91 FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1902. WOODMEN (uticura THE SET $1.25 Complete External and Internal Treatment for livery Humor. Consisting of Cbticuka Soap (35c), to cleanse the skin of cruaU and scalps, and often the thickened cuticle, 'Ccncuiu OlnU luent (SOc.), to Instantly allay Itching, irrita Bon, and Inflammation, and eootho and heal, and CtmccitA IIesolvkxt (30c), to cool and cleanse the blood. " A single set Is often onfUcicnt to cure the most torturing, disfiguring skin, scalp, and blood humors, rashes, ltchlngs, and Irrita tions, with lose of hair, when the best physl dans and all other remedies fall. Boldthroarhaatthc trorld. IMttii Dim in CnU' Oou-., Sole Prop... Button. . How to Cnrc Unman, free FALLING HAIR """c&lVJSZZ k Females of All Ages ', find these jPHIs simply invaluable, as a few doses will .restore free and regular conditions and effectually remove the causes of much suffer ing to thesex. Beecham's Pills. Bold Ererywhoe-In boxta 100. and c HOW IS THE TIME to have your homes or places of business papered, painted and put in shape,for house cleaning time is near at hand, so don't delay. Our stock of Wall Paper, Paints and Mouldings is com plete. The newest styles of Wall Paperare at our store and we have expert workmen to do the papering and .decorating. Come and let us figure on your work. We will save you inonf y. Murphy, ARTISTIC DECORATOR ELABORATE OF ; THE WORLD PREPARATIONS FOR LOG-ROLLING Great Enthusiasm Among the Peo ple; Merchants are Decorating and Making Elaborate Window Dis plays; Evergreens In Profusion, -i. Preparation to receive the city guests have begun in earnest and our enterprising business men are dres sing up their places of business in a manner befitting the occasion. They are indeed showing thet true Pendle ton spirit of progress iveness, and one that betokens a true appreciation of the great organization, whose hosts are honoring the city with their, pres ence. It is also a fitting tribute ;to the local camp and circle which are planning the erection of a $25,000 home in Pendlaton. The Woodmen express themselves as deeply grateful for this recogni tion from the Commercial club and citizens, generally, especially as it comes entirely unsolicited. The following Woodmen windows were in; this morning when a repre sentative of the East Oregonian made a tour of the town: . The St Joe store, because of be ing first is entitled to be first men tioned. This window represents a Woodman standing over an Immense log with -acaat-hook in his hand( ready to do a little "log-rolling. The window is dressed in red, white and black, the official colors of the Wood men of the World. The Boston store scene represents a series of Jogs, a saw horse and buck saw, a goat and a train load of excur sionists, on which the Woodmen are crowded to the platform and engine. Dindinger. Wilson & Co. have dedi cated two windows to the "Neigh bors," each containing a log in colors and a "Welcome Woodmen of the World" sign. In one window also appears an old tree, in which is mounted a wise old owl, who surveys the scene with solemn dignity. The Peoples Warehouse has a Woodman dressed in the official pa rade uniform, and Its goods dressed with official Woodmen rosette. It also shows a pillow with a stump em blem of the order. This store will put in an immense window display later. But for .designs, Alexander's De partment store window fairly de- RprrpR Ihp medal. The window dres ser for this firm has certainly done BUY YOUR LUMBER AT THE Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St i opp. Co art House. PRICES A5 LOW A5 THE LOWEST For All Kinds of Building Material, Including Doors Windows ; Screen Doors and Window Building Paper Lime Cement Brick and Sand Aad Don't Forget Our Wood Gutter tor Barns and Dwellings M i The 'OrnciaJ program The official program of the two days has been compiled and will be published dally In the dally East Ore gonian. That of Monday will appear In Saturday's paper, and for Tuesday, in. Monday's paper. Every minute of the time has been taken up and, the vlogs" will be kept "rolling" from start to finish. Committee" Meeting Tonight A very important meeting of the general committee will be held to night in Stlllman and Pierce's office. It is desired that every member of every sub-committee be present in order that each may make a detailed report, and be assigned to Its post of duty for the ensuing conclave. As the session will doubtless be an ex tended one the meeting will be call ed to order at 7:30. Accommodations. In order that there may be no ques tion with reference to accommoda tions, the Woodmen are being im pressed by the committee with the fact that every neighbor is exBected to appear at headquarters in La Dow hall next Monday, after the arrival of the special train, and to take at least one member of the order to his or her home. This will he required, only in case the rooms engaged should run out If that should happen, how ever, the committee will insist on the resident members accommodating any unprovided for, even though the local members sit up during the night At worst it will not be as bad for a resident of Pendleton to sit up all night in his or her own home as it would be for a visitor to walk the streets. Pendleton's well known re putation for hospitality must be kept inviolate. Let the knowledge go forth to the world that no matter how large the crowds that any time may come within the city's gates, Pendle ton will be equal to the emergency. Perfected Woodcraft's Temple. A. D. Stillman, secretary of the Temple association, expresses himself as astonished with the ready re sponse which is being made to the call for subscriptions to the temple stock. Every mail brings two o a dozen letters, with cards filled out This is a gilt-edged investment, be sides an alu to a worthy movement, and one which will enhance the city. This stock is bound to be taken up ra pidly. Car Load of Evergreens. A car load of evergreens and logs was received this morning and they are being rapidly distributed among the public spirited merchants, who are decorating. It is earnestly desir ed by the Commercial Club's commit tee, which is pushing the decoration movement that all merchants who have not already done so, decorate their windows before Sunday morn- TOM NELSON' WON FIRST PRIZE AT PORTLAND KENNEL SHOW. He Is the Greatest Dog Traveler In Any Part of the Country, Famous In Several Hortions of the World. The accompanying cut of Bummer. T T. Nelson's mastiff, is a very good likeness of one of the most famous t Knrthwest. Bummer is nuun i n - - " - hTKennei Club bench ,how Oregon . I- nil thO ntered for prizes iu classes except this and the cbampon class and the champion class cannot "tered until a dog has taken first nrlze in all tne ow.v. i- - . t. - ttfriHlo for the year Bummer win :y riiamnlon honors ami m onv of them, Vmmer ha traveled more than over the United States, as well as, ihn wntprs. He went with the oSn'vohTnSs to the Philippines, himself, the store and city proud byE. in order that the excursionists this splendid display. An elalorate canvas scene covers the background of the immense central window. This scene represents a forest and a val ley. On the left Is a Wooman cabin on which are nailed the proverbial "coon'rskin and antlers. Accross the xalley the Blue Mountains loom up In all their majesty. Where the can vas ends at the bottom of the win now, natural grass takes its place and makes a beautiful evergreen car pet. Here are two widows of Wood men dressed in black, one standing and holding a certificate which repre sents $3000, the maximum amount of beneficiary granted by this order. The other lady is just looking from a copy of the Pacific Woodman, the official paper of the order. Between the two is an immense log, which is typical of a fallen neighbor, and on which is inscribed the motto of the order "Dum Tacet Clamat," meaning though silent, yet he speaks. Beetles, axes, wedges and other emblems of Woodcraft complete the scene. A1-. together Jt is a splendid display, and the firm is receiving many qongratu-lations. arriving ,here at 1:00 p. m. Sunday for the ball game, may go back to Walla Walla and other towns na tell of the extensive preparations that are being made. This will material ly affect the attendance on Monday's excursion train, from those same points. It is also desired that, weath er permitting the fronts and windows of stores and residences be plentifully decorated on Monday morning next. no' -4 OilK 'iESjaaaaBawBViBaKBaaaaaaaal LaaaaaaaaaV Laml' aaaaV'a &2EVtBataaaaaBaVAaaaaaaaaaal L Kf aRCaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW aaaaaaaaaaaaaa ' aaaaaaaafl aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalir vB NjKEi&B -t laaaaaaaaaal ' OPf '"Jaaaamvat'MIBalv aaaml aaaaaaaaafl aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaT1 "LawaaaaaV aarBf! aaT?-c i-1 aaaa 3 aaaaaaaaaaal ' SaSilWiaaaalBaal at Portland, and word has been re ceived from him that he won first prize in his class. He was only en tered in one .lass this season, which was the miscellaneous class. This was the last and only class the dog could go into this year, for he has went through the Philippine war Tvith them as the mascot for the company. He was loyal to the Stars and Stripes and was a fuvorite among all the bnvs who would have fought for themselves. He has an honorable discharge from the army. 1ft.. - ..USE PURE.. Artificial Ice Saved Many a Time. Don't neglect coughs and colds even if it is spring. Such cases often re sult seriously at this season just be cause people are careless. A dose of One Minute Cough Cure will remove all danger. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. Sure cure for coughs, colds croup, grip, bronchitis, and other throat and lung troubles. "I have used One Minute Cough Cure several years," says Postmaster C. O. ,Daw son, Barr, 111. It is the very best cough medicine on the market It has saved me many a severe spell of sickness and I warmly recommend It" The children's favorite. Tallman & Co. and :Brock .& McComas OLD PEOPLE Do not always receive the sympathy and attention which1 they deserve. Their ailments' are regaraea as purei I'ltioirinnrr or natural aud unavoidable at their time of life. Disease and infirmity should not always be associ-Jffe , t 1 1 .11 TM. r 41.. ir i i . - hurnri cTfOTlrt C1f aieu 1 ill oiu age. iiiccjc ui tut sLaJ ma' be as bright and the complexion as fair as any of his j'ounger and more vigorous companions. Good Blood is the secret of healthy old age, for it regulates and controls every part of the body, strengthens the nerves, makes the muscles elastic and supple, the bones strong and the flesh firm; but -when this life fluid is polluted or poisoned and loses its nutritive, health sustain ing elements, then there is a rapid decline of the vital powers, resulting in premature old age and disease. Any derangement of the blood quickly shows itself in an ulcer, sore, wart, tumor or some other troublesome growth upon the bod, and rheumatic and neuralgic pains become almost constant, accompanied with poor digestion and cold extremities. b. fc. b. being purely vegetable, is the safest and best blood purifier for old people. It does not shock or hurt the system like the strong mineral remedies, but gently and thoroughly cleanses the blood and stimulates the debilitated organs, when all bodily S. S. S. is just such a tonic as old people need to improve a weak digestion and tone up the Stomach, If there is any heredi tary taint, or the remains of some disease contracted ill early life, S. S. S. will search it out and remove every vestige of it from the system. Write us fully about your case and let our physicians advise and help you. This will cost j'ou nothing, and we will mail free our book on blood and skin diseases. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. Atlanta. Ga. A GOOD FRONT brince manv a deeervinir . wb. ill-clad, might fail, in makitiK vour aonsrpl trt,. u to1e.conaiBkiiin keeDincvnm-i:..?! other wearables in finBbanft JrrA WBlhind anil irnni.n . V. i ' I civer iriea our wotK, our tttl. pricea? ' m THE DOMESTIC UWm J. F. Bobinson, Prop. p imicnts disappear. A Car of Pianos.... PENDLETON "INDIANS." The Columbia Lodging House NEWLY FURNISHED BAR IN CONNECTION IN CENTER OF BLOCK BET. ALTA & WEBB 8TB F.X. SCHEMPP,Prop. Tha Eaat Cregonlan Is Eastern Or-an'- rcaresentative paper. It leasts, ami the people appreciate It and shew It by their liberal patreflaga. It la the sfvertielitf meeMum af Mi fa eeetUn. Telephone Main 105. No Sediment to Foul Your Refrigerator No Disease Germs to Endanger Your Health VAN ORSDALL & ROSS The Pendleton Woolen Mills Presents Each One of Them With an Indian Robe. Isot wishing the Pendleton base ball players should bear the title of "Indians" without wearing the Indian garb, F. E. Judd, of the Pendleton Woolen Mills, invited all of the mem hers of the team up to the mill and made each of them a present of an I Indian robe. They were taken to the large stock of robes and told to pick out what they wanted. The boys are reeling very proud over this mark of , appreciation and now when they go I to do battle with their enemies on the I diamond they go enrobed, and the j cognomen of "Indians" applies with more pomu iiowever tney wisn it understood by the people of the sur rounding towns where they visit to do battle that they are not in the least hostile. They may wear their Indian robes and war paint, but they are perfectly civilized and will not be on the warpath only while playing ball, and then they are going to be out -or the scalps of every team that dares to cross hats with them. Military Ball at Iowa University. Iowa City, la., April 18. -Major W. O. Coast of the Iowa University bat talion has completed arrangements for the military drill and ball to be held at the University tonight State officials and other' guests of note have arrived in anticipation of the event JUST ARRIVED A, Which will bs sold at cost to our Neighbors duriog the "Log Rolling" for advertising purposes. We Invite all to make our store their headquarters and view the larg est assortment of instruments that has ever been in Pendltton; also en joy the musical concerts. S. L. Wakefield & Co. Wholesale and Retail Dealers ' 4. 4.... FRAZIER S STABLES ATTENTION ! WESTFIELD. record 2 PENDLETON every dayhi the week exeent wXf V itU",MS STABLE, ATHENA on Wedueidayand Thursday T Zhltl y&Q Thursday. At smiivaai n, f RfT' F"r, the 18; to insure, 525. SSfeff ft FROOME'S STABLE, WILLIAM TijMPLERJnliol...!x?ePK Monday aud Tuesday: at days and Tuesdays ' ' " UU1BB """"weet of Pendleton, on Mon- For further MonlJZ l iD8Ure' FRANK FRAZIER, Pendleton- 0reiOi, pass a pleasanti ing playing Pool Billiards at GldcnRttk Pool and Bil Patlot- W1LLIAMS & WILLIAMS ai3 Court Street. ifbirs French PeriodiGal Drops WcUt vegetable, oerfectlv w.i DEWRED RIULTS. Grea w mt,8s.'-urf-to "eoMpH BWaVreof counterfeit and imitAti. wwuj .OLD .Y TALLMAN CO, DRU GGIST8, PENDLETON, WaOrT i pute-boere Car- For Sa 'Haye sold the twe properties decribed below. Have other equally as good.". Also four lots and new cotti $1,250 Two lots and house, $1,000, cash, reasonable time on ball or will sell on installments. FRANK B. CLOPTd MOVED TO JUDD BUILDING. LaFontaine & Gam Proprietors Old Dutch Hem Feed Yard. ' .Cavalry Horses for Said BEST OF CARE TAKER1 TEAMS OVER NIGHT (JIVE US A CAl KEEP YOl Not on Pasco, BUT ON BYERS' GROi ADDITION TO PENDLETON. Utill hve Farms W- N.Berkefe cctaTG J" H.,Hn, BulldlBir