persons Killed at Glenrose and Forty Others Injured Property Losses Moro Than $100,000 Roads Made Impassable and Many Bridges Wero Washed Away. Fort Worth, Toxns, April 29. A tornado, which passed qvor portions of Somorvillo county last night, killed In nil, about 25 people and destroy ed $100,000 worth of proporty. At least 200 families aro homeless this morillnir. MntlV hrldlPH am wnahnl awav nnd romln nrn Ininnqtmliln Tho greatest damage Is dono at Glonroso, wnoro six persons woro killed and nhoilt 40 others Inhlrml nnd mnnv houses destroyed. The Tornado at Glenrose. Fort Worth, Toxns, April 29. A bulletin nt noon from Glenroso says ono of tho injured Is doad nnd throo others aro dying. Tho numbor of persons Injured Is placed at 60. Thlrty-Ilvo houses woro doatroyod at Glenroso nnd farms woro devastated for ilvo miles north and soven mlloa south of tho town. Capt. Rockwell Retires. Washington, D. C, April 29. To tho long list of important naval re tirements this spring another was mi lled today whon Capt. Charles Henry Rockwell was retired by operation of tho ago limit. Capt. Rockwell was born in and appolntod from Massa chusetts and has sorved nearly forty years. Ho retires with tho rank of Rear Admiral, Junior class. One Thousand Million Minutes. Berlin, April 29. According to tho calculation of a Hamburg mathemati cian, Professor Schubert, forty min utes past ton o'clock this morning ll 1 .1 nidi iiuu inu iiHBiiiK en exactly thousand million minutes since the birth of Christ. Tho event was cel ebrated by tho Issuo of a plcturo post enrd reproducing Professor Schu bort's chronological calculation. Rice and Ryan to Meet. Now London, Conn., April 29. Bil ly Ryan of Syrncuso and Austin Rico of this city aro to npponr in a twonty round bout boforo tho National Ath lotlc club toinght. noth appear to bo in flno fettlo for tho bout. As both aro clover and aggresslvo (lghtors an interesting contest is oxpected. Reunion of Sultana Survivors. Fort Wayne, Ind., April 29. Tho remaining survivors of tho historic Sultana disaster assembled in this city for their annual reunion. Sever al Btates are represented among the visitors. The local Grand Army mom bers and Spanish American war vet erans escorted the visitors to Saen- gerbund hall where a business meet ing was held this morning. A public meeting will be held this evening at which there will bo an address by Lieutenant Governor Gilbert and tho recitation of personal experience by several of the Sultana survivors. WALLA WALLA NOTE8. Albert Goldman In Business for 21 Y'lars. Walla Walla, April 29. A wind storm last night prevented the band from giving its flrBt open air concert, the storm appearing Just at the time the music should have been offered the people. A large crowd would have been present, and general regret was expressed at the disappointment. The cases against Adolph Selfke and Henry Selfke, charging them with keeping their saloons open on Sunday, were dismissed yesterday In the superior court. It was shown that the mien named had not control of the saloon at the time, others be ing responsible for the conduct of the place. Hence Prosecuting Attor ney Oscar Cain asked the dismissal of the cases. Albert Goldman, of this city, has been in business continuously for 21 years, and is celebrating the occasion fittingly. Mr. Goldman claims tho distinction of being tho first man In Washington to establish an exclusive clothing house, handling nothing but wearing apparel for men. In this line he has been working for il years without a break. Mr. Goldman has been quite prominent in republican politics, being sent as a delegate to the national republican convention which .nominated McKinley tho first time. lift Cream Baking Powder Used in Millions of Homes. 40 Years the Standard. A Pure Cream of Tartar' Pow der. Superior to every other known. Makes finest- cake. and pastry, light, flaky bis cuit, delicious gr;ddle .cakes palatable and wholesome. Price Dakino Powder Co Chicmw. Note. Avoid baking powders made from , alum. They look like pure powders, and may raise the cake, but alum is a noison and no one can cat food m'xed with it without injury to health. , years. .4