East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 25, 1902, Image 2

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It will fee to your advantage
Oar stock is the largest freshest and most select
Otfr prices are always money savers
Men's suits worth $ .9.50 our price $ 7.00
Men's suits worth 10.50 our .price 8.00
Men's fancy worsted suits worth' 12.50 ;our price 10.00
t Men's fancy worsted suits worth 15.00 our price 12.50
We are the friend of your pocket book
Advertisers of Facts
FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1802.
The Spanish government has given
an order for several new battleships.
Sonator Clark, of Montana, is under
arrest in Washington city for running
his automobile on the street beyond
the speed fixed by law. He says ho
ltf not guilty.
Tom Sharkey and Gus Rulin are
matched to box 15 rounds to a decis
ion before the,National Sporting Club
of London during the week beginning
June 23, for a purse of ?5000, the win
ner to get 75 per cent.
Miss Catherine Maude Rice, a
young girl, laughed herself to death
at Louisville, Ky. She was visiting
some friends, when one of them told
a funny story. The physicions said
lesion of the brain was produced by
The electric torch of the Statue of
Liberty, in Now York harbor, which
was extinguished in the fore part of
Mnrcli by the lighthouso 'board, was
lighted Wednesday night under su
pervision of the war department, to
which its control has been transferred.
Attorneys Wright and Baldwin, of
Council uiuffs, who appeared for
James Doyle in the big mining suit
against James Burns, of Colorado,
have filed a lion on the Judgment so-
cured in that suit for $300,000, and
A. W. Askwith, who also assisted in
tho suit, has filed a claim for $10,
000. Senator Bailoy, of Texas, has intro
duced n n amendment to tho pending
army bill providing that "no money
appropriated by this act or by tho
army appropriation act for tho pres
ent year shall bo expended In defray
ing the. expenses of any one .In going
to or coming from attendance upon
the coronation of any hereditary klng
prince or potentate."
At English, Ind Thomas Foley has
sued for divorce from his wife. His
wife admits that she tied his hands
and feet while he was drunk and ap
plied salt to his hands, face and cloth"
ing, that the cattlo in tho field whore
ho lay helpless might lick him to
death ns a rovengo for a beating she
received during a drunkon orgy. Fo
ley's skin was raw in many places.
J. A. Diffonbaugh of Baltimore, past
exalted ruler of tho Elks of that city
and a prominent Mason, while tem
porarily insano at Holona cut his
throat with a razor, and slashed both
wrists. He missed the largest arter
ies and will recover.
Theodore Cohen, a merchant of
llopkinsvlllo, Ky., and Mrs. Gertrude
Gallagher, of Dayton, wore married
over a long distanco telephone line,
tho charge for the telephone sorvico
being $23. They mot tho day after
mo marriage.
Tho Northorn Pacific faces an Is
sue with the International iunchinlsts'
union on tho question of its right to
employ un-skilled and non-union
members for unskilled work in Its
Bhops. Unless tho road yields tho
points, tho strikers threaten to extend
the strike in tho Brnlnard shops to
every machinist on tho road.
A team of horses attached to a
closed hack, containing a woman and
child, ran nway at break-neck speed
through the streets of Wnlla Walla
Thursday. Tho driver remained at j
Ills UOSt and SO Cniltrnllnil Mm llnrana
Uiat tho woman and child escaped 1
umnjurou mil tuo nack was smashed.
An Insignificant, apparently harmi
less looking spllntor in his thumb,
caused tho death of James Udoy, who,
up to 10 days ago, was a muscular,
healthy farmor, living near Hurlhurt,
not far from Portland. Ho-uied at tho
Good Samaritan hoBnltal of blood
poisoning. For several days nftor ho
ran tho splinter into his thumb ho
paid no attontion to it.
The Pendleton.
G. W. Hunt, Portland.
J. W. Burley, Denver.
H. J. Babcock, San Francisco.
T. F. Ogg, New York. ,
W. McMulIan, Boston.
W. A. Pleis, Washington.
Henry Blackmail; Hoppner.
C. A .Barrett, Athena.
George Harris, Portland.
George Stevens, Spokane.
R. H. Caston) Spokane.
James France, Walla Walla.
C. D. Green, Portland.
A.. H. Boylan, Portland.
J. F. Stokes, Chicago.
James Wright, North Yakima.
C. u. Slocan, New York.
P. R. Garrotson, St. ' Paul.
James A. Tate, Nashville.
Peter Mclntyre.
Andrew Nylander, Portland.
C. Bunker, Spokane.
E. A. Klippel, Portland.
C. S. Bradwell, Portland.
The Golden Rule.
Thomns Payne, Portland.
L. Cunningham, Portland.
Mrs. R., R .Duffy, Ontario.
Ike Binnard, San Frtinclsco.
E. L. Barnett, Athena.
T. J. Kirk, Athena.
J. C. Lynch, Walla Walla.
Ira A. Russell, Walla Walla.
W. H. Klopper, Mankato.
W. E. Bond. Athena. '
C. T. George, Portland.
Mrs. Hows, Denver.
R. B. Hayhurst, Spokane.
Charles Carroll, Spokane.
S. A. Frans, Spokane.
J. W. Rowey, Wisconsin.
W. J. Wilkinson, Athena.
D. Ferris, Athena.
George Jay, Athena.
D. J. Phillips, Milton.
Charles Proebstol, Lostine.
F. Marsh.
W. F. Woodstock, Nolin.
Charles F. Johnson, Missouri.
Mrs. E. G. Marten, Schaller.
Mrs. B. B. Bixby, Nevada.
P. E. England, Colorado.
F. J. Buzick, Kansas.
D. O. Barr and wife, Missouri.
Mrs. G. W. Mectalf, Milton.
William McCarthy, Michigan.
M. Duudnck, South Dakota.
Mrs. F. G. Dudack, South Dakota.
B. A. Glaze. Seattle.
J. E. Clark, Colorado.
C. W. Clark, Colorado.
F. J. Gardner, Portland.
Saved Many a Time.
Don't neglect coughs and colds even
if it Is spring. Such cases often re
sult seriously dt this season just bo
cause people aro careless. A dose of
One Minute Cough Cure will remove
all danger. Absolutely safe. Acts at
oiiqo. Sure euro for coughs, colds,
croup, grip,, bronchitis, and other
throat and lung troubles. "I have
used One Minute Cough Cure several
years," says Postmaster C. O. Daw
son, Barr, 111. It is tho very best
cough medicine on the market. It
has saved mo many a severe spell of
sickness and I warmly recommend It."
The children's favorite. Tallman &
Co. and Brock & McConias.
The Independent Warehouse.
Will bo onon for business, with n
compotont man in charge, to seo that
an customers receive prompt and
careful attontion. Wool Growers and
wheat growors will find It to their
interest to storo with this house,
whero they can ship over olthor lines
of road. Roforonces, First National
tianic. . wiuinm uaidweii in charge
The Great Dismal Swarrm.
Of Virginia is a breeding 'ground of
malaria gorms. So is low. wet or
mnrshy ground everywhere. These
germs cause, weakness, chills and
fever, aches in the bones and musc
les, and may induce dangerous ma
ladies. But Electric .Bitters never
fail to destroy them and euro malar
ial troubles. They will surely pre
vent typhoid. Wo tried .many romediaa
for Malarial and Stomach and Uver
troubles," writes John Charleston; .of
Byesvlllo, 0 "but never found any
thing as good as Electric Blttew "
Try them. Ouly 60c. Tallman & Co.
guarantee salibfucilon.
The Mills Will Start the Season's Run
About May 5th, After Being Closed
Only Two Months.
Wool is now beginning to pour In
to the different warehouses. The
Pendleton Wool Packing & Scouring
Company's warehouses now have 125
000 pounds of tills year's clip already
stored for the season's nln and 700,
000 pounds more is expected every
day from the Heppner country. The
wool came from different places over
the country and quite a little came
fromi North Yakima and other parts
of Washington. In addition to that
stored nt the woolen mill, all of
Charles Cunningham's clip is being
stored in the Furnish warehouse.
Quito a little of this clip has already
been hauled; but the larger part Is
still to come. When this is all in
Mr. Cunningham says that he will
have from 175,000 to 200,000 pounds
of wool frnm this year's clip. This
will come from tho 19,000 head of
sheep thaf he now has on his ranch.
The scouring mill will start uy
again the 5th of next month for the
season after being closed down for
only two months. This is the short
est season that tho scouring mill has
had since its establishment and the
management anticipate another long
and profitable run for the season of
1902 and 1903. The woolen mill was
only closed down for a few weeks
and it is now running on full time and
has been for some time.
The Press Praise It.
The American press have boon
unanimous in their P" rfBwJJ
Owlngs Townes great New lork
cess, 100 uicu iu
To accommodate those who are
partial to the use of atomizers in ap
plying liquids into the nasal passar
geB for catarrhal troubles, the pro
prietors prepare Ely's Liquid Cream
Balm. Price, including the spray
tube, is 75 cents. Druggists or by
mall. The liquid embodies the me
dicinal properties of tho solid prepar
ation. Cream Balm is quickly ab
sorbed by the membrane and does
not dry up the secretionB but changes
them to a natural and healthy char
actor. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St.,
New York.
Street Sprinkling.
Bids will bo received up to April
29th, for Street Sprinkling and for
Sprinklers. One Sprinkler, (with
prlvelege of two) with 600 gallon
tanks and patent Sprinklers attached.
With or without running gears. Four
heavy teams with drivers, two with
wagon gears. Committee reserves
the right to order teams on and to lay
them off. Teams and drivers will be
expected to put in full time and
when not engaged in sprinkling shall
when so directed work under tho
street superintendent at any other
work. Right reserved to reject any
or all bids.
Chairman Sprinkling Committee.
Shot In His Left Leg.
For all kinds of sores, burns, bruises,
or other wounds DeWltt's Witch Ha
zel Salve is a sure cure. Skin diseases
yield to It at once. Never falls in case
of piles. Cooling and healing. None
genuine but DeWltt's. Beware of
counterfeits. "I suffered for many
years by a gunshot wound in my left
leg," says A. S. Fuller, English, Ind.
"It would not heal and gave me much
trouble. I used all kinds of remedies
to no purpose until 1 tried DeWltt's
Witch Hazel Salve. A few boxes
cured me. Tallman & Co. and Brock
& McComas.
Los Angeles Call-Times says: Best
company, best play of the season
El Paso Herald says:. A laughing
i.li. ocrnln VP IlltO VOU.
1111, i;uuiy ufa"1 " - .
"Too Rich to Marry" coiues here!
Monday, May 12.
Wields a Sharp Ax.
Millions marvel at the multitude of
maladies cut off by Dr. King's New
Life Pills the most distressing, too.
Stomach, Liver and Bowel troubles
Dyspepsia, Losb of Appetite, Jaundice,
Billiousness, Fever, Malaria, all fall
before these wonder workers. 25c
at Tallman & Co's drug storo.
"Faust" Is Coming.
Lewis Morrison's new spectacular
version of "Faust" will appear in
Pendleton soon. Rich costumes, elab
orate new scenery, new electrical ef
fects and a completely re-written ver
sion of "Faust" should attract local
Has opened his Ice
Cream Parlors on
Coart street for the
season. The parlors
have been nicely re-
furnished and fitted
up in elegant shape
St. George
The Only Short Order House
in the City.
Fresh Oysters Always
on hand
Open Day and Night
-W. W. Pangburn, Proprietor
You get
What you buy
from us.
Bid Stock of
...W te...
Trucking & Transferrins:.
Laatz Bras. .
& CO.
Reliable Druggists
Association Block.
Sheet Iron and Copper
Work... Special Attention
.to Job, Work.... Roofing
and Guttej-ing...All Work
Guaranteed. : : : :
Shop: Cottonwood Street, Opposite
M. Joe Store, Near Court St.
50 Cents
inBloch Clothini
Have you seen them ? You ought
to if you intend getting a suit
made. See them and you will be
'If.. '!"
Boston Ston
Hot Air Ulast. An All Cast Iron Heating Furnace, Durable, Powert
sold by w. G. McPHERSON,
Heating and Ventilating Engineer
47 First Street PORTLAND. OREGC
"N.li. These furnaces are recommended by F. E. Judd, C. B J
son. F. B. Cloptou, H. L. Hexter, F. C. Taylor, who have then!
their resiuenceB.
The John Barrett Comp,
Tn dlflfarflnt stvles. such as 1
objects of utility and beauty !
Catalogue of Mantels!
Electric fixtures, lamps,
chandeliers, globes, etc.
Will furnish original designs
rrr tnniul ntnrlr nr IVUltltleS IKS. '.
clal designs for fitting up salooml
tlmatesiurnlsnea iree.
'any y Portland!
The new store can never be A PMICDTIQ
known unless It advertises MUVCn I
Makers of Happy M
Low prices, coupled with
pets and. Matting . kn0
quality,1 prove auracm-
UiB,..'...tiB nf Catfets
a lie uucpuw" - . -.1 :.a
Matting, where best obtainejg
tied WAth .promptness im -where
good style a"d. rla
make low prices soempnauc
rukerp 01 iwiw -
ror neaitli, Strength and fi
Pleasure Drink II
Polydore Moen$, Proprietor.