East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 17, 1902, Image 8

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    -v. ;
I , -vo -ajss We ToWl
! . . Hnps of San Francisco, I 1
Everyday new shoes are coming into our store.
We now have the largest and most fashionable stock
ever shown in Pendleton, and still new goods are
coming in.
Rare values are found in every pair of shoes we
have because we sell GOOD SHOES CHEAP.
Swell line of Oxfords for ladies and gents just re
ceived. For men, we have the patent .colt Walk
Over, Oxfords with the freak toe and also other
late ideas.
Keep in mind the great Odds and End Sale which
closes Saturday.
nrcf non to
Cleowr Bro.
Well Presented at Frazer Opera
House to a Large Audience.
"Shakespeare wrote not for one
particular age, but for all time to
come. That is one of the reasons
why his works never grow old," de
clared the noted actor, Charles B.
and attended to his own personal
In accepting the place vacated by
Mr. KAIPv. Mr. Stlilmnn svr that h
!will do his best to fili the position as
it is possible for him to do. He will
enter upon his duties In a few dayB
when an active campaign will be
onenpd tin and rarril nnt in the hpst
manner possible until after the elec-
Goes to the Penitentiary.
Because n grip beluugin? to a rotn
named Simmons "looked trrwid" to
him Clonrrc "Rrnnc cots to Kiwrd one
Hanford, who appeared at Frazer'a I year in the state penitentiary at Sa-
i. Menu Evans Is one of the men nrrejt.
opera house last night in "The Tarn
Ing of the Shrew," and who, with
Kiss Helen Grantley, as the "shrew,
delighted a large audience.
Preceding the presentation of
Shakespeare's comedy, ir. Hanford,
assisted by members of his company.
appeared in a one-act drama, "The
Old Guard." that was heartily en
Joyed. Mr. Hanford, taking the part
".Haversack, one of Napoleon's old
uard." in a manner to please the
most exacting.
"ine Taming ot tne Shrew" was
delightfully presented. Mr. Hanford
makes far more out of the play than
bnaKespeare did .himself, for he
makes it interesting ,and amusinc.
and that is more -than Shakespeare
tuc. ah. -tianiord as Petruchio, could
not be better. 'He was all that the
difficult part demanded. Miss Helen
Grantly, as Katherine, the shrew, was
exceedingly pleasing. Mlec Grantly
js a Deauutui woman, graceful and
magnetic, as well as a eood actress.
This was the ifirst performance at
iTazer s under "the new management
of Baker & "Welch.
A. O. Stillman, Esq., Succeeds Him
as Chairman of the Democratic
Central Committee.
Chairman J. H. Raley has resigned
his position as chairman of the coun
ty democratic central committee, and
A. D. Stillman has been appointed
to succeed him.
The reason for Mr. Raley resigning
is because he is on the ticket for attorney-general
and, to make the race,
-this -R ill take- a great deal of his time,
bo that he could not have devoted his
attention to the work of his position
ed Tuesday charged with taking a
grip that had been left In the O. R. &
K. waiting room. At the preliminary
examination before Judge Fltz Ger
ald "Wednesday, his partner, Dave
Armstrong, was released for want of
evidence to convict mm, but Evans
was held. "Wednesday afternoon he
was taken before Judge Ellis and
Riven a chance tr nlead. He nrlmmrl.
edged guilt and the judge gave him
12 monins. tie win be taken to the
penitentiary this week. Evans was
a professional tramp, being in Pen
dleton for just a day or so.
is a
Sam Carpenter, of Athena,
guest at Hotel St. George.
Dr. J. C. Smith, of Adams,
guest at the Hotel Pendleton.
E. "W. McComas returned "Wednes
day evening from a trip to Portland
ical aaoiauon anoub "--
Captain Hobson was made redicuious
before the whole country by ust such
nonsense Of course the man m sucu employes, ana uccvuc i
nonsense, ui iul , ji-I . . ini,nnti.H Association em
strike Threatened in Friaco.
San Francisco. April 17.T-TJnle
the united railways, controlling the
street car lines of San Francisco,
cease summarily uisuuttis'"s
emploves, and accede to the demands
. . " . imr.taA AeenHntion em-
a cae Is taken at a tremendous dls- of the AmalSamateu Associauon u.
advantage He can neither accede norplores by Friday evening tb.6 latter
advantage. . ,.j thnt i in ..n. There nre 3500 men em-"
J. Sheuerman is in town from San i some of the Brooklyn women taunitu ployed
Ferguson's Dog .Poisoned.
The dog poisoner has found anoth
er victim. This time it Is the large
St. Bernard belonging to C. J. Fergu
son. He was found this morninir In
a pitiable condition near the nlnnlnp
miu with everr evidence that he had
been poisoned. Medical aid was sum
moned at once and evervthinir done
to save the dog's life, and he is still
alive, but came very nearly passing
in his checks. This Is one of the
largest dogs in Pendleton and is val
ued very hichlr bv Mr. and Mrs.
Francisco, shaking hands with old
Mm W f. Ulnir and danchter.
Jessie, are in town from their home
in Weston.
S. D. Gardner, a prominent "Walla
"Walla business man. Is registered at
the Golden Rule hotel.
Miss Jessie Blair, of "Weston, is the
cuest of Miss Josie Danner. at her
home on East "Webb street.
Miles Tvemler xc-Hl r-n In Portland
Mondav. -where he will snend a week
visiting inends and relatives.
O. F. Mavs. of Lostine. snent "Wed-
nesdar nlirht In town on his rav to
"Weston to attend the funeral of Mrs.
Geo. "W. Proebstel.
Miss Oeorrie TYilRnm left vester-
day for Prospect farm, where she will
snend a few days with her friend.
Miss Kit Duncan.
Mrs. "William Slusher and daughter.
Miss Edith, returned yesterday from
a three months' visit at Los Angeles,
Pasadena and other places in California.
Miss Josenhine Mahonev. of Port
land, is the guest of Mrs. Bruce, In
this citv. Mrs. Bunce will accomnanv
Miss Mahoney to Portland tomorrow,
wnere she will spend a few weeks.
C. E. S. "Wood, the Portland lawyer.
has telegraphed from New York,
where he now is. at!centlnir the honor
of being the candidate of the demo
crats of Oregon for United States
County Assessor George Buzan
went out Into the northern part of
the county "Wednesday to locate dep
uty assessors and put them in the
field for the work of assessing the
property in the different districts.
"W. M. Pierce, democratic candidate
for joint senator for Umatilla and
i Union, left this moraine f or La
Grande to look after his farming In
terests. From there he will go to
Hot Lake and return home about the
Sam Garber, of the Chamberlain
Medicine Company, of Des Moines,
Iowa, is in town looking after the
advertising end of the business. Mr.
Garber has toured the Northwest fori
a number of years and crows hetter
and andsomer as he grows older.
There are 3500 men envn
tlin svstem. Aiavor
"" i DHiyeu o" :
KuebhK with being a coward. But j Schmitz, through whose offices the
.u t- ntherwise brave men -trite was averted two weeks ago.
v tnn nn nn. u i - nnmnanr fnr nrPflPn ni
u- eii-inir fmm such an on
slaught; and there are women whom
It would require no small bravery
to kiss. Providence Journal.
uhu b UnltfH states Is a
Commercial Bee Hive.
The Ad-"Writer, of SL Louis, very
apUy and wisely says: "One of the
reasons for the rapid advancement of
l t-i,j Ctnt np ac a pnmmerrlal
1 Ultr t UHCU Mvca "
center is the fact that the people of
this country are tne Dest aaveruaeiB
on earth. The American tempera
ment is a restless one. It moves at
fever heat; it works as if each day
were the only one in which to accom
plish the work of a lifetime. In the
beginning we worked, perforce, be
cause we had before us the task of
building a civilization out of a wilder
ness and now work has become a
habit with us. "We are an ambitious Grave Anxiety Felt
nauon. e unt uie uu u Amsterdam. April 17. Queen "Wil
.. . . ,. , i to set in and crave anxletv is felt.
Palma Off for Cuba.
New York, April 17. -Among the
passengers booked fo Cuba on the
"Ward liner sailing today, Is General
T. EstraJa Palma, president-elect of
Cuba. General Palma will take up
the reins of government on the Island
May 20. Senor Palma and the child
ren do not accompany the general to
Cuba, but intend to join him at Ha
vana early next month.
Fast Day in New Hampshire.
Concord, N. H., April 17. In ac
cordance with the recent proclama
tion of Governor Jordan today was
observed as a fast day throughout
New Hampshire. Special services
were held in many of the churches.
You last week aW
good it was a
interest 1
You would try it
know if you W0Bi(1
try our Coffees once,
a bull dog could
drive you away
3 Rolls Crepe papetlj
Owl Tea
Cheapest place iB
Saving's Bank
publish them all. And when we have
flunc their nraises broadcast through
our own country, we boldly Invade
the older nations and advertise our'
latest hobby to the world. No other
nation of the world can compete with
the United States as an advertiser.
Nor ever will. Because the American
energy and 'ginger that is responsi
ble for American progress Is the
possession of Americans alone."
"Redeem Missouri." .
"Redeem Missouri:" Yes redeem it.'
Put it in the same condition as re-(
publican Iowa. The state treasury j
oi lowa is empty and the officials
are finding it hard work to keep
things running. And poou old Mis
souri with two millions in the treas
ury and another million set aside to
have a world's fair frolic. "Redeem
Missouri" heaven preserve us!
Platte City Landmark.
the Pacific N
927 Market St. San P
secure free, a beantifni
ings BanK. also fnll
garding the new Three Vi
international Encvclon.
ary which is now belnr
readers or this paper for
oents a Day.
1issed 'Em Both.
"What do you thii.li of "Washing-
ton?" asked Representative Steele of
a small nephew who is visitine hfm .
Out Special Woodcraft Sale. f7
Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, April J9-2M
iooo yards fine ginghams, worth 20c, sale price 12&
icoo yards dress ginghams, worth i5c,sale price 10c
ioop yards check ginghams, cworth 6c, sale price
1000 yards fine LL cotton, worth nn c-.i r
4 yard patterns wash silk, worth $2.50, sale price Ji.fo
The Drettiest ne nf T)r n a tr. KJ, ei Yf.
me of Men's Shirts m Pendleton. We are giving away ab
iiucij iree, a nne riat with every suit of clothes. We sballo
x bwn great Dargoms dunng this sale. Remember the
bloCi, l0 select :rom and prices always guaranteed the
is accomnanied hr her
dauchier. Mrs. J. M Waitor nf to
Strike Steadily Spreading. icoma. They will remain here for a
Brussels, April 17. Reports havelfew daJ"B
been received from the provinces to- Clyde Owens, who has been spend
day to show the strike movement is 1 Ing the cast three monthR in Pnr
steadily spreading. Strikes in the Hand, the guest of relatives, will ar-
tottj uems are seriously anectlng the rive in town this evening to resume
Ml3. H. C. aiierncet- Ar, n T that City.
"Wade and Miss Cozbl Raley expect to i "ot mucn." replied the nephew.
leave next week to attend the meet- 1 ve Den here tw0 cays and I have
ing of the National Federation of "Wo
men's clubs, which occurs in Los An-
ceies. Mrs. Gnemsev will remain It,
v - - 11111111 M-AA
caiiiornia for several weeks.
Mrs. Martha Mavs. of EIiHn tc rii.
Iting relatives and friends in town.
She is the mother of "William Mnn
01 this city and a sister of A. "W.
xiye. She
ruiiruaua. ine government haa or
dered the railroads to stop carrying
all freight, except what is absolutely
01 sriiioey
Elected Bishop of Honolulu.
Cincinnati, April 17. The Eiisco-
pai nouse or Dishops in session here
today, elected Rev. Henrv
1 reetnr nf Rt ti,l'o u o m'
go, uai., as bishop of Honolulu.
Smoke Pendleton Boquet Clears,
TS strictly fashionable and all
the newest Ideas are in our
Btock. You will be right in
style with your correspondence
if you select from our special
St. George
The Only Short Order House
in the City.
TALLMAN & CO. Fresh VZfe
THE LEADING MUfiflKTc akJ pen Da and Night
' w J
W. V P...K...n n i
Blucher Cut Shoes
Hare no geams to hcrf the foot, and are
Neat and Stvlfrh. fo, Wh T,4w
Gents We are aelftnw -t r
Fer prices $4 to $5. Qemase Bargaks
Tie Pendleton Shoe Gmpany
his losition at Dutton's confectionery
store. "While in Portland Mr. Owens
devoted a month of his time assisting
In the sheriff's office,
Mrs. Albert "Wurzweiler and eon,
Milton, arrived in Pendleton from San
Francisco on last evening's Portland
train, and will visit here for about a
week with Mr. and Mrs. R. Alexan
der tnd other friends, before return
ing to her home at Joseph, "Wallowa
A. O. Smith, for the last year cash
ier for the O. R. & N. Company, in
this city, has resigned his position to
take effect about the inih n.m
go East He has accented a nosltlnn
with the Portland-Asiatic Steamshln
Company, and will tro in Khat,oi
wuere ae win De located.
C. M. Kearnev. V. A TTaio t?a
" w.viu, V.
ftjamer, Elmer Gilliam, James Har
ris. Jessie Lien&llen Penri 77,100011
- . - .uoac.
L. K. CurtrlehL W. Pnrfrit Too
Kramer and two others, whose names
were not learned, left Pendleton "Wed
nesday mcrnlng. for Joe Cunha's
sneep ranch, to commence shearing.
.urs. xu 1, -ihompson. Miss Ida
Potwlne. ReV. W. E. Pnttrlne T A1
ander, S. A. Lowell, Thomas Thomp-
. u. LinamDerlaln and J "W
Scriber. the latter of La Grande, left
this morning for "Weston to attend
the funeral of Mrs-. George "W. Proeb-
Bon or Mrs. proebstel
a oromer or .Mr. Proebstel, Jake
Proebstel, of Portland, were also on
me ixam, going to attend the funeral
J. H.Terguson returned "Wednesday
evening from a visit tn hin
Aaami.. iiir. Fercruson i,
i . . .. " "
wjiL-ai in tne conntrv has w.m.
derfully during the last fenr a tto.
was out on the hreafen nf t.o I...
ui . 1 1ZI
ouu uayB mac gram looks better along
vuc uictt&u man in nnv nfhiw
iui uid reajinn mat rha h.iwi I i -
have not effected It bo much aa on
the hills. With favorable weather
Mr. Fenruson fhlnVn that mi. m
- buu nut
make a rood cron.
not seen Uncle Sam or Mark Hanna ,
It pays to trade at the
Peoples Warehouse.
Feminine Silliness.
Silly women nrlll 1n olmnoi ,
. . " ... uuvih UUJF'I
thing in their enthusiasm for a malei
tr? Bfl who rushed
at Kubelik in Brooklyn, and endear-
The Best shoe ever of
fered at this
either women or men.
For doing things right and putting correct .
styles and snap into Millinery is found in
every one of our Productions.
Vou get
What you buy
from us.
Bid SUck at
Trucking & Transferring.
We are
Seeing is believing
Main and Webb Streets
Jt Jft .1 .M u -
Pendleton, Ot
Lee's TT c tt -r. ' " r..tii
Stock Foofi fr 1 ' og remedy for swine-plague.
IZl cale: OH Meal for
ww.. x-ouiuy iockis amd iobicsi '
HIV n-mtl m.mm W3mA
f 129 East Alta Street, - . . Pedkl,