Ladies Look ' it Pmlity gcici. Ahead mpr weather of the spring anil summer'atid P o Snd now in regards to your SUM- JIEK JViv guards Oxfordi.,T,.,r,,,.;J...VUC 4 p,.. -Ratidt with Parieian stripes,5... J. ZAC 1 4.Jwpmi Batist with Parisian stripes flee our line of fine Sateen Bulusian in-all colors J 5c CUluio o 1 5c All CO! fored Grenadines Tt.i.'n n Tklain and nolka dotfl ECTU Do Unto 1" J"" x- ktai large line of KaiKxi and Pongee Silks 40c 20c FT' Alexander Dept. Store i Idiiiiimmii ii Makers of Happy Homes Low prices, coupled with Car-- pets and Matting of known high quality, prove attractions ;irresisti hie The question of Carpets and .Matting, where best obtained, is set tled with promptness our 'stock, where good style and real worth make low prices so emphatic. " BAKER & F0LS0N nakers of Happy Homes BOD FRONT For 'Haye sold the tw.o properties, decribed below: Have others equally as: good." AI90 fourlolis -and hew -cottage, $1,250 x fciny a deeervinc man suoceflH, !lad,imight fall. Our nliare "jyonr apparel wlmt it ought wiu KBopingyour nnenana tsbleain unuBhnna. en fnr as' Itti irOtlitlL' thl'm in pnnfOTnnil oar work, out style, our. STIC LAUNDRY Prop. Pendleton. Two lots and .house, JijOoo, part cash, reasonable time on balance, or will sell on installments. bee ?ANSFER, UJCKING ORAGE. IWNER BROS. -rauais MAIN 4. h Not? J a pleasant even ,2 Ping lPoolt at WllUAMS,Prop .n wom Mill 3& HUM DESTROYED STREAVER RESIDENCE IN RALEY ADDITION BURNS. Caught Fire From a Defective Flue In Bath Room Lobs $2500, Insurance $1500 Only Piano Saved. The W. J. Streaver residence, on the north side of the river, in Haley's addition, was destroyed by fire, be tween the hours .of 12 and 1 o'clock, last night. The, Are started from the "bath room flue. Some of the members 'of the family had narrow escapes from the flames, leaving the burning building in their night dresses. Of the con tents of the house, only the piano was taken out, the parlor being the last portion of the house to burn, and the Instrument was saved by the quick work of the neighbors who quickly gathered after the cry of fire was raised. When the alarm was turned in and Hose Company No. 3 arrived, the house was enveloped' in flames and nothing could be done to save It. and this morning just a few pieces of the blackened walls are left to mark the place where yesterday stood one of the most beautiful little homes in Pendleton. Mr. Streaver is a painter and dec orator and had taken considerable pains to fix up his home and this is his reward. This is the second fire he has had. his barn burning down about 18 months ago. The loss is not known exactly, but will be in the neighborhood of $2500, while the Insurance carried on the house and contents, ;was $1500. WATER SUPPLY INCREASED. have been made and the qucbtion of supply is still to be settled. Another spring Is owned by tho city and it will be added. This -will gtvo suffic ient water for all city uses, it Is said. The springs are located 250 feet high er than the business portion of tho city, and an excellent gravity system can be. constructed, If the city under takes the task, the estimate of cost being $100,000. Stat tot Ohio, City of Toledo riUCAB vjouktv. y Frank J. Chenev makes oath that he la the senior partner of the firm of F.J. Cheney & Co., doing Dullness In the city of Toledo, countr and state aforesaid, and that satd firm will par me sum oi une tiunarca voiiars lor eacn ana every case of Catarrh that cannotbe cured by mu use oi nan's liRiarrn uuro. sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence this 6th day of December, A. Isicai i. 1886. 8KAI" j A. W. GLKA80N, v Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure ts taken Internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous Surfaces of the system. 8end for testimonials, free. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. Ohio. Bold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. BOYS' BALL TtAM. The THE "PERFECT" FURNACE. A Gravity System Contemplated at Walla Walla at a Cost of $100, 000. Walla Walla, April 15. About 100 citizens yesterday v'sited the new water site up the river four miles, to look over, the prospects for securing a supply of spring water for the city. It was found that development of the springs had been done to the extent of about $5000, and three springs had been, connected.. Thq supply of. water thus gathered is stated to be about 3,000,000 gallons per day of 24,j;hours. However, no accurate measurements Gives the Greatest Amount of Heat With the Least Waste and Fuel Consumption. In the last year or so several resi dences have been built in Pendleton In which the "Perfect" furnace has been installed for heating purposes, In each and every instance they have given perfect satisfaction, both as to quantity of heat furnished and econ omy of fuel. During the coldest weather these furnaces met every expectation and the houses were kept comfortable, more so than was pos sible with stoves in every room and with less consumption of fuel. Those who are building and will build res hlences in Pendleton this year, should not fail to install the Richardson & Boynton "Perfect" furnace, which is sold by W. G. McPherson, at 47 First street, Portland, Or., a heating and ventilating engineer of great reputa tion. If you will write to Mr. Mc Pherson the dimensions of th jopms of your proposed house, he will give you the size of the furnace necessary, and give you an estimate, which will be reliable, of the cost of the. same, and this Information will not cost you a cent. The Perfect furnaces are in the following, residences in Pendle ton, where they give perfect satisfac tion and by whom they are recom mended: "F. E. Judd, C. S. Jackson, Frank B. Clopton, H.- F. Hexter, T. C. Taylor.. Youngsters Have the Ball Craze This Season Also. Pendleton now has a baseball team among tho young folks. Not only is tho baseball crazo confined to the grown people but tho desire to gain honors on tho diamond seems to bo epidemic and every boy from 6 years up can bo seen at sparo hours out practicing, batting or catching with his comrades', and it is no uncommon thing to see a regular organized team among these llttlo fellows at some convenient place going through the regular routino of playing a game. Some of them arc capable of putting their elders to shame when their "foxy" work is witnessed. Last Saturday evening, one of the warmest games, perhaps, that has been played In Pendleton this season was waged between boys of the Epis copal church choir and a team cap tained and led by Willard Bond. These boys range in age from 8 to 13 years and thoso "who witnessed tho game, which was played just north of tho O. R. & N. depot, say that it was a good exhibition of skill all tho way through, and that there were no moro errors made by these players than Pendleton's first team made in their game with Athena last Thursday. At the end of the game tho score stood 13 to 7 in favor of the choir team, which was captained by Jay MIcElroy. Only nine innings were played. The line-up of the teams were: Bond's Team. Bol"man, pitcher; Beagle, catch er; Baker, short stop; Bond, first base; Ralph Bolorman, second base; Newton Johnson, third basoi Llvor- moro, left field; Bolllns, right field; Johnnie Johnson, center field. McElroy's Team. Milton Shaw, pitcher: Pcnland, catcher; Turner, first base; McElroy, second baso; Holdman, third base; Creswell, short Btop; Ralph Shaw, left field: Anderson, right field; Dur ham, center. Theso boys are all attending school and cannot play only on aftornoonaf and Saturdays, but they put In all tho tlmo they can during their Bparo "hours and they will cross bats again Saturday. STATE GRAIN BAGS. The Product of the Penitentiary Sold, to r armors of Washington. Walla Walla, April 15. Two hund red and fifty-two applications have been mado for grain bags at tho stato penitentiary, aggregating 1,368,086 bags, as reported yestorday by Su perintendent Catron. This will takb VPn3arly all of tho product ot tho mill this year, but with good luck a surplus will ba on hand for salo Oc tober 1. Theso applications camo from the different counties In tho state as follows: Walla Walla, 12G; Columbia, 3G; Garfield, 16; Whitman, 40; Spokane, 10; Uncoln, 13; Douglas, 4; Adams. 3; King, 1; Chelan, 1; Klickitat, 1; Yakima, 1. Bng are sold only to residents of Washington, and only for actual use, under the regulations adopted by tho board of control. Lamp Mantles Guaranteed for 45 Days Peerless Flexo Mantles NEW THING fvi JUST OUT BEST IN THE WORLD These mantles are new productions and give 90 and 100 candle power respectively for the single and triple weaves. They are made in two grades. Price 30 and 40 cents each. The John Barrett Co. SLt oi. it Panic Price Sale AT ITH'9 B. AOVED-TO" JUDB BUILDING. LaFontaine k Garrison Proprietors Old Dutch Henry Feed Yard. Cavalry Horses for Sale. BEST .OF CARE TAKEN OF TEAMS OVER NIGHT QIVE US A CALL. .THE. Frencn Restaurant COSYROOIIS Well Lighted ancLSteMU Hste. , Best 25 ccpt Meals tp the City. " 4 EXTRAS Fmg Lgf, Eurfero and .Oyrten. OlympU UR .Special Sale on last Saturday proxed such a success that we have concluded to give bur customers and the general public anather opp or- tunity to fill jip their wardrobes at PANIU FKlU5. we are going 10 'IMtl continue our Special Sale for three days 0 Saturday, Monday and Tuesday to give all WOODMEN who attend the BIG LOQ ROLLING here on MONDAY and TUESDAY a chance to get their share of the BARGAINS Glance over the list below, and you will surely see many things you need, and a few things perhaps you do not need just now but on which you can save si much money it will pay you to buy now and keep tnem until you uo neeu mem. CLOTHING mk Priik f Umatilla Clfar. Boys' Suits, ages 6 to 14, $1 and $1.25 Boys' Knee Pants, sizes 9 to 14, pr, .14 Boys' long pants suits sizes 12 to 20 per suit 3-75 Mens' suits worth from $6 50 to $10. . 5.00 Mens' woolen pants worth $1.50, sale price ioo Men's Furnishings Men's cotton underwear, heavy.. .. $ .15 Men's woolen underwear 50 .Men's ties all kinds, worth 25c sale price 13 Men'js bib overalls, sale price .35 Men's common oyefalls, riveted, 8 . -,dz denipi 39 Men's socks, good wearers 03 Jtfen stripe,dj8hirts(, dpuble front and back. , 35 Men's str.iped .dress shirts with col- jars ana cun . . ,1 . . . . WOODMEN'S UNIFORMS for the big log rolling, special price, per suit i-35 DRY GOODS, ETC. Apron check gingham $.03 Calico all colors and patterns 03 Scotch lawns for this sale otfA Cambric for this sale all colors 04 Colored sateens 6 56 inch Oxford skirt goods, up to date per yd 85 Red table damask, regular width yd ,25 White linen table cloth 38 Half bfeached heavy table linen .'... .38 Large sized linen napkins slightly soiled, worth at least $ir25 doz. sale price, per doz ,75 Large size napkins same as above, soiled, per doz ... 6o Colored table covers with fringe, 8-4, each, ,45 Colored table covers, with fringe 10-4, each Merrick's thread for this sale, 7 spools All patterns 5c embroidery, sale price per yd LADIES' FURNISHINGS Summer corsets, "American Lady"...i8c Summer undervests 4C Summer wrappers $1 and $1. 25 grade .75c A few.striped underskirts left at ...... 50c Armorside corsets, very strong, during sale 75C Shirt waists worth 50c, during sale . . . .40c Ladies' hose, our regular 13c grades, . 10c Children's hose, our regular 10c grades. 7c Children's Mexican hats, 50c grades. . .40c Ladies' and Misses' job lot shoes 50c Ladies' knit, knee length drawers, something new 35c Don't Forget the DATE and PLACE SATURDA Y, MONDAY TUESDAY JSwc.fciar ,ui Mt APRIL 19 APRIL 21 APRIL 22 la 1 rts.