SEE US FOR CLOTHING It will fee to yocr advantage Oar stock is the largest freshest and most select Oar prices are always money savers Men's suits worth $ 9.50 our price $ 7.00 Men's suits worth 10.50 our price 8.00 Men's fancy worsted suits worth 12 50 our price 10.00 Men's fancy worsted suits worth 15.00 our price 12.50 We are the friend of your pocket book BAER $ DALEY CLOTHIERS Advertisers of Facts HOTEL ARRIVAL8. THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1902 GENERAL NEW8 The Sumpter Valley Railroad from "Whitney to Susanvllle is assured The route Is being surveyed at the present time . The gas and electric lighting com panics in Baker City have been pur chased by J. J. Henry, of Denver, who says he will spend $100,000 in im prov' i? the plants. Frank Sweetzer, the youngest son of Mrs. Philip Metschan, of Portland, aged 19 years, died in San Raphael, Cal., on Tuesday. His death was sud den, resulting from spinal meningitis. The appointment of 13. P. Ware, of Kansas, to be commissioner of pen sions, to succed H. Clay Evans, of Tennessee, resigned ,1s coldly re ceived by the friends of honest en forcement of the pension laws. The search for the bodies of the victims of the steamer City of Pitts burg disaster, Is going on. The bod' ies so far recovered are burned be yond recognition. The number mis sing is placed nt GG. In view of the frequent charges made against United States Minister Hunter, to Gautemala, by American residents of that country, the state department has concluded not to re turn him to that post after the expl Tatlon of his present leave of ab sence. Adjutant General James A. Drain, of the Washington National Guard, was hung in effigy by members of Company K, at the armory in Spo kane. He ordered tho company mus tered out of service last week, tho men say, to make room for George Drehcr, a nephew of Senator Turner, to organize a new company. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEW8 The new management of tho Raker City electric light company will pro Tide its patrons with a day current, as well as a night one. Captain Clark, of battleship Ore son fame, having declined tho ap pointment as naval representative to tho coronation of King Edward, Rear Admiral Watson has been named in his place. Andrew Horner, in default of $300 ball, has been committed to tho Ma rlon county jail for giving liquor to minors. Horner's home was across tho river in Linn county, but tho Jaw was violated In Marion. A bullet from tho gun of a hunter crashed through tho dining-room win dow of the homo of Mrs. Frank Ep perly, near Jefferson, lodging In the floahy part of her arm. A painful but not dangerous wound resulted. Owing to tho scarcity of provisions on the Atlantic coast of Nicaragua, President Zolaya has Issued a decree providing for tho admission free of duty in that section of tho country of flour, wheat, beans, rice and lard. Acting Traffic Manager T. M Schumacher, of tho Oregon Short Lino, will havo his Jurisdiction ox tended to tho Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, with headquar ters at Portland, as traffic manager of both lines, is roported. Governor Murphy announces that ho will resign as governor of Arizona. Aloxander O. Rrodlo, Houtonant-colo- nol of Roosevelt's Rough Riders, will succeed him, having already boon The Pendleton. A. R. Syle, Crook county. H. 13. Sill, Portland. William Maker, Portland. H. H. Jackson. Mrs. M. Skelton. George Turrell, San Francisco. George Williams, Portland. W. S. Page, Portland. George E. K. Fichter, Portland. W. R. Glendening, Spokane. J. Ginger, Spokane. H. 11. Reese, Spokane. E. E. When, St. Louis. H. P. Gist, St. Louis. J. W. Holland, Gelser. Lambert Hanlman, San Francisco. H. I'. Newton, Lafayette. C. M Smith, Portland. J. J H. O Connor and wife. W. O. Easier, St. Paul. R. F. Oakes, Portland. M. H. Jones, Seattle. R. Joplin, Portland. J. L. Paul, St. Paul. George McGllvery, Spokane. B. M. Kent, Waitsburg. S. S. Gill, Spokane. A. B. Galloway, Portland. W. B. Streeter, Portland. The Golden Rule. J. T. Foley, La Grande. J. T. Williamson, La Grande. D .W. Warren and wife, Weston. Mrs. Spelllquo ,Walla Walla. Mrs. Thomas, Walla Walla. William J. Moore, Spokane. C. W .Isaacs, Portand. J. T. Tobey, Portland. G. D .Galley, Portland. J. W. Ankeny, Walla Walla. W. F. Woodstock, Nolin. F. A. M-arst W. J. Wilkinson, Athena. Nettle M. Bnrgan, Missouri. Frances Burgan, Missouri. R. Con and wife, Pennsylvania. Mrs. F. M: Powell, Spokane. Sherman Powell, Spokane. M. G. Watson, Maine. R. G. Watson, Massachusetts. George Wertz, Idaho. R. M. McKee, city. Thomas Fayno, Portland. CLEAR, CRYSTAL ICE. The Artificial Article In the Ice Line Better Than the Natural Product. The following is an extract from a scientific article on the subject of impure ice. "There is a popular, though mis taken belief that while in the act of crystalizing, water rids itself of all Its injurious qualities, . however of fensive it may be in its liquid state. "Unfortunately, there Is enough truth In the current idea of the ellm Ination of noxious and foreign matter during the process of freezing to give color to the popular belief, but not enough to make It a safe reliance. "Experiment has shown freezing produces little change or effect in overcoming the poslnous influences and Ice has often served as a vehicle to convey the germs of typhoid and other low forms of fever. "Pure Ice can be produced only from water free from Impurities, and Ice for domestic or surgical purposes should never he collected from ponds or streams that contain animal or vegetable refuse, or stagnant and muddy material." I There is no possibility of you get ting ice containing any of the above bad qualities is you buy your Ice from1 Van Orsdnll & Ross as-our AR TIFICIAL ICE is made from PURE DISTILLED WATER. We are not stocked up with a big supply of INFERIOR ICE which wo MUST GET RID OF. Wo handle a first-class article, and recommend it on its merits. Our prices are as low as they can consistently bo and give our patrons a pure article. We are not in the ice business for our health, neither do we ENDAN GER THE HEALTH of those who patronize us. Call up telephone Main 105. Fair treatment; full weight; prompt deliv ery, van Orsuau & lloss, "The Icemen." "Big Show Coming. Manager Welch has secured by ioi nrrnturpmnnt. for one night only, Edwin Owen's Towees great comedy, "Too Rich to Marry." This The Great Dismal Swamp. Of Virginia is a breeding ground of Malaria germs. So is low, wet or marshy ground everywhere. These germs cause, weakness, chills and fever, aches in the boneB and musc les, and may Induce dangerous ma ladies. But Electric Bitters never fail to destroy them and cure malar ial troubles. They will surely pre vent typhoid. We tried many remedies for Malarial and Stomach and Liver troubles," writes John Charleston, of Byesvllle, O., "but never found any thing as good as Electric Bittera " Try them. Only 50c. Tallman & Co. guarantee satisfaction. In Need of Money. All parties knowing themselves in debted to D. Kemler are hereby noti fied to call and settle at once and save costs. D. KEMLER. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. A'l druggists refund tho money If it fails to cure K. W. Orovo'fl signature is on each box, 25c. Nasal In ..1 its stages ttiero should be cleanliness. Ely's Cream Bain cleanses, soothes anillicala tho diseased membrane. It cares catarrh and drives away a cold in tho head quickly. Cream Balm is placed Into tho nostrils, spreads over the membrano and is absorbed. Relief Is im medlato and a care follows. It is not drying does not produce sneezing. Largo Size, CO cents at Drug' HtAjji company comes direct from Now York City with almost the entire all star original cast. This certainly will be the coming event of the sea son. The date will be announced soon. At bedtimo Itake a pleasant herb drink, the next morning I feel bright and my complexion Is better. My doctor says that it acts gently on the stomach, liver and kidneys and Is a pleasant laxative. It is made from herbs, and is prepared as easily as tea. It Is called Lane's Medicine. Lane's Family Medicine moves the bowels each day. Price 25c and 50c. For sale by Tallman & -Co., sole agents. Tl WM. GOEDECKE s Has opened his Ice Cream Parlors on Coart street for the season. The parlors have been nicely re furnished and fitted up in elegant shape Btateof Ohio, City of tolkdo j UUUAS WOUHTY. I Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F.J. Cheney & Co., doing business in tho city of Toledo, county mm Bbniu niurunmu, mm iun sam nrm ivni nay . . . ,. , , . . . thesumof One Hundred Dollars for eknh infl filets or by mall; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. every caso of Catnrrh that cannot be cured by ELY BUOTIIEU3. 6fl Warren Street. New York. inminnm if aii'a ( 'nta!. r'... sworn to before me and subscribed in mv : i r; "0;;A"7 woodi co ali WOOD! COAL! WOOD! COAL! W. C. MINNIS Hnlarv Piihllx Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tnktm In fnrnnllv anil acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces ui iuu sysiem. bciki lor testimonials, freo. F. J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo. Ohio, Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Street Sprinkling. Bids will bo received up to April 29th, for Street Sprinkling and for Sprinklers. One Sprinkler, (with privelego of two) with COO gallon tanks and patent Sprinklers attached. With or without running gears. Four Heavy teams with drivers, two with wagon gears. Commltteo reserves tho right to order teams on and to lay them off. Teams and drivers will bo expected to nut in full tlmn nmi when not engaged In sprinkling shall Telephone, Bed 401, or call on wnen so directed work under the W. O. MINNIS. street superintendent at any other Ofllce Main Btreet, Just opposite Hans. iU6Ul icauiveu iu reject any torn x xuompaon's Hardware store. Ul ill l UlUtj. FRANK B. CLOPTON. Chairman Sprinkling Committee. SELLS BOTH. Keinerer Coal. First Class Wood Orders Promptly Filled. KEEP YOUR HEAD UNCOVERED. 9112,600 for a Prescription. The largest sum eter paid for a prescription onangeu nanus in Han Francisco August SO' 1901. The transitr Involved in coin and stock 1112,600 and was paid by a party ol business The Constant Wearing of a Hat Pro- B9n tor "peciflo loMlrlght's Disease and Di. poaates Dandruff Germs. Mte, hitherto incurable diieates. Thoro nro many men who wear their h .v,ifl vmk. ..,.! fcl en hn voiii.. n " , . : r. - mm named by President Roosovelt to , , " "e wnen nowea scores ! the cured and tried it out on take place upon the oxKlon of T"','0' T l)TQ 1,lesscd wlth n 1,eavy lu,aertt, by mla three d.n c Slurnhy's term oxlrnUo11 of, shock of hair; yet if tho scalps of n the treatment and watching tbeia. They lllUHU same mon once Uecomo infect- ot physicians to name chronic, incurablo J. S. Nye, of Jefferson. Linn pnnn. ed with tho dandruff irorniR tlm nnrn. I IMCS. &Qd ftdmlnilterftd It with IHa rhraf - - r t - I " f J V4HUO ly, who died on April 20, was born In cities would multiply all tho quicker ,or inlge. Dp to August 27, eighty.wven per v.,..u, wwmuvr iv, no remov- or iacic or air, Baldness would ensue Olino mi cu either well -r ed to Iowa. In 1837, and there mar- as the final result. Nowbro's Hernl- Hreaslng favorably. riuu mury xu. uiiimors, who survives chlo kills these germs aud stimulates Tnre De,n "n per cent oMallnre. nlm. In 1850 they Joined tho throng unhealthy hair to abundant crowth tbe pt,e, wen MM,fled sn1 do! the trans starting out for Oregon by ox teams, Hdrplcide Is a pleasant hair dressing "'""V. ?he Plng! .of the investigating .... IU x,uiim r,ver nt a won ns a dandruff euro and eon. J,. V . . point near what Is now known as Tho tains not an atom of Inlurlmw nb ""Wf"" tnalUd free Dalles. . stances. injurious sub- n application. AddnasJouif J. Fm.TOH.coM. Watch and Wait FOR THE NEW DRUG STORE New, Everything Ftesh, Good F. W. SCHMIDT & CO. Reliable Druggists Association Block. I suspenders! VERY BEST VALUE 50 Cents ALT Got! styles SteinBloch Clothing Ba Fa BECK PLUMBER and TINNER Sheet Iron and Copper Work.. .Special Attention to Job Work.... Roofing and Guttering... All Work Guaranteed. : : : Shop: Cottonwood Street, Opposite at. Joe Store, Near Court St. Have you seen them ? You ought to if you intend getting a suit made. See them and you will be surprised. KNOX STETSON HATS GOI HA) Boston Storel ECONOMICAL HEATING with .e PERFECT FURNACE Hot Air Blast. An All Cast Iron Heating Furnace, Durable, Powerfdl juuecuve A WONDERFUL SUCCESS sou by w. G. McPHERSON, Heating and Ventilating Engineer 47 First Street PORTLAND, OREGON! N. li . These f urnacps are recommended by F. E. Judd, C. 8. Jack' son. j. ii. uiopton, t. Jj. nexter, Jv. (J. Taylor, wno nave tnem their residences. Lamp Mantles Guaranteed for 45 Days! Peerless Flexo Mantles NEW THING JUST 01 BEST IN THE WORLD These mantles are new productions and give 90 and 100 candle power respectively for the single and triple weaves. They are made in two grades. Price 30 and 40 cents each. The John Barrett Co.So! HniA rSrS Vni I expect people toknow The new store can never be known unless It advertises you have to sell If yo 1 ADVERTISI BYERS'BESTFLOl To make good bread nee Byers' B at Flour. It took first premium at the Chicago World'n Fair overall competi tion, and givea excellent eatiefaction wherever used. very sack ia guaranteed. We have the beat Steam Kolled Barley, Seed Rye and Beardlesa Barley. PENDLETON ROLLER W; S. BYERS, Proprietor. For Health, Strength and neasure Unnk : : : : Polydore Moens, Proprietor. 1 I) omgomerjr uan rranclsco, Cal.