East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 17, 1902, Image 6

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    THURSDAY, APRIL 17. 1902,
yett It "Would Be a. Itellef to Tear Skin
From Back. Cured by CUTICCKA.
1 had a breaking out all over my back.
The Itching waa almost unbearable, aod at
time I felt that It would be a relief to tear
the ekln ofl my back. I tried doctors' pre
icripiioru. ana several remedies, without
even relief. I read of yonr Cltihuka reme
diee In tlio Indianapolis JTaet. After three
application, my back quit Itching, and bj- the
time the box of CtmcunA Ointment wa half
ued the breaking ont had all disappeared.
2310 Cornell Ave., Indianapolis, Ini
Complete External and Internal Treat
ment for Every Humor, cotwinting of to
cut,i Soap (c), to elearwe the ikln of ernu
and Kales, Ccticcoa Ointment (50c), to Uay
Itching, and nothe and heal. Ccncnm Bxsoi
TEST I JOcO, to cool nd clean the blood. Sold
thronont the world. 1'OTTr.ttDnro akdCttek.
Co nr., Pole Iro., Boston, "How to Curt
ilrnlris HcmoTi," tree.
Tinntrpr nf TCplnffnP' 4"nfiP,-' ,and- Immediately everything
uanger 01 neiaimg haiku , Dcniocratlc Hor?cs wunt DoIiM)
rlntPR nn t.Vlfi Rtnmn. I Mules wont Democratic.
j one of his favorite passages bo i Un. XoS :
year j bis way a, Benton j
mime strange perversity the nsvcrsHy " m-Wil
people carried the election for tin ( Uawkiu. ana u- "
miller Benjamin Harrison. Up in
reached the high water
nrosnerity. In that
v.m.ble Wort ,,,e
the cost ot
people currit-u iuc i'' i - . , i.ntti-bt
( Democrats and elected Orover Cleve-. thrtu?hont h otvn boHi i.
. i. ..... ,P.i.in. n-Mit niw hot day Colonel nemoa
Kothinc bat a local
remedy or change of
Climate will cure
The Spoctnc is
Ely's Cream Balm
It it qnickly absorbed.
Olves Relief at once-
Opens and cleense;
Humorous Tales Told by Public
Speakers Must Be Brief and Snappy, j
What the Old Farmer Had Forgot-j
ten Wit and Sarcasm of Charles j
Cattle, bops
ntiii KtiPfii went Democratic Wheat
. i ...... ... .a., r laim. l-ln. nn t lw Cl'Hi"!?
corn. oats, ua; uuu wuuu ..... . ---- - .... f rh -rout ex
fi Kr ti, a..P..r trees In tin- denlv rose In the m.dt of tne "
.liltlV -.5- .
Wabash valley went Democratic to
such an extent that the sap ref used to
run." And I never saw an audience
that that bit of extravagant humor and
sarcasm did not set to shouting. Lan
dis has a most fetching style of dellv
1 -.nn" tn experts.
buildine the best sort of macadam road
bnildlng the poorest is about ?S,000.
.. 1 isst some thirty years
IT .--- ,,, ,,
tree In the courthouse square at j orJlnarv the loortot twh
B. Landis Governor Ball's Apt II
lustration-Lack of Beauty as Po-1 ls B!ls . I: ' X. ' w iV
j i. i s cry. uuu uis uiuuiiui iuiu
I .peaking to vt taoltltnde tder tbe
Indon. "Hoi.t John" Hawkins , .Ire re,lrs after about two
Ivinr on the rrass Hsteainc He (-nc- sometimes have to be
iWyroselnthemW.tofjne.tex- th, five or six
senator speech and at the to, .of hi; urtirol.
voice yelled, "xom ieu.. - ' S ed vs The Saturday Kvenins rbu
second choice for povemor of M Nsourt . -' b ter materials are easily
for 30 years:- Benton stopped and. Of. en he r 1 than
, , .. tunot mnnner. sain
IH HI- u,r I"""" "
"Mav 1 Imiulre who is yon,
choicer1 "Any man In the sta
.t rot nrn not select-
who Is your nrsr , tr?-r " nf tue road.
te who s i owin? 10 m
n 1 1 nntnn
can ieat oioh f thir f-norance. for which tue tax-
-Honest John." to the severely, the government
the audience. "Honest John hit the , V": ,f destroy. Abont a
bull's eye that time dead sure pop. aZ, ";.Mihnd In the bureau
for which the tax-
K.itw ) imlklers.
wstn tue laugnter auu umuusi:
what he said, perhaps more.
If nnulfrint of Farmlno. .
in our debates Mr. Landis would I that time u an ik tf cstabH,hc(1 ln the 1)Urenu
sometimes hop on to Bryan about turn- A Nsw Way of Getting Elec.ed. 1 cheaj,stry of the agricultural de-
1ns farmer. He alleged veiiemenuy lnipossiuie if j"""- , jmrtnient a 'Toaa material luiru....,
litiea' Capital His Second Choice.
Copyright. 1W2, by Champ CIark.1 j
Tersons who have not experimented,
with telling nuecdotcs may not know.
It, but It Is never the less true, thatj
there are at least a score of anecdotes 1
amusing when you read them to where ; ... lin .,f1 nnt k.nmr nnvtllin. abom cCem and unprecedented as It mtdount- , . business of which is to test
determine uieir
under the ron-
hen samples
with hTs hired man jiottering about tbt j the race to secure it. . of flH ne rocfes nvnilable in a given
farm. Bryan waved his hand toward ; In 1SS2 Judse John A. Mnckey. Judge ; JocJlUv flre sent t0 lt- j, wl) Uetermiue
a .field of growing grain and said, 'Bill.t William A. Guun and Mr. J. D. nn .jjj,",, tue ,est results under
will soon have to get into that were having a reanoi iiuer " . conditions of rainfall and tempera-
uiere is one m 10 ten in a iiuunc mk.-w.ai. ; tiI1t.,r nmi to nrove It he said: "A edl.v was, one i'ikc coumj 'nmw seut it and
The latter class must be short, snappy; f Iolltic.ar,s ylslted Mr. Bryan made his calling and election to a cov-. - roadbuilding
nnd to the point. Esiecinlly Is that, , fa d f , uim , company eted ollice sure by withdrawing from . , w
true ln congress. In that arena niaiiy
would be humorists fall down by!
spinning an anecdote out to too great!
a length. One day Mr. Reeder of Kail- j
sat! consumed at least ten minutes in ;
elaborating something which he unwise- j
ly deemed nn nuecdote. When he had 1
concluded, Mr. Thayer of Massachu-j
setts very pertinently and innocently ,
inquired, "Whnt is the point to that'
etory T'
. i .ai. 1h Wa litmln,
wheat.' whereupon Bill replied. ' ny. ligbt tor represenwuM: . j gaining there.
Mr. Bryan, that isn't wheat; tnat sjture. r or weess xue r a ' vn materiai sent in is tested for abra-
nompntntlon and tousrhness ana
Governor Ball's Story.
My old law partner, ex-Lieutennnt
Reeder's "anecdote" bored the I Governor David A. Ball who was ex-
but Thayer's question con
house canvass. One flue morning, to 1
the surprise of all. Judge Gunn an-, - i,.in"iis soon as
nounceo Ills renreimrui nuui uc .
He did this In perfect good faith. There
brines many a deserving
wno, ju-ciaa, mignt iail. Our
in makiLg your apparel what H
ku ire cuubitjia in KeeDlDP vonr 1:.
was bine and ironinc them u,.Jz
titer uriuu our woik. nti
J. F. Hobinson, Prop.
the proier machines can be built. The
nwifnup determination or iiaraness.
i VIU I -A JV7 AJUI U - ----- r . Tt t.Al HiHtnlr
I Congressman Alexander Monroe Dock- 5 no trick awuu u. - uo , of far ,ess iln,M)rtan(.e than
i . . . - it . I i-rmni u'eftrr of the contot. All tue ' . . ' . ,
vulsed It.
j "Ma Left Out" . .
Anon I lioowl rnlnnol 1 1 if. A TPrv. ! 1. 1 1 111...
i, vuw a k v. vv.w.w. . ' i run QTiiiiin. hi uiss tswtefiiL iir iuui-i - . .
.tfAJWiJJSSSt. rfil n If HFAH one of my constituents, relate In a tbe bsurd preaicnn.ent In which : many admirable qua! Bons 'or tnr ,
" w- w - -- niililln CT I iil-i rt TltO Till! 1 r 1 ' '
that of the other qoalities named.
3 nn
the Eense oi Taste and SmelL No Uercury. Ho
Injurious Drug. Regular iie -5Cc : Family siia
J1.00, at DraeeltU or by mail.
LT BBOTflERS fid Warren St., cw Tork.
public pp"ech the
, . . riii- . i. , t 1 crown
cry s ODPoneni m ivw tor tue uciuw - - , . jj ; teat or me otm
f . . .. - .j. i iion-cnnnnrf ran; oni 111 uouiw i.-ovin . . ... , t.
crauc nominauon lor governor oi jus- 7T , ,,, , The abrasion tost aeterniiues 10 uai
a or oG eauonnis mmai, - m-,rl will te worn
forth m extenso nis , - .t.,.,..
away oy a given amouui ti iuuvub,
rinding, shaking togethc. and so on.
souri, Is a capital story teller on or oG j
skies and setting
P10" a gold Democrat would find himself in ' pJoce. Some of the editors wrote w.rb ,
to have your homes or plnces of
business papereti, painted and
put in shaje,for house cleaning
time is uear at hand, eo dout
delay. Our st-nrk of Wall Paper,
Paints and Mouldings is com
plete. The newest styles of
Wall Paper are at our store and
-sve have expert workmen to do
the papering and decorating.
Come and let us figure on your
work. We will save you money.
anecdote which he declared that he fo. Presiaent McKlnley he told 5 ?tee tte
i..t-n.1 from enmo Totns Ktntpsmau ... b . i tnis ii l n s honnm and expected their B1MK l" " v-
at xne lvausus uuv cuuvt-unuii. j.u, tnp uouse
illustrate tue imiwrtunce, even tue uu-; nn old fejiow- who undertook to
solute necessity, of Incorporating the mmmlt ellicifie hr hancint: himself 1 ense.
bimetallic plank In -the Democratic;
platform Colonel Avery said: j
"Near Troy, where I live, resides a I
prosperous farmer. One evening when
It is obtained by placing fragments of
they ,
. - .i .i .i are s?iiarea. or uiucu:ueit m laic
"Up in Pike county there j HwS " , which ordinarily is no: sufficient to
man to w mbcu - i - . .
to their amazement and j orea mem, ano tneu m-.ulv.
stmed their re-1 amount oy wnicn inej are reuui iu
vim Thn rpmpiitfltiou test IS to (11S-
with a blind bridle. Abont the time he
was gong off they cut him down and
rubbed him till he came to. He rubbed !
h nnil bi wif w..r.- enmlnr to tni!",D l-"' notiHons beseechlBS nun to re-enter memeu uipeuirr i-y mu
... ...ii ,.wj. n,,t i; in H,ir ! said, 'John, if you bad let me alone .. Vn th rnd. aiwiir a rolline or trampling of
fn,iiv smmlies his daughters ave him! tt m,mUe ,0DSer 1 wou,.d. ave been in . . to - j, m rmuer luau m- j obUiued by subjecting
-w., iir ..f nini,w -hi..i. thv heaven: The boy repuea: les: yon ; . .r mmhvr mnnhr of Vik . formed by mixine the
tired he eho'dd purchase for them. Ar
rived In town, he went to a drugstore
nnd drank n bottle of beer, as was his
enstom. Tl?n he proceeded to buy the
things which his danghters had writ
ten down tn the list. As he bought he
checked them on the paper. Having
finished that matter, he went to the
drugstore and drank another bottle of
beer. Then tre hitched up his team and
started home. On the way he bad a knows. Governor Dockery is a large.
would have cut a devil of a figure in
heaven looking through a blind bridle,
wouldn't you?' ThatV the way u Dem- j
ocrat would look voting the Republican ,
ticket tinder any circumstances," con- j
eluded the governor. j
Won on His Looks. .
Governor Ball is the only man 1 ever ;
knew who made political capital out of !
bis laqk of beauty. As everybody
distrust, the people con:
mrirc lit Km! v and ffreaur mourneu
' the los of tbe service of so worthy a f fiover the adhesive power of the dust
They delueed Jndge Gunn with gronaa rrom tne Buosxauce auu
UUU I'V ut'
the road. It is
little cylinders.
dust w!th dis
tilled water, to the continual blows of
a weight falling through a Lt-d d.s
tanee. Some substances will i.e shat
tered at once, but otbars will sustain
j rw wur
1IIW a.lla W 1 1 W T I in 1 Jaa
Billiards at
A. tllf 1 CLUU U
213 Court Street.
like Bacbel. mourning and refusing to
be comforted he yielded gracefully to
the Inevitable, reannooneed his candi
dacy the succeeding week and usirubu
dlctu, walked off with the nomination, as many aa 2.000 exactly similar blows
He was duly elected and re-elected and before falling to piece. This shows
I A. W Jfc. tV
Eerved his people faithfully and well.
CnAia Ci-akk.
the ability of the material to repair it
self when pat on a road.
Oregon Lumber Yard
AJta St., opp. Court Honse.
For All Kinds of Building Material,
Screen Doors
and Windows
Building Paper
and Sand
And Don't Forget Our Wood Gutters
For Barns and Dwellings
very pronounced feeling that he had
forgotten something. Yon have all ex
perienced that feelins and know how it
worries yuu. He racked his brain tc
discover what it was that he had for
gottfti without avail. He finally .stop
ped his wagon, unwrapped the various
iwctwdgi's nf goods nnd carefully com
pared theui with the list. Everything
tallied exactly. He drove on, still pos
sessed with the idea that he had for
gotten something. When he reached
home, the girls ran out to meet him and
were delighted wltlrthe articles he had
purchased for them. lie asked them If
nil the things were there, nnd they de
clared they wore. Just then one of
them looked at the empty wagon auri
Inquired. 'Pa, where is ma?' 'By Jove,"
the old man exclaimed. 'I knew I hnd
forgotten soinethlug. and it Is your
ma'.' So," continued the colonel, "when
anybody writes a Democratic platform
and leaves out bimetallism, as sure ns
you live be has 'forgotten ma,' and we
can't get along without her."
"Everything Democratic"
in the debates which I had ln
100O with Hon. Charles B. Landis be
handsome inau. The Globe-Democrat
some years ago declared that he -was
"the mote pulcbrltudlnous member of
the Missouri delegation in congress."
Ball Is a small, wiry man, not especial
ly handsome, not very ugly. In his
speeches lie magnifies hk ugliness for
the humor of the thiug. He says: "Not
lone since I was up at Pleasant Hill
campaigning. I didn't know a soul in
the town. So I started out to get ac
quainted. The first man 1 met was a
tall, good looking man. I walked up to
Morals of tbe Child.
The moral development of tne child
begins almost as son aa its mental, i n
and the two march hand in band. The "
home is the place where correct mora!
principles should be first instilled in
the mind of tbe child, and neglect of
Ella Wheeler Wlleox Would
lavrore Our Highways.
It appears that Mrs. Wilcox has he
come a good roads convert in earnest.
this may mean endless suffering for "l"f
, k,m taa ! B"ffto WV of practical modem
i method of road Improvement, says
I iood Roads Magazine. The following
' are some of her good roads arguments:
l "Between a bad road and a good
road I feel the same difference that Is
parents and child. Too often this Is
left to the servants, relatives or the
teacher later. The parent who can
neglect this side of the child's develop
ment and trust it to somebody else is
not worthy of the responsibility that I
him and said: 'Good morning, sir. My 1 lect Is not altogether intentional, but
name is Ball.' 'Dave Ball?" the stran
ger asked. 'Yes; Dave Ball of Pike.'
'What! Are you the man who Is running
for governor?' "Yes; I am the man.'
The tall one looked down on me for a
moment nnd said, 'Well, I'll be ever
lastingly luirnswaggled! After having
relieved himself In that way and re
covered from his surprise he took me
all over town and Introduced me to. the
entire population."
Dr. Buckner's Question.
It takes a man of infinite good na
ture nnd nn exquisite sense of the ri-
UL ! nAM.u.r.iKIA 1 1 . .1
has been conferred upon her. The neg- 'rT , 4 u'Kur auu Iuuueu
diculous to relate an anecdote lu public
tiki not tell many anecdotes, but hei : tue point is against ctmseir. rni
managed to work a good deal of wit. j Bn!1 delights to do. in Pike county
humor and sureasm Into his speeches, i ,,ves n maa of Preat Intellectual bril-
' llnnov nnrno Tit Kamiuil W Itimbnar' 1
more often due to lack of energy and ! , lu, "l a
forethought. The work does not begin ! warrlor' bnt Be proof ,of true eat
early enough, and the little mind get ' ??Ja man interest In
warped before tbe lemons are taught.- ! 'f1 flDe IT? 8"d in J,laatinS
Woman's Home Companion. 1 shade vnich ae kaew be mm
; not live to enjoy.
BOeet of TlSUt Clothing. I "Jfjf J " T'
. . . , , , to me we sbonid build good approaches
Wy red hands are often caused by it0 them Allleriea UtJlUPPIn coll.
tlcbt stays snutr s.eeves or pmchlng t 8tfa?tins ,uxnrious coaches
shoes. Choking collars will occasional-1 nA ..,..,
vm.mv 11 uui tr.viiiiiu
iy be tile cause. Tbe body must be com
fortably dressed. No matter how triv
ial the discomfort, tbe effect will show
Artificial iceiff
more time, labor and money in ierfect
ing wagon roads?
"It is a oMflt nUr- it,., . V. .
in the facial eapre-alon. A hairpin that . me;: 7 ZZ 17"
1 " "rrvrm' guiu
of money for the biUldiug or roads all
weary and worried look. Strange, isn't j " t .1.V1 7 . ' " lLauj
It? There Is many a beauty i!Uh can T1LJ
has gone into the scalp an inch or two
will make tbe most angelic face wear a
The Columbia
Lodging House
He is a brother to Judge A. H. Bnck
ner, who for 12 j-enre represented this
district In congress with signal ability.
Buckner is decidedly abseiitinind
He nud Ball are great cronies..
Ids stump fipeaohe Up relates this
lodicrous Incident: "One day as Dr.
Buckner and 1 were walking a! our the
street I told him I was thinking of
ernor and asked him what he t bought
of It
and said: 'I would artt im- yon to rnr. teach.
traced to some silly, useless little
1 on marshaled its inmates in line and
uuu... .vu. uwr uuu UiU&ee 1. r. rule IO ant Kom t ,
eat food that is hitrblv anieed nr r. , 861 .lhem to work even tb ,uots
stimulating Is llkilv t 1- t. y5r tae highways.
with a very fiorid complexion or coarse
red bands. Crisp green vegetables, lean
broiled meats, n diet that Is geu orally
simple and enbatantia). is the first law
of all beautifying.
what double good wi uld result-trooii
to the traveling pubi.e and good to the
t nnfortunate bfiugs to whom sun and
tresn ar are better and more human
like than tracts and sermons.
"Every farmer. Uif-rcUaut. railroad
Dirty I'ainRonlo. ! venlle a.uker. automobile or bl-
"Patagonjaus are not L-ian's cycl 0WDer- manufacturer or pleasure
Ho seemed to tafce to the Idea , have supposed and as tlie gectgrapUies ' w ongnt t0 s!St a pedtlon asking
Id: 'I would & m- yon to rnr. teach." said a man who "tJ tp-oi.--i I eonsr6 to take a larger Interest In
The pay Is good, the p,sStin bonorabie I "They are large in companion with the 8 I""
; and the duties light.' Then for setvral ' other South American natives- that f " "
' niinut-s he walked along in a brown all. Everything is relative rnn . An rhnt Strike.
study, utterly oblivions to all tenwrrl
al things. At last he stopped nml look- they can stand the cold so well. I havt "'' ;.nts which do most of their
eu ine fiqun-eiy in ine tace. 1 nRKeti
Telephone Main 105.
No Sediment to Foul
Your Refrigerator
No Disease Germs to
Endanger Your Health
The East Cregonlan Is Eastern Ore-,
representative paper. It leads, I
the people appreciate It and show I .
ilJertlsfni mX'moffscWI I A A UJluDALL CC ROSS
blm what he was studying about. He
j replied, 'I was just, thinking that if you
were elected lieutenant governor nnd
the governor happened to die what a
devil of a fix the state would be in! "
Always His Second Choice.
The greatest fight for high office ever
made by an old man in the history of
this world was that of Thomas Hart
Benton when he appealed to the people
nnd ran for governor of Missouri In
1S30. At the advanced nge of 75 he
traveled day and night and canvassed
the entire state. That was before the
days of railroads, and It wns a colossal
undertaking. The old statesman laid
on and spared not. His enemies adopt
ed his tactics and raised blm at his
own game Thev were n nmltlt nrlo
- rf- .vwuic. Mill EllAir f-i . ...
But they are very fat. That is why m Wack ants bnve nt-
they can stand the cold so well. I bnve "nU Wbicb do most of tbelr
seen Patngonian men and bovs running ' iTf .. tUOUl- 0nee lD ablle these
nrouud unclad while I was wrapped In ' H l fe,Iows w eo ou strike,
MV UlUL'Kh in' T r T AA. -1. ...
w Wk VV L AlCllI
off their food
warm garments, with the snow falling 7 CK try 1
unon them in nuantirioe nr,i i "" t0 work by cnttlnsr
blowing bitterly. They are kept warm !?mply; If. does nt succeed, they
l.v their fat and iiiw p.... vrm attack the strikers in
one of the dirtiest places imaginable. I ? B a f,ai.d and Wt nnother gang 0f
Don't go there if you hate dirt. That ' ei,ows lnt the colony. But the
Is my advice to nil who contemning
Journey to the jumping off place of
South America."
"I would marry that girl but for one
"What's that-afraid to pop the Ques
tion?" "No;-afraid . -.r m r '-Xew
York Herald.
Ab pe"p j. :
formerly etti.
IV 1
Krnn mnn ,....H .1 ... i ..... i . , . . hul
i ii I """v'1 ""-" oi meet uegui io stay iy tt,, u, a. day -awi.
" " "njuic ioua uu occusiuuai bn uioue.
Icom5' 83 a rule, join tbe strikers.
airibe enos by the "yellows" es
caping and founding a colony for thein-
..TV." ?nlr Ch"nce They Have.
All Joshua wonu," said Fanner
Ccntossei wife, 'is a chance to show
ui uv can do.
Josh Is 0lit. of tll0se ,)Wipl( who ueyer
eteia to git n chance to do anything
t-tp, s.meiUng they cau't do,"
anlungton Star.
"Have sold the two
properties decribed
below. Have others
equally as good."
Two lots and house, Si.ooo,
or will sell on installrr cuts.
.nil i i
u u n ti it i i k i
ft. KiaJLlfaJ, A1
I nillll 1 1 U ir I-.4I
U1A VAIiUluv '
iiiri iintrh nen
Pppri Yard.
Cavalr)JHorseb fur Sale.
. . rr irVK
jm I I
Not on Pasco,
BUI vi'
ntn?nr rJQl)
im. m aai mm
r-cTATE 01