i .a v . . . x 1 nurrniirii rriTkTnmmmmwmKmmmmm - - --mm--- T"" T 1 1 m jr.p-r inoKAmvAwi: - iii i iiiii hi 1 1 1 1 ii ! ir m ma mi . mr - mi i - -y iii i i i mi ii iniiiiii nil si . & i a m -- urTUrD tficT BlftHT pnn II JLr JLi mmW I ? .- www . I I "WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1902. IAD COMPLEXIONS ' RED ROUGH HANDS FALLIHG tfftlR PREVENTED BY SOAP ie xnc a i II m I - " I M - " aHLMnniu liu uniiio mu. i , s. I 5 The Percentage of Losses of Lambs I I !.. I fSmm (ililjlL tfSl. I I ' II I I W H UflHH 11 I t !'. i v,?m tfvH nanw n nHKri ii-r."ia -m 18ao- ,,., ii r -. i r i i i r i ivr w i niiju i ' ' most effoctlvo skin purifying and autlfvinir soan ra the world, as well as purest and sweetest for toilot, bath, and aarsory. It strikes at tko 'cause of bad implex ions, Ted, rough hands, falling kair and baby blemishes, vie., the clogged, irritated, Inflamed, overworked, or slug gish Pobbs: fcld IhroixhOTt tbwrl Fotm D. An C. Coan. Mwil.Dnlui How la I Bwlllttl Oiiif Hilai, fit NOW IS THE THE " to have your homes or places of business papered, painted and - put in shape, for house cleaning time Is near at hand, so don't delay. Our stock of Wall Paper, Paints and Mouldings, is com- - plete. The, newest styles of j, Wall Paperare at our store and . we have expert workmen to do the papering and decorating. . Come.and lei us figure on your p work. We will save you money. Murphy, ARTISTIC DECORATOR BUY YOUR - Y m m i a v LlunuCX Smaller Than Usual The Wool CIId .WIII Be Large and of Fine Quality. Sheep shearers aro now organized in small bands and starting out to make the spring clip. A little shear inghas been going on in places, and especially of bucks, for several weeks but "the work has not been general and lias just now started In in earn est. The present weather 1b Ideal for shearing and not a day has passed this week that several crews have not started out from town to com mence work on the different sheep ranches of the country surrounding. Shearing will last until about the middle or last of next month, before It is wound up in the higher altitudes It commenced in the vicinity of TJnia tilla and along the Columbia river earlier than here, and bus been in full blast there for, a week or more, The sheep men aro ' also In the midst of the lambing jseason, which will last; until the end of the first week In nest month. Jt Is said that this has been an ideal spring for lambing and the loss of lambs has been exceedingly small compared with Borne soasonsi There has been no isevere weather and If it contin ues like the present the per cent of losses will bo the smallest for years. Btat kop Ohio, Citt or tolido j ucah uounty. Frank J. Chenev makes oath that he Is the senior partner of the 11 rm ol b.J. Clienoy Co., doing business in the city oi Toledo, county ana stato aioresaia, ami nini saia nrm win pa the sum of One Hundred Dollars (or each am overy caio ol Catarrh that cannotbe cured by the uio oMIall's Catarrh Cure. Sworn to before me ana subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of December, A. J D. 1886. I A. W. GLKASON. v Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Bend for testimonials, free. r .j. uiir,r.i a uu,, xoieao, uuio. Bold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family fills are the best. WILL STARVE TO DEATH. AT THE Oregon Lumber Yarc Alta St., opp. Court House. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST For All Kinds of Building Material Including Doors Windows i Screen Doors and Windows Building Paper Lime Cement Brick and Sand AnJ Don't Forget Our Wood 0 utters For Barns and Dwellings Ba Fb BECK PLUMBER and TINNER Sheet Iron and Copper Work.. .Special Attention to Job Work.... Roofing and Guttering... All Work Guaranteed. : : : : .Shop: Cottonwood Street, Opposite St. Joe Store, Near Court St. UMBER Gray's Harbor Com. Co. SUCCESSORS TO A. C. SHAW & CO. Being one of the largest man- sound ate able to sell you lumber cheaper than anyone else. iNewUumber coming in every ay. 'They also make all kinds of boxes, including .Apple, "Pear, Peach, Cherry, and Plumb and berry crates, and are prepared to make you prices either in small lots or Has An Idea He Can Live Right Along Without Eating. In the midst of plenty and able to receive food by the trouble of eating it. Otto Jorgonsen, a blaclcBmlth in the .employ of Hhe railroad contrac tors ,wno are constructing the road bed about three miles west of The Dalles, hab not tasted food for 30 daya. He is emaciated from his long uU terrltllO fasting. Nevertheless he still retains strait anl 1'roclalms that he will continue to aCSIn from food. It is said that Jorgonsen Is a re ligious fanatic, and' he maintains that he will npt pnrtake of food until com manded by tho Lord that ho can eat again. This most strange man also Is deeply interested in and fervently meditates about tho great sacrifice which tho old patriarch, Abraham was called upon by the Lord to make of his beloved son Isaac, in tho days Jong since gone by, and this seoms to be tho alHttiportant subject in his mind. He will be examined for in sanity by the county officials. Itov. John Rold, Jr., of Grent Falls, Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I can emphasize his statement: "It is a positive cure for catarrh if used as directed." Rev. Francis W. Poole, pastor Central Pres. -Glntrch, Helena, Mont. After using Ely's (jream ualm six weeks J: believe myself cured of ca tarrh. Joseph Stewart, Grand Ave nue, Buffalo, N. Y. Tho Halm does not irritato or cause sneezing. Sold by druggists at BO conts or . mailed by Ely Brothers, BG Warren street, Now York. "If you want to hnow what smartly dressed men will wear this season, ashto see Stein-Bloch Clothes." WHAT'S TH E USE feel like "saving money." of your haggling with yourself about the price of your new Spring Suit. You see some clo.thes advertised in such tempting language, at such low prices, that, you Now, don't save money in the wrong direction. Yok should never pay less than $ J 5.00 if yoo want a really good Soit of Clothes and as mach more as you can afford. If you will invest &20.00 or $25.00, we assure you that the interest on the invest rhent in the way of additional service, comfort and pleasure of knowing that you are wearing v really fine clothes, will more than repay you the few extra dollars that you spend in this di J. ,'Tection ; you can better cut off your expenditure in any other direction rather than for clothes. ''There are no ready-to-wear clothes that can compare for geueral excellence with thpse"that .-bear oiHis -label. The lowest priced Suit that we have of this make is $15.00, and from that they ange.all .tlie. way up to $25.00; but, you can only get as good as these by having them made- to-measure by the very best tailor, vho would charge you at least twice as much. " ..USE PURE.. Artificial Ice Telephone Main 105, No Sediment to Foul 1 Your Refrigerator No Disease Germs to Endanger Your Health HITS $lS,Oi i $25.30 FOUND HT THE ,2MTVH. Ml 1 : -i -Mm flWh. LmWLWtm nWLWmmWmWmWW Vfe. MM ' a --. fe " m mMw mMm mt mm mmw k &. mm l r mmwmmwmmm. P-"- -fc mr . IB WALL & 10SS