East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 17, 1902, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weatfctr
w,.urfl of buIneM t7 earner
)9C A TT
Tonight and Friday, fair.
NO. 4411
fl,e Mitchell-Kahn Bill Falls
to Pass the Senate and Be
come a Law.
. .... T-..L I. .U.
flu Watt Bin simpiy c.wsnu
jfnmt Law, Excluding oninese.
jrmThi6 Country, Which Has Not
ten Effective.
Islington, April 17. Late yes
terday afternoon a vote was taken
on the measure offered by Piatt, of
Connecticut, in place of the Mitchell
gshn Chinese exclusion bill. The
PJitt substitute for the pending bill
extends the present exclusion law.
The Piatt substitute was amended
by a provision that nothing Bhall in
terfere with the exhibits at the St.
Louis exposition.
The amendment to the Piatt sub
Itltute offered by Mitchell to compel
registration of Chinese in the Philip
pines' within eight months after the
passage of the act was adopted, 41 to
The vote on the substitute propos
ed by Mr. Piatt, of Connecticut, ex
tending the present exclusion laws,
resulted, 48 to 33, as follows:
Yeas Allison, Beveridge, Black
burn, Burnham, Burrows, Burton,
Clapp, Clark (Wyoming), Cockrell,
Cullom, Deboe, Dietrich, Dillingham,
Dolllver, Elkins, Foraker, Frye, Gal-
nger, uambie, uiDson, iiaie, wanna,
ansbrough, Hawiey, Hoar, Kean,
parnfl KlHrlrlcro MrPntnflC ATp-
Cumber, McLaurin (S. C), McMillan,
Ptatt fHnnn.l. Plntt W Y.V Pr It.oh.
M, Proctor, Quarles, Quay, Scott,
irk Mr uiu m -t ivurrun iv til niii'a
Nays Bacon, Bailey, Barr, Bate,
wn:nn M'o i xrin ire L'nntAw i n i
(Wash.), Harris, Heitfeld,
(Ark.). Jones (Nev.). Lodce.
aurin (Miss.). Mallnrv. Martin.
nklns, Rawlins, Simmons. Simon.
Uiaferro, Teller. Tillman. Turner.
eat 33.
ine substitute was further perfect-
- !uiu;UL U1UUUOCU UV 1TJ.1.
1 2-wauUk L11C UUlLltll 111 ll
r in exclusion cases in our ln
' possessions.
5 bill as fimpnrlnrl nrno flood .it
. . ...... u T UW UUUUI.U1 w
1. Hoar votinc In the negative.
me nan amenamenL
Piatt amendment to the Chi
w exclusion hill lc
- -mo uiii. me amfinrtmnnr
"That all law
Bf find t.AM..i.ii r
. hmu 1 Ctl II I Hi ini' Ttlfi rr-m Inrr -.r
1 noon
-v yciouuB ana persons of Cbi
e aescent into thn TTnWnrf $ntM
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C01UUnnft nr minh nnvonno
Will Dfi on 1 tl .
iwi a luu in are nereoy
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i8so i'irovea September
issx and en . ...
w luiiu i m I mm Tronrv
AAk All w VMbJ
. - vmuu nnn tho Tin (nj aiH
of "i ine President on the
breTr 181 sna" continue
T.e. ft Tin Or, 1,1 1 ...
. u u 14111 1 H V7 U onnll A
wrrltorv ,i. ' ' J"?",.ttuy l"
iin . v"c juxiouicuon or
jninpRo inv. j ..
no . - 1 . w 1 u iiuiu 1 1 1 n
United fi, aln land territory of
Diaies, or from on a nnr.
. tun lRlfivwl i. . -
Uld fitufoo 7"u lur"tory of the
lnT Provided, howt
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toanfre5.Ah ame group
nf "iiuin inn in via .tin-
. anv ci '""'u'l-
hereby extended and continued and
of said treaty of December 8, 18j4,
and with the approval of the presi
dent appoint such agents as he may
deem necessary for the efficient exe
cution of said treaty and said acts.
Salem Republicans Decide to Receive
and Entertain Nominee for Gov
ernor in Private.
Salem, April 17. The local com
mittee on reception of W. J. Furnish,
republican candidate for governor,
has decided not give a public demon
stration on the occasion of MV. Fur
nlsh's visit to Salem next week. The
committee has not been advised just
when Mr. Furnish will reach Salem,
but he is expected on Friday or Sat
urday of the present week. Mr. Fur
nish .nil be formally received at the
depot by the committee, and made
acquainted with as many of his Sa
lem friends as the time of his visit
will admit of, and there will be no ex
ercises of a public character. The
committee is planning for a grand
demonstration to be tendered Mr.
Furnish in the capital city at some
subsequent date.
National League Ball Begins.
New York, April 17. The race for
the National League pennant begins
today and from now Until the autumn
winds begin to whistle about the
bleachers the fans will have a plenty
to keep thm guessing. "While the
conditions surrounding the opening
of the season for the old and time
honored organization might be of a
rosier hue, still, all things consider
ed, there has been a lifting of the
cloud during the last few weeks and
the magnates affect to see a bright
horizon. At the Polo grounds the
Giants lined up against the. Philadel-
phians this afternoon. Tomorrow a
return game between the two clubs
will be played in the Quaker city and
the following day the third of the
series takes place here. Brooklyn
opens ,the season at home today
in a game with the Bostons. Pitts
burg plays at St. Louis and Chicago
at Cincinnati.
Premier !of Belgium Makes a
Proposition Which is Ac
cepted by the Socialists.
Great Crowds at Charleston.
Charleston, S. C, April 17. -From
present indications this will prove
the banner wcik in the attendance
at the Charleston exposition. Not
since the opening of the big fair have
such large crowds passed through
the turnstiles as we're witnessed dur
ing the past few days. The large
attendance is due to the many spec
ial days celebrated this week. Vir
ginians have been here in force for
Virginia flay, and Pennsylvania has
likewise celebrated. In addition,
there have been large delegations
from Savannah, Wilmington, Augus
ta, Chattanooga and other leading
cities of the South.
Georgia Travelers In Session.
Atlanta, Ga., April 17. The .larg
est convention in the eight year's
history of the Georgia division of
the Travelers' Protective Association
opened in Atlanta today and will con
tinue in session until Sunday. The
ball was started rolling at 2 o'clock
this afternoon when the delegates
and were called to order by President
It. L. wylly of Savannah. The visit
ors were cordially greeted In address
es of welcome delivered on behalf of
the city of Atlanta, the commercial
club and the local post. These for
malities occupied most of the opening
Alabama G. A. R.
Montgomery, Ala., April 17. The
14th annual encampment of the Grand
Army ,of the Hepubllc, Department of
Alabama, assembled here today and
was called to order by George F.
Jackson, department commander. In
the forenoon there was a parade of
the veterans which was reviewed by
the commander-in-chief, General Eli
Torrence, of Minneapolis.
Id Tfc4 ,..
-L in An.A n.t J .
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l;tW8;cT"I?eflln arcle six
and rn7r . ttUl8 nereay
V United w.; . conclaea
H ! and China
the comlnsr
me umtaa
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twS'T. Scribe, A
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Sullivan and Rice to Meet
New York, April 17. Dave Sulli
van, of whom little has been heard
since his defeat at the hands of Ter
ry McGovern, Is to re-enter the ring
at "Waterbury, Conn., tonight. His
opponent will be Austin Rice and the
two are slated for a 20-round bout.
Sullivan is reported in excellent condition.
Pope In .Good Healt
JRome, Aprll 17. The ,pope today
descended to St." Peters .to receive the
pilgrims. Reports that bis holiness
Is becoming weaker are unfounded,
as b.e la Jin perfect health.
s, Death Threaten QKieen.
JlWeriam, April! 17.Vlt is stated
thlsjBvenlqJ;hat .Queen.. Wllhimjaa
iiTiS grave danger, kidney complica
tions having set In. Public prayers
are leing offered for her recovery.
Government Would Give Considera
tion to the Demand for Electoral
Reform When Movement Was Seri
ous and Pacific, But Never Would
Yield to Riotous Agitation.
Brussels, April 17. The premier
made a proposition in the chamber to
day, which the opposition accepted,
and which, it is believed, ends the
crisiB for the present at least. Speak
ing of the strike movement and the
question of universal suffrage, he
said: "The movement is neither se
rious nor deep. Wrhen the movement
is both serious and pacific for elec
toral reform, we will see what Im
provement in suflrage is possible.
We refuse to yield to the present riot
ous agitation."
1 o Prevent Tuberculosis.
Ottawa, Ont, April 17. The Cana
dian Association for the Prevention
of Tubercolosis, which was organized
at a meeting held two years ago, is
holding its annual convention in this
city. Many prominent medical men
are in attendance .and during the
two days' session the important ques
tion of the cure and prevention of
consumption will be discussed in all
Its phases.
Mr, Cushman of Washington
Makes Sensational Speech
Against Henderson,
He Heads the Democratic Ticket In
Portland, Anril 17. The demo
cratic city and county caucus tonight
nominated State Senator R. D. Inman
for mayor. Several places on the
county and city ticket were left open,
and it is understood that they will
be filled in with members of the SI
mon faction of the republican party,
No nominations for the legislature
were made and the committee will
confer with Simon republicans for
the purpose of naming a ticket com
posed of democrats and Simon repub
General Butler Has Regrets.
London, April 17. Dispatches
which passed between General Buller
and Lord Roberts regarding the sen
sational reverse suffered by the Brit
ish at Spion Kop, were published to
day. General Buller, in his report to
Lord Roberts, condemns General
Warren. He says: "We lost our
chance by Warren's slowness. I
ought to have assumed command my
Amalgamated Dividend.
New York, April 17. The much
discussed annual meeting of the
Amalgamated Copper Company Is in
session today. As the meeting is ex
pected to act upon the dividend ques
tion much interest is manifested In
financial circles. The opinion pre
vails that a dividend will be declared,
perhaps per cent, but not more
iliii'i 1 per cent.
Rathbone Sisters Meet
New Albany, Ind., April 17. Th
Rathbone Sisters of this distrl-c be
ean their annual convention here to-
dav. There Is a full attendance of
-delegates from wasmngton, scou,
Harrison, Floyd, Clark and tne sev
eral counties comprised in the dis
Kaiser Goes Sailing,
Berlin. Anril 17. At the invitation
of the North German Lloyd Steam-
shin ComDanv. BmDeror William and
the German crown prince embarked
at Bremerhaven today on the steamer
Kronprinze Wilhelm for a pleasure
cruise of several days Jn tne worm
Rich Loan Money; Poor Pay It
London, April 17. A new loan of
32.000.000 sterling was announced
by Sir Michael Hicks-Beacb, in the
house of commons Monday, has al
ready been subscribed 40 times over.
Prominent Odd Fellow Dead.
Snrfncrflniri Anril 17. James. Mil-
JerT 8ecrelary of the grand lodge of
Illinois, of Odd Fellows, uiea wis
morning of congestion 01 we Drain.
Declares a Majority of the Republican
Members are Opposed to Reciproc
ity Bill But Driven to Vote For It
by the Powers That "Be.
Washington, April 17. Cushman, a
republican member from Washington,
created a sensation In the house dur
ing the debate on the Cuban recip
rocity bill, today, by making an at
tack on Speaker Henderson.
Cushman said: "To do business In
the house a man must first make
terms with the speaker. All glories
that cluster around the holy of holies
of Solomon's temple look like 30 cents
when compared io the jobbing de
partment of this government office
occupied by the speaker of this
house. Aye, like 29 cents. When I
get the opportunity, later in the ses
sion, I will make another speech on
the rules of this house, which will
be so hot that It will have to bo
printed on asbestos paper to keep It
from burning."
Cushman was frequently Interrupt
ed by uproarious laughter and tempos,
tuous applause, that came not alone
from the democratic side. Continu
ing, Cushman said:
"Why am I so thin? Because peo
ple of my state are asking me to pro
mote certain legislation, that is what
is pushing me from the rear. Then I
get up against the speaker and com
mittee on rules stone wall and
that is what pushed me from the
front, and that why I now look as
flat as a canceled postage stamp."
Cushman then launched forth in an
attack on the reciprocity bill, alleg
ing the majority of the republican
members of the house were opposed
to the bill, but had been convinced by
the powers that It will be best to
serve their interests and vote for It.
Cushman dramatically appealed to
the republicans not to desert the
principles of protection and said, no
matter what may be the outcome, he
would stand for protection of Ameri
can industries. He concluded amid
loud and continued applause from
both democrats and republicans.
ixicaraguan Canal Bill Up.
Washington, April 17. The Nlca-
raguan canal bill was laid before the
senate today, Senator Morgan making
the, first address, -morgan said he as
sumed the senate was convinced that
the Isthmian canal was a national
necessity. The best route and not
the cheapest, was what was wanted,
he declared. He claimed the Nlcara
guan was the true and safe route to
be adopted by congress. The United
States could not afford to take bucIi
risks as were required on the Pana
ma route, for the supposed gain of so
small a sum as was Involved.
Reported by I. L. Ray A Co, Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers.
Now York, April 17. Tho wheat
market was active and higher today,
on tho strength of tho continued un
favorable crop conditions in tho win
ter wheat states, which is showing
more unfavorably as timo discloses
tho true conditions. Liverpool was
higher 5 11. Now York opened
higher and gained another cont be
fore the close. Chicago opened at
73 and closed at 74.
Close yesterday, 79.
Opened today, 79.
Range today, 7(0)80.
Closed today, 80.
Sugar, 132.
Steel, 41.
Union Pacific, 102.
St. Paul, 107.
Wheat In San Francisco.
San Francisco, April 17. Wheat
$1.11 111 per cental.
Wheat In Chicago.
Chicago, April 17. Wheat 73
74 cents per bushel.
Scientists Meet at Washington.
Washington, April 17. Many sci
entists and educators of noto gather
ed in Washington today and attended
the spring meeting of the Council of
the American Association for tho Ad
vancement of Science, held at tho
Cosmos Club. This association,
which was chartered in 1874, is a con
tinuation of tho American Associa
tlbn of Geologists and Naturalists, or
ganized in 1S40, and has nn active
membership of more than 3000 scien
tists. Tho president is Charles Sedg
wick Minot, of Boston.
To Build Burlington Connection.
Helena, Mont, April 17. It was
supposed that the building of a line
from Billings to Great Falls, in order
to connect the Burlington with the
Great Northern and Northern Pacific,
had been abandoned, at least tempo
rarily. It Is reported now, however,
that tho Billings cnA Northern will
bo Incorporated soon, to carry out
this plan, construction to begin at an
early date on the survey made by
Burlington engineers,
In Reeves' District
Chicago, April 17. Republican
leaders are awaiting with consldora
ble interest news of tho result of tho
congressional convention of the 12th
district, which is in session today at
Piano. Congressman Walter Reeves
Is a candidate for re-nomination and
is opposed by Judge Charles B. Ful
ler, of Belvldere. The success of
Reeves Is generally predicted by
thoso best acquainted with tho situ
ation in the district.
Refuses Nomination.
Eugene, April 17. u K. Halo, dom
pcratic nominee for representative,
in a letter published In the Evening
Guam, declines to bo a candidate.
Ho says that he was nominated with
out his knowledge or consent, and
does not wish to run for tho office.
Tho democrats of Lane realize that
they have very little chance of elect
ing any of their men In Juno, but
will make a hard fight for sheriff and
Men of the Twenty-sixth Vol
unteers Tell of Atrocities
Committed Upon Filipinos.
White Swan Mines.
Baker City, April 17. Tho White
Swan mines resumed operations to
day, after being closed for five years
by litigation. This 1b tho third mlno
In this section reopened already this
Prisoner Hangs Himself.
Seattle, April 17. M. Carlson, an
Insane nrisoner in the KIiik'b county
jail, hanged himself In a padded coll
this morning.
A Defenseless Village of Men, Women
and Children 8 wept From the Faca
of the Earth by Men In the Uniform
of Free and Liberty-Loving Amer
ica. Washington, April 17. Edward
Davis, ox-sergeant of tho Twenty
sixth Voluntoors, testified this morn
ing beforo tho sonnto Philippines
committee, as to tho application of
tho water cure to tho president of tho
town of Igbaris. Ho said tho victim
was kept under tho tank from flvo to
ten minutes. When he swelled up
from the water tho mon who wore
giving it to him, kneaded his stom
ach with their fists, making tho water
spurt out of his mouth, while tho man
struggled terribly. After the admin
istration of tho wator euro tho presi
dent confessed. Ho was tho captain
of tho Insurgents while proteasing to
bo friendly to tho Amorlcans. Ho
was not hurt, apparently, by tho
water cure. Captain Genn, Llouton
ant Conger and Surgeon Lyon woro
present while the euro was being ad
ministered. The Story of Corporal O'Brien.
Now York, April 17 Richard
O'Brien, a corporal of tho Twonty
sixth Volunteers, makes sensational
charges against tho United StatoB of
ficers In tho Philippines, In a state
ment published hero today. Ho tolla
of tho abuso of tho Filipino women
and tho inassacro of unresisting na
tives. O'Brien claims tho undignified
action of tho officers, In many In
stancos, woro renponslblo for tho bru
tality dlsplayod by tho men. Ho saya
that men of hlb company reachod Bar-
riolinog December 27, and tho word
wns passed along tho line that no
prisoners would bo taken. Tho first
native shot was a small boy. Tho
shooting attracted tho villagors, who
camo out of their homes In alarm.
They offered no defonso and display
ed no weapons, but woro ruthlossly
Bhot down, mon, women and children
being killed without mercy.
President Palma 8alls.
Norfolk, Va., April 17. Tho steam
or Admiral Forragut Balled for Cuba
this morning, with Prosldont-oloct
Palma on board. Prcsldont Palma
mado a short address at tho solicita
tion of tho crowd nssombled at tho
plor boforo ho boanlod tho stoamor.
Tho band plnyod "Cuba Llbro" as he
wnnt nn tho unneway and tho craft in
tho harbor salutod with whistles.
Over a Thousand Benefited.
Millhnrv. Mass.. Anril 17. More
than 1000 bands are benefited by the
wage advance at tne Aiancnang coi
inn mills. In Sutton, which went Into
effect today. Tho advance amounts
to 10 per cent, and was maae witnoui
demand from the employes,
Congressman Marsh Re-nomlnated.
xrvinmniith. 111.. Anril 17. The re-
nnhtinnR nf the fourteenth congres
sional district met In convention to
day and renominated congressman
Benjamin F. Marsh. .
Antl-Chlnese Meeting.
Seattle. April 17. The steamer
Dolphin arrived this morning from1
Skagway, with $50,000 "Jn gold. Her
officers report an anti-Chinese mass
meeting at Skagway, and the people
may decide to eject the Chinese,
Makes delicious hot biscuit,
griddle cakes, rolls,
and muffins.