3 COMING IN Everyday new shoes are coming into our store. We now have the largest and most fashionable stock ever shown in Pendleton, and still nevy goods are coming in. Rare values are found in every pair of shoes we have because we sell GOOD SHOES CHEAP. Swell line of Oxfords for ladies and gents just re ceived. For men, we have the patent colt Walk Over, Oxfords with the freak toe and also other late ideas. Keep in mind the great Odds and End Sale which closes Saturday. DINMNGER, WILSON Sc Co. GOOD SHOES CHEAP Sttturi to SiatiM)MWionriTriiririirrirrimf miiririiirmririrMTriwimninw FRIDAY, APRIL IS, 1902. PINK PAJAMAS AND TIGHTS ARE GOING TO BE AT THE FRAZER THIS EVENING, sr Queen' with the chorus it made one of the hits of the evening, encor ed again and again. The solo singer was dressed in cunning knee panties of blue, with sash of red, the chorus in skirts; on the first encore they PERSONAL MENTION JL H. McKee, of Athena, Is in town. Ex-Representative T. J. Kirk is in town from Athena. Mrs. W. H. Rovmtree, of Spokane, Is in the city visiting her sister, Mrs. Sidney B. Carnlne. A. W. Js'ye, democratic candidate for justice of the peace, has gone to Umatilla on business. 1. W. jtoberts, a prominent Walla Walla business man, is registered at t'.o Golden Rule hotel. Mrs. Edwin Switxler is visiting her parents at Vancouver. Wash., and will be away for several weeks, Charles Bennett, until recently em ployed in NolFs notion store, has ac cepted a position in the Boston Store. Thomas Montgomery left via the W. &, C. R. Thursday evening for his farm in Franklin county. He will be gone several days. W. F. Butcher, of Baker City, dem ocratic candidate for congressman from the second district, is in town shaking hands with friends. Miss Adalene Schiffler and W. D. Fechter went to Pilot Rock this afternoon, where they -will supply the music for a dance this evening In that place. Chester Deering, superintendent of agencies for the Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company, is in town shak ing hands with friends and looking dropped the skirts and appeared in the abbreviations. The chorus before (after the interests of the company. the finale, when they sang snatches warehouse of grand opera and comic opera while i. r, , i- T " mt - .T?jm -rwf'the O. R. fc company. Go With Me, No No was also pret- """" man for returned- Will Uncle Reuben and His Girls Make Their Appearance in ton In "When Reuben C Town." Uncle Reuben and his girls are in town. Tonight they will appear at the Frazer in the comedy. "When Reuben Comes to Town." The show has the reputation of being a good one, and that reputation will be sus tained. Some people in Pendleton who have seen it were the first to buy tickets for tonight. That of itself is a good sign. The other -day, or rather night, the jilay was produced in Butte and the Miner man, -who no doubt was under a spell, wrote of it as follows: "From start to finish there was something on the stage to rivet both eyes and ears. The first chorus of the rajama girls gave an inkling of1 and what was in store. They were all in j the 1. H TT. - 1 . ty. the girls wearing handsome even-. "? n ing gowns. In fact, that chorus makes Pendle-ithe average man catch his breath to ' ana wnere on eartn can tney Keep the many changes of wardrobe? "If there were no stars that chorus would catch the town all right; bru nettes, blondes, demls of both, and remain here for a while. J. W. Scriber passed through Pen dleton Thursday evening on his way from Weston, where he attended the funeral of Mrs. George W. Proebstel, to his home in La Grande. He was two cute auburn-tressed fairies; in accompanied bv his niece. Miss Mar- that aggregation any man can find j guerite Peebles, who has been teach his ideal." (lng at Milton. She is going to visit And that Butte newspaper man j at the home of Mr. Scriber. wrote of Uncle Reuben and his girls , ,rt, . . . . , , a column, for all of which this family . "TrT. TTv B journal has not room, only to say that "llV JfS they give the worth of your money. a clean, first-class performance. A Day of Baseball. On Sunday, April 20, a base ball ka, where he will spend several months in the inerests of himself and friends, looking after their mining claims. Mrs. Matlock will not accom pany him north this year, but Instead' will spend the summer with her rela- ' game win be played at Athena, be- ue! 1U tue -mume oiaies. ( tween the Helena and Othena teams, ; Dr. e. g. Kirbv. of Eltrin. and Dr. ! another at Pendleton between r. E. Ringo, of Helix, -were the guests ' Mrs. proebstel's funerau A Large Number of People Attend the Obsequies. Weston, April 17. The funeral of Mrs. George W. Proebstel was held at the home in this place, this after noon at 2 o-clock. The services were conducted by Rev. W. E. Pot wine, of Pendleton. All of the children were present, except Mrs. Fredericks, of Philadel phia. Miss Marguerite coming from Tacoma last night, and Chanes Proebstel from Lostlne this morning. Mrs. Fredericks left her home for tTostnn Tfsriav nicht. but as It was impossible for her to reach Weston in time for the funeral, she was in tercepted by wire yesterday and has returned to" Philadelphia. The funeral was one of the largest ever held in Weston, both the State Normal and Weston public schools being dismissed. The Crescent Shat ter of the Eastern Star and the De gree of Honor attended in a body. A large number of friends of the family from the neighboring towns were in attendance, among whom were Judge G. A. Lowell, County Clerk Chamberlain; R. Alexander, re gent of th Normal school, and Thomas Thompson, of Pendleton, and J .W. Scriber, cashier of the Farm ers' tnd Traders' Bank, of La Grande, and also a number of the Normal school board of regents. Senator Proebstel and family have the ..-mpathy of the entire communi ty in their sad bereavement. Weston Notes. Weston, April 17. The tide of im migration has at last turned in this direction. Five strangers have ar rived in Weston during the past week. One, a boy, is stopping at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Eagle ton; Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Duncan are entertaining a girl: Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pruitt are lodging a boy; Traygon Tucker akd wife are boarding anoth er boy, and Mr. and Mrs. Judson Downy are keeping still another one. County Superintendent of Schools J .A. Nowlin, was up from Pendleton yesterday, and William Folsom, of Camas Prairie, candidate for recorder on the republican ticket, is in town today. i ousv With Money, "Lousy with money" is an apt term that would apply to numerous people nicked up on the streets in North Yakima for committing breaches of JeacT During the last month some !slx men have been arrested, all of whom had considerable money on Sir persons. Saturday night the pc ice found a man lying in the gutter, and when taken to the police station and searched found $3200 in his pock ets Stindav an old man who had been disturbing the residents in the north end of the city, was arrested and taken to jail. He had about $1400 on his person. Three weeks ago a man with fi20 on his person was picked up on the street and taken care of, and many others arrested had sums from ?400 to ?S00 cash in their clothes. All these people were taken in as vagrants. "Church of the World." At a meeting of representative members of the Church of This World at Kansas City Monday night, it was decided unanimously to ac cent the proposition of the board of governors of the Liberal University of Oregon, at Silverton, Or., to re move the school to Kansas City. The petition for the removal of the school was presented by Pearl W. Geer. sec retary of the university. It calls for the moral and physical aid of the Church of This World in return for which the doctrines of the church will be taught the students in Kansas City as is now being done in Oregon. We Told You last week about our Owl Special Coffee fc0w good it was and tried to interest You You would try it re know if you would only try our Coffees once that a bull dog could not drive you away. 3 Rolls Crepe Paper JOc Cheapest place ia Oregon. J END TOUR ADDRESS - n.il. . . . . ( ww, rimciCO secure free, a beautiful Nickel Ings Sank, also full particulars I 3t Jl w t-ill UlUK LUC W I 1 1 ICC v oium 1 lntmat nnal KnrvrlnnrliK p i i - r" uieu ary vhich is now being furnished readers or tnis paper for only Cents a Day. pink but pretty Pajama Polly, who nines. The O. R. & N. Co. will rnn ;.. " wore blue, and the fetching song and a special excursion train, from Walla d; aTd Wnm we old school ', chorus was encored heartily. An- Walla to Pendleton and return, which matet and ' had not sn Inch ?th other charming chorus was when the will wait at Athena, until after the ! r several vea 1 m' pretty girls In ravishing gowns sang : Helena-Athena game, and leave for ! cfnTrouch on Sf S w We are Very HI in Bed.' j Pendleton about 1 p. m. Parties de- g?etSSSJn thSI? The advertisement called the I siring to witness the game at Athena JA the SriiS wlS, Mm ! chorus the 'beauty chorus.' and it was; may leave Pendleton at S:15 a. m.,j 6 t0 Sr rd the nignt wlth him' all there. They had the goods, all and return at 1 p. m. on the special. JIr. and Mrs. Joe Morgan arrived , right, and delivered them. The 'Fare for the round trip, 75 cents. jJn town Thursday evening to visit! horui to a giri can sing, can dance. O. R. & N, ticket office, J friends. They were formerly resi-1 can dress stunnincJr and do all rhs dents of Pendleton, but now reside thlnetS Cliorus should do, but seldom r- jin Lind. FratjklJn county, where Mr.i does. And some of the were right in the ranks in several ensembles. A beautif ul j tlaem "It IsT positive cure for!Eays ttat 3ittle town ot U is thing done by the chorus was the ! w Pf" ZL .lt ! coming to the front as a business cen- 'Flirtation of the Rose,' the girls zrnnr.,R - Pnn1o 'na iter and tba H is growing into a town wearing knee-length skirts or black, accordion pleated on bodices of Neglect Means Danger. Don't neglect biliousness and consti pation. Tour health will suffer perma nently if you do. DeWitfs Little Ear ly Risers cure such cases. M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says "De Witt's Little Early Risers are the most satisfactory pills I ever took. Never gripe or cause nausea." Tall man & Co. and Brock fi: McComas. ST. JOE STORE, Our Special Woodcraft Sale. . . Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, April 1 9-2 -22 iooo 3'ards fine ginghams, worth 20c, sale price 12 c icoo yards dress ginghams, worth I5c,sale price ioc 1000 yards check ginghams, -worth 6c, sale price 3c 1 000 jards fine LL cotton, worth 7c, sale price 5c 4 yard patterns wash silk, worth $2.50, sale price $1.60 The prettiest line of Dress Goods in the City. The nobbiest line of Men's Shirts in Pendleton. We are giving away abso lutely free, a fine Hat with eve-y suit of clothes. We shall of fer some great bargains during this sale. Remember the larg est stock to select from and prices alwas guaranteed the low est. THE LYONS MERCANTILE CO. do, but seldom' ,n. n ,r . r . jin Lind. FratjkJJn county, where Mr. best soloists k, J0hn 6 d,I f I Morgan Js barte&fter for his son-in-'0? the chorus MTH recommenaed a(s , CreSf Frank J. Kdton, Mr.-Morgan1 Baim t0 me- 1 emphasize his ' t.OT ltJr ' , f - , blacl.. selver sequined. the chiffon em' beliishments of pale pink and deep rose "When Miss Dorman sang 'My Gyp- catarrh If used as directed." Rev. Francis W. Poole, pastor Central I Ti Pres. Church. Helena.. Mont 01 eytm I'tu After using Ely's Cream Balm six L. W. Jones, formerly & Pendleton- j .cctj x ueneve mvself pnrcH nf (... an hut r.mr a resident ol Walla Joseph Stewart. Grand Ave-! Walla, is in town shaking hands with) . 1 J I I ,1 . 1T T 1 n I ' tarrh. ;nue. Buffalo, N. T. The Balm oes not irrftate or cause for the O. R. & N. Railroad Company ' OUng. Sold by druggists at 50 1 cents or mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 ! Warren street. New York. OUR STATIONERY Smoke Pendleton Boquet Cigars. TS strictly fashionable and all the newest ideas are in our stock. You will be right in ttyle with your correspondence if you select from our sjecial stock TALLMAN & GO. .THE French Restautantii COSY ROOITS WU Lighted and Steam Heated. Best 25 cent Meals is tie City. ;FroB EXTRAS Legs, Eastern and Oysters. Olympic auu lioc uic 1 ta.il ucinccu vtcma 11 alia . and Dayton. He will return homel this evening, but says he is coming ' down again Sunday to witness thej ball game between Cohen's Indians and Sbarpstein's Sharpshooters. ; A. S. Pearson, the Freewater real estate man, was In Pendleton Thurs day. Mr. Pearson says that Free water continues to forge ahead de- pite the protests of some of tbe Mil ton people and that she is making 1 fast strides toward rivaling her sis ter town in a business way. He also ! stated that the squabble over the sa loon question, which was raised a few days ago by the Milton officers closing one of Freewater's saloons, charging that it was inside the incor porate limits of Milton, has been set tled. They sent to Pendleton for Sur veyor Kimbrell. who surveyed the line and found that the saloon was not under Milton's control. It was immediately reopened. THE LEADING DRUGGISTS AND STATIONERS j OPEN DAY and NIGHT 1 GD8 LA FONTAINE, Prop. Blucher Cut Shoes... Have no seams to hurt the foot, and are Neat and Stylish, for both Ladles and Gents. We are selling these shoes for. Former prices $4 to $5. Genuine Bargains I',1 Doat rpryel Our tepUlmt Oepartmtui Street TkU (IcnAtare s on rrery box ol th gwaia Laxative rrmiTT ruinr The B. P. O. E. Party. The Llks gave a social dance at Music hall last night. Dancing began at 9 o'clock and came to an end at 12:45 this morning. The music, by Klrkman's orchestra, was exception ally good. There were about 30 couples present and every one enjoy ed themselves. The refreshments were excellent and served in the Elks' usually hospitable strle. The dance was voted a great success by all who attended it A toast was drunk at 11 p. m. to all "absent broth-era." Profitable Speculation. Why speculate In the stock market or in any other way when you can make your money work for you? We have a method of speculation that Is safer and more profitable than any ever before devised. Send your name and address aad we will mail you a pamphlet tiring full information. Address A. E. Mills & Co.. Suite 804- S05 Park Bow BuUdine. New York It pays to trade at the Peoples Warehouse. $3 The test shoe ever of fered at this price for either women or men. $3 ir Peoples Warehouse, A WOMAN'S KNACK . . For doing things right and putting correct styles and snap into Millinery is found in every one of our Productions. BIG STOCK LITTLE PRICES! CARRIER MILLINERY You get What you buy from us. MQ 5tck ml WOOD, COAL, SAND & BRICK. Trucking & Transferring. Carpets Carpets We are Headquarters Seeing is helieving Carpets Furniture Furniture Furniture M. A. RADER. Main and Webb Streets Pendleton, Oregon HOGS, HORSES, roULTR? AowKure for Milch cows. Poultry foods and tonics, ma.y kflS- SEED SPELTZ p C. F. COLESWORTHY, . Hy, drain and Feed. riM Uf ud 139 East Alta Street . Pelelo, 0rt City, New York.