;pi.iceaIII!: FOR TAKE PIY X C ISsi' r"llness and Swelling after meals, Dizelnws and ykc5th, fcu8,,?.f Heat L" of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, r-M' " " " in QUALITY DECIDES, t Important Waist News Our shirt waist department is always doing some thing remarkable, and this week it excells itself in the wonderful values it offers in the smartest and best waists of the season Reduced to the Bar gain Level. Our 75c Waist is a hummer. Not a waist but is distinct in style, . with that touch of originality that women of re fined tastes are always so glad to secure WELCOME WOODMEN ! SEE OUR CENTER WINDOW 'Alexander Dept. Store Lonely Homes A home Is never complete without children. Yet many hornet are childless. Many wives are desolate for the lack 'of a child to love. Their Uvea are aimless void of the high motives of motherhood. While barrenness Is causing Incal culable sadness and sorrow, It exists In most cases on account of some little female trouble, which 'Wine of Cardui would speedily jet right This pure Wine regulates the disordered female organs by building up the worn out nerves and regulating the menstrual flow. It restores the fallen womb to its proper place. By strength enlng the generative organs, it makes preg nancy possible where barrenness exists. You can depend oh WINEo'CARDUI Suffering women all over the land have been depending on It for seventy-five years. No more convincing proof can be given than the testimony of Mrs. Benson, who Is only one of thousands of women to whom Wine of Cardui has brought a permanent cure. Many cases of 'miscarriage that trouble which robs mothers of their hopes have been avoided by timely use of the Wint. You are asked to try Wine of Cardui and Thedford's Black-Draught, Its companion medicine. Nine out of ten cases of female trouble, barren ness Included, yield to them. All druggists sell $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui. Vaaderroort, Art, April 2, 1900. Last May I had a miscarriage, whioh waa followed by flooding. I nw your Almanac and my husband got me bottle of Wine of Cardui and It stopped my flooding and restored my fallen womb to its place. Now I am cured alter taking throo bottles and hare another to take whloh I got this morning. I am expecting to become a. mother and Wlno of Oardul will be my doctor. Mrs. MARY L. BENSON. For Advice and literature, addreis, ffirUur lymDtoms : ' The Ladles' AdTlsory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Company, Chattanooga Term. Makers of Happy Homes T rwxr nrlrpc rnnnlprl with P.nr- f pets and Matting of known high quality, prove attractions irresisti ble. The question of Carpets and Matting, where best obtained, is set tled with promptness in our stock, where good style and real worth make low prices so emphatic. BAKER &FOLSON (takers of Happy Homes ulious ana Nervous Disorder Sick Headache and Constipation, Drowsiness, !aoniVci e8.' Heat L"" Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, hSeaationV S',.sturbd sleeP. Frightful.Dreams, a nd all Nervous and Tremb- ui. For V : "c " ,rsl U0ic wn Rve reuer tn twenty minutes, i nis is nu tterirtlM.. Weak Stomach. niAnrdererf IJveranif Imnalred Digestion tUl'y will ,? c ' ?verv sufferer is earnestly invited to try a Box of these Pills, L'PWWS mi iW t0 be WITHQUt A RIVAL, ""to. Th take" as directed, will quickly restore females to complete ' "wpiiy remove any obstruction or irregularity of the system. v A. Denot. 31 r .1 a ki J i- . A nm. " new IWKi IB WU) AW. K1U lasoline Engine for Sale bbon. .. . Rtertai 1 WLr gasoline engine with pipes and fittings, oil tanks h llings arSii ryth,nB necessary to set up and operate. Engine Lr?'ae is verv nevv b.eine in "se only a few weeks. l8cluinP 4f.Vu,lomcai and guaranteed to be satisfactory, rnce g fittings. Address , East Oregonian, Pendleton, Oregon. OLD Il DUG IIP AN ANCIENT FIREARM, POW DER HORN AND BOX OF CAPS. Taken From the Sands Near Old Wallula, Recalling the Days of In dian Wars and Early Settlement of the Oregon Country. Leo Moorohouse Is In possession of a relic in the shape of n rifle. It was due out of thn Bowman, master mechanic for the o! u. & M. railroad company at Wallu la, one mile east of Old Wniinin on the Immigrant road between that piace and walla Walla. The gun is of an ancient make, in fact, so ancient that it is the only one of its kind ever seen by the younger generation of today. It is a regular old-fashioned cap and ball SH, of about a 38-calibro ball, but unlike all other cap and ball rifles, it has the hamimer and tube on the guard, for the tricar is thn tin spring and Instead of this spring be ing on uie msiae, as in other guns, it is a very large and clumbsy-look-ing piece of steel which clmi large enough for the trigger to be un- uer it ana leaves room for the finger. With the gun was found n nrm-iW horn and a box of percussion caps, which would lead to the conclusion that the owner was killed, either in an Indian fight or by some lone red skin, who. took the life of the white man and left his body on the prairie for the wild beasts to feed and his bones to bleach in the sun of the sand hills along the Columbia river. ' Some advance thp idea that tho owner of this ancient firearm was killed as far back as durinir tho trouble with the Indians, when -Marcus Whitman a;nd his faithful fol lowers were massacred, while others uo not think that it could have lain in the sands since 1847. whpn thie massacre took place, and think that it was no further back than during the Yakima Indian war, which was in 1851. Whether or not either of these theories are true will never be known, but could this old trim en off and tell its own storv it would nn doubt alarm one and all. The gun is in a nerfect stnto nf preservation and does not hatve the appearance of havinc lain in rim sand but a short ii me. It has a sil ver ueuu ana a peep signt and has been a very fine gun in its day. The stock is well preserved and except where it appears to have been in a fire at sometime perhaps while lay ing in the nlace where found and a little of the side burned away, it bears no other marks. The are no figures or marks to indicate when or where it was made. Where these reminders of hostile times with the redskins were found, Is a great nlace for relics and is ne,ar the site of an old fort, establish ed by the Hudson Bay Co., who were tne urst white people to invade this part of the country. Mr. Moorehousn will spnd thia trim to the Oregon Historical society at uriiana, Saved Many a Time. Don't neglect coughs and colds even if it is spring; Such cases often re sult seriously at this season just be cause people are careless. A dose of One Minute Cough Cure will remove all danger. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. Sure cure for coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis, and other throat and lung troubles, "I have used One Minute Cough Cure several years," says Postmaster C. O. Daw son, Barr, 111. It Is the very best cough medicine on the market. It has saved me many a severe spell of sickness and I warmly recommend It." The children's favorite. Tallman & Co. and Brock & McComas. A PRINCELY TEAM. towering Probfscidlans and Double- Humped Camels in Silk and Sil ver Harness. Caesar made many triumphal cu trips intn Rome, and taxed to the ut most the ingenuity of the gentlemen who got ut his lagger entrances to provide new ideas for him. He en tered with kings hltcneu wun goiuu drawine him through the Via This or That to his palace, and was sometimes borne by cnariois oi giu rlous Roma; but never even in his triumphal entries did he or could he have been drawn by great tearris of ponderous problscldians and huge double-humped camels, as are many of the golden chariots seen in The Great Pan-American Shows marvel ous street parade, and not one, but many teams of elephants and camels drawing golden chariots, while ca parisoned beyond comparison in silk and silver-mounted harness, and bearing in the chariots the exalted rulers of tho arenic world the world's champions and the big shows stars. The Pan-American Shows will pos itively exhibit at Pendleton, on April 30, at 1 and 8 p, m. Miss Ella Foster, of Whitney, Ba ker county, while handling a revol ver Saturday, accidentally shot her self through the thigh. Tho wound is a dangerous one. She was taken to tho hospital at Sumpter, and at last accounts was resting easy. SMALLPOX IN WALLA WALLA SEVERAL PATIENTS RELEASED FROM DETENTION HOSPITAL A Mother Charged With Neglecting' Her Children, They Will be Taken From Her and Cared for by the State. Walla Walla, April 23. Scvcrnl smallpox patients were released from quarantine yesterday, and the disease Is again disappearing Irom the city. The Wallace family was afflicted sev eral days ago, the father, mother and several children all being stricken. The disease was in a light form and the family was released and returned home from the pest house. Four children wore taken charge of yesterday by Sheriff Kees, and sent to the poor house while the case is being investigated. Mrs. Smith, the mother of the children, was arrested and will be tried with the intention of taking her children from her. The little fellows have had poor care and their mother is charged with ne glecting them sadly Jack Rich, a fellow who gained con siderable notoriety a few weeks ago by his escape from the city J nil In the attempted city jail delivery, and about that time was discovered to bo the son of a wealthy Philadelphia family, was released from the coun ty jail today. He has served a sen tence of 00 days for assaulting the jailor. Rich announced his intention of going back to his old home. Tho meetings being held by Col. C. J. Holt are attracting largo crowds and interest is increasing every day. The local branch of tho Woman's Christian Temperance Un ion has charge and a number of new members have been received. The recent wet weather has dono much to brighten crop prospects and ihe grain fields are repqrted in much better condition than they were two weeks ago. Grain sown last fall is strong and growing rapidly, while tho spring sowing is looking strong and gives a green tinge to tho fields. L. C. Stanley, of Chippewa Falls, Wis., and F. M. Seller, of Portland, filed a deed for record for the Globe, Nehalem & Pacific railway property' in Columbia county. L. C. Stanley is the father of Fred Stanley of tho Grande Ronde Lumber company, who is also interested in this enter prise. Pendleton Planing Mill and... Lumber Yard. Buy their stock by the several carload lots and, therefore, get the benefit of the cash discounts, which enables them to sell at a very narrow margin. IF YOU NEED . . Lumber , Building Paper Lime, Cement, Brick Sand, Terra Cotta Pipe or anything in this line get out prices. Pendleton Planing Mill Lumber Yard, and R. FORSTER, Proprietor WHISKEY Sold by JOHH BO II M IDT The Louvre Saloon rKNDLBTON OREGON St. George RESTAURANT DINNER 25 CENTS The Only Short Order House in the City. QUICK SERVICE Fresh Oysters Always k on hand Open Day and Night W. W. PaHgburn, Proprietor "Lot thm GOLD DUST Snow white clothe mrm tho result of ualng GOLD DUST It makes light the labors of washing. Turns wash day into play day. Better than any Soap and more oconontlcal, Mado only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chlcaeo. New York. Boston, St. Louis. Makers of OVAL FAIRY SOAP. 0 I WM. GOEDECKE IS gj iy V) tt) V) VI) 15 i y w -v w v w Has opened his Ice Cream Parlors on Court street for the have been nicely rc- furnished and fitted up in elegant shape I BUY YOUR LUMBER AT THE - Oregon Lumber Yard o Alta St., opp. Court House. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST For All Kinds of Building Material, Including Doors Windows Screen Doors and Windows Building Paper Lime Cement Brick and Sand And Don't Forget Our Wood flutter For Barns and Dwellings You get What you buy from us. Bid Stock of WOOD, COAL, SAND & BRICK. ...Wt do... Trucking & Transferring. Laatz Bro. Have the Feathers In your feather beds RENOVATED Bv the 1902 STEAM PROCESS, No mixinK of feathers. You get vour own feathers. Work called for and delivered. WORKS LOCATED AT 709 JANE STREET Dahy Ewt Orsgonjan by Carrier, only 15 canto a waak. twins afo your work," BEAUTIFUL Aro tho exolimlvo new pat terns In wnll impor wo uro show ing. Prulno Ih huiml from nil who Hcltct tholr impcr from us mul allow us to do their work. Our workman do your work right. If you hnvc painting you want dono entriiHt your Job to us and you will bo Hiitlallud. Murphy, ARTISTIC DECORATOR COURT STREET Popular Books.. rmm OF THE DAY All tho Nuw Works wliluli Imvo met with Ilia ! hearty iiiiprovid o( lloolc Iawo. nro it FRAZIER'S. Rend This List of the New Hooks: "Count Hannlhiil," ly8lnloy J. Woytnan. "In tho 1'ok," hy Itlclmnl llnrdliiK UavU. "The Killing INumIoh," by Henry Vim Dylto. "U I Wuro Klnjr." by Jntln McCarthy. "Trry Thou Till 1 Como," by Gco'ga Croly. "Tho velvet lllovo " by Henry Bcton Motrl- "'"Tho Tines of Ury," by J, A. Mitcholl. "Tempting ol Puttier Anthony," by uoorgo Hoiton. . ' llouo With tho areoii Shutter," by (leorgo "llio itolo of the Unconanoreil," by Toot D"Tho' Method! of Lady Walderhuret," by KrAiices Hodgson llurnutt. "Audrey," by Mury JohiiBlon. 'AUlii Wlnllelil." by Otorgo Ktholbert Wal'h. "CloUlorlug UrBiilii," by Clinton Scollurd. "Kate Honnct." by Plunk It. Btpeltlon. "Up I'ioiii Hliivery," by Hooker T. Wash. '"Vfn'Hrov of the uuiird." by Louli Kvnn BhlpuiMii. "JnBplleof All, 'by ICdna Lyull. "New Canterbury Talen," by Maurice Hew "Hester Blulr," by William H-nry Cu-ton. "AiitlclpatloiiH,"by William Henry Canon. "A Tom.! Parly." by Joiuph i HbU worth. "Arllne Vallre,'1 by Jonuph Hallworth. "Llfe'a LlttU lronleii," byThoniaa Hardy. "Blnion Dale," by Anthony Hope. "Tho Kagln'B Henri," by Hamlin (larlaud. "Norman Holt," by General Charlen Klug. 'What Happened to Wlgglesworth," by VY. O. Fuller. ..ADJUSTABLE.. Window Screens 40 and 50c W. J. CLARKE & COM'Y SMOKERS' SUPPLIES CIGARS-the best brands TOBACCO finest for smoking and chewing PIPES to suit all ;: G. NEUMAN r