n - I SEE US FOR CLOTHING It will be to yoor advantage Oar stock is the largest freshest and most select Oar prices are always money savers Men's suits worth 9.50 our Price s 700 Men's suits worth 10.50 our price ..... . 8.00 jIph's fnnr.v worsted suits worth 12. to our price 10.00. Men's fancy worsted suits worth 15.00 our price 1230 We are the friend of your pocket book BAER &f DALEY CLOTHIERS Advertisers of Facts FRIDAY, APRIL IS. 1902- GENERAL NEWS HOTEL ARRIVALS. The president has nominated Jas. S. Clarkson to he surveyor or cus toms of the port of New York. Owing to the continued rise in the price of meats in New York, restau rant and hoarding prices have been advanced to correspond, living being the highest ever known in that city, as well as in the other cities of the East. United States Consul SEcWade, at Canton, cabled the state department that bubonic plague is epidemic at Pinkehan, south of Canton, and that there are several cases in the latter city. He also says that cholera has disappeared from Canton, and is abating at Honan. The purchase of steel in Great Brit nln nnd on the continent for use in America has maintained great pro portions, says a Herald dispatch from London. The markets of Great Britain and London are being strip ped of all their product. A considera ble quantity is purchased in Germ any. Senator Culberson introduced two resolutions in congress, one being di rected to the secretary of war and the other to the secretary of the navy, making inquiry as to the cost of the war In the Philippines, covering the period since May, 1S9S. The resolu tions include a request for informa tion covering the expense of trans portation of troops, both on land and on the ocean. As a result of Governor Taft's con ference with the executive commit tee of the world's fair, he induced that body to co-operate financially with the Philippine government in the matter of an exhibit. He declar ed to the committee that this action would have a pronounced moral effect on the Filipino people and would do more toward pacification than the re pressive military methods. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS A condensed milk factory will be established in Portland by VT. F. Nieman, of Scuyler, Neb. A favorable report was' made to congress on Senator Mitchell's amendment to the sundry civil bill, appropriating $10,000 for a customs launch at Astoria. Mrs. Mary L. Hoyt, a respected pioneer woman, died at her home in Portland, Wednesday night, aged GO years. She crossed the plains to Or egon with her father, Dr. J. M. Mil lard, In 1852. It 13 given out upon the authority of a United States senator who is particularly friendly to President Roosevelt, that the president will make a tour of the South and West not later than next year, possibly sooner. The tour is to Include Cali fornia, Oregon and Washington. Ex-County Judge G. H. Brainard, who wa8 committed to the asylum from Union county about a month ago, and released a few days there after, after his former wife agreed to take him out of the state, returned to Union, as insane as ever, and a new complaint being made against him, was again committed to the asylum at Salem. Drs. Henker and D. Lindsay, of Portland, traveling physicians. He in the county Jail at Union, charged with embezzlement, also cruelty to animals. About three weeks ago they hired a span of horses from E. E. Evans to drive to Wallowa, and while driving to Elgin both horses were taken sick, and died soon there after. The two doctors contracted eoine debts at Elgin aniountiug to f 20 and left Mr. Evans' buggy as securi ty, and drove to Wallowa, refusing to pay the bill. They were arrested In consequence. The Pendleton. E. L. Guffey, Denver. E. R. Armstrong. Detroit J. S. Soeler, Walla Walla. H. S. Dorman, Duluth. W. A. Hoover, Chicago. W. Southard, St. Louis. H. S. Smith, San Francisco. H. L. Chard. Chard. W. Tyler Smith, Shlndo. I. W. Crasfield, Portland. George Harris, Portland. E. G. Kirby, Elgin. T. M. Henderson, city. J. W. M. Rowen, Portland. H. W. Brockman, Dayton. J. C. Murray, San Francisco. J. W. Cox, Poineroy. P. Smith, Spokane. Harrey Spalding, Lacrosse. Irvin Harlow, New York. A. Sinsheimer, Portland. A. S. Heartfield, Spokane. H. J. Connelly, Iowa. R, L. Bewley, Shlndo. J. H. Anvill, Portland. Andy Nylander, Portland. R. E. Ringo. Helix. J. H. Neill, Portland. W. F. Butcher. Portland. H. B. Rees, Spokane. The Golden Rule. L. F. Brune, The Dalles. Alex D. Burnett, Spokane. Joe Morgan and wife, Lindrant. Mrs. Nelson Miller, Athena. D. H. Keefe, Portland. Etta Campbell, Ballston. Anna Compton. F. E. Klise, Portland. E. H. Burke, Spokane. A. E. McBreen, Portland. Frank Martinez,. Seattle. L. W. Roberts, Walla Walla. Cal Hartwell, Omaha. D. H. Brown, Omaha. H, Dopplen, Cove. R. H. McKee, Athena. T. J. Berg. Walla Walla. Lon Z. Jackson, El Paso. John A. Stow. Seattle. F. J. Gardner, Portland. A Doctor's Bad Plight "Two years ago, as the result of r. severe cold, I lost my voice," writes Dr. M. L . Scarborough, of Hebron, Ohio, "then began an obstinate cough. Every remedy known to me as a practicing physician for 35 years, failed, and I daily grew worse. Being urged to try Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, I found quick relief, and for last ten days have felt better than for two years." Positively guaran teed for Throat and Lung troubles 0 Tallman & Co. 50c and 51. Trial bot tles free. Improvments at Planing Mill. R. Forster. proprietor of the Pen dleton Planing Mill and lumber yard, is making some substantial improve ments around the mill yard. He has just had a new fireproof brick boiler and engine house built, which Is now finished and will be ready for the re ception of the engine Monday, when he expects to remove it from the old engine house inside of the planing mill structure. A new 50 horse-power boiler has been installed and mnnv other changes and improvements are to be made. Among them will be a new dry house to be erected this summer for the purpose of drying lumber for the door and sash factory. Mr. Forster now has one of the most I thorough and up-to-date wood work-1 ing establishments In the countrv. He "Is one of those enterm-isine clti. zens who never lets the times lead him in any business, but keens abreast and is continually adding to ins worKing lacmtlcs around the mill. LABOR Oft BAN 1ZE5 REPORT OF SPECIAL ORGANIZER HARRY ON EASTERN OREGON Baker City is the Best Organized Town East of the Mountains; Good Work Done There and in Pcnd.eton G. Y. Harry, special organizer of the State Federation of Labor, to which position he was recently ap pointed by the Portland Federated Trades Council, reached that city from a tour of eastern Oregon in the interest of the coming state conven tion of labor to be held in that city on Wednesday, May 5. "Eastern Oregon is beginning to take interest in the organization of labor," said Mr. Harry in his report "In fact the people are quite enthus iastic in this line, and I feel assured of having a large, representative body of delegates rom Eastern Ore gon at the forthcoming convention. In all probability that part of the state will be represented by 50 dele gates. "Baker city is the best organized of those that I visited. Notwithstanding the fact that the initiative for the or ganization of the working masses in these localities was taken but two or three months ago, the labor union movement has gained a strong foot hold and is bound to stay. It has been endorsed by employers and em ployes alike, and is looked upon as a good thing. "While resting up in Baker City, I organized a sheet-metal workers' un ion, of which S. Wood was elected president and A. F. Moore secretary. At Pendleton a retail clerk's union was organized with Martin Finner an, president, and A. F. Zoellner, sec retary. These organizations will be represented at the state convention, although their delegates have not been appointed yet. Delegates Appointed. Delegates for the state convention as follows were appointed at the var ious places visited by Mr. Harry: Baker City, P. A. Huntz, plasterers' union; F. L. Bowen, plumbers' union; W. M. Moore and Mrs. Emma Boyd, typographical union; William1 Mc Murren and T. E. Grant, carpenters' and joiners' union; F. J. McGovern and H. M. Gilliam, retail clerks' un ion; Fred Johnson, George T. Shaw and A. C. Burkman, Federated Labor union; C. E. Haight and J. E. Troy, cooks and waiters' alliance; W. W. Cox and F. W. Bishop, plumbers' un ion, C. I. Seifert and J. L. Dougherty, brickmasons' union. Pendleton TV C. Warner and Lu cia Bowman, typographical union; C. W. Lyman, Joseph Kulper, A. C. Har ris and C. J. Wilson, painters' union. La Grande W. H. Thompson, Jas. M. Murphj G. J. Wagener, E. F. Trump, S. R. Haworth and Sylvester Keitz, trade and labor assembly; George Grant and O. H. Prentice, Federal Labor Union. The painters' union at Pendleton gained the distinction of having first appointed delegates to the state con vention, and it was with a spirit of enthusiasm that thia body, though small, responded to Mr. Harry's call for delegates. THE TEMPLE OF WOODCRAFT TO BE ERECTED IN PENDLETON AT A uuoi The site Is Selected and the Work of Raising the Funos Appears 10 an Easy Matter. The articles of incorporation for the "Temple of Woodcraft" were filed with The county clerk Thursday fore noon. The incorpcraiuisa.-. -Stillman, Carrie C. Van Orsuall. J. P. Earl. A. J. Owen. J. Holmes, ugusta Kimball, Mttie Beam. Ada Ross, Johaua Bo lerman, Hattie Stnnfield. J. E. Krause. V Stroble. Philip McBrian, G A. Hart man, H. M. Sloan, U O. Sheek, -ar tha Greulich. A. O. Carden. T. F. Howard. Mary Konasek and Man Johnson. . . The obiect of the corporation is to erect and own a building that shall have and contain a suitable lodge room for the Woodmen of the or d. The amount of capital stock of the corporation is fixed at $25,000 with 25 000 shares at a par value of J each. The duration and business life of the corporation shall be per petual and the bead office in Pendle- mt ,im f TVnnlrrnft" lllllld- rue leuiinc vji ing is to stand on the corner of Water . ... . f.nnl ToCCP anu .Mam sired, au - Failine's carpet store and is to cost something like $25,000 Including the Site. It IS to Ue lU siwna built of brick and stone. Work will this fall. Wants to Help Others. "I- had stomach trouble all my life,", says Edw. Mehler, proprietor of the Union Bottling Works, Erie. Pa., "and tried all kinds of remedies, went to several doctors and spent consider able money trying to get a moment's peace. Finally I read of Kodol Dys pepsia Cure and have been taking it to my great satisfaction. I never found Its equal for stomach trouble and gladly recommend it in hope that I may help other sufferers." Kodol Dys pepsia Cure cures all stomach troub les. You don't have to diet Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat Tallman & Co. and Brock & McComas Lee Teutsch has just received a shipment of the celebrated Thompson glove-fitting corsets. NOTICE New Goods that Need Your Boys' Corcteroy Pants, 3 to 15 yrs, 75c, $, 1.25J Special Good Valae Boys' Pants : : : :2 New Line coys 7 BOYS' SUMMER HATS will fee On Sale Wednesda1 Straw Hats Crash Hats 0c, 1 5c, 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c ot : : : : : 25c or! Men's Uncle wear on Sale T Garments Smote Pride of Umatilla Cigars. Egyptian Balbriggan double seated drawers; an especially strong value Sized from '30 to 52 Political Notes. Republican headauarters In Port land have been opened in the Benson building, northwest corner of Fifth and Morrison streets, five rooms be ing occupied. Walter F. Mathews, chairman, is in charge. The rooms were opened to visitors Thursday. La Grande Chronicle: Hon. W. F. Butcher, the nominee for congress on the democratic ticket, arrived in the city this morning. Mr. Butcher is an attorney of much ability, a most elo quent speaker, has a host of friends in Eastern Oregon, and will without doubt make a worthy representative of the state when he goes to Washington. The homliest man in Pendleton, as well as the handsomest and others, are invited to call on any druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lungs, a remedy that Is guaranteed to cure and relieve all chronic and acute coughs, asthma, bronchitis and consumption. Price 25c and 50c. For sale by Tail man & Co., sole agents. Smoke Pendleton Boquet Cigar. Lazy Liver "I have been troubled a creat deal Willi a torpid Itver, which produces constipa tion. I found CASGAIIETS to be nil vou claim fortnero. ana secured aucta relief the Urst trial, that I purchased another supply and wbj com pletely cured I shall ouly oe too clad to rec ommend Cascarels whenever the opportunity la presented " J. A. Smith. 2K0 Susquehanna Are., Philadelphia. Fa. CANDY CATHARTIC A Nearly Fatal Runaway Started a horrible ulcer on the of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, lll., wuicn ueuea uoctors nnd all remedies for four years. Then Bucklln's Arni ca Salve cured him. Just as good for Boils, Burns, Bruises, Cuts. Corns, Scalds, Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25c at Tallman & Co's drug store. I .inwne TRAOC UAJIH MOWTfMO Pleasant. I'alalalilo. 1'oteiu Taate Good, Dc rjood. -Nerer HlcVun, Weaken, or Gripe lOc.&c.&Gc ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... HwlUg Utmfif C,j;, tUtot.. KintU Tl. 3S0 HQaTQ.&tin Bold and Kiiarauteedbr all Crug UMWMb glu to eUKi; Tobacco llablt. Watch and FOR THE NEW .Wait DRUG STORE New, Everything '2. a suit Fresh, Good F. W. SCHMIDT & CO. Reliable Druggists Association Block. El Principe Degales Henry The Fourth La Flor Stanford Sanches & Haya El Telegrapho La Mia Charles The Great 2 for 25 cents Maloy. OOF I N E Darby Rib Spring Needle ECRU or BLUE An elastic Don-shrinking garment that -will give the wearer entire satisfaction "NEW SILK" A SUIT. White or Salmon. A new fabric that is suited to ten der skin Imported Lisle Open mesh at $3 a suit $2.50 aud $3.0(1 a Suit SUMMER WEIGHT WOOLEN UNDERWEAR at likeable prices Colored ft Balbriggan J) PINK BLUE BLACI PURPLE and in addition have nat ural, plain or honeycomU FANCY BALBRIGGAN at $2, $2.50 or $3 a suij Full chest and hip siza and long legs and sleeva SILKINE$2.50ASjl Linen Netted Ice Cold Shirts and Dra? ers $.50 a Suit Compare these with "AirteI Sea Island Cottoil Alternate stripes blue and whiJ $3.00 a Suit Full-fashioned Complete si Boston Store BYERS' BEST FLOOT To innke good bread use Byerfl B rt Flour. It took flwt premium at the Chicago World 'b Fair overall competi tion, and gives excellent EatiBfaction wherever used. Every eack is guaranteed. We have the beat Btearo Rolled Bailey, Seed Bye ,asd Beardless Barley. PENDLETON ROLLER Mtt W. S. BYERS, Proprietor. For Health, Strength and Pleasure Drink w m Polydore Moens, Proprietor. I) Bill i