East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 28, 1902, Image 2

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We Have Only the Host
...Seasonable Styles...
Selected with great care
from the lines of the
test makers.
The Correct Prices:
$7.50 $10.00
$J2.50 $5.00
Other People in town
will ask you from $2
to $5 more a suit than
we do. : : : : :
It Is believed in Vatican circles, in ,
Borne, that Archbishop Corrigau is to j
be created a cardinal at the May con-i
History, together, with Archbishop Be-i
gain, of Quebec. 1
The Edinburgh News says negotia-j
interested are on foot to combine the ; -ew Nylander. Portland.
Scottish coal companies with a capl
The Pendleton.
W. L. Marshall, Portland.
L. Weikonskl, San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Judd, city.
R. L. Oak, Los Angeles.
S. H. Clogg, New York.
H. 5. Dorman, Duluth.
Charles K. New York.
C. I. DeSheill. Portland.
M. S. Monteith, city.
E. B. Coman, Portland.
N. E. Lindsey, Spokane.
O. L. Churchill.
Arthur Austin. Philadelphia.
tal of 3,000,000.
Thomas F. McCabe, a tragedian,
formerly well known on the stage, is
died at the age of -19 from consump
tion. McCabe was an Elk and a mem-1
ber of the Actors' Association of New ,
York city. He was at one time asso-'
eiated with Joe Murphv and John ,
O'Neill. I
London papers give first place to i
comment on the Atlantic shipping;
combination, publishing all kinds of
statements and alarmist editorials on
the political bearings of the combine
The English fear that this is the be-'
Binning of the end of British control I
of the seas. j
Frank Nicolli, an Italian miner at
Lake City. Colo., shot and killed Mrs.
Stockder, wife of the superintendent i
of the Hidden Treasure mine, and
then blew out his own brains. Ni-j
cholli was formerly an employe of
me mine and blamed Mrs. Stockder
for his discharge.
Generals Rabi, Lore, Solsedo and
Capote, have tried to obtain from
President-elect Palma an assurance
that the Cuban army will be paid.
Replying to the generals, Senor Pal
ma said he was disposed to pay the
army, but to do so more resources
would be needed than Cuba now has.
A sensation has been caused at
ueneva. Switzerland, by the failure
oi one of the oldest banks in the
country, the Balse Credit Gessall
schaft The manager and cashier of
the bank have been arrested. It is
reported that l,CftO,000 of the bank's
funds have been lost bv wild speculation.
A. P. Bernard, Portland.
M. Herzog, San .Francisco.
W. R. Glendening, Spokane.
J. F. Schold, Rock Creek.
George T, Donaldson, Kansas.
M. K. Hall, La Grande.
S. Hester. Duluth.
R. D. Fulton. Portland.
W. H. Wahl, Portland.
G. S. Youngman, Portland.
Ike Rosenthal, San Francisco.
E. C. Skiles, Spokane.
C. S. Wills, Boston.
George Harris, Portland.
B. Cartano Athena.
Henry "Worth, Portland.
A. C. 'McKinnon, Livingston.
Mrs. J. S. Kenrich, Spokane.
E. J. Murch and wife, Maine.
Miss B. Darden. Walla "Walla.
M. H. Patton, Spokane.
C. M. Smith. Portland.
H. V. Carpenter, city.
L. R. Whitniore, Boise.
P. H. Thomas, Montana.
Lelie Montague. Walla Walla.
Joseph itich. New York.
W. J. Moore, Spokane.
G. W. Hunt. Portland.
W. Maher. Portland.
S. P. Young, Walla Walla.
Thore came to Baker City on Friday
last, an old man named Baxter, who
is 104 years of age. He came to Or
egon from Falls City, Mont, in search
of his son. Frank Baxter, who resides
with his family at Alamo.
Fred Kuster, a young dentist, who
was caught in the act of stealing $30
from L. B. Elkinson. in Portland
pleaded guilty and was sentenced to
six months in the county jail. He is
a morphine eater.
A -strange case occurred nt vvar.
side. Wash., when Daniel S. Cain, toj
un ujiju-arnces passed rrom life. The
body was prepared for burial. Five
uours later ualn revived, and sitting
m,. ,u ucu. Hang songs or thanksgiving.
jcujauieu auve until the next
cay wnen death came.
As Ed Clark; alias Harry Long
lt oul of the state Peuitentiary
at Walla Walla, a troo mar, o.
The Golden Rule.
William Baum, Illinois.
J. Lake. Nebraska.
William Berg, Walla Walla.
Dan Paul, Washington.
Edward Drefs.
M. Flandz, Montana.
C. H. Chandler and wife, Portland.
J. urown.
F. E. Klise.
Charles Henis.
Mrs. H. L. Warren, Heppner.
G. D. Galley. Portland.
Virgil Taylor, Nampa.
G. C. Osburn, Athena.
H. S. Dell, Athena.
R. Brown, Athena.
F. Willard. Athena.
L. Lieuallen, Athena.
J. Vaughan. Athena.
D. Shea, Athena.
R. Black, Athena.
B. Cartano, Athena.
E. Saunders, Athena.
J. Cox, Athena.
E. F. Chapler. Athena.
G. Brown, Athena.
Miss Welch, Walla Walla.
C. L. Downer, Spokane.
Sam -Lee, Spokane.
C. Cunningham, Portland.
Charles Carroll. Spokane.
P. E. Hunsucker, Spokane.
J. G. Helfrich. Spokane.
H. Englar, Athona.
S. G. Cells. Hilgard.
S. Clark.
Andrew Lincoln, Michigan.
O. J. O'Connell.
J. A. McGliie, Everett
E. H. Burke. Spokane. -Bert
Applegate, Spokane.
A. J. Hall. Spokane.
H. Thompson. Walla Walla.
that so small a town can support so
exotllent a team.
The Score.
G. Brown, ss
Shea, c
Black. Sb ...
R. Brown, p
Cox. cf
Lieuallen. rf ..
Fine Game of Ball on Both Days, Par- c8rtano. lb
ticulany as the Excitement In- Saunders. 2b
tense on Sunday When Pendletons ' Chaplor. )f
Made a Sensational Winning.
Athena 1 0002000 0 3 j
Pendleton .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 pendleton AB R HSHPOA
The above is the score for the Pen- Brown. 9b -
dleton-Athena baseball game on the Deniollng, If -j
. . . t
5 2 2 l' 1 0
,-. i i o 2 i
0 1 1 0 1 6
4 0 1 0 0 C
3 0 1 0 2 0
4 0 0 0 14 2
4 0 0 0 2
4 0 1 0 2 0
4 1 0 2 0
37 3 S 0 24 13
t t J! i r- .1 rr-i. J rvilUA,
El-ttT- CC ........
J 1 -
inning uuu
0 2
0 0
1 5
0 15
0 1
50 Cents
SteinBloch Clothini
Have you seen them ? You ought
to if you intend getting a suit
made. See them and you will he
Uuicr to ill V ZMu.tr u 1 11 11 iu t Wlllier P
the last one is the total at the end j Clemens, rf
of the game. Foley, c . . .
This game, like all the rest of the H "man lb
I I, Irion. 2b .
Athena-Pendieton games, was a very j
spirited one. Although Athena won in i r-eaiQ 31 4 6 2 27 IS
the game Saturday, making the hon-1 Th'e j.'' oredited to Wiluer. 1 : ,
ore even, they did not go into the field I Brown 1. Cenjens 2. Brwr.. pitch-'
Sunday afternoon sure of success, but : pr for thena struck out 2 Pendleton
they went in to do their best and they j p,avers alld Wjiner. for Pendleton. ,
aii , ,tJ , , . ! struck out 4 Atlienaites. Pendleton
Pendleton did not have some of her j wag at thp bftt 31 Hmes and Athena
best players up, as will be seen by 3 Char,e. Maslrev was umpire and .
the line-up. Ziegler was knocked out Lep Held and osUorn scored. 1
in the Saturday game, hurting his
arm throwing, and was not on the field ' Pendleton vs. Lew.ston.
at all. This broke the regular make-t The next s&i&e that the Pendleton
nn nf th tpnin and eftVrtpd their i team will nlay is here tomorrow after"
playing somewhat. Although Tlrich. J noon, beginning at 3 o'clock, with the
on second and Brown on third, put up j Lewiston State Normal school team,
a good game. Barlow, the sure right I The Lewiston., will arrive on the
fielder, "played on the bench." and j afternoon mixed train. This team
Clemens had his place, while Demol-! played the Wnlla Walla team Satur-;
Ing played in left field. Clemens play- day afternoon and lost by a score of.
ed good ball, both at the bat and in; 5 to 1". and this makes the Pendleton
the field, but Demoling missed one j boys confident of wiping them off the
fly that he ought to have taken in t face of the earth, for the locals beat i
and another that was possible, but !"WallaWalla in their g ame here on the ;
difficult ; 20th. although Lewiston will have two i
Hartnian. on first base, played very ! of Walla Walla's best players. Brad-1
bad ball right in the first of the : bury, who plays second base, and Cri-,
game, although he redeemed himself derman, the "whirlwind" pitcher. 1
later on. He is usually a very sure These take the places of two men
man on first, but for some reason he i who were knocked out in the Satur
could not hold the balls Sunday. G. day game.
Brown, for Athena, was first to the Saturday's Game,
bat and he knocked a grounder which . Athena 1
was picked up by Brown at third base' Pendleton' 0
and thrown right into Hartman's . ' "
hands before the batter reached the This was the score a the end o
base, but he dropped the ball and Saturday's baseball game, between
Athena's man was pifllert s.if Then , Osborn's Yellow Kids "and Cohen's,
Willard went to the hat and Hartmnn Redskins. This was not as was ex '
did the same thing over agaln-drop- V "e Pendleton fans and a nlfint5tno. f fun OTTQ fuQn Q KQQf;in,
n safe when mtle money went into tne coirers of - -"d wi" r o - J "vtuHiui
Boston Stori
ped the ball and let him In
had he held the ball Willard would
have been out This caused the scorer
to mark two errors against Hartman,
but they were all that he made in'
the game. One error is marked
against Brown and one against Dem
oling, which makes four for Pendle
ton, while Athena has five.
As will be seen by the score at the
top, the result of the game was In
favor of the Yellow Kids until the
last inning and the Pendleton fans
began to feel quite blue and many
were heard to repeat the old chest
nut that runs something like this:
"It is a shame, a measly shame,
To let Athena win the game." '
But this was not destined to be the'
Although the Indians played a good
game, with the exception of the first
Inning, when the Kids were allowed
to score on errors, Athena held them
down until the seventh inning, when
the Kids simply went to pieces. L"p to
this time Pendleton had not scored
and at the end of each Inning the
scorer had been obliged to mark up a
goose egg against them until the
line on the score board looked like
a goose's roost The rooters then
came to the rescue and with their In
dian yells and war dances they so
completely rattled Shea, Athena's
catcher, and R. Brown, pitcher, that
they could do nothing. Brown could
not hit the side of a barn in pitching
the rest of the game and let four
men take their bases on balls, one
after the other.
In the seventh Inning one tally was
made for Pendleton by Clemens, who
knocked a safe ball into the left field
and went to second on it, and was
brought in by Taylor. In the next in
ning. Brown knocked a safe hit and
went to second and Knox. Pendleton's
heavy bitter, took the club and sent
one over into the left field nnri
brought Brown home and he went o
becona, uut tne umpire called it a
fouL Knox thought it was a fair b'all
the Athena enthusiasts.
(Concluded on page 5.)
Now is the time to get your
We have the best values from $4 up.
yHiGH Grade Garden Hose at Low Prices.
Thompson Hardware Comi
& CO.
Reliable Druggists
Association Block.
To make good bread nse Byers' B et "Flour. It took first
premium at the Chicago World 'e Fair overall compete
tion, and givea excellent satisfaction wherever need.
Every sack is guaranteed. We have the best Steam
Rolled Barley, Seed Rye and Beardless Barley.
W. S. BYERS, Proprietor.
"I bare gone U days at a time without
movement of th -. -
! - . . . . - r . iu
uuu uiu uui warn 10 go DaCK, but he wopi uj cbs ooi water lojecttoai.
had to. He took another swin nf hie FS"iiaV.JVw ,.uta
Hammering It Into His i
Schultz's Pilsner Beer Is i
brewed isn't necessary ttf
will find that every man, of t
ness or pleasure, knows it
nothing bo bracing and thirst i
ing, when suffering from ep
or fatigue, as a foaming glss d.
You. think you have a new JJ
after enjoying its exbilaralin?"
.'alia Walla, a free mflTV IftcV frtm'
pleting a six-months sentence for
burglary he was met at the entrance
by Chlof of Police Kanffman. and
club and sent the ball into
iiutu ana urougnt Brown home and
went to second just the samo. 'Phu
brought the tally up to two and three
for Athena, and the Pendleton fans
began to feel better, for It war vi.
dent that the Klda had lost their grip
and with one more time at tho hnt
there was a good show to tie them or
even win. This hope was realized,
for in -the last inning Pendleton madP
two more tallies and bad a man on
second base and not a man out, so
that more might have been madebut
they were not needed, so the eame
was over, and the official score Ktrwi
to j in tavor of Pendleton
center emhultI beard 0J J neTertonndan? relief: ncb
w:.TJ iwwou untie LASCAKKTS. 1
now bare Irom cue ic.rec pawagei a dar and If I
r" r'cb 1 "on.d site llaC t ,r eaea motement It
U men & relief .turr. LUrsr,
tea H au b v , lx ii&l t. Mien.
rieajant. Palatable Iotem t fiw n
Good .Seierd.Men, u el, gfVi
Tan Wyek. Idaho, aged 15 months
was drowned in a 5-gallon oil can.
The mother had stepped out for a few
minutes, leaving the child alttlng on
the floor. When she returned she
Tound it drowned, having fallen head
erst into a 5-gallon oil can with a
lew Inches of soapsuds in the bottom
Makers oi Happy
t rmtnled 1
pets and Matting of,kn0
quality, prove attracu
.The question of Cfipj
Matting, where best obtain,
tied with promptness in
where good style and re
make "low prices so eujpw
kjitx av-N - - -
. Hasy n4
Robert McGee.
W. H. Zeller. Adams.
J. Thurra, Portland.
P. S. Bramwell and
family, La j
ton and the Kids had won bv a scor
of 1 to 0, the luterest was very mark
ed in the Sunday game. Athena
wanted to win and a special train
was run down Sunday afternoon with
iuu rooters to cheer their boys to vie--!
Official reports from London have It llTtJ b"ngW 60me money' t00'
that William Waldorf AMor Vui be ! Ll?I "i'l they a,ro S0,rrJ'- 'or quite
r . ' " We I a little nf it rnmnln In I.il
'TMSU "?n vedan of Tanlow Th .i.Z' ' 1 ' " " -uiun.,
I . ..luuua icujuc tupiort ineir team
In a liberal way and It Is remarkable
next month.
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink