'"aj The Famous WALKOVER I Shoes for Men 444 I $3.50 or $4 a Pair 1 The Walkover Shoes have no equal for the price. Every i 1 - i.1 T 1 O 5( pair uorreoixy mnav auti 01 the best matorial known to !l shoe mannfaoturers. Take i no chances. Ask for the sj Walkover and you get ike si best. DTJNDINGER, WILSON & Co. 1 M TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1902. THE GOUXONDA MINE. Reports rFom the Superintendent Are Exceedingly Favorable. Recent reports from those in charge of the Golconda mine, near Sumpter, Indicate that the fortunate purchas ers of that property have been about . as successful as were those who de veloped and recently sold the Concord mino at such a handsome figure. Superintendent M'elkle, of the Gol conda mine, who was for a long time in charge of the Red Boy mine, being considered one of the best and most competent mining operators in the Sumpter district, 'reports to the own ers of the Golconda that he has fin lshed cleaning out all of the old workings iu the mine and he has disclosed high grade ore iu the drifts at several points. At one place he finds threo feet of ore that averages more than $70 to the ton at ai least two other places there is ore that will yield over ?B0 to the ton. Mr. Alieklo expresses himself as confident that he will bo nblo to open up high grade ore at threo or more different points in the workings. It will require only a few leet of such ore as was taken out by the lingllsnes, the former owners to then put the Golconda among the million dollar mines, and of Mr. Mie- KIo's expectations are reached it will be yielding dividends inside of six months, if not sooner. There is some of the treasury stock or tnis mine for sale at 10 cents a share, tho money from the sale of It being used for tho present operation of tho mine. But only ?20,000 worth or it is to be sold at this figure, as .that is considered ample to put the mine on a paying basis. There are quite a number in Pendleton who have invested In the stock at this fig ure and within a few days all of it will have been sold, so James A How ard, secretary of the Golconda com pnny, reports. Improvement on the W. & C. R. R. Joseph McCabe, of Walla Walla, vice-prosiaeni and general manager of the w. & C. It. railroad, has been In tho city two days, after an official inspection of the "high lino" froiu Hunt's Junction to Pendleton. Mr- UlcCabe was accompanied on the trip by J. G. Cutler, civil engineer and treasurer of the road, who returned to Walla Walla yesterday. This morn ing Mr. McCabe entertained several friends In his private car on Webb street, and will leave for homo this evening. The two officials stated that a number of inprovoments were contemplated for the road, among which is tho painting of all ware houses and company buildings on the entire system. This big undertaking, which will take about 13 months, has already been started by a crew of four men who have a "paint car" and will -live in it the entire year, as they travel from point to point. John Lambert, of Walla Walla, Is fore man. At Wallula, connections with the O. R. & N has just been resumed, after an Interruption of six months. PERSONAL MENTION Wields a Sharp Ax. Millions marvel at the multitude of maladies cut off by Dr. King's Netv Life Pills the most distressing, too. Stomach, Liver and Bowel troubles Dyspepsia, Lost, of Appetite, Jaundice, Billiousness, Fever, Malaria, all fall before these wonder workers. 25c at Tallman & Co's drug store. Dr. G. W. Tape is in town from his sanitarium at Hot Lake, Master Harold Warner Is confined to his home with a severe cold. Mts. F. F. Wamsley has returned from a visit of several days to Port land. C. W. Pearson, of Starbuck, Wash., is the guest of R. C. Ward during the log rolling. S. B. Cahle'rhead, general passenger and freight agent for the Washington & Columbia River railroad, was In town Monday. Mrs. R. V. Hutchlns came down from Pomeroy Monday morning and will spend tho week here with hus band and friends. Mrs. Mary Kester and Mrs. C. H. Seeley, arrived Monday morning from "Pomeroy, and are the guests of their sister, Mrs. Louisa Kees. D. Howdyshell and daughter, Miss Bdlle, were in town Monday from their ranch, 10 miles northwest of Pendleton, taking in the log-rolling. Hrs. Ida Emllcott is here from her home at Portland visiting relatives .mul friends and attending the Wood men jubilee. She will remain a weelt nr more. R. C. Judson, industrial agent for flie Harrlmnn lines, is in town look ing after the interests of the Here ford stock sale that is to be here to morrow. Dr. N. G. Blalock, of Walla Walla, one of the pioneers of the Inland Era pile, is registered at the Hotel St. George. He came over to see the stents at the log rolling. JL M. Morris is in Pendleton from his "stamping grounds," in Iflalio, en rauto to S&n Francisco, where hie family make Its home. He will re main in that city for several weeks. J. P. Ford, '.formerly one of yendle ton hardw Pomeroy, Wash., Is in town attend ing the log-rolling and shaking Jiands with his many friends. Mathles Japston. John K. Mac-Gill very and Chas. GeJss, all subjects of the King of Grtfat Britain, have re nounced their allegiance to Britain's ruler and declared their intention of becoming American citizens. C. W. James, recorded of Baker county, and one of the f.egents of the state normal at Weston, -was In town Monday on his way home from a visit to the school. Mr. James says that ho found everything in the very best condition at the school and there is no ground for complaint from any quarter. .Stra"B!.,tl.,"i8tn les. A well known Kent'e once tr the f row- KS Ifyt wo lays after the harness was used on it It lifted sixty pounds. On the nineteenth day it lifted 5,000 pounds The s ed of the globe turnip s about J twentieth part of an Inch dta n etcr, and yet In the course of a few eier. will be enlarged by n ,i tho a r Into 2,000,uou ",....nni hulk, nnd this iu d. Oiaon S a buh of leaves. It has been found by experiment that a turnip S 3 under fair conditions Incre-nse Its own weight fifteen times rp.,,ir,a m-nwlnc In peat ground have heen foond to increase more than 15,000 times the weight of their seed in a day. Tho Lout -Smile. Ix)St-a merry, good ;mornlnp,.s'"i;,0 With a cunning dimple on either siao Of coaxing lips that are P"le?11e' Showing nall rowa of teeth, like pearls. It hasn't 'been missed but a llttta whllo .And matches n pah- of hazel eyes, Clouded now like the summer skies Ami n moD of tanrrle-y, flaxen curls. It was lost In tbo nursery this morning, when Dorothy, fresh and rosy frora sleep, Looked out and -flaw the troublesome rain Beating Its greeting against the pane, Bathing the blossoms and bending tne And-wo'ul'd you believe it-thero and then, She, like the skies, began to -weep! If vou Jlnd It. don't put it on a shelf, Where .Sunday :bonnots and manners ore stored, nut hriiitr it nt once to Nursery row, For mother and brother both miss It so. """l.lTZnanenthlgh. Iass"CUS"o three persons wny coiiii.--- expenditure wUtcb Has cll30vffo tSe building of $000,000 annually for tu raalntenan" - ,noro state roads, aim - ,mlt nt an than 300 iu lea u""m,Io. These average cost of $9,000 perm roads or amw. " . this, Ftnte roads ln thlB the beat roaua in otnt The com miles of etnte roads in oue county 's htimiipse men but now In tlie And you shall receive a rlchreward, s DUBinese men, dui no in uil j Ju 0WXJ sweet BolfI dware and implement business at j Mary c Bcftiinson In Youth's Com- Mary panion. Rooms in the Eart Oregonian build ing Jor rent. Steam heated, hot and cold water and '-ath room in conneC' tion. Gencr! Butler on Oood in an address at the Interstate good ..onMnn held n Columbia, S. ti nnnnrnl Butler strongly ad- " ..a nnnronrintlons for VOCaieu imii"" !---. -,ii.-in Ho believed that if the government could make appropriations 7. -Hvprs nnd harbors, build tho Nlca- ragunn canal and give land grants to assist railroads thcu it wns proper and right for it to make appropriations for Improving the common highways. Gov ernor Candler of Georgia thoroughly indorsed the good roads movement. Road Improvement, he said, was one matter which did not receive adequate uttPiitlon. It was a question which was coming to the front and must be considered. Hello Neighbor! VWhavc a nice line of souvenir china all Pendleton scenes that will be a pleas ing reminder of your visit here. I Wxtri I l-l-. 301 COURT STREET, fcavinsrs Bank " ( u , u ... yzf MarKei aan Francisco, secure free, a beautiful Nickel lngs Bank, also full particulars Intnrnatinnal Ennvn nnuri n tit-n ary which is now being furnished 1 f A. 1 K . uenta a uay. PLAID SHOE STRINGS SCIENTIFIC TORTURERS. Money to Jnpn at lowest rates on town or country property. J. R. Dick son, East Oregonian building. I OUR STATIONERY I TS strictly fashionable and all tho newest ideas are in our stock. You will be right in style with,your correspondence if you select from our special stock TALLMAN & CO. THE LEADING DRUGGISTS AND STATIONERS w & & ft "I have found that advertia- Ing in tjjis East Oregonian pays," said" p. g, Tarbet, of the firm of iSPP.ett a Tarbet, proprietors of "The Fair," .0 a representative of the East Oregonian. "The big adver- ft tisement we had in the dally ft a week ago was the means of ft our store having one of the big- gest sales and largest crowds wo novo nan since we nave been In business here. The special sale where we gave soeclal low Drlces. we adver- and feel that It should be niven due credit for bringing us the large business. I have not been a big advertiser, but am now convinced that money apent judiciously In afavertis- ing Is a good investment, if ft placed In the rinht mediums: ft those that the people depend ft upon for news." ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft rvoTfoTryrffrBTyrrgB v swwyvvwu a he mnmtyya bttb 0"b b b b b JUST IN TIME FOR LOG ROLLING Borne of the CrncKteM That Are Per Iietruted In Vivisection. A certain Dr. Casten, wishing to study tho effect of massage upon dis locations, deliberately dislocated the limbs of numerous dogs, says Henry C. Merwln in The Atlantic. He pub lished an account of all these experi ments, and the following is a fair ex ample of them: "Experiment C. Poo dle dog replaced on the table .without chloral. I dislocate his two shoulders. The animal utters screams of suffering'. I hold him for twenty minutes with lite two shoulders dislo cated nnd the elbows 'PU together be hind his back ," "Dr. Majendle,'' relates Dr. Elliston, "ln one of his barbarous experiments which, I nm ashamed to say, I wit nessed, began by cutting out a large round piece from the back of a beauti ful little puppy.'' Majendle may have been by nature a brutal man, but even he would hardly have done that when he was young in vivisection, In this country we are not quite so cruel as the French or Italians, but we are more cruel than the English, more cruel perh Also Some Very Pretty Shoes For Children in Red, Blae and Fancy lops, f with Stmset Eyelets. ST. JOE STORE, Out Special Woodcraft Sale. . . Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, April J9-2J-22 iooo yards fine ginghams, worth 20c, sale price i2c 1000 yards dress ginghams, worth I5c,sale price ioc 1000 yards check ginghams, jworth 6c, sale price 3c 1000 yards fine LL cotton, worth 7c, sale price 5c 4 yard patterns wash silk, worth $2.50, sale price $1.60 The prettiest line of Dress Goods in the City. The nobbiest line of Men's Shirts in Pendleton. "VVe are giving away abso lutely free,' a fine Hat with every suit of clothes. We shall of fer some great bargains during this sale. Remember the larg est stock to selecc from and prices always guaranteed the low est. THE LYONS MERCANTILE CO. A WOMAN'S KNACK . . For doing things right and putting correot . styles and snap into Millinery is found in every one of our Productions. STOCK 60c to $1.40 the Germnns. ttps that) i II Peoples Home experiments 1 on do8i Wni nrjt 1 1 r dcrlblnB tb'jm f ' ntlort thC "British 4 4 4 O. P. Ford's celebrated Shoes ' arrived. Special atl- for Ladies have' just Women of Woodcr- .ntion given to visiting Visiting Woodmr fitted witv jn made happy by Wmg perfectly , shoes that combine style nd wear. in uergi lib.- vu nD account of some experiments nth nK hn rvn 1 nuivu uitiuu Upon suock tue reader by fill1 P Utn xr,iii t " vatlort th British "It is a record f NoY. 15, 1891, said, the stupluV . ot the Woc wanton aud seen chr' st Ctuety we have ever entiflr .jntaVed under tho guise of scl j 5tlieriments." Story ot a French CAt. This cat story- comes from Pont Bte. Mnsenco (Olse), nnd for such a small nlnce it 1b an extremely tall. tale, says the Paris Messenger. It would appear tlmt n resident in tho place, who ib an enthusiastic angler, used to keep live bait in a small tank on his premises: The angler also bad a cat who natu- rnllv wns fond of fish, raw or coouea. This being so, his owner covered bU tank with wire netting to Keep puaay nut of temntatlon. But the cat knew a trtCK or iwo una went to tho nearest refuse heap for some fowl clbleta which were provi- ilontlallv lvine there. These Bhe took to the tank, let them hang Into tbe wa ter from the netting and began tuning on her own account When w Ban nibbled at the bait, puaa would catch it with a nimble clawl Tbe angler, bo- tlelne the trick; threw the bait away, but half an hour later paaa waa ai u aaaln. We hardly knew wmcb t aaaiire moat, the eat'a iacenmlty er .that c the Many's The Time l l PIG 1 LITTLE PRICEH CARRIER MILLINERY We are Headquarters Seeing is believing Catpets Catpets Fistmtvtz M. A. RADER. w" .a Maw. Sellers Renters Buy'ers Servants Houses Lee's U. S I 1 HAVE KEEN FOUND THROUSH ?.l0CK. t ooa. lol noraea ana cattle! Hnse? - S T-lrs. m' AN ADLET IN THE CLASSIFIED w Kfe lor Milch cows. Poultry loodB anu . these ?xz wnu orcMmmd Main and Webb Streets .Ml aaaaaacaaakasaa aaaaje,r TT Tlf t-lf If 'V. Mf 1W V VI IUJ BBB1 BBB1 BiaBV Bl BV M aaBti BW aBBta BBaV BaHBBlBV W iH COLUMNS OF THE EAST OREOON- IAN WHEN ALL HAVE FAILED. FIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRINS RESULTS AND DO NOT COST BUT A TRIFLE. C. F. coLESWOrrBi : HE PENDLETON SHOE STORE, j . ceaeeeter of tbetory. Hay, Grain 4-aJt. ' paBUH' TRY ONE. trnek FtW UmaMlla i isf tmi lag East Alta Street