East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 17, 1902, Image 5

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    lee Teutsch
, Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Company.
APRIL 2-22
Has secured the
for the celebrated
Virginia Kid Gloves for Ladies
These cloves are the best that human hands have
Irtdevised. They are the most stylish and best
aide cloves it is possible to buy. Wearers of
Z Virginia gloves can feel confident of having
Je Newest and Best Fitting Handware.
SDAY, APRIL 17, 1902.
A. Howard, farm loans.
rent; piano; inquire this office,
tie new decorated diBheB at
it Bros.
litfs bock beer, the best of the
. at Nolte's saloon.
line of toilet soaps at Mar-
tani!y Bakery and Grocery.
Teutsch has just received a
eat of the celebrated Thompson
irtlng corsets.
on want fine meats, go to
: & Greulich. They handle the
i Is to be had.
it to loan at lowest rates on
r country property. J. R. Dlck-
ut. Oregonlan building.
at arrlced, a new line of child-
hats, to take the nlace
dean hats at Mrs. Rose Camp-
of decorated dishes received
riey Bros. AH the prettiest de-
It will be time well spent for
i come and see them.
t Lady's Crescent bicycle was
anding In front of Gus Stan-
saloon, hind tire almost new,
r.owing the whereabouts of
heel will please return same to
I sweet tooth o yours -will have
' picnic If you drop into Dut
1 get some of the home-made
s creams. They are the most
confections made. A trial
ihs Fobs
I have lUSt recfiivprl nnmr
designs in Leather and
il Woven Fobs. They are
ties and very serviceable,
wst is modest
refer and Optician
Whitaker, the dentist
See Lee Teutsch for hats.
Farm loans at lowest rates. B .D.
Sehlitz Dale and bock beer on
draught at Nolte's saloon.
There was no council meeting last
night. No business to transact was
the reason.
C. R, Dutton is liberally using white
paint in improving the appearance of
his confectionery store, on Main
Sumpter is actually to have a smel
ter with money enough behind it to
operate it. An Eastern syndicate
will build it.
John Savage, of Milton, has filed a
petition in bankruptcy in the United
States court in Portland. He has lia
bilities of $1000 with no assets.
There is a case of smallpox in the
pest house at La Grande. The pa
tient contracted the disease at Star
key, in the mountains, about 30 miles
from La Grande.
A Crescent bicycle, No. 16 has been
found by the police and can be secur
ed by the owner applying at the po
lice station, proving property and
paying for this notice.
County Judge Hartman discharged
Victor M. Shick Wednesday from His
charge as guardian of Miss Maud
Kirk. Miss Kirk became of age and
petitioned that her guardian be dis
P. C. Peterson, representative of
T. C. Taylor's hardware store, Is In
the country today putting in a deep
well pump for Joe Seivers, who re
sides eight miles nortn or town.
During the recent heavy wind storm
Seivers wind mill and pump were
so badly damaged as to be rendered
useless and nev ones will replace
them. The new windmill wllll be
erected next week by Taylor, the
hardware man.
Excelsior Council, Order of Pendo,
have succeeded In securing the
Sweet family to render their most
popular drama for the benefit of the
local treasury. The entertainment
will be given April 18, at Hendricks'
Hall. After the play the lady mem
bers will serve aU pre3ent with a
bounteous Tepast and the remainder
of the, evening will be spent in dan&
ing, good music "ill be furnished,
Evening's entertainment, including
supper, 25 cents; children under 14
years, 15 cents. "And don't you for
get it.
Pendleton Dogs Capture More Than
Their Share of Honor.
Not only do the men of Pendleton
take things by storm and carry off
the pie when they go to Portland,
but the dogs have got the same fever
and are winners as well.
The above statement is made be
cause of a telegram received by
George Darveau, proprietor of the'Ho
tel St. George, this miornlng, from F.
F. Wamsley, who has his two dogs
at the bench show, now in session in
Portland. This telegram states that
Oregon'n Jessie, one of the Wamsley
dogs, and a pup of Umatilla Queen's
had won all first prizes, in the show
Wednesday, and that Umatilla Queen
had won two seconds and one third
Charles H. Carter has received
word from his dog, Laddie W, stating
that he had been winning prizes, but
what they are is not yet known.
Later it is learned that Laddie W,
Charles H. Carter's dog, won first
prize in three classes. This dog was
only entered In three classes and he
was first in all. T. T. Nelson's Bum
mer is also entered at the show, but
no word has. been received concern'
Ing him.
About the Kennel Club bench show
the Portland Journal has the follow
ing to say:
"The entry list shows that there Is
many dogs entered from Seattle, Vic
toria, B. C, and San Francisco as
well as other points throughout Ore
gon. -. The local entry list is also
larger than ever before and there Is
a better variety. Pointers lead in
number and will be followed closely
by cocker spaniels.
"On entering the doors one is im
pressed with the fact that these are
real dog days. The baritones of
hounds, the yelps of terriers in fal
setto key, and, in fact, even tenors,
altos, sopranos and basso profundos
everywhere to be heard, showed that
the dog was much in evidence every
where, and this is no dogmatic state
ment, either. N
"As the tones of the inharmonious
dog chorus strikes the ear, It was ev
ident that they all knew that 'every
dog must have his day,' as Swift said
long ago. These lucky dogs are going
to have several. They know It, and
they're all working overtime. It
isn't that the dogs lack voices, but
they have never been trained. Not
withstanding, to his master's fond ear
there is no sweeter music than the
voice of his favorite canine. To all
such, 'there never was a better dog
than old dog Tray.'
The list of some 300 entries com
prises Mastiffs, St. Bernards, Great
Danes, Newfoundlands, Greyhounds,
Chesapeake Bays, Pointers, English
Setters', Irish Setters, Gordon Setters,
Irish Water Spaniels, Field Spaniels,
Cocker Spaniels, Collies, Bulldogs,
Bull Terriers, Boston Terriers, Fox
Terriers, Dachshunds, etc.
"The bench show will keep open
day and evening up to Saturday
There are no entries from Eastern
Oregon except from Pendleton.
That Became a Fact and Fleaaea
Many Bald People.
A. R. Lewis, Ml D., In a lengthy ar
ticle .a the columns of the American
Journal of Health, says concerning
hatr: "It's deterioration la a con
stant source of worriment to human
ity, consequently bald people are
easily deceived by 'fake' hair restor
atives. The wish that a hair prepar
ation will 'fill lthe bill' is father to
the fancy that It Is likely to do so. A
rare case in point Is that of Nowbros
Herplclde," which actually does 'fill
the bill.' It destroys the parislto that
attacks the hair root, and prevents
dandruff, falling ha.r and baldness."
New Store In Pendleton.
C. W. Irvln Is today moving Lis fix
tures and apparatus into the new
Martin building, and will engage in
the manufacturing, wholesaling and
retailing of Ice cream, confectionery
and soda water. Mr. Irvln has had
15 years' experience in this line of
business and comes here froni Stock
ton, Cal. He Is well equipped for the
manufacturing of confectionery ana
ice cream and will make a specialty
of supplying parties, socials and fam
ilies. The new store will be known
as "The Delta," and it Is expected
to be opened for business by Saturday
evening next
It Pay to Trade at tht People Watthotwc.
Surprise Sale
FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1902
350 yards silk finished Foulardine will bo rilaced
on Surprise Sale Friday morning, -April 18th.
This line o 'goods has never been sold (or less
than 35c per yard. Aimng the lot you will
r. ,i n Knn,.:ri variotvnf designs and colorings.
-,. i,ni.n n rm o r tirrttv summer dress for very littlo
monev. Our loss is your gain., Remember, only 12 yards to a
v - I
Friday is always Bargain Daff
According to news from Stockholm
experiments have been made at Mar
ina with an aerial torpedo, the Inven
tion of a Swedish commandant of ar
tillery named Unga. The results are
said to have been extremely satisfac
tory. The details are kept secret, but
it is learned that the machine'' is not
only an engine of destruction, but
can be used for saving the lives of
shipwrecked persons.
lepy Tablets...
fhe Puritan Chemical Company have appointed
s as their agents for Umatilla County ....
4 an Electric P ' V ' ' J
- 25 cacn
froi Main Ktt TV J r l tj
Vansycle Notes.
Vansycle, April 17. A force of men
started Monday morning to rebuild
the warehouses at Stanton, owned by
Balfour, Uuthrie & Co., which was
blown down by the wind storm of
Sunday night, the. 6th instant. Wheat
in this locality is looking fairly well,
but a good warm rain would be ben
eficial. Dave Marshall, 'from Hunt's Junc
tion, was visiting friends in this local
ity thiB week.
Farmers are well advanced with
their plowing in this neighborhood.
Mirs. J. B. Rlngle and Miss Emma
Greene, the latter the Vansycle
school teacher, left for Walla Walla
Friday, to visit friends and relatives
and returned Sunday. C.
A Day of Baseball.
On Sunday, April 20, a base ball
game will be played at Athena, be
tween the Helena and Othena teams,
and another at Pendleton, between
the Walla Walla and Pendleton
nines. The O. R. & N. Co. will run
a special excursion train, from Walla
Wnila t.n Pendleton and return, which
will wait at Athena, until after the
Helena-Athena game, and leave for
Pendleton about 1 p. m. Parties de
siring to witness the game at Athena
may leave Pendleton at 8:15 a. m.,
and return at 1 p. m. on the special.
Fare for the round trip, 75 cents.
O. R. & N. ticket office.
A Nearly Fatal Runaway
Started a horrible ulcer on the lg
of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, 111.,
which defied doctors and all remedies
for four years. Then Bucklln's Arni
ca Salve cured him. Just as good for
Bolls, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Corns,
Scalds, Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25c
at Tallman & Co's drug store.
Baseball Excursion.
Pendleton vs. Athena, at Athena
Friday, April 18. Train leaves Pen
dleton 8; 15 a. m., returning leaves
Athena, 4; 40 p. m. Fare for round
trip, 76c. Both teams are playing
gild edged ball and an Interesting
game is assurred.
In Need of Money.
All parties knowing themselves In
debted tu D. Kemler are hereby noti
fied to call and settle at once and
save costs. D. KEMLER.
Better See Them
Before You Buy
WORTH $5.00
Boston Store
The Delta
Will Open. Soon
New Confection
ery Store, Ice
Cream Parlors and
Soda Fountain
In New Martin Building
Keep your eyes on
us for the Good
C.W. IRVIN, Proprietor
Pooular Books..
AU the New Work which have met with the
hearty approval oi jjous. kuvoib i v
Read This List of the New Boeka:
"Count Hannibal," by Stanley J. VTeyman.
"The Ruling Passion," by Henry Van Uyke.
"It I Were King," by Justin McCarthy.
'Tarry Thou Till I Come," by George Croly.
"The Velvet move," oy ueury oevuu Mtii 1 1
man. . ... .
"The Pines of Lory." by J. a. mcnen.
"Tempting ol Father Anthony," by George
House With the Green Shutters," by George
D"The"itole of the Unconquered," by Tett
D"The' Methods of Lady Walderhurst," by
Frances Hodgson Burnett,
"Audrey." by Mary Johnston. ,,.,
Allln Wlnneld," by George Ktuelbcrt Walsh.
"Cloistering r Ursula," by Clinton Scollard.
"Kate Bonnet.'' by Krank i. Btockton.
"Up From fiiuvery," by Booker T. Wash-
lB?Arcr of the Guardf," by Louis Jvan
8hl a Bui te of AH, by Ed na tj all .
"New Canterbury fales," by Maurlco Hew
le"HesUr Blair." by William Henry Cat sou.
"Anticipations," by William Henry Carson.
"A House Party," by Joseph Uallwortli.
"Arline Vallre,1' by Joseph Hallworth.
"Lifo's Little Ironies," by Thomas Hardy.
"Simon Da'e," by Autb ny Hope.
"Tlie Eagle's Heart," by lumllii Garland,
"Norman Holt,' by Genera Charles King
"What Happenei to Wiggleswortb," by .
O. fuller.
Id cost you at
Surbrisc Price i
Alterations made free ofurqharge at the store
A Wnllfinir Skirt that WOU
I mother time sa.oo. at
. ,
OH on aU Tailor Made Sutlt
days. Alterations free.,
The Peoples Warehouse
lor the next i
If you don't like what ou buy when you get it home,
bring it back
Send for
Home grown asparagus, new and
tender... We have all the fresh green
vegetables of the season...AII kinds
of mushes.. .H-O self rising buck
wheat, and comb honey and
strained honey in jars :: ::
if Groan s B
R. MARTIN, Proprietor
Frazer Opera House
Baker & Welch, Managers.
XXxxxxiua. JPoxlmt
Sparkling Music
Brilliant Comedy
A Metropolitan
Prices: lower floor, 1; gallery, W)c. Scats on sale at Frazler's book
Window Screens
40 and 50c
CIQARS-the best brands
TOBACCO finest for
eraoking and chewing
PIPES -.to suit all j; ;