QUALITY DECIDES, t Important Waist News :! Our shirt waist department is always doing some thing remarkable, and this week it exc'ells itself in the wonderful values it offers in the smartest and best waists of the season Reduced to the Bar qqjn Level. Our 75c Waist js a hummer. Not a waist but is distinct in style) with that touch of originality that women of re fined tastes are always so glad to secure WELCOME WOODMEN ! SEE OUR CENTER WINDOW NEWS OF WESTON W. E. PREWETT, RECENTLY FROM TACOMA, DIES OF PLEURISY. Hexander Dept. Store hH'i i M'M-i in 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 n hi AZIER'S STABLES ATTENTION ! tKIPLD. record ii:22 1-2, will make the season at FROOME'S STABLE. KDLETON, every (lay iu the week, except Wednesday and Thursday. At BENA on Wednesday and Thursday cf each week. TJiKflla: J or tne season, f is; to insure, $2!5. IVAN. Clydesdale, will make the season at FROOME'S STABLE. IDLETON, every day in the week, except Monday aud Tuesday; at ElIAM TEMPLE'S place seven miles northwest of Pendleton, on'Mon lind Tuesdays TERMS: For the season, 12; to insure, $15. (further information address FRANK FRAZIER, Pendleton, Oregon Makers of Happy Homes Low prices, coupled with Car pets and Matting of known high quality, prove attractions irresisti ble. The question of Carpets and Matting, where best obtained, is set tied with promptness in our stock, where good style and real worth make low prices so emphatic. For the Week Ending With Saturday Farmers and Others Sold to Ex porters 70,000 Bushels of Wheat. Weston, April 20. Mrs. Sophona Campbell, nee Reed, left Friday for her now home at Mitchell. Ore. Mrs. Campbell has been a resident of Wes ton for more than twenty years. W. E. Prewett. a now onmof in W55tnn died yesterday morning of pleurisy. Mr. 1'rewett was a native ot Tennessee, he has been in Oregon, out- a snort time. He leaves a .",fe4- ann tour children. Tho funeral ser vices were conducted this afternoon by Rev. C. R. Lemar, pastor of the Baptist Church. The Young People's Union, of tho United Brcthorn church, gave an ice cream social last evening, in the Young building. A very pleasant time was enjoyed by all who attended. Saturday, Kerr, Gifford & Cox, of Portland bought through their agent, James Price, 2S00 bushels of wheat of the Farmer's bank and O. C. Tur ner, representing tho North-Western Warehouse Co., bought of J. F. Killgore, 7000 bushelsa J. R. Killgore, 3000 bushels and from several other parties whoso names could not be learned, about, 16,500 bushels, making The sales, together with the Pa cific Coast Elevator Co's., deal,- in the early part of the week, bring the total sales for the week up to 70,000 bushels. The price was 55 cents. The rain of Friday night was just what this part of the' country needed, as the ground was getting very dry. Another shower or two of that kind will assure a large wheat crop in this vicinity. with a very smillne- fnon iTnnn i - a w (fun a it iimry, ine cause of it all was a pair of twin girls, weight seven and nine iiuunns, oorn April 14. rs. riorce and daughter, Miss omul una fluss Delia Bott drove to mnena Tuesday, Uncle Jlmmio Simonton. of Jun ;lper, has purchased the property own ed by A. W. Grovor. on Rnnii win Homer Kendall lost two flnu milch cows very Mysteriously one day last weeK. Miss Sarah Montgomery left fnr her ranch, near Connclll, to remain through the summer. Mrs. Cowmcr. from Machlas, Wash ington, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Mae Sones of this place. RAILROAD RATES. BAKER & FOLSON lakers of Happy Homes eveland and Crescent BICYCLES Kept a Large Number Away From the Log Rolling at Pendleton. Walla Walla, Wash., April 22. (Special). A large number of Wood men who had intended to attend the log-rolling at Pendleton today have failed to leave the city, not more than a score of men and a number of wo men attending the gathering from this city. One reason advanced is rail road rates which seem to have dis criminated against this city. On Sun day, a special train was run for the ball games at Pendleton and Athena, a flat rate of $1 beingr made, with the privilege of remaining at Athena for the game in the forenoon. Yester day a Bpecial train was made up at Pomeroy for the Woodmen and it was hoped that the' same rate made for tne Dase oan cranKs would be ar ranged for that occasion. However all efforts failed and the special Monday carried a rate of $1.90 against ?1 for the base ball party of Sunday Inasmuch as the Woodmen furnished passengers all along the line from Pomeroy down, it was held by many that the increased rate is a descrim ination and a number refused to go An Unslnkable Ship. Experiments are being made on a new apparatus for use in case of colli- slon on the ocean. By turning a small wheel in the pilot house, twenty air tight doors are instantly closed, and these compartments are more than enough to keep any vessel afloat. If it is a success it will make ocean tra vel as free from danger as Hostetter's Stomach Bitters docs the road through life. It is a splen did tonic free from all in jurious narcotics, and one that the most delicate system can retain. In tho spring when the weather is vari able, it is very beneficial as .it pro tects the system from sudden colds and la grippe. Don't fail to try it. It also ?ures indigestion and dyspep sia, insomnia, headache, nervousness and billiousness. SHOE WINDOW DISPLAY. Represents Typical Home of the Early Invaders of the Unbroken Forest. The days of the hardy pioneer woodmen are vividly portrayed in the display In the window of the Pendle ton Shoe store, for here is erected a typical home of the early Invaders of the unbroken forest. A log cabin with the skins of wild animals stretch ed on the oueside Is tho picture that is presented to view and no wiudow display -along the street can bo said to be moro original or more appropri ate to the occasion. Before the Pen delton Shoe store window, largo groups of Woodmen and Women of Woodcraft have today stood and the comments they have made have been numerous and highly flattering wnue aown tne street don't fail to see this display. DESPOND NT A MAN RECENTLY FROM EAST CUTS HIS THROAT WITH RAZOR. Leaves a Wife and Four Children Without Means of Support: He Was Sick and Fortune Did Not Favor Him. Wnitsburg, Wash.. April 22. F. M'. Hooker, recently from the east and out of funds, yesterday cut his thront with a razor, dying In a few minutes, leaving a wife and four children in straightened circumstances. Hooker took his life whllo tho family was In bed, and, but for his death struggles the man would have been dead before any member of tho family know It. Hooker camo from Essex, Iowa, several months ago and rented a farm4 near town. Sickness and bad luck followed him and he becamo discouraged. Recently he had been ailing, and everything seemed to bo against him. Tho day before tho ter rible ,deed Hooker seemed as usual and went to bed In his usual spirits During tho night ho arose, wont to tho kitchen, snt down in a chnlr, and placing a razor to his throat ended his existence. It Is not known If the dead man carried any lifo Insurance. In Need of Money. All parties knowing themselves in debted tu D. Kemlcr arc hereby noti fied to call and scttlo nt once nnd save costs. D. KEMLEH. 8mo!(e Pride of Umatilla Cigars. BUY YOUR LUMBER AT THE Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St., opp. Court House. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST SS'FARLAND-ST. CLAIR. KEEP YOUR, HEAD UNCOVERED, The Constant Wearing of a Hat Pro pogates Dandruff Germs. There are many men who wear their hats practically all the time when awake, and are blessed with a heavy shock of hair; yet if tho scalps of these same men once become infect ed with the dandruff germs, the para cities would multiply all the quicker for lack of air. Baldness would ensue as the final result. Newbro's Herpl cide kills these germs and stimulates unhealthy hair to abundant growth Herpicide is a pleasant hair dressing as well as a dandruff cure and con tains not an atom of injurious sub stances. Ascent CRESCENT jSOU) ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN Come and See Them B. WELCH, East OregonUn Building Agent PIONEER WOMAN DEAD. line Engine lor Sale e'gasor hVxyt-. JUe engine Xrtth pipe andtfittmgs, oil tanks 'Vq J'i'wg iajuftittiy a few weeks. fwmical andfcamlrantW.tOjbe satisfactory. Price I8 Adam . Oregonitn, Pendleton. Oregon. Her Daughter Goes to Visit Her and Finds Her Dead In Bed. Walla Walla, Wash., April 22. (Special). Tomprrow in this city will occur the funeral of Mrs. Fran ces McBrearty, of Pomeroy, a pioneer of the state, who died alone Saturday nicht. Mrs. McBrearty was 72 years of age and was well-known Jn Garfield county. She was the mother of Mrs. Nellie Scott, wife of ex-Supreme Court Judge Scott, of this state, now residing at New Whatcom. Mrs. Scott arrived at Pomeroy, Saturday night on a belated train, on. a. visit her mother, on emerm flep oW home she found moth:er dead in her bedvhav;ug apparently just passed way. Mrs. McBrearty expected her daughter and had held up wonderful ly in hope of meeting her child again, but when the train failed .to come on the usual time and her daughter did pot come, it is thought the old lady gavei up in despair and suddenly ex pired from old age. She was alone when the end came. HELIX NOTES. Two Wlore Embark Upon the Sea of Matrimony. vii April tvw, at z o'clock p. m., in Pendleton, at the residence of the groom, William C. McFarland and Miss Jennie D. St. Clair were made man and wife, Rev. E. B. Jones, pas tor or tne M. E. Church. South, ofll ujauug. iiie weuuing was a very quiet anair, owing to tho recent deuth of the groom's father, and there were no Invited guests, there being pres ent only a lew intimate friends and relatives of the bride and groom. promptly at 2:15 o'clock p. m., tho nappy couple came forward, without attendants and by the short and beau tmu ritual of the Methodist church, were united in holy matrimony. The groom vvas dressed in the convention- al black, and the bride was charming ly attirea in wlilte silk. After the ceremony the whole com yauy i assured to tne cuning room, where an elegant dinner was served. and partaken of with great enjoyment oy an. jur. and Mrs. McFarland have taken up their residence In the home of tue groom, which has lately been improved ana refurnished. The many friends of the bride and groom wish and predict for them a long and happy lifo tocethor. with rew clouds and much sunshine. For All Kinds of Building Material, Including Doors Windows Screen Doors and Windows Building Paper Lime Cement Brick and Sand And Don't Forget Our Wood Gutters hor Barns and Dwellings 0 (!) WM. GOEDECKE Has opened his Ice Cream Parlors on Court street for the season. The parlors have been nicely re furnished and fitted wp in elegant shape C5 Nasal CATARRH In 1 Us stages there should bo clcmillnc'3. Ely's Crcnia Dnln cleanse, soothe nnd hc-.tls tho illscAfeil lnemlmno. H cures catarrh ami ilrl r Mvny a cold iu the haul quickly. Crcum ltiilm Is plncod Into tho nostrils, spread over tho mombrmio and Is absorbed. Itellef Is Im mediate ami n euro follows. It Is not drylnu dot not produce sneezing, latga Size, 60 emits at Drug gists or by mail; Trial 81.C, 10 cents by malt. ELY mtOTUKUS. 60 Warrcu Street. New Yotk. BEAUTIFUL You get What you buy from us. BIQ Stock of WOOD, COAL, SAND & BRICK. mWi do... Trucking & Transferring. Laatz Bros. Are tho exclusive new pat terns In wall paper wo are show? Ing. Praise Is heard from all who select their paper from us and allow us to do their work. Our workmen do your work right. If you have painting you want done entrust your Job to us aud you will be Batlslled. Murphy, ARTISTIC DECORATOR COURT STREET Popular Books.. OF THE DAY .All tho Now Works which Imvo met Twlth the hearty approval of Hook I.ovois aro at FRAZIER'S. Read This List of the New Books: "Count Hannibal." by StanloyJ. Woyman, "In tho Koij," by Itlolinril Harding lavis. "Tho Killing 1'iiHslon " by Ilotiry Van Dyke". "If I Were KiiiR," by Justin .McCarthy. 'Turry Thou Till I Como." by ueo-go Croly. "The Volvot dlovo," by Henry Beton Meirl lan. "Tho I'lnca of iMtr." by J. A. MUchc-ll. "'IViinitlnir of Puthtir Antlionv." )v rinnrmt Twins Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Mac Rae. Helix. April 21. L. W .Pierce is laying the foundation for Harlan Richmond's "new residence, It looks as if there was something going to happen. t m John McRae, living west of Helix about seven miles, came to town Temperance Lectures. walla Walla. Wash.. Anril 22. (Special). Col. J. R. Holt, a temper ance lecturer of national reputation, is iioming a series of mass meetings in this city, with good success. Last week Mr. Holt held forth nightly at the Baptist church. Sundav evenlnc mass meeting was held at the First Methodist church, and last nicht the .meetings were transferred to the First iresDyterian church In order to so- cure room for the neonle. Almnt arm have signed tho pledge, and a num. oer nave joined the Woman'n fihriR. nan Temperance Union, under whose apspices the meetings are being held The tusetings will continue all this week. " "' - . J At bedtime Itake a pleasaftt herb drink, the next morning I (eel bright and my complexion is better. My doctor says that It acts gently on the stomach, liver and kidneys and Is a pleasant laxative. It is made from herbs, and Is prepared as easily as tea. It Is called Lane's Mediclae. Lane's Family Medicine moves the bowels each day. Price 25c and SOc. For sale by Tallman 9c Co., sole agents. KENTUCKY WHISKEY The Independent Warehouse. Will be open for business, with a competent man in charge, to see that all customers receive prompt, and careful attention. Wool growers .and wheat growers will find it to their Interest to store with this house, where they can ship over either lines of 'road. References, First National Bank. William Caldwell in charge. make Pandiaton Boquet Clfara. 1 Houso With tho Green Shutters," by George by Tout by "Audrey," by Hnry Johnston. DoukIrs. ' I ho nolo- of tho Unconnuorod.1 Walton. "Tho Methods ol Ladv Walderhtirat " rrnucos iinuKsoii miriicu. il k 111.. V..,U1. It I... l.l. lt.A nr. , -u M IMUOIII, U U.UIKUU.UV1UUII IVHIBUa "Cloistering of Uruulu," by Clinton Scollard. "Kato lion not." by Frank It. Stockton. "Up 1'iom Slavery," by llookor T. Wajth Intjton. "D'Arcy of tho Guards," by Louis Kran Shinman. "Jn Suite of All, ' by Kdna I, rail w fTHllfnrlillrv Tnlia " tiv M "New Canterbury Tales, leu, by Maurlco How- "Ifcstir Blair." hr William Henry Carson. "Anticipations," by William Hunry Carson. "A Housh Parly." by Joioph Hallworth. "Arilne Vallre," by Joseph Haliworth. "Life's I.lttls Ironies," by Thomas Hardy. "81mon Dale." bv Anthony.'HoiM). "The Kuglo's Heart," by Hamlin Garland. "Norman Holt," by General Charles King. "wnai uappenou to wiggieswortu,1 O. Fuller. by W. If You Want to Buy or Sell ieid by jdMM MoiiillDT The Louvre Saloon OBM4JSJ PBNDLKTON f 118.S00 for a rraierlBtloB. Tfce Urate sbh ever paid for a prescription ehaaced baads la Ban FraaeUeo August 80 IMI. Tbe transfer inrolved la cola an4 stock HliM aa was paid by a yartjel bMlaeaf MB for a specific for Bright 's PiseaM aa4 Cla betea, hitherto Incurable dilutes. Thar commenced tat careful larettlf atlas of tea tstaise Koresafcer U, ,1C. They inter ftawad aeerta af tha earad and triad it anion tta taatlta by fatHag arar three datta aaeat eatkt tfaatmeat and watching tbtat. Thty aiea gat aayaielaiif to uw chrenle, iaeantMa latte, and adilaittatad It with the paraUUu lar iadgta. Dp to August 17, tlghtr-MTta aat saai at tha teat eaaaa wars aUur wU at mitaattg laracahly, Tkete atiaa hwt thirteea par aeat al lallaraf. taa aarttta wets ta titled aad tltttd the toana satlaa. The ptatttdlast al the taYtatlajaalaaj ttttilUtt aad the allnleal reparta ol taa teat taata wata paMitatd aad wiU aa ataUU free ftppaattiaa. AddMat Jaajr J. wwnm Com Hmr,m Umtytmmr It. . lea rrtatttto, Oat. A A A A A A A A house lot farm horse cow iPlano dog wagon OR ANYTHING ELSE Put an add In tfca, classified columns f the Eait Oregontatn, aitktrc hi n otKr means el securing great an audience to your needs aa, through the coIhsm ef this paper. Everybody hrabout md it. Don't youl