East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 22, 1902, Image 2

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    MM.1V JlJlwiU
It will fee to yotff advantage .
Out stock is the latgest freshest.and most select
Oar prices-are always money, savers
"Men's suits worth
$ 9.50
- ivien s suiis -wui m . . .
fnntr wnrctpH RllitS WOftll 12.0. OUC PHCC .JU.UU
II hi Men'sfancy worsleU suits worth 15,00 pur price 12.50
"VVe .ire the friend of
Advertisers of Racts
j2 TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1902.
The report current several days ago
that Nanning In Fu Kwangsi pro
vince, was taken by rebels proves un
true. The city is still safe, al
though the rebels continue to besiege
,rfThe Supreme Court at Washington
handed down decision Monday giv
ing state of Washington the right to
file suit against Northern Securities
Company. Case will at once be filed
and date set for a hearing.
'. Fltzsimmons has posted $2,500 as
a. forfeit and wired Jeffries asking
him his opinion of the Natonal Sport
ing club's bid of $15,000. "Leave it
all to you, go ahead and get the
best bids," said Fltz., to Jim.
At Chicago, Monday there was a
drop in the price of cattle of 10 cents
k hundred pounds. However, this
fall did not affect the price of dressed
beef. Receipts were unusually heavy
which is given as tbo cause of the
drop in the market.
Grover Flint testified Monday before
the senate Philippine committee that
he had seen the infliction of the water
cure on Filipinos at least twenty
times. In some cases the victims
were rendered unconscious and, he
said, in one case death resulted.
The transport Burford which left
Manila for San Francisco Sunday re
turned Monday with a case of cholera
on board. There have been thirteen
hundred cases reported in the islands
since the epidemic began, of which
411 were in Maniln, with 319 deaths
in Manila and G25 in the provinces.
Two masked men Monday morning
went through the freight train, west
of Ogden, on the Southern .Pacific,
held up 15 Italians, and two stockmen
who were beating their way, got $52
from the two Americans and an aver
age of $5 from the Italians then the
holdups dropped off the train satis-
fled with the harvest.
State Supremo Gourt at Phlladel
phia reversed the decision of the court
of common pleas in the case of La-
joie vs. National League Baseball As
soclatlon. This decision upholds the
validity of the reserve clause in the
national league contracts. If this de
cision stands, it affects all players
who were subject to the reserve rule
and who jumped to the American
The will of the late Dr. T. De Witt
Talmage was admitted to probate in
Washington, Monday. It gives all
books of authorship of testator and
their copyright to his son Frank, to
manage and superintend for U10 fam
ily; one- third to be given the widow
and tho remainder to the children,
Bharo and share alike. Similar dispo
sition was made of the remainder of
the estate.
Lieutenant Edward S. Farrow, of
1877-78 Indian war fame, is oxnected
to arrive in Baker City .this week to
promote tne winding or a railroad
from that place to tho Seven Dovlls.
Schon Bachlor was instantly killed
near Grants Pass by T. J. aibson. In
a dispute ovor a small strip of land.
Bachlor was in Grant's Pass Thurs
day, and stopped at Merlin on tho
way home. At that time ho made
threes against Gibson's life.
Tho board of trustees, of tho Oregon
State Reform School has brought suit
against the Royal Insurance company
and tho Hartford Insurance company
to recover on a contract of Insuranco
on tho building burned at tho reform
school on December 18 1901, tho
companies refuse to pay on the
ground that tho property burned was
not covered by tho policies.
Take laxatlTO Ilrouio Quinine Tablet. A' I
drurelets refund the nmnoylflt Mils to cure.
X. W. Grove' signature U on (Mb box. aoo.
our price $ 7.00
your .pocket book
Hotel arrivals.
The Pendleton.
13. L. Deputy, St. Paul.
C D. Richardson, Walla 'Walla.
R. W. Fulton, Portland.
Miss Mollle Shaw, North Powder.
'C. A. Cotton, Chicago.
J. F. Moyers, La Grande.
Mrs. J. M'. Berry ,La Grande .
Mrs. T. V. Murphy, La Grande.
H. Thanhouser, San Franclco.
N. D. Knettle, Pomeroy.
Dr. O. J. Croup, Walla Walla.
C. J. Dashine, Portland.
F. S. M'cMahan, Portland.
T. B." Johnson. Portland.
A. S. Williams, San Francisco.
Miss Darden, Spokane.
J. J. Burns, Portland.
T. W. Jackson, Portland.
Miss Laura Downs, North Powder.
J. M. Shaw, Union.
L. D .Reaves, La Grande.
Mrs. I. L. Richardson, La Grande.
Mrs. J. C. Gullany, La Grande.
E. H .Caton.
C. J. Freese, Walla Walla.
F. R. Candish.
II. W. Holm, Portland.
L. A. Baker, Portland.
D. M. Lewis, Now York.
W. E. Temple, Portland.
W. R. Frory, Portland.
W. Scott, Portland.
A. S. Hertfield, Spokane.
M. C. Shields, Seattle.
Otto B. Frank, Dayton.
M. F. Lantz, Pennsylvania.
J. H. O'Neill. Portland.
Mrs. Frery, Portland.
T. S. LeGraw, Athena.
C. M. James, Baker City.
Charles H. Miller, Echo.
P. I. Packard, Portland.
J. vB. Messick, Baker City.
The Golden Rule.
Bert Applegate, Spokane.
M. J. Gleason.
Dan Callahan.
Jennie Grass, Athqna.
G. W. Bradley, Athena.
Ed Zimmerman, Athena.
B. J. Zerta, Athena.
Mary Baker, Athena.
Mrs. Mary Schrimff, Athena.
Mrs. Stella Keen, Athena.
Mrs. H. O. Worthlngton, Athena.
Mrs. J. A. Henry, Athena.
Mrs. Wright, Athena.
Mrs. Buel, Athena.
John Munson and wife, Athena.
Mrs. Fred Grass, Athena.
T. P. Masloy and wife, Athena.
P. Strempf and wife, Athena.
C. T. Smith and wife, Athena.
W. M. Barker and wife, Athena.
Arthur Scott, Athena.
J. N. B. Gerking, Athena.
D. A. Plnkorton nnd wife, Athena.
Mrs. Parker, Athena.
Cass Cannon and wife, Athena.
G. D. Faster and wife, Athena.
W. Bush and wife, Athena.
Professor Henry, Athena.
Bert Kerby, Athena.
Albert Bales, Athena.
H. O. Worthlngton. Athena.
F. E. Page, Athena.
Charles Lovell, Athena.
York Dell, Athena.
Ned Tracy, Athena.
Fred Fischer, Athena.
E. D. Hatch, Athena.
E. L. Smith, Athena.
Charles Keen, Athena.
Tumor Callander, Athena.
A. M. .Johnson, Athena.
A. II. Johnson, Athena.
Ebern Luna, Athena.
Clayton, Luna, Athena.
J. J. Sterett, Walla Walla.
David McCarty, Echo.
A. E. Shick, Athena.
Anna Rust, Helix.
L. A. Githons, Athena.
Leo Cunningham, Portland.
A. J. Hall, Spokane.
Win. J. Mooro. Spokane.
Sam Lee, Spokane.
C. L. Donner, Spokamj.
E. L. Smalloy, Milton.
V. M'. Schick, and wlfo; Athena.
Mrs. C. G. Sargent and slstor, Athe
C, L. Barnett and wife, Athena.
J. C, Calvin and wlfo, Rrescott.
C. A. Korben, Ohlcago.
O. Jackson, La Grande.
'E.0. Chambers nd . wife, Bakor
Will Mot Elect 'Governor this Year
But Balance of State Officials;
Plenty of Candidates for Offices
Except that of Secretary of State.
Indianapolis, April 22. The repub
lican state convention will begin its
sessions in Tomlmson hall tomorrow
afternoon, and today the lobbies of
the principal hotels are the scene of
political activity, particularly that of
tha TJenlson where' the candidates
have their headquarters. The dele
gates alone will number 1.700 -and
with the alternates and other visitors
an enormous crowd is expected to be
oil hnnd. -Nearly all 'members of the
Indiana, delegation !to congress are
here talcing an -active part in. the
pre-convention campaign. Indiana
does not elect a governor this year,
but does elect nearly all the other
state officers, Including secretary of
state, auditor, treasurer, attorney-
general, clerk of the supreme court
and superintendent of public instruc
tion. With the single exception of secre
tary of state there are plenty of can
didates for all the offices to bo filled.
Daniol E. Storms of Lafayette, is a
candidate for the head of the ticket
and appears to have no opposition.
For the other places on the ticket the
following are the leading candidates
thus far announced: For auditor of
state, David E. Sherrick of Hamilton
county. Frank H. Doran of LaPorte.
Frartk M Martin of 'Boone, and
James R. Henry of Owen. For state.
treasurer, John W. Dyer of Lake, Ja
cob Joel of Montgomery, Thomas B.
MHHkan of Henry, and Nat U. Hill of
Monroe. For attorney general, Chas.
W. Millor of Goshen,. Grif D. Dean of
Grant, Merrll Moore, of Marion, Ward
H. Watson of Clark, J. W. Wilson of
Pike, and Martin W. Fields of Gib
son. For clerk of supreme court, Ed
ward V. Fitzpatrick of Jay, J. C. Hat
field of Wells, E. E. Neal of Hamil
ton, and R. A. Brown of Johnson.
For superintendent of public instruc
tion, Titus E. Kinzie of St. Joseph,
George Worley of Kosciusko, F. A.
Cotton of Henry, and W. S. Monroe
of Posey. For judge of supreme court,
John H. Gillett of Lake For state
statistical B. F. Johnson of Benton.,
For judge of appellate court, Frank
S. Roby of Steuben, U. Z. Wiley of
Benton, W. J. Henly of Rush, Daniel
W. Comstock of Wcyne, W. D. Robin
son of Gibson, and Gibson, and
James B. Black of Marlon.
The opening formalities will oc
cupy tomorrow and no candidates
will be chosen until the following day.
Chairman Goodrich of the state cen
tral committee will call the state con
vention to order and will introduce
Senator Beverldge, who will act as
temporary chairman and will deliver
the keynote speech. Senator Fair
banks will be the permanent chair
man and be introduced by Senator
Beveridge. He, too, will deliver a
keynote speech. This will be the
first convention on record with iwo
keynote speeches, but this is made
necessary because of the rivalry be
tween the two senators and the neces
sity for playing both up equally be
fore the convention.
War Correspondents to Dine.
New York, pril 22. The grand
dining saloon of the American line
steam ship St. Paul will be the scene
this evening of one of the most novel
banquets over held in this city. It
will bo the fourth annual banquet of
the scociety of the Caribbean, the or
ganization of the war correspondents
who participated in the Cuban and
Porto Rican campaigns. The ban
can war and also the anniversary of
of tho opening of tho Spanish-Ameri
can war and also the aniversary of
the placing in commission as a Unit
ed States warship of the St. Paul
Men representing newspapers all
over the country will be present, men
who have reported many wars, from
the veterans who followed Grant and
Sherman to those who have won dis
tinction in later days in Cuba, Porto
Rico, the Philippines, South Africa
and China. '
Henry Clay's Nelce Weds.
Paris, ICy., April 22. Auvergne,
near this cltv. is to ba the scene nf n
notable wedding this evening. The
contracting parties will bo MJss Suo
Clay, daughter of Cassius Marcellus
Clay, Jr., and nelco of Henry Clay,
tho "Great Commoner," and Dr.
Goodman, of Loudon, England. While
visiting friends in England two years
ago Miss Clay became ill. Dr. Good
man was called In and it was a case
of lovo at first sight. Af,ter tho mar
riage the couple will proceed to
Cairo, Egypt, whore Dr. Goodman Is
located as corps surgeon In tho Eng
lish army.
Counterfeiter Released.
Atlanta. Ga.. Anril 22. T. IC. Hull
the only man sentenced to tho state
penitentiary by the state courts for
tho crimo of coimterfoitlnir. wan rrv-
leased today by ordor of tho prison
commission. Hall has served four
years I ntho mines of Cole city. Coun
terfeiters are luvariably dealt with
by tho federal courts and just 'why
tho particular case of Hall was Irariil
led by the state courtB has tt'eVerf been
oxjlalned to tho prison ' officials;" "
WorcHMWr, ;" ,any.
thousand P8S of Toti n'nonco, 1
bv Bishop rouer, ui ------
Siop. .liwrence, of Ma ettj
and Burgess ot i.u"s J" r
the candidate :ui i v.
byters- were the Rev. Dr. Le Is Jit on
i nnotnn nm tlip Rov. onanes
T.' Whittemore, of Dorchestei.
To Discuss Sunday School Work.
..........i-. w vn. Anril 22.
The West Virginia state Suuda
.. l..l-.-itrr IrQ
School association is cuibuhiuus
i.i.ninv with tho largest
convention in its history. During tho
day delegates and otner viaum
..it nrt nf the state
arriveu uum an
and It is estimated that when the con-
vention is formally openeu im -"
ing there will be m attendance sev
eral hundred. The program for the
tho three days' sessions contains
many features, including talks by
Marion Lawrence and other Sunday
school workers of national promi
nence, An excellent musical pro
gram has been prepared also.
stat eof ohio, city of toledo
Lecas County. s . . .
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is the
senior partner of the firm of F.J. Chetiey Co.,
doing business In the city of Toledo, county
and state aforesaid, nnd that sald.flrm will pay,
tho sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and
every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
tho use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my
presence this Cth day of December, A.
j seal, i lm- A w. GLKASON,
v. Notary 1'ubUc.
Hall's- Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and
acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
ottnesystem. tsena ior u'sumuuiam, ncu.
r. J. ii J i a iukuu. uuim.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are tho best.
Wisconsin Elks Organize.
Ashland. Wis., April 22. The move
ruent for the organization of the local
lodges of Elks of .Wisconsin into a
state body will probably be consum
mated at the meeting which began
here today under the auspices of the
Ashland branch of the order. The
Elks now number mure than C'l'O'1 ,'i
Wisconsin and it is believed that the
interests of the ordor can be proniot
ed by a stronger affiliation of tho var
ious branches. Similar state bodies'
have been formed in other states and
the Wisconsin organization will be
patterned after them.
Smoke Pride of Umatilla Cigars.
& CO.
Reliable Druggists
Association Block.
Sheet Iron and Copper
Work..,, Special Attention
tq Job Work.... Roqfing
Iand,,Guttering;..All Work
Guaranteed. : : : ;
Shop: Cottonwood Street, Opposite
St. jqe Sore, Near Court St.
rr Strength and fl
Pleasure Drink .11
Polydore Moens, Proprietor,
-X- -X- ?,! 'X- ' '
Hot Air Blast. An All Cast Iron Heating Furnace; Durable, Power)
sold by w. G. McPHERSON,
iiu-ir residences. i
-' . i
Ane ;onn Darcett company Vr
Tl. ... . .. . . ' .1 -
li! "!w. c?.n n.cvcr.. be a r v cpti s
uv v muiii never we
known unless It advertises'
"uneu xmiioyi aeea'jKye na iearaiess.;uriBj'.
L i!
-Blocb Clothim
Have you seen them ? You ought
to if you intend getting a suit
made. See them and you will be
n or M
mm m gorjx
It I
Heating and Ventilating, Engineer
47 First Street PORTLAND, OREGOi
N. H. These fiiiiifc-bos are recommended' by J?.,E. Judd, C. SJadl
son. V. Ji. 'Clop-ton, H. L. Hexter, F. C, Taylor, who have tliemjl
.Ti HfTavcirit aftjIflB nil nil OS
objeots of utility and beauty in
Catalogue of Mantels
Electric fixtures, lamps, w
Chandeliers, globes, etc.
Will furnish original deaigns ft
lng, wood work or mantles free,
cial designs for fitting up 'saloon.;
timateB furnisnea free.
nannlC to knOW !
In sell II yuM
To make good bread'-riso Byera' B at FJoar. It took fit
premium at tlie Chicago World?a,Fair over all competi
Uou, and gives excellent1 satisfaction wherever ueea.
Evory sack is guaranteed. We have tho beat Htenro
W.S.',ByERS, Proprietor.
u! lit
1 li" t. :i!X j , y , l