East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 21, 1902, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonight and Tuesday fair; in
dications favornvlo for frost to
night. 5cA
NO. 4414
it i5-
Ler of Grand Officers
un Attendance, laKing
in the Proceedings,
nnl All
,DS HERE rnvm
H program for Tuesday
; Many Racing Events, for
, prizes Will Be Given.
li .. j lnir.rnlllnfr Inhi-
fit oi and Pendleton presents
!w" ... The nrocram for
t published In Saturday's
been and is be-
E out' to the letter. Hund-
"of visiting wooamen uuu nu
' i nrrnft nro In Pendleton
towns for many.
lifog many from uauer uuy, x-u.
a. MYier nlncfia alone the
me auu v.v. l
n tiP. hcsides a large crovd
L from Walla Walla, Waits-
, Dayton and Pomeroy ana otner
s in Washington.
wiiv linnri Ik here, and at the
il of the 5:10 train from the
rcppntlnn committee with
band met the visiting neighbors
In and escorted them to
IDow hall. At the arrival of the
er City train the same proceed-
I were repeated.
Grand Officers Here.
pe following grand officers had
si up to noon today and were
lalned hv helnc driven about
city. J. L. Wright, grand clerk,
CTille, Col.; airs. F. A. Fauten
nast erand euarillan. Denver.
p llrs. J .C. Lotscham, grand
iger, uenever, uoi.: Mrs. Aura
kins, efanrt mnmnror Tnlerln.
Mrs. P. P. Pardillian, grand
ftger, Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. Cora
son, grand manager, Pullman,
v, lr, Lillian, bollock, grand
uenver, uoi.; ur. wuuam
Eugene, Or.; Mrs. Mary -L.
.sc.. HHnilTV frOTlil iriifirri nn
Or.; Mrs. Kate B. Hills, special
ii; grana guaraian, L,eaavllle,
mi. Or.; Mts. M. G. Hailey,
1 banker. Portlnmi Dp
Program for Tuesday.
( ""I'nuil Jt. UQIgUUUlO
S from the west by reception
mtee, neighbors and Athena
wuu. escort to LaDow hall.
km. Reception of neighbors
"I U'Om tllfi pnct I... rani:Mi
(l , " i'J IO(,?;iUU
wee at o. t? x- w onnf
1 CJ nelehhnro on,! A n,.,
amps brass band at court house,
- n no
!:Sfeld,.eames and sPorts on
? street b'etwpon ht-i- j
fo t , """" auu
streets until ii? nwnni.
V ..V.l
O. Frefi ota.,i i. ...
ion, . "WEuiiucon enier-
adults , ttt;cpamment.
J and visitors only, ending
'f an hnnr in t-,.
ieaad6R ,;t,,'"iCi""BSlon' Streot
bands playing In various parts
i:fel!LLnclors arriv-
from Milton 0f."?e' eleb:
Dow hall a- i!'scort
h V;p?nln5 of doors of
,B by till,1? general Pc
, Pendleton camp brass
of welcome
bright Zen,koy OIthe city
a.nd clerk. W. O.
ICtt. r ! ViOIO.. bv TTnn
kC' 0. Hnl " '
ra ... -uihb. Hnn Q a
Institution of Bunch-Qrass- Circle
Women of Woodcraft and installU-
tion of officers, by Bertha N. Sumner,
general organizer. Surrender of
chairs of officers to officers and
guards conferring d egrees Re
sumption of chairs hy office. 3 of
iBunch-Grass Circle. Addresses by
grand officers. Closing ceremony
Adjournment sine die.
Sports and Races.
Judges stand oppposite court house
on AUn street,
First event Chopping contest, op
en to Woodmen only. First prize Stet
son "hat, value $5, donor, The Peoples
Warehouse. Second prize, an ax,
value $1.50, donor, Taylor, the Har.I-
ware man.
Second Event Log sawing con
test, Woodmen only, contestants in
teams, crosscut saws. First prize
cash $2.50, donor, W. O. W. Seco:d
prize, cash $1.50, donor.
Third Event Men's mro 200 yard
dash, open to amatuers only. First
prize, box of cigars (Pride of Umatil
la) value, $5, donor .Pendleton Clgaj
Factory. Second prize, Woodman
pipe, value $1, donor, Koeppen s
Fourth Event Ladies race, 50 yr.1a
dash, open to all. First prize, fur
rug, value $6.50 donor, Jos. Basler.
Second prize, bread plate, fruit dish,
and berry set (all hand painted) val
ue, $5.50, donor Jos. Basler. Thiid
prize, "bottle of perfume, value $1,
donor, Eeppen's Pharmacy.
Fifth Event Bicycle race, 500 yard
dash, amatuers only. First prize, bi
cycle belt, donor, St. Joe Store. Sec
ond prize, bicycle bell, donor, Fred
erick Nblf.
Sixth Event Egg race for ladies
50 years, open to all. First priC;
Ruby glass S'-t, donor, V. Stroble.
Second prize, hair ornament, donor,
Mrs. Rose Campbell.
Seventh Event Three-legged race
boys under 12, open to all. First prize
pocket knife, donor, L. G. Frazifjr.
Second prize, peanuts, Wm. Qoedecke
Eighth Event Foot race- for girl3,
under 12, 50 yards, open to all. First
prize, box of candy, donor, Ralph C.
Ward. Second prize, bushel of cakes,
donor, Martin s Bakery.
Ninth Event Fat men's 50-yard
race, open to all. Contestants mutit
be over 210 pounds. First prize, leg
of mutton, donor, Farmers' Meat
Market. Second prize, 50-pound sack
Byers Best Flour, W. S. Byers.
li?? the da
U,c"r. Athena ,
Wllta'ry ?"c4?xh,Wtlon
'L.CI.oluons by
ft a. - uuiUH. vvnmc
Veaa Camp wStota
3 feSt 2dT?Bt'
T.Hi committee
Jrt?nT camp':
Women of
at O.
ftUBplcee ef
11 n AL.
Republican and Democratic
Forces Are Lining Up for a
Great Political Battle.
City of Pittsburg Takes Fire
and a Panic Among Passen
gers and Crew Followed.
The Demand for Furnish Buttons
Outruns the Supply Republican
Committee of Fourteen Appointed
to Manage Campaign Chamber
lain Speaks at Baker Next Friday.
Portland, April 21. Conference of
the state and congressional demo
cratic ticket held in this city this
W. F. Butcher, candidate for con
gress in the second congressional
district, says: "Republicans gener
ally can see no reason why Moody
was turned down to put up William
son, whose only legislative experi
ence has been locally, where he was
more prolific in introducing bills in
opposition to the laboring classes
and the fishincr Interests than any
other man in the state. I have in
formation from all parts of Eastern
Oregon that republican alssatistac
tion is general and deep-seated."
Demand for Furnish Buttons.
The demand on the republican
committee for Furnish buttons has
broken the record. The first large
consignment is exhausted.
The renublican city and county
central committee is in session this
afternoon. It appointed a committee
of 14 representative republicans to
look after the campaign.
Chamberlain Opens Campaign.
Georee E. Chamberlain, democrat
lr. nominee for Governor. ODens the
campaign, speakinp at Baker City on
Friday next, and at sumpter on bat-
urday. Other dates and places will
be announced later.
Women of Woodcraft Institute An
other Branch of Their Order.
Perfected Woodcraft once more
scores a victory in the institution of
another circle of that popular organ
ization in Haines, with a charter list
of 35 of the leading ladies of that
thriving little city.
The local camp, Woodmen of the
World, has long wanted a circle in
stituted there, and about a week ago
Miss Bertha M. Sumner, general or
ganizer of the order, went to Haines
and perfected the organization. Miss
Sumner returned Friday, highly
pleased with her work and the recep
tion which she received from the
Haines neighbors.
Following is a list of the .officers
she installed: Ida A. Montgomery,
past guardian neighbor; Ella Simon,
guardian neighbor; Elva Hammond,
adviser ; Laura Jarman, banker; No
vella Miller, clerk; Mary B. Toney,
magician; Navora Miller, captain of
guards; Etta O. Carter, attendant;
J. Carter, inside sentinel; W. Balf,
outside sentinel; G. W. Chapman,
musician; C. Francis, M. D., physic
ian; Salem Hammond, W. H. Shoe
maker and Emery Jarman, managers.
Miss Sumner will remain in Pen
dleton until after the log-rolling for
the purpose of instituting and install
ing the officers in Bunchgrass Circle
in this city next Tuesday evening.
Visitors From Baker City.
Among those here from Baker City
in attendance upon the log-rolling,
are W. A. Settle, Frank Casebear, J,
B. Heninger, A, Eichorn, Fred Lan'
dreth. Earl Landreth, Dan Stevenson,
J. Maynard. H. Gilliam and C. W.
James, of Queen City Camp No. 48,
and Mesdames J. B. Boyd; Daniel
Stevens, J. B. Biswell, HT Gilliam,
Eugene Guard -and Kennedy, of Mys
tic Circle No. 24.
The Great Dismal Swamp.
Of Virginia is a breeding ground of
Malaria germs. So is low, wet or
marshy ground everywhere. These
germs cause, weakness, chlllB and
fever, aches in the bones and musc
les, and. may. Induce dangerous ma
ladies. But Electric Bitters never
fall to destroy them and cure maiar
ial troubles. They will surely pre
yeat typhoid. We tried many remedies
for Malarial and Stomach and Liver
troubles," writes John Charleston, of
BysaviUe, O., "but never found any
thin as aood as Electric Bitters'
Impossible to Ascertain as Yet Who
the Dead Are and the Number of
Lives Lost The Steamer Burned
to Water's Edge Searching for the
Cairo, 111., April 21. A blackened,
misshaped wreck, lying on tho Ken
tucky shore, 18 miles above this
city, is all that is left today of the
handsome steamer, tho City of Pitts
burg, which was burned to the
water's edge Sunday morning. The
ruins are still too hot to search for
the entombed bodies. Scores of pas
sengers and members of tho crew
were caught like rats in a trap and
roasted alive. It is still Impossible
to ascertain the actual number of
the dead.
The burning of tho vessel 1b ac
counted as one of the worst river dis
asters in recent years. The panic
that followed the fire was such as
was seldom before witnessed on a
river steamer. The people rushed in
every direction, some jumped
through the windows onto tho deck
and then into the river, not even
stopping to put on life preservers
It is now estimated that about 60
persons perished.
Reported by I. L. Ray A Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers.
Now York, April 21. Tho wheat
market was strong today, influenced
by higher cables, and thoro being no
further rains reported. Liverpool
closed higher, 6 tV4. Now York
sold between S0 and 81, closing
81 Vi. Chicago closed 76. Tho visi
ble supply shows a decreaso for the
week of 2,332,000 bushels.-. Stocks
are lower. ' - .
Closed Saturday, 80.
Opened today, 8U6.
Rango today. 8081Vj.
Sugar, 126,
Steel. i2.
St. Paul. 170.
Union Pacific, 165&.
Their Allegeci Violation Inves
tigated by Colonel Crowder,
Who Makes a Report.
Weather Observer Makes Tour of the
Inland Empire.
Weather Forecast Official F. A.
Beals Is back from! his trip to oast
orn Oregon, says the Portland Tolo
gram. Mr. Benles was gono for a
week, and his tour took him to Pon
dlcton, Weston, La Grande, Wolsor
and Arlington. At all of these places
ho visited tho voluntary woathor ob
serving stations and ascertained tho
needs of each.
At Welser Mr. Beals mado arrange
ments for installing a now river
gunge oin tho Snake river, tho old
guago having been washed away by
an Ice jam last winter. Tho guago Is.
used in taking the measurements of
the rise and fall of tho river, and is
of considerable value to tho depart
ment In making reports of tho rlvor's
heights in tho spring. Tho river has
not risen any to speak of this spring.
Mir. Beals mado somo lengthy in
quiry into tho crop conditions, and
learned that whllo tho season Is
somewhat backward, wheat and fruit
are in a promising state, and with
a Bingle exception no injury from tho
frost has occurred. In Umatilla tho
wheat was badly frozen out last win
ter, but a now crop has been seeded
and it has a good start, so tho farm
ers in that section aro qulto hopeful.
Baroness Burdett-Couts, the Million
aire Philanthropist, Reached Her
88th E Mr day.
London. Anril 21. Baronexs Bur-
dett-Coutts, the millionaire philan
thropist was showered with congrat
ulations today on having reacnea ner
88th birthday. There were a number
of callers at her residence, all of
whom were received, and welcomed,
although the health of the baroness
has not been of the best during the
past year. King Edward's congratu
lations, In the form ot an autograpn
letter, were delivered by special mes
senger. The baronesB is looking for
ward eagerly to the approaching' cor
onation, which she hopes to attend,
as did she attend the crowning of
"Queen Victoria.
It Is now more than a score or
years since the baroness created sur
nrlse bv takintr for a helpmate the
present Burdett-Coutts, who was Wil
liam Lehmar Ashmeaa uaruett, ror
some time her private secretary, She
wns 67 and he 29. but in the Inter
vening years ho has aged relatively
. . A -k A AAA
far more than she. He nas zuu,wu
a year settled on him.
Railroad Nearing Completion.
Kansas City, Mo., April 21. Tho
Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad
Company has completed its tracklay
ing to Galena, Kan., eight miles from
Joplin, and expects to have tho Jop
lin extension completed this week.
A large force is working on the line,
putting down rails and ties and
building bridges and culverts. The
road will use the Missouri Pacific for
the present and will begin running
trains on the Joplin branch some
time this month and compete for the
business of tho zinc mining district
which ships in immense quantities of
coal and sends out many carloads of
ore every week.
To Honor Lord Kelvin.
New York,, April 21. Tho Ameri
can Institute' of American Engineers
and other scientific societies of New
York will unite this evening in giv
ing a reception in honor of Lord Kel
vin, past president of the Royal So
ciety, and ono of the foremost of
England's men of science, who came
to this country to attend the installa
tion of President Nicholas Murray
Butler, of Columbia University.
As Reported by William Hilton, the
Local Weather Observer.
Weather Observer William Hilton
has received his new minimum tem
perature weather register and
through hl3 courtesy the East Ore
gonian is able to give a full report
of the weather conditions for laBt
week, beginning with Sunday, the
The maximum temperature for
Sunday was 58; Monday, 69; Tues
day, 72; Wednesday, 67; Thursday,
73; Friday, 73; Saturday, 66, making
an average for the week of 68.3.
The minimum temperature was:
Sunday, 30; Monday, 27; Tuesday,
i34; Wednesday, 37; Thursday, 41;
Friday, 49; Saturday, 44; average for
the week, 36.
The first rain to fall during the
week was Thursday, when the pre
cipitation was ,10; Friday, 1.00 fell,
making a total of 1.10 for the week.
Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday were cloudy, while Monday,
Tuesday and Saturday were clear.
The wind blew from the west Sun-
iinnjo.r TunoHov Thursday
Duffy vs. Couhlg.
Chicago, April 21. Martin Duffy,
of Chicago, and Tom Couhig, of Duu
kirk, meet in a six-round bout tonight
before a local club. The men aro re
garded as evenly matched and as
they have been anxious to meet Jn
the ring for somo time, a lively set
to is expected.
, "I have found that advertlo- ?
ml a I .1 CA Im...m Ian '
i iny in uic i-aoy v., vyv.nn.ii
9fc noun ' mairt R P Tnrhpt. of
s the firm of Bennett &. Tarbet,
n.l.Ar. Th Pair." .a
$ a representative of the East
Oregonlan. "The big adver-
tlsement we had In the dally
... a week aao was the means of
our store having one of the big-
gest sales and largest crowds
we have had since we have
been In business here. The $
special sale where we gave
special low prices, we adver-
tlsed In the East Oregonlan,
and feel that It should be given
due credit for bringing us the
Ht large business. I have not .
been a" big advertiser, but am Z.
now convinced that v mtoney Z
pent Judiciously In advertfe-
& Ing Is a good Investment, if
V nlarcl In the riaht mediums;
.. ... ... a.1 l ,l..n.4 V
tnece mat uie pewpis ! -
ft Is Not Believed That Colonel
Crawder Secured Any Evidence to
Substantiate Charge That British
Aro Shipping Arms and Ammuni
tion From This Country to Africa.
Washington, April 21. Colonol
Crowdor, who was assigned to Inves
tigate! tho alleged violation of neu
trality laws by tho Brltlsch at Port
Chnlmotto, La., submitted his formal
report to President Roosovolt today.
It will bo referred to tho nttornoy
general for his opinion. It is not bo
liovod that Colonol Crowdor obtain
ed any evidence to substantiate tho
chargo that arms and ammunition
woro surreptitiously sent from thla
country to South Africa on British
A Watch Found, After Being 'Lost
Ten Years In Running Order.
The Day of Pesach, Commonly Call
ed Passover.
New .York, April 21. Today ushers
in ono of tho most strictly observed
of all Jowlsh holidays, known ns
Pesach ,aud commonly cnllcd tho
Passover, of Jowlsh Eastor. This
holiday Is observed throughout tho
world by orthodox and reformed
alike by tho chango In tho dnlly dlou
Everything leavoned Is romoved, and
only tinleavonod food Is consumed.
Tho holiday is observed during ono
entire week, and during that timo
I cn Tccro .ii nuiimiity viugii i ...... ........0 - -
A watch that will lay in tho ground ""atzos" take tho place ot bread,
an open field for 10 years and then'' ""try Is mado from raatzos
1 nml nntntn flnitv 'Frm tnnivna la a
keep good time after being found,
without being cleaned, Is a wonder,
and tho following story may bo dis
credited by somo, although It Is
vouched for by several whoso vorac
ity cannot bo questioned.
Ten years ago a man, whoso namo
has been forgotten, was working in
the harvest field for J. II. Kennedy,
on his ranch near Helix, and this
harvest hand waB carrying a watch
which had been a present to him
from some rolatlvo and was valued
very highly by tho owner. Whllo In
tho field ono day ho lost tho watch
and could not find It. That was 10
years ago this coming harvest and a
few days ago John Hlndorman, who
was plowing up tho samo field whore
the watch was lost, found it. Ho
picked up tho watch not knowing
whoso it was or how long it had
been there. Mr. Hlndorman knocked
tho dirt off tho caso and started to
wind it. As soon bb the watch was
wound it began to run and has boon
keeping good timo over slnco. It Is
a gold hunting-case watch and Is a
valuable tlmo-keopor. Mr. Kennedy
is going to raako every effort to lo
cate the ownor, and, If possible, re
turn It to him.
and potato Hour. Tno matzos is a
large, round cracker, which is mado
of (lour and water and bakod hard
and crisp.
Family reunions aro among tho
pleasant features of tho holiday, and
members who may bo absont from
homo during tho ontlro year, appear
at tho family flrcsldo during tho cele
bration. Tho poor also aro given
special attention, and every family
which is unablo to secure tho neces
sary food la furnished with enough
for their wants by somo ono of the
many charltablo organizations.
Miss Helen Kollor mot Prosldont
Roosovolt at tho White House and
thoy conversed half an hour. At first
the talk was carried on through Miss
Keller's companion, but tho prosldont
wished to talk directly with tho' In
teresting young woman, and alio pro
ceeded to read his. words by touch
ing his lips with her fingers,
Among tho cablo messages to
Queen Wilheimliia's household, waa
ono from Presidont Roosovolt inquir
ing particularly after tho qucon's
t :
: A Car of Pianos....
. . .
placed in the right mediums;
Which will be sold at cost to our
Neighbors durlBg the "Log Rolling"
for advertising purposes.
We Invite all to make our store
their headquarters and view the larg
est assortment of Instruments that
has ever been la PendlttoH; also aa
Joy the musical concerts.
S. L: Wakefield & Co.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers
t if h4ll.
i39 Mil.
land Friday, and from the north Wei-
upon iw ..
.oerenade in
Try them. Only 50c. Tallman ft Co.
- ' Pending-
m&raitee ffusfacuea.
nesday ana uaiuraay.