East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 21, 1902, Image 2

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"" mF 555
It will be to yotir advantage
Oar stock isthe largest freshest and most select
Oar prices are always money savers
Men's suits worth $ 9.5 our Pnce $ J
Men's suits worth , 10.50 our price ...... 8.00
Men's fancy worsted suits worth 12.50 our price 10.00
Men's fancy worsted suits worth 15.00 our price 12.50
We are the friend of your pocket book
Advertisers of Facts
MONDAY, APRIL 21, 1902. ,
Omaha was selected as the. next
place of meeting of the National Ed
ltorlal Association.
Leprosy has developed to such an
alarming extent in some parts of
Nicaragua that children are kept off
the streets and other puunc places.
The first wheat ship to reach Eng
land under the new taxation regula
tions, the German ship Henrietta,
from San Francisco, arrived in Tync.
American wheat on board the vessel
will have to pay a duty of 660 sterl
ing. The ilarnuis of Downshire was
granted a divorce in London Satur
day, because of the misconduct of the
marchioness, who was Miss Hare,
with Captain Joseph Laycocfc. of the
yeomanry. The case was not defend
ed, counsel for the co-respondent ad
mitting the truth of the charges
While a number of young people
were returning from a dancing party
early Sunday morning at Greens
mirgh, Pa., they were held up by two
masked highwaymen. When they re
sisted the highwaymen opened fire.
Alexander McNnugHt and Frank Mc-
Quillis wore shot dead. The robbers
The district attorney in the criml
nal court at Denver, filed information.
against the proniolorc nmi managers
of the Denver Coursing Club, charg
ing them with cruelty in chasing and
mutilating rabbits, and also with hav
ing interfered with, assaulted, hi di
ed and beaten S. M. Whitehead, "f
the Humane Society, who sought to
prevent the coursing.
Mrs. A. I. Cox, of Abilene, Texas,
has identified the man killed by Offi
cer Pink Taylor at San Antonio, as
her son, Orland Cahillo Hanks, an al
leged train robber. On the body of
the dead man were found bank bills
ot a national bank in Montana, Iden
tified as money. taken from the Great
Northern express train at Wagner,
Mont., on July 3, 1901.
The most important amendment
to the bankruptcy bill before cono
gress which has been reported favor
ably, is one which will allow corpo
rations to become voluntary bank
rupts with the provision that this
Bhall not release the corporation of
ficers and stockholders from individ
ual liabilities under state or federal
laws. Numerous changes are made
Jn bankruptcy procedure and methods.
The Pendleton.
C. H. Hunter, San Francisco.
W. It. Glendening, Spokane.
Ed C. Watt, Kansas City.
T. E. Raster, Portland.
C. O. Delphlne, Walla Walla.
E. B. Comnn, Portland.
J. H, Klockman, Portland.
George Stevens, Spokane.
J. W. Minto, Portland.
George Harris, Portland.
E. C. Sidles, Spokane.
Z. K. Straight, Walla Walla.
Charles Bloom, Duluth.
H. C. Schade, Portland.
J. F .Nylander, Portland.
F. E. Skyes, Portland.
M. .1. Russell, Portland-
F. J. Ginger, Spokane.
J. F. Melcher, Starbuck.
G. S. Youngman, Portland.
W. T. Hislop, Portland.
F. R. Candish, Weiser.
M. S. Mbntelth. Portland.
Andrew Nylander, Portland.
J. C. Gorman. Walla Walla.
D. Shea, Walla Walla.
Joseph M'cCabe, Walla Walla.
J. A. Best and wife, Weston.
R. H .Caston, Spokane.
C. W. McKean, Walla Walla.
C. M. Smith. Portland.
W. W. Thorn, Walla Walla.
P. R. Ruben, Chicago.
Mrs. Minnie DePeatt, Athena.
William Maher, Portland.
D. Shults, Spokane.
O. A. Smith, city.
D. L. Rosenfleld, Portland.
Lee F. Ferguson, Walla Walla.
Eugene peoplo have subscribed
?30,000 to build an opera house.
A squadron of the Third Cavalry
Is to be stationed at Walla Walla.
.The order was given last Saturday.
Orlaw Cowles. a laborer. w:is
.thrown from a scow at Vancouver,
into the Columbia and drowned, In
operating a derrick.
Enterprise Lodge No. 1533. I. O. O.
F., Enterprise, Wallowa county, $300;
IT. S. Cook, L. Bealand, Sam Litch,
Las. filed articles of Incorporation
.with the secretary of state at Salem.
Some of the citizens of Baker City
rebel against the spltting-pn-the-slde-.walks
ordinance -in that citv. declar
ing" it denies them an old-time
privilege, but the ordinance Is being!
eniorcea, nevertheless.
A bird-lovers' snolpfv. similar
Jtbo'John Burroughs' Society of Pprt-'
land, was organized at Salem Satu'
day night. The. president is A. P.'
Hofer, Jr and the secretnry is Mrs.)
u. b. Hamilton.
Andrew Keller, together with yV ' " ,n Need of Money.
Carman, the Pacific Express Com-' A11 parties knowing themselves In
pany's messenger at The .Dalles, was debted to D. Keraler are hereby notl
severely injured Saturday, by the? fall fled ;tocall and sottleat once and
of an unfinished elevator in the -new sveV coats. D. KEMLER,
office of the express company in that
city- Keller's aukle wns broken. 6moks-Pride ,of Umatilla Cigars.
The Golden Rule.
R. D. Jones and wife, Chicago.
Charles Shields. Chicago.
W. R. Campbell, Chicago.
F. N. Churchill, Chicago.
Mrs. Stevens, Boise.
P. Mitchell, Portland.
Mrs. M. L. George, Eugene.
R. B. Hayhurst, Portland.
William J. Moore, Spokane.
A. Vaughan, Spokane.
Charles J. Powell, Kellogg.
W'illiam Folsom.
Mrs. Z. E. La Fare, Waltsburg.
Peter O'Reilly, Dakota.
Otto Frlednch and family.
Jesse Moore and daughter. Echo.
O. F. Thompson. Butter Creek.
Frank Hopkins, Cayote.
C. Cunningham. Portland.
Charles Carroll, Spokane.
T. Teel, Echo.
J. Helfrich, St. Paul.
Mrs. D. S. Hart. Walla Walla.
Mrs. u. Grolnn, Walla Walla.
Benton Mays, Lostine. .
O. F. Mays, Lostine.
Mrs. J. H. Hays. Saratoga. '
Mrs. Angle, Iowa.
M. P. Sailors, St. Louis.
Richard Abell, Meacham.
Jack Marvin, city.
Minnie Colwell, Los Angeles.
A. Hopson, Milton.
O. M. Cameron, Milton.
Joe Talbot and wife, Walla Walla.
J. H. Jones, Walla Walla.
Thomas Smith. Walla Walla.
Miss Stevenson. Walla Walla.
Miss Thomas, Walla Walla.
A. L. Hopson, Milton.
F. W. Osborn and wife, Walla
Sadie Dewier. Watla Walla.
F. Dewier, Walla Walla .
L. W. .Mitchell. Walla Walla.
C. M. .'Price, Weston. '
Dan Paul, Coulee City.
Waltor Cadman and wife, Walla
Mrs. S. E .Myers. Walla Walla.
Jessie Martin, Walla Walla .
J. J,. Hayfleld and family. Walla
D. Henrich and wife, Walla Walla.
J. .T. W.lthrow, Walla Walla.
Ole Weckham, Lostine.
C. J. Kerriclr, Walla Walla.
D. Nichols.
R. McGhee, city.
G. L. McGlbbon, Butto.
Regarding Reclamation of Arid Lands
Under the Carey Law and the Ore
gon Arid Land Law; How Arid
Land May be Reclaimed.
The state laud board and the at
torneys for Irrigation companies have
at last agreed upon a form of con
tract which shall be used In agree
ments to be made for the reclama
tion of arid land under the Carey act
and the Oregon land law, says the
Portland Oregouian. There are sever
al points upon which the irrigation
companies and the members of the
state land board differed. Some of
these were satisfactorily adjusted,
and the others have been settled, pre
sumably with satisfaction to all con
"Under the contract now to be given
the "irrigation companies will be per
mitted to take posession of the arid
land and reclaim it. In the case of
large tracts they will have 10 years
in which to complete the work, but
in the case of small tracts the time
that may be deemed reasonable will
be designated. Work must be com
menced within six months after the
contract is signed, and at least ten
per cent of it must be completed in
the first year. Ail expense of recla
mation must be paid by the company
accepting the contract, and for its
re-imbursement the company is given
the land for the cost of reclamation
as estimated by the state engineer.
Water for Irrigation.
It is provided that the annual
charge for water for irrigation pur
poses shall be fixed by the state land
.board; that the company shall main
tain the canals, latterais and works
in good condition, and furnish water
during the irrigation season, according
to such reasonable rules and regula
tions as the company may adopt;
provided, however, that the rules re
garding the distribution of water
shall be supject to the approval of
the board.
Each subdivision of the land re
claimed must bear such proportion of
the entire lien as its value bears o
the value of the whale tract. The
clause regarding sales to settlers is
as follows:
It is further agreed between the
parties hereto that the date of the ex
ecution of the contract between the
secretary of the interior and the
state of Oregon any bona fide set
tler who is a citizen of the United
States, or who has declared his inten
tion to became such, -desires to settle
upon or become the purchaser of
not more than ICO acres of the land
set aside and described herein, shall
sign an agreement in duplicate with
the party of the first part (the irri
gation company) one copy of which
shall be filed with the state land
board, and when such applicant shall
file his resease of lean for reclama
tion, the deed of conveyance to him
from the state will be issued without
further payment.
State Engineer G. L. Dillman is now
in eastern Oregon, examining land ,
for the reclamation of which, appli
cation has been made. He will esti
mate the cost of reclamation and re
port to the board, whereupon con
tracts will be entered into with the
irrigation companies.
Location of Largest Tracts.
Crook county contains the largest
tracts for which application for re
clamation has been made. A tract
in the central part of Crook county
comprises about 80,000 acres. The
.contract for reclamation has been ap
plied for by the Pilot Butte Develop
ment company, of which A. M. Drake
is president. ,In the proceedings be
fore the state land board the company
has been represented by A. King
Wilson. Another tract, ly'tg part in
Crook county and part in Klamath
county, comprises 78,000 aces. The
Oregon Development company cf
which J. E. Morson is president, is
asking for the contract for the deel
opment of this large tract of land.
C. M, Idleman, attorney for the com
pany, was before the state land,
board last week, presenting the,
claims of his company.
The land which these companies
propose to reclaim is vaCSP1 "Vorn-
ment land, and not state land. The
state can acquire It by reclaiming it.
enter Into contracts for he rjcta.
tiou of anu ia. ' , :, .vn-ks
panics building the irrig it Ion 1 0 .ks
naylug ail the expenses and haung ; a
tion is iu uc 10 . . Ynppt.
by the state engineer, uu " i
ed the cost will be $10 to ?12.o0 per
Total of Applications.
Applications have been filed asking
for contracts for the reclamation of
more than 200,000 acres. The tracts
mentioned are of the most important
now under consideration, for the rea
son that the land is now lying unused,
mul It is believed that, by he con
struction of irrigating ditches, the
land can be made very lv
Water for irrigating purposes will be
taken, from the Deschutes river or
small tributaries, and conduce J
through long canals around the up
. r iit watered.
per part 01 mc utw i
If these enterprises should proe
succesful eastern Oregon, and Crook
i-lit rpiMMVO
COUIlty in iiaruLinai,
such an industrial impetus as has
1 linfnrn
never ueen iu.n uvw-.
Shot in His Left Leg.
For all kinds of sores, burns, bruises,
or other wounds DeWitt's Witch Ha
zel Salve Is a sure cure. Skin diseases
vield to it at once. Never fails in case
'of piles. Cooling and healing. None
genuine but DeWitt's. Beware of
counterfeits. "I suffered for many
years by a gunshot wound in my left
leg." says A. S. Fuller, English, Ind.
"It would not heal and gave me much
trouble. I used all kinds of remedies
to no purpose until I tried DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve. A few boxes
cured me. Tallman & Co. and Brock
& McComas,
It you tiaren't a regular, lialthr morement of tlx
boweti arery tlay, you'r III or will be Kep you!
bowels open, aadtM well. Force, in the fbapeof .no
tentpliTVloor iIIIioIom,Ij dbnirvrous. The mooth
Wt.eulett. luoit perfect way of keeping the bom Hi
tlearand clean la to tabs
D. - . 1 - I . . . 1 . 1 ... t . Tn.lAllnnll TVnfliWI
Soter SicLrii. Weaken, ur .Urlpe. to, a, a nit M renU
per box. Write tor (rMiaample, anu booklet or
bealtu. .JJroui . J3
mtrno nwHtr rosrNT, iwi'ico skit yomv
New Goods that Need Yourltyj
Boys' Corduroy Pants, 3 to J5 yrs, 75c, $1, J.25j,
. r j -r l,,r "Rove Pants i - .
Special jooo y - " '
1W Line Boys' Sliirts : 35c, 40c, 50c, ,
will fce
On Sale'Wednesday
Straw Hats
Crash Hats
0c, 5c, 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c or )
i : : : : 25c or!
Made Excellent Record.
A. D. Stillman, a Pendleton lawyer
who made an excellent record in the
legislature four years ago, has been
chosen as chairman of the democratic
county central committee, succeeding
Col. Baley, who is a candidate for
attorney general against his own
will, but much to the pleasure of oth
ers who admire him and want to vote
for him. Weston Leader.
Men's Uncfe wea on Sale Tt
Btat kof Ohio, City of Toledo j
Lucas County. i
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho is the
senior partner of the firm of F.J. Cheney & Co.,
doing business in the city of Toledo, county
and statu aioresaid, and that Eaid firm will pay
the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and
every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by ,
the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. I
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my i
presence this 6th day of December, A. 1
-v Notary 1'ublic.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and
acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
of-the system. Bend for testimonials, free.
r. j. uiit.ir. i a uu., luieuo, unio.
double seated drawers; an
especially strong value
Sized from 30 to 52
Bold by druggists. 75c,
illy 1'iiis
Hall's Famit
are the hest.
& CO.
Reliable Druggists
Association Block.
suit Darby Rib
Spring Needle
An elastic non-shrinking
garment that will give the
wearer entiie satibf action
A SUIT. White or
Salmon. A new fabric
that is suited to ten
der skin
Imported Lisle
Open mesh at $3 a suit
I $3.00
a Suit
at likeable prices
Colored fit
Balbriggan Jj
and in addition have nil
ural, plain or honeycomlj
$2, $2.50 or $3 a sul
Full chest and hip size
and long legs and slmej
Linen Netted
Ice Cold Shirts and DraJ
$4.50 a Suit
Compare these with "Airteil
Sea Island Cottoi
Alternate stripes blue and whiJ
$3.00 a Suit
Complete bi
Boston Store
B. F.
Sheet Iron and Copper
Work... Special Attention
to Job Work.... Roofing
and Guttering... All Work
Guaranteed. : : : :
Shop: Cottonwood Street, Opposite
St. Joe Store, Near Court St.
To make good bread use Byefa B si Floor. It took flrat
premium at the Chicago World's Jfclr over all competi
tion, and givea excellent satisfaction wherever need.
Every aack is guaranteed. We 'have the beat Steam
Kolled Barley, Seed Bye and Beardless Barley.
W. S. BYERS, Proprietor.
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.